Anonymous ID: 2b6b85 April 2, 2019, 11:06 p.m. No.6028189   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8210 >>8221 >>8223 >>8229


Were you this preachy when Bill Clinton RAPED Juanita Broderick?

Were you you this morally outraged when it was revealed that Clinton dropped his pants, and demanded that Paula Jones give him oral sex?

Were you this full of righteous fury when the news broke that President Clinton had seduced a 19 year-old intern in the Oval Office of the White House?

Were your religious nerves this close to the breaking point when the "Reverend" Jesse Jackson was exposed as having been conducting a long-term extramarital affair?

Were you online, posting Scripture verses in ALL CAPS when the Ralph Northam, Governor of Virginia, (a former PEDIATRICIAN) openly condoned and advocated for literal infanticide, saying "We'll keep the BABY comfortable while the Doctor consults with the mother on whether or not to terminate the child?"

Were you all over the comment boards, calling down hellfire and damnation when the Lieutenant Governor of Virginia was revealed to be a serial rapist, while his previous victims cried their eyes out describing his callous disregard for their right to say "no" to forced oral sex?

Have you been using the name of Jesus, and quoting the word of GOD to condemn Congresswoman Ilhan Omar of GROSS violation of any semblance of Biblical and/or civil morality, marrying her own BROTHER to get a green card, and defrauding the United States of America's Department of Immigration?


I suspect you were/are not bothered by any of these disgusting acts.


I confidently call you a sick hypocrite, who is far less concerned about following Jesus than you are about your REAL religion, which is "Trump Derangement Syndrome."


You don't have any moral outrage about any peccadilloes on the left.

You are a fake, trolling Never-Trumper who right now would still be sitting at your computer typing "Donald Trump is an adulterer" if Jesus came back 5 minutes ago!