just testing a thing:
>>5987023 pb
just testing a thing:
>>5987023 pb
jsanon here
this post contains a userscript for Greasemonkey, Tampermonkey, etc that makes some improvements to the breads
more info about userscripts and how to install them: https://github.com/OpenUserJs/OpenUserJS.org/wiki/Userscript-Beginners-HOWTO
features so far:
highlight all lb/pb links in yellow
add "(OP)" in header of replies by the original poster
fix loading .jpeg thumbnails from previous breads
pic related
// —————– BEGIN SCRIPT
// UserScript
// @name qresearch tweaks by jsanon
// @version 7709
// @grant none
// @include https://8ch.net/qresearch/*
// /UserScript
(function() {
Helper functions
function addStyle(css) {
var style = document.createElement('style');
style.innerHTML = css;
Highlight lb/pb links in yellow
var opPostIDMatch = window.location.href.match(/\/(\d+).html/);
if (!opPostIDMatch) {
// Not on an individual thread page; stop here.
var opPostID = opPostIDMatch[1];
a[href^="/qresearch/res/"]:not([href^="/qresearch/res/${opPostID}.html"]) {
background: #ffb;
Add "(OP)" to OP user ID
var opPosterID = document.querySelector('.post.op .poster_id').innerText.trim();
function highlightPostsByOPUser() {
.forEach(el ={
var posterID = el.innerText.trim();
if (posterID === opPosterID) {
el.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
el.parentNode.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(' (OP)'), el.nextSibling);
setInterval(highlightPostsByOPUser, 2000);
Fix loading .jpeg images from previous breads
function fixJpegImages() {
.forEach(el ={
var fileinfoName = el.querySelector('p.fileinfo a:not(.hide-image-link)');
var img = el.querySelector('img');
console.log( { el, text: fileinfoName.innerText, src: img.src } );
if (/.jpeg\s*$/.test(fileinfoName.innerText) &&
/.jpg$/.test(img.src)) {
img.src = img.src.replace(/.jpg$/, '.jpeg');
setInterval(fixJpegImages, 1000);
// —————– END SCRIPT
good job anon