Anonymous ID: 040b91 April 2, 2019, 8:33 p.m. No.6026762   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6793 >>6811 >>6837 >>6883

Evidently, Mueller already knew (or if one is generous to his "integrity", he already had learned) that there was no "collusion" by about mid July 2017. That's two months into what would become a 2-year investigation.


The "investigation" was merely a front, a facade, a false face. A distraction from the real mission that Mueller was tasked with by his co-conspirators. The big cover-up of the sloppy mess that the Hussein-Clinton gang had left behind before Trump's inauguration. They had run out of time and so stalled for more time – almost two years worth – to tie up the loose ends, to obscure evidence, to cajole/intimidate people who might blow the whistle, and so forth. He and his team got that done under the cover of the "investigation".


That investigation was superficial but it has had real consequences for those who became targets. (pic related)


What is worse that the mess that the Hussein-Clinton gang left behind is the activity that caused that mess in the first place, of course. But what is worse, now in the current context with the pending presidential election in 2020? The cover-up.


The Dems are demanding transparency. POTUS is dangling that over their heads, taunting them really, to demand, demand, demand what they do not really want. What is not really in their interests to get. They think they are demanding the impossible. Total transparency, including grand jury stuff. So they can boldly demand and make a political show of POTUS not being transparent – not transparent enough.


Yet what would full transparency reveal?


At the very least it would reveal, as it is already doing as it is dangled in front of them but just out of their grasp, is the duplicity of the Dems. Compare then and now. Compare here with there. They are doing this to themselves. It is even possible that some are useful idiots, sure, who are being manipulated by fellow Dems who are assisting POTUS/Q. A little push here and a little pull there and the rockets are lit and launched. Boom.


PANIC = Patriots Are Now In Control.

Anonymous ID: 040b91 April 2, 2019, 9:14 p.m. No.6027198   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Significance of the Armed Services Committee on the date, 18 JAN 2018?


Nominations. Real significance is not the face. The face is not the author.


/END of topic