Anonymous ID: 5c018c March 28, 2019, 8:43 p.m. No.5957095   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7107 >>7128 >>7136 >>7308

[AS] and his problems had me thinking about his clown status. Q has asked us to consider how many members of Congress are clowns or clown contractors. Earlier I saw where Will Hurd (R-TX) basically defended [AS]'s antics at the House Intel Committee today, during others' calls for him to resign. Hurd did work in the Middle East most notably INDIA AND PAKISTAN


Hurd is a former CIA clandestine officer

Dan Crenshaw took a questionable shot at POTUS last week


Could the DS specifically be using comped "conservative" ex contractors, operators or flat out bad apples from those entities, knowing that normies will show natural trust towards them due to military/law enforcement support?


Could they be doing the same to infiltrate Conservative areas with seemingly more 'Moderate' candidates like in NC and Dan McCready (former military)?


Seems like a trojan horse. Even though the other side has their back against the wall, well…."once an agent, always an agent"