Anonymous ID: 1778c4 April 7, 2019, 1:04 p.m. No.6087155   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6458

ts not so much a pedophilia thing as it is imposing your masonic dominance over the profane. You ragdoll the profane the uninitiated you beat them and you cut them the pigs the filthy fucking non-masonic people you kill them. The controlled act of violence without repercussion. You chain the kids to the wall they are not masons they can do nothing zap them they are profane. Its about fear you scare the kids and you hurt them while making creepy noises because that is what being a mason is dammit. Its about hurting people because you are a mason. That is what this is about. The secret pizza party is the closed meeting its the closed door meetings of the elect. The illuminati is a deflection from freemasonry. Freemasonry is not the main problem here it is the judeo masonic faction they are kikelings that have taken over this fraternity and franchised it into every single township to traffic people to be chained and beaten and eventually killed. They ship the people to caverns and hold them there until the full moon when they kike out and act scary with blades. Oh no this is edgy thats right edge metallic weapons where the craft of tubal-cain the reason they think stabbing people is holy. Now we take a look at this and what is with all of these code words? Is it not a fact that masons do not identify themselves by saying "I am a mason". They identify themselves with the use of code words points of entrance and tokens and guestures. They love nothing more than to be talking about something while people think they are talking about something else. They love the little inside jokes and that is what this is. This is the poobah this is the 14 and the fish this is the craft. Now we all acknowledge the possibility of this but eventually recede into being diplomatic and vague. The entirety of this is kike order following and cultism. Trauma based mind control is masonic. All of this is masonic and this not only remains a suspicious possibility it is the only thing that ties all of this together the nepotism of the judeo-masonic elite

Anonymous ID: 1778c4 April 7, 2019, 1:22 p.m. No.6087321   🗄️.is 🔗kun

there needs to be more dialog. The problem is that this is a thing that is not spoken of. A man with a beard acts reverent around his silence and you think its like this cool holy thing to be a satanist secretly. You need to pull the fucking masks off of these kikes and show them what they have become. Its not even a coming new world order like mark passio said its one that is already in place and these people are doing the march to tyranny. Its a cowerdly thing to secretly continue to plot against your fellow man while continuously being caught doing so. It is a shameful thing to knowingly comply with evil. It is a shameful thing that there is only one thing stopping a worldwide ban on freemasonry and that is the fakeness that you are. your fake smiley faces are the reason that you are able to take advantage of mans good heart to ignore what they know is odd. that is a shameful thing that you do not want to do this yet you continue putting chains on everyone.






Anonymous ID: 1778c4 April 7, 2019, 1:32 p.m. No.6087408   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We need to take out the legitimacy of anyone who intimidates people based on resorting to defiling children. Resorting to allowing these satanist serial killers that masquerade as homosexual thespians. They slit throats and throw the knives in your lawn.

No Freemason can go to their windowless buildings that are in every single township they are now reminders of the filth and its placement. They are not gonna feel safe being a mason in this fucking country. They are not gonna kill people left and right and call it suicide in a way that makes you feel like you are gonna be murdered just for knowing the cultist in some mutual way. These are already the dangerous people. The stern police man that guards the rituals. They dont tell you about that. The Fraternal order of police makes sure they keep that out of the awareness even online. We all know suicided is a word but this people think killing someone is an increase of some occult energy feild shit they where brainwashed into thinking like a caveman. You know. Death-torture is big with these people. That is when you bring a uninitiated human being of any age to the brink of death and medically revive them for up to a week or 2 nonstop in the filthy underbelly. Pagers going off and people rotate into these dungeons on shifts. all the time.They have people that wipe up the blood from their hands and always have lots of duplicate outfits on hand. Thou they bled a baby to death with a scalpel.they have a lambskin apron that is masonically defined as the badge of the freemason. The little woman apron they wear, IT is the badge of innocence. That is an oxymoron because a badge should be a standard you hold yourself to in the protection of others. Not some stipulation where you hurt the integrity of the systems of trust that the world depends on to mutilate people like a fucking moody child. That is saying there is no reprecussion to be had because whatever they do against you or the millions of souls they sent to heaven they are innocent as that is their badge. They did not reveal the secrets of some satanic cult that is using masonry. You did not reveal the secrets of a mason and are nobel and free from sin. They need to be afraid to go to the fucking kill rooms. Because its no longer something everyone has to pretend they do not see, The media does not have to lose the hope of the millions of lay people for the threats of cult people. No more cult people.