Is it hate if I disagree with Muslims cutting off the clitoris of their female children?
>Yet it's pro-status quo. Pro-censorship. Pro-expanded government powers.
Sounds very zionist.
JQ related whitepills:
The trend regarding US gen pop support for Israel is bearish (like it should given all the shit Israel has done to the West). Pic related 1 and 2.
When declass starts pouring out more details of what the fug has been habbening, its very likely that the general public support for Israel takes an instant hit. Pic related 3.
Trump and his CRACK TEAM are going to do away with censorship sooner or later, and when that happens, just imagine MILLIONS of people posting the uncensored truth without having to fear being de-platformed and without risking having their lives ruined for making use of their supposed right to speak freely. When that becomes the typical day to day, then the massive shilling and censoring machine of Israel is not going to matter, because a redpilled general population on the JQ is the best deterrent for Jewish supremacism and subversion, just like a well respected 2 Amend is the best deterrent to an armed invasion.
>Disclaimer (because Hasbara shills will probably accuse me of being hateful or wanting to exterminate a whole group of people like the stawman argument users they are):
I am critical of Judaism as much as I am of zionism and Islam (I think its pure hypocrisy to criticize Islam's supremacism and forced genital mutilation of children without making the same criticism about Judaism), but I don't see racial Jews as deficient genetically (which is the basic premise for what anti-Semitism truly IS, true anti-Semites think that Jews should all be genocided because of their genetics), and I think that religious Jews who are pro-West, like Muslims who are pro-West should just abandon their supremacist ideologies if they want to live in the West.
Also: I advocate for peaceful, fair and just solutions to the issue of Jewish supremacism and subversion in the West.
I don't know, you tell me.
Fun fact: an army of well funded, well organized Jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-Jew discussion and to promote anti-White globalism.
>ACT.IL shill recruitment video
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and 4chan to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign
>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"
>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"
>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"
>Israeli American Council shill recruitment video
>"Tony Martin IHR Conference Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech"
>"Defamation" – Documentary about how acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence goyim who criticize anything related to jews.
>”The Lobby: USA” - Documentary about the crimes of AIPAC in the US
>It’s incompatible with our culture.
Is it hate if I think the right for the most part is as hypocritical as the left for criticizing Muslim forced genital mutilation of children while turning a blind eye to the Jewish religion forcing genital mutilation on children and even taking offense at people pointing that out?
Its called providing sauce.
My payment is watching the general public in the US turning against Israel day by day, hour by hour, despite the impressive machine of censorship and shilling you Israelis have put together.
I guess your attempt at rebuilding the temple will go as well this time as it went the last one :)
I'd calling a super Jew, because:
transgenderism is something originally created and pushed by Jews (and it still is, if you take into account the fact that Hollywood and Israel are owned and staffed by Jews)
Jews created Islam.
Pics related.
*I'd call him a
I don't need to deny it because I am not one.
And regarding the Temple and the Messiahs, you're too stupid to realize you missed the boat with Jesus (for the most part, not all Jews missed that boat).
This is why this is your list of Messiah claimants looks like pic related 1 (and the most lulzy thing about it is how 2 of them have converted to Islam), and your obsession with proving that Jesus was not your Messiah as lead the Jews as a group to being the worst cancer that world has ever seen (as a group, not talking about all Jews being bad people).
You broke the covenant, you were chosen, then you let it get over your heads, so a new covenant was made. Jews are not the people of Moses, Christians are. Pics related 2 and 3.
So how did she get so famous? Why do people like her? Well, if we are being honest, we’ve got to say it’s because not everything she says is wrong. See how, in this same town hall, Ocasio-Cortez takes a break from her idiotic climate theology to offer what turns out to be a fairly insightful critique of the American economy.
“We have runaway income inequality. We are at one of our most in-equal points, economically speaking, in American history,” she said. “We are dealing with a crisis of how our economy is even made up. Our economy is increasingly financialized, which means we are making profits off of interest — off leasing your phone, off of doing all of these things. But we aren’t producing, and we aren’t innovating in the way that we need to as an economy.”
No other party wants to talk about this. The Republicans are in fetal position; they just don’t want to be unpopular anymore. They will do anything not to be unpopular. The Democrats want what they have always wanted – total and complete control over you and this country. Neither party will say that our economy, at its core, is badly distorted. Any economy based on interest payments isn’t really an economy. It’s a scam.
Healthy countries innovate. They make things. They don’t treat people like interchangeable widgets. They don’t worship finance. In a healthy country, bankers aren’t heroes. Private equity is not the highest paid profession. Nobody brags about working at a hedge fund. In America right now, we have the opposite, unfortunately. And that’s why Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has a constituency — not because she is impressive, she is not. But because she is one of the very few people who will say the obvious about growing corporate tyranny in this country.
This doesn’t mean she is right about anything else. Taking power from the banks and giving it to Ocasio-Cortez, as she proposes, would not solve our problems. It will just put an even dumber person in charge. But she is right about the financialization part.
I really liked her, and I kinda still do (I think she's not a bad person, just an useful idiot fo the zionists), but since she sided with AIPAC, it turned me off big time (AIPAC is a criminal organization).
The video seems like she's talking about le Great Awakening.