Anonymous ID: e50ac1 March 31, 2019, 7:16 p.m. No.5998632   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>>5997351 George Papadopoulos Slams MSM for Being ‘Complicit’ in Collusion ‘Psy-Ops’


Just a reminder I posted earlier


>>5995365 pb

>>NBC reporter tries, fails to explain why she sat on exculpatory Kavanaugh evidence


>>NBC News sat on exculpatory evidence exonerating Justice Brett Kavanaugh from the ludicrous allegations that he had participated in gang rapes when he was in high school.




Now we know the why and the how


>>An NBC News managing editor attempted to “bully” a freelance journalist into delaying a story as a favor to the Democratic National Committee, the reporter claims.


>>Yashar Ali alleged in a series of tweets that Dafna Linzer, who oversees political coverage at NBC and MSNBC, pushed him — “in a menacing tone,” he claimed — to hold off on publishing an item about the dates of the DNC’s first presidential debates, asking him to give the party time to notify its state committees.


>>“The head of all political coverage for NBC News and MSNBC wasn’t calling to advocate for her network, she was calling to advocate the DNC’s position,” Ali tweeted Friday.




They are getting their talking points on what and what not to report from the Dems

Anonymous ID: e50ac1 March 31, 2019, 7:28 p.m. No.5998790   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>5998480 pb


Not to mention……




Now we get to the important stuff- what you actually learn in college. You go to college for 4 years. And what do you learn? Not fucking much. First of all, they make you take all these general education classes which are completely meaningless. When you think about it, the fact you are paying loans because they made you take a Geology class freshman year is completely proposterous. College is supposed to prepare you for the real world. Learning about rocks when you’re a econ major is not doing that. It’s just not, no matter how you try to tell me that it makes you more “well rounded”, it just doesn’t. Partly because it’s completely stupid, but also because there’s no chance in Hell you remember more than 3% of the material covered after you take the final exam………


You get 4 years in a bubble where you feel invisible to the outside world, where drinking at 2pm on a Tuesday is fine and dandy, where everyone is friendly to each other, and where drugs and drinks and absurdly cheap. That’s basically what 4 years of college boils down to. $80,000 to learn how to get up in the morning with a hangover.