Burning Loose Change 2ed dvds and handing them out. Oh wow, I still haven't talked to an old best friend since then. This has been a long fucking battle.
National security. Making public that a rogue faction of the saudi air national guard used the training helicopters the USA supplied them based in mesa arizona to fire on the crowd might cause some problems. The people behind it were caught within a month. Remember bin Talal being hung upside down? He owns the top of that building. You can see the shots coming from choppers that aren't on the radar feeds so that have transponders turned off. John E Hoover on youtube has had this cracked for awhile. Just treat Paddock like a distraction and it all starts to make sense. FYI the saudi guy in charge of that helicopter program was supposed to be king one day and got passed over, curious he was blown in IN A HELICOPTER isn't it?
Yeah check out who was in charge of the saudi air national guard and look where their training helicopters are based…. cough cough at the place they busted the guy for selling ammo to Paddock…
Don't forget the week long levdopa holiday she took a week before one of the events so they could pump her full of it the night of the debate and not have her shaking like a parkinsons/kuru ridden satanic shit bag half way thru. Posting about that at the time got me shadow banned on faceberg….before it was cool.