Anonymous ID: 901070 April 2, 2019, 2:28 a.m. No.6015266   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The very concept of religion is actually rather unique to the Church, Judaism, and Islam. One could argue that the Eastern regions practiced state worship, but this was usually a more truncated idea of "the emperor was chosen by or is a descendant of the gods."


Many other cultures do not have a religion in the way that we have the church - for better or worse. The emperor is the incarnate will of the gods, or major changes/shifts are rationalized as being the arbitration of those gods.


The European cultures have a bit more "tree worship" idea behind them. Man and woman came from a tree. This can be considered similar to Ygdrassil, though is a much more specific and separate idea. The Japanese had the idea that spirits could become trapped in trees and there was a special ritual for cutting down trees that were believed to contain spirits. This is part of what you see around shrine areas, where those ropes with talismans are wrapped around the trunk of a tree.


Of course, the Japanese believed the imperial lineage of their nation came from Lady Amaterasu. According to legend, Japan was created by the God Izanagi and the Goddess Izanami, themselves born of even higher/tangent beings. Izanami fell to the underworld, and Izanagi failed in his attempt to retrieve her. Afterward, he washed his face in a river and the beings Amaterasu, Susano'o, and Tsukuyomi were born. Amaterasu was the Sun. Tsukuyomi was the Moon. Susano'o was the stars. There were greek-level shenanigans among the gods, as many others came to be, such as my personal favorite, Uzume (now THERE is a name that is a Japanese pun on steroids).


Anyway - Amaterasu bestowed upon her grandson three sacred treasures, the Yatta Mirror, the Kusanagi, and some sort of Magetama. These three form the Imperial Regalia of Japan and are one of its most closely guarded treasures. As in - no one outside of a select group of monks have even seen these things.


If you know the legends of Kaguya-Hime (The Bamboo Cutter) - then it should come as no surprise that virtually every Japanese fiction takes a turn for the sci-fi space opera we are just a tiny sliver of.


Speaking of Uzume, spirals, Naruto, and trees - the ancient sumerian beliefs held in high esteem the dragons Apsu and Tiamat. Tiamat was what Toists would later define as Yin - "the infinite nothing" - the dragon of the salt/bitter waters who contained all that was and all that was not. Sheer chaos that created abyssal horrors and abominations.

Apsu was the dragon of the sweet/fresh waters, what Taoists would later define as Yang. It was Apsu who chose what to keep of Tiamat's endless creations. Thus, the churning tides of mixing waters was where Apsu and Tiamat resided.

"Uzushiogakure" the Japanese had a rather similar concept that would be used, later, in one of the most popular anime series of all time.


The more you learn about the world and its symbolism, the more you begin to see into the abyss. Careful, though… You get a lot of owls in your trees when you start getting the eyes for seeing in the dark. There are a lot of people playing in this game, and ignorance is somewhat bliss. People who know things are dangerous. You can't lop off every head that starts questioning, but you can set a height limit and off people who begin obtaining means.


That is something that will change in time, and the Sword of Damocles held over many families will be placed back in its sheath, but for the time being, there is wisdom in the phrase "only the court jester can speak truth to power and live to laugh about it." In other words… If you come to realize you have damning information on Hillary Clinton, be very smart about how you use it. There are still blades in the shadows. Not all of those owls are looking to hunt rats in my garden.

Anonymous ID: 901070 April 2, 2019, 2:43 a.m. No.6015327   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5370 >>5509


You're conflating the concept of divinity with "a god."

Specifically, a local god - akin to a cult entity or shrine deity. Old tribes often worshipped what were originally administrators. To call them "aliens" misses a bigger point in separating the idea of "cause of our world" and "creator of reality." These two are not the same things and the entities responsible for engineering our world are not necessarily the creators of our reality or the intrinsic connection with divinity implied by that feat.


As for the creator of reality, unfortunately, there is no external creator of that. No matter what scene is in front of you, you always have the ability to reject it. Being left with no means to prove the concept of reality or even your own existence, there are only two basic choices you can make.


Accept that the experience in front of you has value. Or reject that experience as meaningless.

"I am." It was a deeper insight than the literature around it implies.

Anonymous ID: 901070 April 2, 2019, 3:06 a.m. No.6015413   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5438 >>5449 >>5487


This assumes that there is a god who has the power and authority to form a judgment of your soul based on its own arbitration.

IE - most westerners assume there is going to be a trial by court, of some sort, which will obey the laws humans have written on the subject of heaven and hell - whatever those may be. These laws are arbitrary and imposed by the power of a god. God's power and authority is derived from the ability to impose such arbitrary ideas over the top of a presumed state of natural chaos.


This is rather silly. While there are certainly beings who will insist they can devour your soul, and there are some who can do a number on it - the very concept of a soul negates the power of any such being. They can only take what you give them and they can only act via your permission. The god worshipped in name and deeds is little more than a demon and can't stand against dragons, let alone the raw forces which bind our worldly experience.


The laws of emotions and suffering are ingrained into the laws of the universe. It is simply a lack of insight on the part of many that has led to the belief that emotions are anything but logical or that judgment via the divine comes from anything other than those fundamental laws.


In other words - there is a reason behind "good laws." The logic of goodness and righteousness is something that can be gradually understood by human beings. "Man has become like us, now." While the teachings associated with many gods may be "shortcuts" or "crash courses" on 'how to build a civilization without eating each other' - these are not ideas we are somehow unable to see the logic or wisdom of, in many cases.


Sodom and the place I can't spell - couple angels beamed down from the Enterprise to have a chat with Lot. The town wanted to have a gay gangbang with them. "Dust off and nuke the site from orbit" was the decision.

Something which makes a lot of sense. If I had a ship in orbit and the locals wanted to run train on me in the town square, I'd probably nuke it, too. The people of that region got the message. Kinda. To this day the muslims execute gays for fear god will smite the piss out of them for letting them publicly display it. I blame the heat, though. If living in the middle east isn't a sing of having brain damage, the heat there will give it to you. Why a bunch of idiots insist on fighting over that area is a god forsaken mystery to the world.


When you come to realize they all worship something closer to a demon than a god, it all begins to make perfect sense.

Anonymous ID: 901070 April 2, 2019, 3:20 a.m. No.6015458   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I didn't say rejecting it was a healthy idea, but it is a possible one. Some go full Kefka. Others go even more Kefka.


The path of Nihilism ultimately leads to Narcissism.

However, many do not understand the symptoms. Before there was "toxic masculinity" there was the concept of "toxic ego" which eroded the notion of individuality and agency.


This is why you have people shilling for an entity which is little more than a parasite. "Give yourself over to…" No god requires you to give yourself over. Only parasites require you to lower your defenses. God is not threatened or harmed by the questions and persistence of mortals, and "the path to hell" is not lined with questions, but with indulgence in the short term. "Just give me your soul and you will have everything you want."

"This world doesn't matter. Heaven awaits."

"Endure injustice to be rewarded in the hereafter."


Only nihilists who have embraced the depths of narcissism would advance such ideas. Does the world in front of you have value? Did the concept of god you worship make an error in constructing or designing it? Does your god exist as a concept? A name? A set of regulations?


These are all questions you are answering tacitly, if not consciously.