>>5957750 (lb)
Now, if the Great Awakening is not about religion and faith per se, the fact that Q has not called out Judaism explicitly does not make it any less logical to conclude that IF Judaism was to be proven to be a supremacist ideology which forces genital mutilation on children and incites Jews to break the laws of their non-Jewish host Countries in favor of compliance with their own religious Jewish laws, and incited Jews to lie to non-Jews about their faith in order to be able to grow their numbers and influence in the host nation without any resistance, with the final objective of completely subverting the non-Jewish host nation and turn them into a Jewish nation which forces Jewish laws into everyone including non-Jews, then, in order to avoid the trap of hypocrisy, we would have to recognize Judaism as being AS incompatible with the West as Islam. And the fact of the matter is that it is a verifiable fact that Judaism IS as incompatible with the West as Islam for pretty much the same reasons.
The racial supremacism, forced genital mutilation of children, non-integration issues and subversive components of the Jewish faith make Judaism just as incompatible with the West as Islam, despite Q having said that this is not about religion nor party affiliation, but about good vs evil (drop #925).
Once again: the ideology is not the person, and the person is not the ideology.
IMHO, there are 3 types of Jews (Jews as in: people who self-identify as religious Jews): those that don't even know what Judaism is (useful idiots); those that fear the consequences of telling the truth or acting against Jewish supremacism (they lose access and the privileged that comes from Jewish nepotism, etc); and those that know that Judaism is a supremacist ideology and they embrace it and will lie to you and fuck you over because of their ideology.
This means that there are good people in the world that happen to self-identify as religious Jews.
Does this fact make Judaism compatible with the West? No it doesn’t. Does this mean we should hate religious Jews? I don’t think so. Does that mean that Judaism is okay in the West? No, for me, it means that we should ban Judaism in the West and let the Jewish Country have its own culture/identity without us pandering to it in any way.
<NOTE: Pic is from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSy6ENVAJlY
Read the pics 3 and 4 in this post: >>5957545 (lb)