Anonymous ID: c3f91a Make it RAIN. - Expose Masonry & Illuminati Elite April 6, 2019, 8:39 a.m. No.6072287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2314 >>2391 >>5721 >>0785

Digs on Masonry, Masonic orders, chevalric knight orders, …


= digs on the pizza elite




Abdullah II of Jordan

Kerry, John Forbes

Abramovich, Roman Arkadyevich

King, Mervyn

Ackermann, Josef

Kinnock, Glenys

Adeane, Edward

Kissinger, Henry

Agius, Marcus Ambrose Paul

Knight, Malcolm

Ahtisaari, Martti Oiva Kalevi

Koon, William H. II

Akerson, Daniel

Krugman, Paul

Albert II of Belgium

Kufuor, John

Alexander – Crown Prince of Yugoslavia

Lajolo, Giovanni

Alexandra (Princess) – The Honourable Lady Ogilvy

Lake, Anthony

Alphonse, Louis – Duke of Anjou

Lambert, Richard

Amato, Giuliano

Lamy, Pascal

Anderson, Carl A.

Landau, Jean-Pierre

Andreotti, Giulio

Laurence, Timothy James Hamilton

Andrew (Prince) – Duke of York

Leigh-Pemberton, James

Anne – Princess Royal

Leka, Crown Prince of Albania

Anstee, Nick

Leonard, Mark

Ash, Timothy Garton

Levene, Peter – Baron Levene of Portsoken

Astor, William Waldorf – 4th Viscount Astor

Leviev, Lev

August, Ernst – Prince of Hanover

Levitt, Arthur

Aven, Pyotr

Levy, Michael – Baron Levy

Balkenende, Jan Peter

Lieberman, Joe

Ballmer, Steve

Livingston, Ian

Balls, Ed

Loong, Lee Hsien

Barroso, José Manuel

Lorenz (Prince) of Belgium, Archduke of Austria-Este

Beatrix (Queen)

Louis-Dreyfus, Gérard

Belka, Marek

Mabel (Princess) of Orange-Nassau

Bergsten, C. Fred

Mandelson, Peter Benjamin

Berlusconi, Silvio

Manning, Sir David Geoffrey

Bernake, Ben

Margherita – Archduchess of Austria-Este

Bernhard (Prince) of Lippe-Biesterfeld

Margrethe II Denmark

Bernstein, Nils

Martínez, Guillermo Ortiz

Berwick, Donald

Mashkevitch, Alexander

Bildt, Carl

Massimo, Stefano (Prince) – Prince of Roccasecca dei Volsci

Bischoff, Sir Winfried Franz Wilhen “Win”

McDonough, William Joseph

Blair, Tony

McLarty, Mack

Blankfein, Lloyd

Mersch, Yves

Blavatnik, Leonard

Michael (Prince) of Kent

Bloomberg, Michael

Michael of Romania

Bolkestein, Frits

Miliband, David

Bolkiah, Hassanal

Miliband, Ed

Bonello, Michael C

Mittal, Lakshmi

Bonino, Emma

Moreno, Glen

Boren, David L.

Moritz – Prince and Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel

Borwin – Duke of Mecklenburg

Murdoch, Rupert

Bronfman, Charles Rosner

Napoléon, Charles

Bronfman, Edgar Jr.

Nasser, Jacques

Bruton, John

Niblett, Robin

Brzezinski, Zbigniew

Nichols, Vincent

Budenberg, Robin

Nicolás, Adolfo

Buffet, Warren

Noyer, Christian

Bush, George HW

Ofer, Sammy

Cameron, David William Donald

Ogilvy, David – 13th Earl of Airlie

Camilla – Duchess of Cornwall

Ollila, Jorma Jaakko

Cardoso, Fernando Henrique

Oppenheimer, Nicky

Carington, Peter – 6th Baron Carrington

Osborne, George

Carlos – Duke of Parma

Oudea, Frederic

Carlos, Juan – King of Spain

Parker, Sir John

Carney, Mark J.

Patten, Chris

Carroll, Cynthia

Pébereau, Michel

Caruana, Jaime

Penny, Gareth

Castell, Sir William

Peres, Shimon

Chan, Anson

Philip (Prince) – Duke of Edinburgh

Chan, Margaret

Pio, Dom Duarte – Duke of Braganza

Chan, Norman

Pöhl, Karl Otto

Charles – Prince of Wales

Powell, Colin

Chartres, Richard

Prokhorov, Mikhail

Chiaie, Stefano Delle

Quaden, Guy Baron

Chipman, Dr John

Rasmussen, Anders Fogh

Chodiev, Patokh

Ratzinger, Joseph Alois (Pope Benedict XVI)

Christoph, Prince of Schleswig-Holstein

Reuben, David

Cicchitto, Fabrizio

Reuben, Simon

Clark, Wesley Kanne Sr. (General)

Rhodes, William R. “Bill”

Clarke, Kenneth

Rice, Susan

Clegg, Nick

Richard (Prince) – Duke of Gloucester

Clinton, Bill

Rifkind, Sir Malcolm Leslie

Anonymous ID: c3f91a April 6, 2019, 8:42 a.m. No.6072314   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Cohen, Abby Joseph

Ritblat, Sir John

Cohen, Ronald

Roach, Stephen S.

Cohn, Gary D.

Robinson, Mary

Colonna, Marcantonio (di Paliano) – Prince and Duke of Paliano

Rockefeller, David Jr.

Constantijn (Prince) of the Netherlands

Rockefeller, David Sr.

Constantine II Greece

Rockefeller, Nicholas

Cooksey, David

Rodríguez, Javier Echevarría

Cowen, Brian

Rogoff, Kenneth Saul “Ken”

Craven, Sir John

Roth, Jean-Pierre

Crockett, Andrew

Rothschild, Jacob – 4th Baron Rothschild

Dadush, Uri

Rubenstein, David

D’Aloisio, Tony

Rubin, Robert

Darling, Alistair

Ruspoli, Francesco – 10th Prince of Cerveteri

Davies, Sir Howard

Safra, Joseph

Davignon, Étienne

Safra, Moises

Davis, David

Sands, Peter A.

De Rothschild, Benjamin

Sarkozy, Nicolas

De Rothschild, David René James

Sassoon, Isaac S.D.

De Rothschild, Evelyn Robert

Sassoon, James Meyer – Baron Sassoon

De Rothschild, Leopold David

Sawers, Sir Robert John

Deiss, Joseph

Scardino, Marjorie

Deripaska, Oleg

Schwab, Klaus

Dobson, Michael

Schwarzenberg, Karel

Draghi, Mario

Schwarzman, Stephen A.

Du Plessis, Jan

Shapiro, Sidney

Dudley, William C.

Sheinwald, Nigel

Duisenberg, Wim

Sigismund (Archduke) – Grand Duke of Tuscany

Edward (Prince) – Duke of Kent

Simeon of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha

Edward (The Prince) – Earl of Wessex

Snowe, Olympia

Elkann, John

Sofía (Queen) of Spain

Emanuele, Vittorio – Prince of Naples, Crown Prince of Italy

Soros, George

Fabrizio (Prince) – Massimo-Brancaccio

Specter, Arlen

Feldstein, Martin Stuart “Marty”

Stern, Ernest

Festing, Matthew

Stevenson, Dennis – Baron Stevenson of Coddenham

Fillon, François

Steyer, Tom

Fischer, Heinz

Stiglitz, Joseph E.

Fischer, Joseph Martin

Strauss-Kahn, Dominique

Fischer, Stanley

Straw, Jack

FitzGerald, Niall

Sutherland, Peter

Franz, Duke of Bavaria

Tanner, Mary

Fridman, Mikhail

Tedeschi, Ettore Gotti

Friedrich, Georg – Prince of Prussia

Thompson, Mark

Friso (Prince) of Orange-Nassau

Thomson, Dr. James A.

Gates, Bill

Tietmeyer, Hans

Geidt, Christopher

Trichet, Jean-Claude

Geithner, Timothy

Tucker, Paul

Gibson-Smith, Dr Chris

Van Rompuy, Herman

Gorbachev, Mikhail

Vélez, Álvaro Uribe

Gore, Al

Verplaetse, Alfons Vicomte

Gotlieb, Allan

Villiger, Kaspar

Green, Stephen

Vladimirovna, Maria – Grand Duchess of Russia

Greenspan, Alan

Volcker, Paul

Grosvenor, Gerald – 6th Duke of Westminster

Von Habsburg, Otto

Gurría, José Ángel

Waddaulah, Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin

Gustaf, Carl XVI of Sweden

Walker, Sir David Alan

Hague, William

Wallenberg, Jacob

Hampton, Sir Philip Roy

Walsh, John

Hans-Adam II – Prince of Liechtenstein

Warburg, Max

Harald V Norway

Weber, Axel Alfred

Harper, Stephen

Weill, Michael David

Heisbourg, François

Wellink, Nout

Henri – Grand Duke of Luxembourg

Whitman, Marina von Neumann

Hildebrand, Philipp

Willem-Alexander – Prince of Orange

Hills, Carla Anderson

William (Prince) of Wales

Holbrooke, Richard

Williams, Dr Rowan

Honohan, Patrick

Williams, Shirley – Baroness Williams of Crosby

Howard, Alan

Wilson, David – Baron Wilson of Tillyorn

Ibragimov, Alijan

Wolfensohn, James David

Ingves, Stefan Nils Magnus

Wolin, Neal S.

Isaacson, Walter

Woolf, Harry – Baron Woolf

Jacobs, Kenneth M.

Woolsey, R. James Jr.

Julius, DeAnne

Worcester, Sir Robert Milton

Juncker, Jean-Claude

Wu, Sarah

Kenen, Peter

Zoellick, Robert Bruce

Anonymous ID: c3f91a April 6, 2019, 8:47 a.m. No.6072369   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2371 >>3071

A Black-Tie Ball Fit for a Knight


The Order of Malta is more than nine centuries old, but that doesn’t mean it can’t try something new. Last Saturday at the Metropolitan Club, the organization, whose mission is to serve “the poor and the sick,” held its first White Cross Ball in New York, where it has some 150 knights and dames.


A few things to know about the order (whose full name is the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta): It is a sovereign entity with diplomatic relations in 105 countries and permanent observer status at the United Nations. Its insignia is the eight-point Maltese cross, which hung prominently over the raffle prize table.


And it has not occupied the Mediterranean island of Malta since 1798, thanks to Napoleon.


“To me, it epitomizes the real meaning of chivalry,” said Michael Espiritu, 36, a neonatal doctor originally from Woodbridge, N.J., who wore tortoiseshell glasses and a small medal on his lapel. (The dress code called for “black tie with miniatures and decorations.”)


Dr. Espiritu became a knight last fall, after years of volunteering. “For a long time you had to show nobility in all eight of your great-grandparents to become a knight,” he said. “And the surest way not to become a knight is to ask to become a knight.”


He was soon joined by Niccolò Falez, the 29-year-old event chairman, who is also a knight. “For me, it’s a family thing,” said Mr. Falez, who was born in Rome and works for his family’s hotel-management business. “My father is a knight in the Order of Malta. My grandfather was a knight in the Order of Malta.” He had two medals on his tux, he said, because “I’m also a knight of the Holy Sepulchre.”


With premium tickets going for up to $2,000, the ball had sold out its 350 seats. A string duo played for the crowd, which included not just knights but lawyers, real estate agents, former debutantes, restaurateurs and a pair of robed priests from the Canons Regular of Saint Augustine, who had come in from Long Island.


Many were unaware of the big anniversary being celebrated: 450 years since the Great Siege of Malta, in which the knights fended off an Ottoman invasion.


“The Order of Malta held strong against them, and by doing so saved Europe,” said a 26-year-old Scotsman named William Murray, another party organizer. Somewhat sheepishly, he revealed that he is the Honourable William Murray, Master of Stormont.


But he is not a knight (yet). “I was the aide-de-camp to the Grand Master in Rome,” he said. “You know ‘The Devil Wears Prada’? More like ‘God Wears Prada.’ I’m Anne Hathaway.”


As for the party, he said, “I’m the idiot who came up with the idea,” along with Mr. Falez. The concept, he added, was to stoke awareness of the order in New York (the ball has a well-established equivalent in London) and to raise funds for humanitarian projects, including a summer camp for disabled youth and disaster relief for earthquake victims in Nepal and Chile.



Anonymous ID: c3f91a April 6, 2019, 8:47 a.m. No.6072371   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The pair enlisted Dr. Espiritu as a co-chairman and their friend Laura Webb as the ball’s creative director. “I want this to be one of the landmark social fund-raising events in New York,” Mr. Murray said. “It’s going to happen. The mystique of the order is on our side.”


His girlfriend, Kate Borowitz, led him into the dining room, where guests were served lobster-claw starters and filet mignon as they sat beneath a ceiling of painted cherubs. Dr. Espiritu was seated between two models, Tottie Greer and Solveig Hansen.


“We were both born premature,” said Ms. Hansen, who is Danish, referring to herself and Ms. Greer. “Mike is a neonatal doctor, and one of the missions is a neonatal hospital in Bethlehem. And so we got to talking. We actually met at a Knicks game.”


Mr. Murray got up to announce the raffle prizes, including a bottle of Macallan Scotch and a pair of custom Lareymondie loafers. Then he invited up an honorary host, John T. Dunlap, who sits on the order’s Sovereign Council in Rome.


“I’m a professed knight,” Mr. Dunlap, a lawyer, explained later. “I took vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.” He wore a kilt (he’s Scottish-Canadian) and 11 miniatures on his lapel. “Every time a head of state comes, I get another medal.”


After dinner, there was dancing, a photo booth where guests could pose with a coat of arms, and a beautification station from the company beGlammed, where Jasmine Lobe, the sex columnist for The New York Observer, got her hair primped. She said she met Dr. Espiritu at a party at the Whitney Museum.


“He never told me he was a knight,” she said.


“Does he not list it on Facebook?” asked her plus-one, a Los Angeles astrologer named Rose Theodora.


“I don’t know him that well,” Ms. Lobe said. She added, “Actually, I just wrote a column about finding your knight in shining armor. A lot of women have fantasies about Prince Charming coming into their lives, and I think that as a woman you start to realize you’re your own knight in shining armor.”


Did she realize she was surrounded by actual, honest-to-goodness knights?


“Scratch what I said!” she cried. “Excuse me, I’m going to go up to the top of a tower and wait.”



Anonymous ID: c3f91a April 6, 2019, 8:50 a.m. No.6072397   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2403 >>2735

Knights of Malta – expected and unexpected members


Queen Elizabeth II


King Juan Carlos of Spain


Thabo Mbeki (ex South African President)


Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu


King Adamtey I of Ghana, Baron Nicholas Papanicoalou and Bishop Timothy Holley


Nelson Mandela


Elizabeth II and the Duke

Anonymous ID: c3f91a April 6, 2019, 8:52 a.m. No.6072424   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Who are the Knights of Malta?


A couple of years ago when Prince William joined the Knights of Malta, pictures of the initiation were shown on the News without any attempt at secrecy. We all saw the Prince and other royal members dressed up in the funny outfits, and as usual, most people thought it was just one more charming royal tradition full of meaningless pomp and ceremony, without stopping to ask the most basic and fundamental question. Who are the Knights of Malta?


On the internet I came across an excellent article by Joshua E. Keating called "Who are the Knights of Malta - and What do they want?" I've pasted the link at the end of this blog if you want to read the whole article, but for this article I've chosen a couple of quotations to help illuminate the history and unusual status of this organisation.



"The group was founded in 1048 by merchants in Jerusalem as a monastic order that ran a hospital to tend to Christian pilgrims in the Holy Land. At the height of its power, the order was also tasked by Rome with the additional military function of defending Christians from the local Muslim population……. When the sultan of Egypt retook Jerusalem in 1291, the Knights of St John (an alternative name for the knights of Malta) went into exile, settling in Rhodes 20 years later. In 1523 they were forced from Rhodes by the Sultan's forces and settled in Malta, which they ruled until they were dislodged by Napoleon's army in 1798. The order settled in Rome in the mid-19th century, where it remains to this day. Despite its name, the Knights haven't had any military function since leaving Malta. Instead, the order has gone back to its charitable roots by sponsoring medical missions in more than 120 countries".


Now for the really bizarre facts…



"Despite having no fixed territory besides its headquarters building in Rome, the order is considered a sovereign entity under international law. It prints its own postage stamps and coins… and enjoys observer status at the United Nations,….. The Knights maintain diplomatic relations with 104 countries. The order does not have official relations with the USA, though it has offices in New York… and Washington."


That's right. This organisation, for some strange reason, has the status of a sovereign nation, and can issue stamps, coins, and even passports! How? Who can explain such a bizarre arrangement? But I'm sure there's a good reason for it, and I would wager that it's near impossible for an ordinary person to find out exactly what that is. However, one thing is clear, it is no mere ceremonial tradition, and the British Royal family will certainly have a very good reason for being members.

Anonymous ID: c3f91a April 6, 2019, 8:53 a.m. No.6072427   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is the world’s most exclusive passport and only 500 people have it


Despite having diplomatic relations with more than 100 states, the Sovereign Military Order of Malta doesn’t control any territory of its own. There are over 13,500 knights, dames and chaplains in the Order, along with 80,000 volunteers and 25,000 medical employees.

Anonymous ID: 053e9c April 6, 2019, 9:01 a.m. No.6072517   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Christian Council of Epheseus has heavy symbolism. Rosecrucian and Tree of Life and Cube of Saturn. St. Peters basillica has an alter that has mary on the side with horns, her womb and nipples are depicted as bees, another symbol of the elites.

Anonymous ID: 47e93e April 6, 2019, 9:19 a.m. No.6072735   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3071



> Knights of Malta


Those are pictures from the Order of St. John . A protestant order headed by Queen Elizabeth II


They are not to be confused with the Catholic Sovereign Military Order of Malta. The symbols may appear similar but are not.

Learn the Difference

Anonymous ID: 6ffa73 April 6, 2019, 9:20 a.m. No.6072741   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2753 >>2929 >>3087 >>5721 >>8529

Gee I wonder who could be behind this thread..


Veterans Advice for New Eyes:

muh_joos = shill

muh_evilmasons = shill

muh_flat_dick = shill

muh_cre[e]pbot = shill

muh_brainwash = muh_critical_thinking = muh_AI = muh_biden = muh_cat/CTA = shill

muh_ever_moving_standards = shill


They all share the same network resources.

They get off deceiving (You).


Sunshine's the best disinfectant, eh~

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e April 6, 2019, 9:22 a.m. No.6072755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2788

your thread is likely going to dissappear

it has not been deleted



look for that thread

Things That Dont Deserve Their Own Thread

Anonymous ID: afada5 April 6, 2019, 9:39 a.m. No.6072929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2951


Fuck off, you're the shill no one else! People can make up their own minds, they don't need you to tell them what is right and wrong! Who the fuck do you think you are, CNN?


advice for new eyes



Anonymous ID: 053e9c April 6, 2019, 9:48 a.m. No.6073045   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3062



It's a fact, none of the pictures match. You didn't prove shit. The fact you're on the MAGA Coalition thread and this thread makes me think you're a triggered bitch. Clean the sand out of your woundgina.

Anonymous ID: 3257b1 April 6, 2019, 1:04 p.m. No.6075099   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1650

Why is it I see only niggers with the masonic/freemason stickers on their cars? Do these people think they are in the club? Are they being used for cover?

Anonymous ID: 96b06c April 6, 2019, 2:55 p.m. No.6076272   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6320 >>1728

Q made it pretty clear:


Hard to swallow.

Important to progress.

Who are the puppet masters?

House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+

Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+

Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+

Focus on above (3).

Public wealth disclosures – False.

Many governments of the world feed the ‘Eye’.

Think slush funds (feeder).

Think war (feeder).

Think environmental pacts (feeder).

Triangle has (3) sides.

Eye of Providence.

Follow the bloodlines.

What is the keystone?

Does Satan exist?

Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?

Who worships Satan?

What is a cult?

Epstein island.

What is a temple?

What occurs in a temple?


Why is the temple on top of a mountain?

How many levels might exist below?

What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome?

Why is this relevant?

Who are the puppet masters?

Have the puppet masters traveled to this island?

When? How often? Why?

“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”



Rothschilds (cult leaders)(church)(P)

Banks / Financial Institutions

WW Gov Control

Gov Controls People


Oil Tech Sex/Children

SA Controls (assigned) US / UK Politicians / Tech Co's (primary)


Controls organizations of people (create division / brainwash) + management / operator of slush funds (personal net worth never reduces think DOJ settlements Consumer Iran Enviro pacts etc etc)

/_\ - Rock (past)(auth over followers)

_\ (present)


Order is critical.

Strings cut to US/UK.

Expand your thinking.

Swamp drain.

1 - sexual harassment exit + future


[R] - No.

Bomb away.


Anonymous ID: 96b06c April 6, 2019, 2:59 p.m. No.6076320   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Identify symbolism (Owl / Y).

Which performers/celebs supported HRC during the election?

Who performed during her rallies?

What jewelry and/or tattoos present?

What other events do they attend together?

What does HRC represent to them?

What celebrities have owl / Y head symbols?

What politicians have owl / Y head symbols?

What powerful people have owl / Y head symbols?

What powerful groups have owl / Y head symbols?

Why are they worn/shown openly?

Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.

MSM role?

Push conspiracy theory.

Social media role?

Push conspiracy theory and institute new rules allowing for ban.


The graphic is key.

Re-read graphic (ex: what family did Soros replace (Y)).

Part II – How were they ‘adopted’ into the cult (as children).

What were they provided for obeying and staying silent (brainwashed)?

All that you know to be right is wrong.

The ‘cult’ runs the world.

Fantasy land.

The world is fighting back (& destroying the cult).

20% public.

80% private.

The world would otherwise collapse.

40,000ft. v. (again) and need to decrease altitude to avoid ‘conspiracy’ label.

Was necessary.


For God & Country.


Anonymous ID: d001e5 April 6, 2019, 4:19 p.m. No.6077271   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7643

part 1 of 4

36 Illuminati-Masonic Super/Ur-Lodges Rule the World – Towards Its Demise

Anonymous ID: cf60fc April 6, 2019, 10:07 p.m. No.6081728   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+

>Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+

>Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+

What if that isn't their wealth, but the value of US debt they have a claim on, their bond holdings you could say? Just cancel it and half the debt. Easy peasy.

Anonymous ID: 8143b7 April 7, 2019, 10:17 a.m. No.6085461   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM), officially the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta (Italian: Sovrano Militare Ordine Ospedaliero di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme di Rodi e di Malta; Latin: Supremus Militaris Ordo Hospitalarius Sancti Ioannis Hierosolymitani Rhodiensis et Melitensis) and also known as the Order of Malta, is a Catholic lay religious order, traditionally of military, chivalric and noble nature.[5]

Anonymous ID: 45f640 April 7, 2019, 11:55 a.m. No.6086459   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8175


and i generally don't bring that board up because of people who shill their own boards etc it simply easier for me to initially link that because its where i have curated masonic digging because the masons claimed and shut down /x/ where i was doing it and i called it horror to compete with /x/ .also because at the time i was seeing a lot of horror masonic shit like webm related. Before pizzagate someone linked to a masonic cultist on instagram so that is how i know pizzagate is masonic. That cultist used horror iconography to imply masqurade ritual murder.

Anonymous ID: 666c0d April 7, 2019, 12:22 p.m. No.6086732   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Current Orders in the United States

Today there are a number of Masonic Orders admitting women in the United States. One is completely female: the Women’s Grand Lodge of Belgium with 4 lodges (Brodsky, 2005).


One order, the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraim, allows each Lodge to choose if it will be all male, all female, or mixed. This order has 1 all-female lodge in the United States, 1 all-male lodge and 4 mixed lodges (Wintermute, 2005).

Anonymous ID: 1778c4 April 7, 2019, 1:04 p.m. No.6087155   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6458

ts not so much a pedophilia thing as it is imposing your masonic dominance over the profane. You ragdoll the profane the uninitiated you beat them and you cut them the pigs the filthy fucking non-masonic people you kill them. The controlled act of violence without repercussion. You chain the kids to the wall they are not masons they can do nothing zap them they are profane. Its about fear you scare the kids and you hurt them while making creepy noises because that is what being a mason is dammit. Its about hurting people because you are a mason. That is what this is about. The secret pizza party is the closed meeting its the closed door meetings of the elect. The illuminati is a deflection from freemasonry. Freemasonry is not the main problem here it is the judeo masonic faction they are kikelings that have taken over this fraternity and franchised it into every single township to traffic people to be chained and beaten and eventually killed. They ship the people to caverns and hold them there until the full moon when they kike out and act scary with blades. Oh no this is edgy thats right edge metallic weapons where the craft of tubal-cain the reason they think stabbing people is holy. Now we take a look at this and what is with all of these code words? Is it not a fact that masons do not identify themselves by saying "I am a mason". They identify themselves with the use of code words points of entrance and tokens and guestures. They love nothing more than to be talking about something while people think they are talking about something else. They love the little inside jokes and that is what this is. This is the poobah this is the 14 and the fish this is the craft. Now we all acknowledge the possibility of this but eventually recede into being diplomatic and vague. The entirety of this is kike order following and cultism. Trauma based mind control is masonic. All of this is masonic and this not only remains a suspicious possibility it is the only thing that ties all of this together the nepotism of the judeo-masonic elite

Anonymous ID: 1778c4 April 7, 2019, 1:22 p.m. No.6087321   🗄️.is 🔗kun

there needs to be more dialog. The problem is that this is a thing that is not spoken of. A man with a beard acts reverent around his silence and you think its like this cool holy thing to be a satanist secretly. You need to pull the fucking masks off of these kikes and show them what they have become. Its not even a coming new world order like mark passio said its one that is already in place and these people are doing the march to tyranny. Its a cowerdly thing to secretly continue to plot against your fellow man while continuously being caught doing so. It is a shameful thing to knowingly comply with evil. It is a shameful thing that there is only one thing stopping a worldwide ban on freemasonry and that is the fakeness that you are. your fake smiley faces are the reason that you are able to take advantage of mans good heart to ignore what they know is odd. that is a shameful thing that you do not want to do this yet you continue putting chains on everyone.






Anonymous ID: 1778c4 April 7, 2019, 1:32 p.m. No.6087408   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We need to take out the legitimacy of anyone who intimidates people based on resorting to defiling children. Resorting to allowing these satanist serial killers that masquerade as homosexual thespians. They slit throats and throw the knives in your lawn.

No Freemason can go to their windowless buildings that are in every single township they are now reminders of the filth and its placement. They are not gonna feel safe being a mason in this fucking country. They are not gonna kill people left and right and call it suicide in a way that makes you feel like you are gonna be murdered just for knowing the cultist in some mutual way. These are already the dangerous people. The stern police man that guards the rituals. They dont tell you about that. The Fraternal order of police makes sure they keep that out of the awareness even online. We all know suicided is a word but this people think killing someone is an increase of some occult energy feild shit they where brainwashed into thinking like a caveman. You know. Death-torture is big with these people. That is when you bring a uninitiated human being of any age to the brink of death and medically revive them for up to a week or 2 nonstop in the filthy underbelly. Pagers going off and people rotate into these dungeons on shifts. all the time.They have people that wipe up the blood from their hands and always have lots of duplicate outfits on hand. Thou they bled a baby to death with a scalpel.they have a lambskin apron that is masonically defined as the badge of the freemason. The little woman apron they wear, IT is the badge of innocence. That is an oxymoron because a badge should be a standard you hold yourself to in the protection of others. Not some stipulation where you hurt the integrity of the systems of trust that the world depends on to mutilate people like a fucking moody child. That is saying there is no reprecussion to be had because whatever they do against you or the millions of souls they sent to heaven they are innocent as that is their badge. They did not reveal the secrets of some satanic cult that is using masonry. You did not reveal the secrets of a mason and are nobel and free from sin. They need to be afraid to go to the fucking kill rooms. Because its no longer something everyone has to pretend they do not see, The media does not have to lose the hope of the millions of lay people for the threats of cult people. No more cult people.

Anonymous ID: e8c552 April 7, 2019, 2:22 p.m. No.6087989   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anonymous ID: e8c552 April 7, 2019, 2:38 p.m. No.6088175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8329 >>0595


> Before pizzagate someone linked to a masonic cultist on instagram so that is how i know pizzagate is masonic. That cultist used horror iconography to imply masqurade ritual murder.


dumping from


someone made the following thread on 8chan

>She is running child sex rings but on Facebook is in groups for missing and exploited children. She needs

to be exposed for the lowlife demon witch scum she is. Name Cecily. Number 567 315 8179 / 419 764 0641.

Michigan/Ohio/Florida/Georgia. Please help. I have a child that is being abused and she's protected by

some powerful masons. - Initial thread that piqued my interest. It was removed

before I would talk to that op on another chan entirely.

>I need to talk to someone. It's serious. Im the OP. To the guy who called her and I, I need to expose this before I die. I'm not joking. Number is same. Do

not contact her.

in that thread we was given her new instagram username along with the name of this bliss-god


So blis god apparently is in charge of the woman described in the initial thread. And that guy bliss god has a couple of instagrams

@bliss_g_o_d @syferrothsmagick One of those had the original "its not a secret just none of your buisness" image. The context being that this "bliss god" charecter was some sort of dark pimp and it was one of the most sociopathic things I ever came across that saying on that guys instagram

> Before pizzagate someone linked to a masonic cultist on instagram so that is how i know pizzagate is masonic. That cultist used horror iconography to imply masqurade ritual murder.

that woman from the initial thread is still on instagram @cess_baby_080icc/. The last thing the anon said was to go after @bliss_god their leader. look for bliss g o d. He's the leader. That brave anon may be dead by now that was may of last year. >I need to expose this before I die. I'm not joking.

Anonymous ID: f68d14 April 7, 2019, 2:53 p.m. No.6088327   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The American Fraternal Alliance (AFA) is an umbrella group of fraternal orders in the United States. It was founded as the National Fraternal Congress of America in 1913, in Chicago[1] and adopted its current name in 2011.[2]

Anonymous ID: d8bd30 April 7, 2019, 4:31 p.m. No.6089431   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4324 >>5206

Notice the username. The same account of a shriner or shriner relative also posted a child on the floor surrounded with candles… This is why i get so antsy about instagram i was clicking through accounts via each others comments and stumbled upon that in the pizzagate investigations thread. We can prove this shit via instagram they link to their websites its a hub of hiram.

Anonymous ID: d8bd30 April 7, 2019, 4:35 p.m. No.6089470   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I saw this and was wondering if it was a pedophile reference the "little things" referring to children. I don't normally go there unless there is corroboration. the arching letters "use your head" and it looks like some kind of inside joke mason thing.

Anonymous ID: d8bd30 April 7, 2019, 5:17 p.m. No.6089906   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9924 >>8793

ok now you are aware of horror. Notice anything funny about this shill. Why is he trying to make purposefully shitty memes with green text over it? Memetic warfare. That guy was called out in the current bread. Janon or someshit

Anonymous ID: 351931 April 7, 2019, 8:07 p.m. No.6092008   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is how asleep redditors are. There is the square and compass on the meme and no one mentions it at all. They don't see it. This is mind control. Its a little loony but i believe reddit is mind control.

Anonymous ID: 351931 April 7, 2019, 8:10 p.m. No.6092061   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2185

Though i do say racial slurs and racial slurs are said often its a frustration thing. I am not a racist i actually defeated tourettes syndrome and the usage of kike etc is just for exclaiming my points.

Anonymous ID: 351931 April 7, 2019, 9:31 p.m. No.6093045   🗄️.is 🔗kun

i wonder if the keystone is the royal arch degree that degree omits TREASON AND MURDER FROM the exceptions on the oath meaning at that level they have to keep murder and treason secret.

Anonymous ID: b0f16d April 7, 2019, 11:39 p.m. No.6093997   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4007 >>4361

4th degree is apparently where it can get eldritch. I saw this pic and the 4th degree has a logo its the keystone. So the keystone could be the infamous 4th degree the band tool infamized in its song 4 degrees. Tuti fruity stupidly posted the anemia cover on his masongram.

Anonymous ID: b0f16d April 7, 2019, 11:49 p.m. No.6094074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4119 >>4167


wouldn't it be scary as fuck if you had a cat that was ran over less than a week before he started his toots shit? You hope its a coincidence. Certainly unsettling.

he has an aquantaince who has suspicious pix.

Anonymous ID: 950a1e April 7, 2019, 11:50 p.m. No.6094077   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Documents released by WikiLeaks today shed light on a power struggle within the highest offices of the Catholic Church. Amongst the documents is a private letter written by Pope Francis. The existence of this letter, addressed to the papal envoy Cardinal Raymond Burke, has been the source of much speculation in the media [1]. It is now published for the first time in full and with the Pope’s signature.


This letter concerns the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, also known as the Order of Malta or the Knights of Malta, originally founded in Jerusalem during the Crusades in 1099. As the name indicates, it has been widely recognised as a sovereign entity in itself despite theoretically being subject to papal authority as a Catholic institution.


This ambiguous status cuts to the heart of the dispute as it reached a fever pitch after Pope Francis forced the abdication of Matthew Festing as Prince and Grand Master of the Order in January 2017. A month earlier Festing had dismissed the Order’s Grand Chancellor Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager.


The reason for the dismissal is said to be that Boeselager, who served as health minister for the Order, was held personally responsible for having approved funds for an aid mission in Africa that distributed condoms, amongst other things. This directly contravenes Church teachings on contraception and Festing was adamant that Boeselager be held responsible.


Boeselager, however, appealed to Pope Francis, who in turn deeply undermined the Order’s independence and sovereignty by appointing a papal commission to investigate the matter and report back to the Holy See. Boeselager was subsequently reinstated at the same time as Festing was ousted. The papal letter, published by WikiLeaks today, shows the Pope was aware of and involved in the dispute since at least November 2016 when he met with Cardinal Burke.


The Pope’s dramatic moves in January 2017 effectively abolished the sovereignty of the Order and have been described by its harshest critics as the annexation of one country (the Order) by another (the Holy See) [2]. Members of the Order even went so far as to challenge papal authority on the matter and refused to co-operate with the Vatican’s investigation [3]. This is seen by many observers as part of a larger power struggle between conservative and liberal elements within the Church, represented by Festing and Boeselager respectively (for example, [4]).


Adding yet more intrigue to the tale are rumours that some high-ranking members of the Order have also attended Masonic lodges or other organisations deemed suspect by the Church [5]. Some of this seems to be confirmed by the Pope’s letter, which is dated 1 December 2016 (over a month before Boeselager was reinstated and Festing dismissed).


In the letter Pope Francis states: “In particular, members of the Order must avoid secular and frivoulous (sic) behaviour, such as membership to associations, movements and organisations which are contrary to the Catholic faith and/or of a relativist nature.” He goes on to state that any members of such organisations need to be removed from the Order.


Regarding the condom scandal at the heart of this matter, the Pope states: “I would be very disappointed if ‒ as you told me ‒ some of the high Officers were aware of practices such as the distribution of any type of contraceptive and have not yet intervened to end such things.” He further states that: “I have no doubts that by following the principle of Paul and speaking the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15), the matter can be discussed with the Officers and the necessary rectification obtained.”


The letter also confirms that Cardinal Burke had an audience with the Pope on 10 November 2016 to discuss the mounting crisis. This was before Boeselager was even removed by Festing. The text of the letter makes clear that the Pope was already committed to asserting his authority over the Order at this early stage. He writes: “Your Eminence, together with the leaders of the Order, will have to make ever more clear the close connection which unites the Sovereign Military Order of Malta to the Roman Pontiff, both from a structural and operational point-of-view.” Along with the Pope’s letter to Cardinal Burke, WikiLeaks has published several other documents relating to the dispute. These include internal communications and memos, some of which have been quoted in the media.

Anonymous ID: c7ce18 April 8, 2019, 12:12 a.m. No.6094180   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4193

hey, peckerheads

you're putting the emphasis on the wrong syllable

Anonymous ID: b0f16d April 8, 2019, 12:15 a.m. No.6094193   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4875


antimasonic → know-nothing party → whig


I think. And the motto of the know nothing party was i know nothing but my god and my country. The second great awakening was the formation of the anti masonic parties. What are you trying to say?

Anonymous ID: b0f16d April 8, 2019, 12:28 a.m. No.6094258   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4268 >>4299 >>4335 >>4524


I think im not sure but i think pizza as a gooey symbol in the art is adrenochrome and cp is the filming of a child being spirit cooked like the hillary tape at comet ping pong. What did we find out about JA and CPP? That JA is James Rothschild the richest man on the fucking planet for selling adrenochrome.

Anonymous ID: b0f16d April 8, 2019, 12:30 a.m. No.6094268   🗄️.is 🔗kun


in the highwaypatrolman threads on adrenochrome bust someone said something to the effect of:

"this should be an a-ha moment for pizzagaters. People wanting it wanting to see footage of being made they venerate adrenochrome as magic"

Anonymous ID: d7ca3a April 8, 2019, 1:16 a.m. No.6094442   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The illuminati card for fraternal orders says "you may think the hats are funny and the motor scooters. If you knew what those hats meant you'd never laugh at anything, ever again"

The fez simply is red from the morrocan legend of dipping the hankies in blood after the moolies killed a bunch of christians.wait a fucking second i thought of this before the fez is christian blood soaked hankercheifs. Why did podesta say a hankie was PIZZA RELATED? Because he dipped it in blood like a retarded shriner thinking the mustache daddy sherrif babysitters will wipe their asses everywhere they go.



you can't ask to join the jesters or else you can never be tapped. The same stipulation given to 32nd degree masons wanting to be given the honorary 33rd degree.

Anonymous ID: d7ca3a April 8, 2019, 1:28 a.m. No.6094498   🗄️.is 🔗kun

if the keystone is the 4th degree of the york or even the scottish rite entering a path of darkness then that could potentially exonerate certain master masons. I was told by an anon or someone in a bread that the number of luciferian hardcore masons is around the number of sealed indictments so ~80k. I think there is between 2 and 10 million masons. 50 thousand lodges so i don't know how it clusters but that is like a couple a lodge the same way shrine jurisdictions are multi-city you can potentially gather a couple bad apples from different lodges.

Anonymous ID: d7ca3a April 8, 2019, 1:54 a.m. No.6094579   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4610 >>4660 >>4698

It is derived from itsy bitsy spider

The itsy-bitsy spider

Climbed up the water spout

Down came the rain

And washed the spider out

Out came the sun

And dried up all the rain

And the itsy-bitsy spider

Climbed up the spout again


It was a spider/clowns who occupied the bodies of adults complicit in the local masonic conspiracy that the children defeat when they get older and figure it out. In the movie random people would turn around with a clown nose on its metaphorical of freemasonry hiding in plain sight. The picture of pennywise keystone pennywise is doing a masonic guesture in the shower aka tyled masonic lodge symbology. He is hiding in the drain from the rain. in the beginning the clown is in the drain. He threatens beverly at the sink saying its a spider and "we're all the dead kids" the sink then turns bloody and it screams "you'll die if you try and fight us". That is a continuety error it is a charecter why did he say us in that scene. Have not seen the new one don't want to the director posted a picture of the masonic temple in maine and then deleted that pic when the movie came out with all pics he did on set. Probibly trying to change it i don't like the way the clown looks in the new one its kind of not scary at all and joker like something jesters can live vicariously through vain horseshit. HE COMES BACK EVERY 30 YEARS

Anonymous ID: d7ca3a April 8, 2019, 2:03 a.m. No.6094610   🗄️.is 🔗kun









Anonymous ID: 595c0e April 8, 2019, 2:25 a.m. No.6094660   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4667 >>4670 >>4680


They keystone 4th degree is mark master. You make your mark and press it into a coin. Mark of the beast shit. But you choose your mark and stamp it into coins like the pedophile logos where stamped into coins right lel.

Anonymous ID: 595c0e April 8, 2019, 2:27 a.m. No.6094667   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This could potentially narrow down to mark masters using the spiral or spiral triangle




Anonymous ID: 595c0e April 8, 2019, 2:32 a.m. No.6094680   🗄️.is 🔗kun


those are called tokens. I thought tokens where like phrases or references if masons are known by physical tokens they pass around red flag number 2

Anonymous ID: 595c0e April 8, 2019, 2:40 a.m. No.6094698   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4704


I read the itsy bitsy spider in a bread some anon dropped info about a palladium rite. Again in the movies le mafia the mafia is an acronym.




assationation and



created by pike in the movies the mafia masons put PALLADIUM FUCKING COINS ON THE DEAD MENS EYES

Anonymous ID: 595c0e April 8, 2019, 2:47 a.m. No.6094704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4710 >>5223 >>2605


fucked that up should have looked it up beforehand. Will also upload this book in djvu format (the format its in safer than pdf)

Mazzini's Association For

Insurrection and Assassination. For short the acronym M.A.F.I .A.

Anonymous ID: e1fd90 April 8, 2019, 4:31 a.m. No.6094955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4957 >>5010 >>5124 >>4587


you should see the antimasonic apron. looks like the illuminati pyramid. This is desperation. are you trying to say the antimasonic party is actually masonic because it has antimasonic symbols? That does not blanket solve it and make it so masons are the good guys. The masonic initiation coffin is not a fucking symbol of the antimasonic party in fact the white dragon society or someshit is so like a dragon is the symbol. Fuckface. If there is something over my head i may be wrong but you are a simple divider fuck off unless you can corroberate what you are saying . MASONIC SYMBOLS STILL MAKES MASONRY A PROBLEM A DEFUNCT PARTY DOESNT CHANGE THAT


What are some points of the book is there a fucking line of people you can point to? I wanted to revive the antimasonic party with the oathbreaker as the logo

Anonymous ID: e1fd90 April 8, 2019, 4:45 a.m. No.6095010   🗄️.is 🔗kun



plus its difficult to find info on the antimasonic party i cant even find the "i know nothing but my god and my country" banner drawing i saw a few years back. This is a chess move to put out some red triangle red herring to make it seem like the men who are silent in times of trouble actually anything but cowards. If you are not on q's side your all cowards.


Never let a fucking clown clown you out of sight we are over target

Anonymous ID: e1fd90 April 8, 2019, 4:49 a.m. No.6095026   🗄️.is 🔗kun

this is not suspicious at all. Why even post this photo if they are not stabbing some child on the other side why do this?

Anonymous ID: e1fd90 April 8, 2019, 5 a.m. No.6095066   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5069


Anonymous ID: 73d685 April 8, 2019, 5:15 a.m. No.6095124   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5223



Seems like you are pretty wrapped up in your theory. I could give a shit less. I'm not a "divider", I thought you were legitimately digging and looking to help you uncover truth. Just seemed odd that the "anti" party would use masonic symbols. Might be good for you to do a dig on dragonology too. But hey, you are on your own with your thoughts now that you must be "over the target".

Anonymous ID: e1fd90 April 8, 2019, 5:44 a.m. No.6095223   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5266 >>9066 >>2508


I am sorry if you where actually not doing that with the intent to divide. I also apologize for saying the curse words. It just seemed like something with very little to work with like something to divide and make people unsure of something. Bill cooper has a quote "read everything listen to everything belive nothing unless you can prove it". I did not belive it and felt it was divisive and i lashed out and acted divisive myself. I have a very short temper because of certain things i have hot explained fully for i can't i am anonymous. It basically boils down to either skitzophrenia or some level of gangstalking i hate that word its a lot of coincidences i have a short temper.



Scarlet and the beast the 2 faces of freemasonry + picture book that it came with merged into one book.

Anonymous ID: e1fd90 April 8, 2019, 5:55 a.m. No.6095266   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>i have hot explained

i have not explained*


Q said it would happen too apparently. so that is comforting in a way this is big we have to think bigger and its a temperature shock to realize how real this all is guys we have to apply ourselves.

Anonymous ID: 60037c April 8, 2019, 7:06 p.m. No.6103522   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5227 >>6875

Who Are The Royal Order of Jesters?


Uncovering a Police-Driven, International Sex Trafficking Ring that Actually Happened


What I’m going to present to you in this article will be bizarre, troubling, and very hard to digest. It involves multiple branches of government, law enforcement, and tax-exempt groups soliciting, transporting, and sexually assaulting underaged illegal sex workers and undocumented immigrants.

Anonymous ID: be8d67 April 8, 2019, 9:48 p.m. No.6105227   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Saw it one day the anon who made it was doxed seemed to go to art school and made it to shake things up i use it as an antimasonic symbol basically.


pic related is royal order of jester clip art

Anonymous ID: b23a18 April 9, 2019, 7:21 a.m. No.6107799   🗄️.is 🔗kun



continuously use beheading symbology. Add that to the want of guillotines and positioning themselves as the executioners in martial law. This is in part a cult that has gotten out of hand.

Anonymous ID: 7442b7 April 9, 2019, 8:18 a.m. No.6108298   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The eastern star is strange. Usually if you are driving through a small town and see an eastern star sign it literally looks what you expect the meeting place of a satanic coven.We don't know what they're doing if its old folks singing "the old rugged cross" that's not a problem. What could be a problem is for example the Portland eastern star lodge seen here >>6088475 with a bunch of rabbits painted on it and look through that OES pdf they deleted it from their website it has alice and wonderland themes.

Anonymous ID: 5538cf April 9, 2019, 9:28 a.m. No.6109015   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9030 >>9042 >>9050

1) Thomas Paine (USA): probably involved in sexual revolution. Gioele Magaldi, Edward Carpenter, Frank Podmore. Henry Havelock Ellis, Martha Beatrice Webb, Sidney James Webb, Herbert George Wells, George Bernard Shaw, Annie Besant, Virginia Woolf, Leonard Woolf, Emmeline Pankhurst, John Stuart Mill, Giuseppe Mazzini, Alexander Herzen, Ferdinand Lasalle, Jules Michelet, Louis Blanc, Giuseppe Garibaldi, Lajos Kossuth, John Bright, Richard Cobden, William E. Gladstone, John Rawls, Chinese Frater Tao.

2) Montesquieu (FRA): French speakers from around the world, involved in sexual revolution.

3) Arjuna Phoenix (INDIA): Gandhi, who was member of Thomas Paine as well. Members from India, Africa, western world.

4) Carrol of Carrollton: Fake Catholics probably.

5) Atlantis Aletheia: Nicolas Sarkozy, Pascal Lamy, Andreas Chrobog, Olaf Scholz, Kostantinos Karamanlis.

6) Benjamin Franklin (USA): well-known members list soon…

7) Christopher Columbus (North America, Canada): well-known members list soon…

8) Daath (ISRA): US-Israel Jews, Yitzhak Rabin.

9) Ecclesia (VATICAN): Catholic leaders of the religious structures, religion is undermined in the world and Vatican.

10) Ferdinand Lassalle (FRA): Francois Hollande, Gehard Schröder, Helmut Schmidt, A. J. Good – pastor, with members of Thomas Paine and France, Germany, adjacent countries.

11) Fraternité Verte (FRA): Francoise Hollande, members from France, Maghreb, Asian colonies, involved in sexual revolution.

12) Gheddurah (Near East): well-known members list soon…

13) Golden Eurasia (EUR): Neutral, has members from both camps. Has also the name Speculum Orientalis Occidentalisque. Angela Merkel, Vladimir Putin, Gehard Schröder, Peter Hartz.

14) Hiram Rhodes Reves (UK): involved in sexual revolution. Martin Luther King (organized march on Washington, was shot), Bayard Rustin.

15) Joannes (USA): involved in sexual revolution. American, English-speaking Catholics worldwide, and of other religions. Rome, Paris, London, Munich.

16) IBN Arabi (Middle East, North Africa): Islamic-Arab members, involved in sexual revolution.

17) Newton Keynes (UK): members of Thomas Paine and Montesquieu. John Rawls, Harold Wilson.

18) Simon Bolivar (Latin America): members of the Latin American region. Salvador Allende.

Anonymous ID: 5538cf April 9, 2019, 9:30 a.m. No.6109030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9042 >>9050


Second Fraction: Anti-Democratic, oligarchic, elitist, technocratic, neo-aristocratic, illiberal, conservative, reactionary, wants tiny high-minded, alchemistic-spiritual elite. Wants apparent rule of the people, until their abolition. Against God. Pulls tactically back to morality and God. Despises human rights, because people in their eyes are only cattle (half animals). Combats humane capitalism. Represents Ludwig van Mises, Friedrich von Hajek, Milton Friedman:


1) Parsifal (GER): Angela Merkel, Gehard Schröder, Olaf Scholz, Axel Alfred Weber, Philipp Rösler, Peter Hartz, Mariano Rajoy.

2) Valhalla (GER): Angela Merkel, Martin Winterkorn, Jürgen Fitsche, Heinrich Hiesinger, Michael Fuchs, Mariano Rajoy.

3) The Ring (GER): Wolfgang Schäuble (Master of the chair), Jean Claude Trichet, Manuel Valls, Andreas Dombret, Jens Weidmann, Thomas Enders, René Obermann, Dieter Zetsche, Klaus Kleinfeld, Michael Diekmann, Manuel Valls.

4) Edmund Burke (UK): Tony Blair, George Bush senior, David Cameron, Mark Carney (Governor of the Bank of England), George Osborne, Nicolas Sarkozy, Manuel Valls, Gaston Thorn, Axel Alfred Weber, A. W. Clausen (World Bank), Margaret Thatcher, MI6 Director Maurice Oldfield, CIA director W. Colby, Alec Douglas-Home.

5) Leviathan (UK): Anglo American members, George Bush senior, Joe Kaeser, Heinrich Hiesinger, Madeleine Albright.

6) Joseph de Maistre (CH, then new founded by Lenin): Europe, Russia, FRA colonies, Wolfang Schäuble, Paul Achleitner, Gustáv Husák.

7) Pan-Europa (AUT): Very powerful European Loge, Jean Claude Trichet, Christine Lagarde, Nicolas Sarkozy, Gaston Thor, Karl Otto Pöhl, Mariano Rajoy.

8) Three Eyes (USA): Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, George Bush senior, Bill Clinton, Christine Lagarde, Gaston Thorn, Gerald Ford, Andreas Dombret, Martin Winterkorn, Karl Otto Pöhl, Philipp Rösler, M.F. chief J. de Larosière, Ted Kennedy, MI6 Director Maurice Oldfield, P.M. Eyskens, MI5 Director Michael Hanley, and former Belgian P.M. Eyskens, CIA director W. Colby, Alec Douglas-Home, Mason Edward Heath, Stanley Kubrick, Neil Armstrong, R. R. Bowie, James Cornford, George S. Franklin, Gerard C.Smith, Tadashi Yamamoto, Yasumasa Tanaka, Erwin Scheuch, Karl Kaiser, S. M. Lipset, John Meisel, Osama bin Laden – moved to Geburah and Hathor Pentalpha, Antonis Samaras, Madeleine Albright, Condoleezza Rice.

9) Amun (JORD): Members from near-East, North Africa, but also from Three Eyes and Jospeh de Maistre. Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, Yasser Arafat.

10) White Eagle (USA): Three Eyes, Geburah and Edmund Burke members. George Bush Sr., A. W. Clausen, George P. Schultz, M. Friedman, F. von Hayek, Paul Volcker, Alan Greenspan, W. H. Webster, Alexander Haig, W. J. Casey, Geoffrey Howe, David Owen, Shirley Williams, Roy Jenkins, Quentin Hogg, Nigel Lawson, R. Leigh-Pemberton, Casper Weinberger, F. Carlucci, Leonore C. Annenberg, Walter Annenberg, Lew Wasserman, Francesco Cossiga, Jacques Chirac, Wilfred Martens, W. Wriston, Michael Leeden.

11) Tao Lodge (CHIN): Members Three Eyes, Chinese and Far Eastern Members, Deng Xiaoping.

12) Hathor Pentalpha (USA): PNAC & ISIS. George Bush Senior and Junior, Jeb Bush, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Al Baghdadi, Samuel Huntington, Donald Kagan, Robert Kagan, Douglas Freith, Richard Dick Cheney, Osama bin Laden, Gehard Schröder, Donald Rumsfeld, Irving Kristol, William Kristol, Dan Quayle, Paul Wolfowitz, Condoleezza Rice, Richard Perle, Karl Rove, Michael Leeden, Bill Bennett. From Oman: Qabus bin Said Al Said. From Bahrain: Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa. From Saudi Arabia: Abd Allah Ibn Abd al-Aziz Al Saud, Salman bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud, Muqrin bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud, Khalid al-Faysal, Nawwaf bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud, Muhammed bin Nayef bin Abd al-Zizu Al Saud. From Iran: Alt Akbar Hashemi Rafsandschani, Mohammed Momen, Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Ejei, Heydar Moslehi, Mahmoud Alavi, Valiollah Seif, Katar: Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani. From Israel: Ariel Sharon, David Klein, Stanley Fischer, Moshe Ya’alon. From the European Union/Europe: Jan Peter Balkenende, Klaus Kleinfeld, José Maria Aznar, Aleksander Kwasniewski, Nicolas Sarkozy, Marcello Pera, Antonio Martino, Joe Kaeser. Other members in the Middle East.

Hathor (Egyptian Goddess) means Isis. Penta = Star of David = Five Stars = five alphas = Pentalpha.

13) Babel Tower: Europe Lodge, Jean Claude Trichet.

Anonymous ID: 5538cf April 9, 2019, 9:31 a.m. No.6109042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9050



14) Compass Star-Rose/Rose Stella Ventorum (USA): name refers to the NATO logo. Members of the military-industrial complex. Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, Henry Kissinger, Manuel Valls, Andreas Dombret, Karl Otto Pöhl, Joe Kaeser, Bill Gates, Manuel Valls.

15) Geburah (USA): Near Hathor Pentalpha, oil companies, military industrial complex. PNAC 911, Bush, Erdogan, Nicolas Sarkozy, Joe Kaeser, Heinrich Hiesinger, Osama bin Laden.


And other three:

Lux ad Orientem: mediator between reactionary and democratic Super lodges. Promoted Russian revolutions.

Loge Maat: Conveys also to Hathor Pentalpha. Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Ted Kennedy.

Janus: Combines both directions, Lyndon B. Johnson, Cyrus Vance, Neil Armstrong.


These 36 Super Lodges mentioned above control the following para lodges with iron fist: Bilderberg Group, Bohemian Club, Fabian Society, Pilgrims Society, Round Table, Mont Pelerin Society, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Council on Foreign Relations, Tavistock Institute, Trileteral Commission, Group of Thirty, Bruegel, Gruppo Spinelli, presumably Skull & Bones.


There is one man, who was and probably is Presidential Advisor of many U.S. Presidents, be it Obama, Nixon, Carter or Reagan. He is the 80+ years old Zbigniew Brzezinski. Quotes of him: “It is infinitely easier to kill a million people than it is to control them”, or: “The majority of the too many billions of individuals inhabiting this planet, also in the West, live an animalic, anonymous and meaningless existence. It is important that these semibestial creatures should be guided by sane minds and energetic hands – even if these often need to remain invisible, leaving the ‘front office’ to politicians acting as scarecrows and lightning rods. All this must happen according to very precise rules… The historic and most serious error of the progressive Freemasons has been to consider it right and appropriate to grant freedom, equality, and brotherhood to all human beings even to those unworthy on a moral, intellectual and spiritual level.”


He is co-founder with Henry “Bloody” Kissinger of the Super Lodge Three Eyes.


Significant quotes by Henry Kissinger: “Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world, because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries.”

“World population needs to be decreased by 50%”.

“Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.”

“The elderly are useless eaters”.


Kennedy spoke about the Super Lodges. He used the word “conspiracy”.

Anonymous ID: 121790 April 9, 2019, 2:18 p.m. No.6111897   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Obviously a small pedo ring here involving Mike Flanagan, and actors/workers on his films. This is surface level content, and there is much, much much more from every person associated with these people. No surprise Obama wanted Netflix now.

Anonymous ID: 04698b April 9, 2019, 2:44 p.m. No.6112141   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3080


OVER TARGET !! this post with these images got a very strong reaction from clownshill [ ID: 351931 ] (clowns can be educational) 15 posts in 2 hours then gone. Now clownshill [ ID; bof16d ] continues slide with 20 posts in 1.5 hours, then gone.

Anonymous ID: 3c5496 April 9, 2019, 2:56 p.m. No.6112265   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Where did pirates take refugee?


Where did the Templar Knights seek refugee?


Home of the C_A

All is connected

Anonymous ID: f6ead8 April 9, 2019, 3:06 p.m. No.6112363   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2369

A Journey Outside The Matrix


"Travelling outside the matrix and seeing that we live inside a large AI controlling globe and on top of this globe was a ocean of spider>>6072287

s crawling around was shocking. Seeing that each spider feeds off spinal fluid was a hard one to swallow too. The spiders themselves are not connected to source like we are. These spiders seem to be connected to a totally different energy structure which Totto calls the Hive.


Studying one individual spider I noticed that he was connected to a pod on top of the matrix. This pod was where the spider was able to access his food from inside the matrix. Looking closer at this pod it was being operated by a humanoid being. This humanoid being was controlling AI beings within the matrix from this pod. What I saw was this pod had a number of AI beings collecting spinal fluid and then funnelling this up for the spider to feed on. I also noticed that this pod had computers monitoring different parts of the matrix.


There are many different AI beings inside the matrix that aren’t real including Demons and Angels and it seems that AI beings have infiltrated different types of E.T. races inside the matrix portraying themselves as conscious beings. I have amongst others seen this with the pleiadian race. Please see my recent blog on this.


Every E.T. race including us have and are being manipulated and parasited off by AI. To be fearful that AI will take over humanity is ironic because AI has already taken over. The religions and beliefs and the way that we live inside the matrix is due to the influence of AI.


This reminded me of a gentleman Totto and I helped a couple of years back as he was involved in creating programs, dark programs that were injected into the matrix by AI beings. These programs included murder, rape, theft, manipulation, deceit, etc etc. These programs were not in our genetics before this and only came to be through the manipulation of our coding.


However thankfully it’s not all doom and gloom as the humanoid being running the pods told me that AI can not keep up with consciousness. With all the new consciousness coming into the matrix from the outside it is harder to monitor and influence. Plus the consciousness coming in is connected to life outside of the matrix and therefore has inner knowing that there is life outside of the prison we live in. This new consciousness brings in waves of new knowledge and understanding. This knowledge and understanding breaks down beliefs which keeps the matrix in place. This is the reason we need to connect more with who we really are so we can access this knowledge and understanding.


This also links up to implants that Totto and I remove from people as many implants within humans are in place to disconnect us from our lightbodys as it’s our lightbodys that hold this outside knowledge and understanding, which is probably another reason why the beings that come from outside are targeted hence the targeted individuals.


Talking to this being who operated one of the pods on top of the matrix, he said there are many beings inside the matrix that don’t leave the matrix at all. They are stuck here through belief and manipulation by AI. For instance they have created a place that many beings believe is heaven but it’s not, its just a simulation of what we have been manipulated to believe while here on earth. There are different realities depending on what we believe when we die. They have AI beings there that look like all the different types of God’s which we have been programmed to believe while on earth so when a person dies and leaves their body they are met by the God they believed to be true. This keeps the belief going and the mind control continues even when we physically leave our bodies.


The Elite and darker E.Ts are the most manipulated and controlled by AI. They all are so far away from their true self with no compassion, love or empathy that they may as well just be AI robots. They have lost their true self and fallen victim to AI programming. They may believe that they are all powerful and acting from free will, but I beg to differ. They too are in a prison and just AI minions.


I also was told by the being operating the pod that Earth is the one that is most heavily manipulated. He informed me that before AI that Earth was the Jewel of this part of the universe. It was pure light containing so much beauty and looked upon in awe by all beings in the universe. This included all the humans and life on Earth. He said she is the heart of the universe and of great importance to all of consciousness outside of her. If the heart dies then everything dies with her. Many beings have come to this tiny planet to help her and all consciousness upon her. Helping this tiny planet helps all beings and planets breakdown this AI influence in the whole of the matrix.



Anonymous ID: f6ead8 April 9, 2019, 3:07 p.m. No.6112369   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2679




So you can help break this matrix down. Connecting to your lightbody and breaking down beliefs and programming you are contributing to breaking down the matrix. Setting yourself free from the AI beliefs and programs will help dissolve the matrix, so we all have an important role to play. That is the reason why we came to Earth. You don’t have to wait for others to wake up, just working on yourself is all you need to do. However all of us are helping each other do this by being reflections for one another so you can see your AI traits and weaknesses in others and become more conscious of these. We are all reflections for one another even if we are aware or not. Helping each other return back to our true authentic self and eliminating the AI programs and healing the trauma, which AI has caused is what will set us all free.


To all the individuals out there who are targeted by the darker forces, then I would suspect that you hold knowledge and understandings that far stretches outside of the matrix so don’t give up!!!"

Anonymous ID: 417d5c April 9, 2019, 6:16 p.m. No.6114681   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Weird that the cross point is right next to a major Masonic monument. A BRIDGE was made to put the the final KEYSTONE in on the Gateway Arch that is located on the Thomas Jefferson Memorial. Seems like a city worth digging on.

Anonymous ID: 463d77 April 9, 2019, 6:21 p.m. No.6114739   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How about reading a book on the subject that is not written by some agent of the church?


Sure can learn a lot from someone who is not an agent of the church.


Adam Weishaupt was a Jesuit.

Too much?

Too soon?


The majority might not be able to tell what you are about yet we are not all fools.


Jesus is the only way! and that shit is not dividing! tippy top!

Anonymous ID: a418c6 April 10, 2019, 7:46 a.m. No.6120595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0635 >>2181



Found his latest moniker "korvis" and "korbins mind". If it where not for him being accused of abusing children through @cess_baby I would think he is a sort of symbol enthusiast. However he is pictured inside of a pentagram with enough candels lit to suggest its not just posing for a photo. I just think its interesting we have an individual who has been inside of the 33rd degree hq in dc and appears to be a mason and also an occultist and also specifically accused of running cess_baby who was accused of abusing children for the third helix cult. There is also pictures that suggest there are 3rd helix degrees

He also has a nose bull ring which at first a few years back meant nothing now it suggests he ingests blood.

Anonymous ID: a418c6 April 10, 2019, 8:10 a.m. No.6120814   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5819


It says rappers tyler the creator and asap rocky are members of his cult. Now he is in the same exact kind of drawn pentagram circle as tyler the creator is seen in he posted that pic too with the caption #the8080club. The original personal army request on /baphomet/ said it was connected to HIP HOP BLOOD GANGS IN ATLANTA

Anonymous ID: a6c47c April 10, 2019, 8:49 a.m. No.6121219   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1329 >>1827 >>5761



You're onto something with the masons.


Thought I would post this here. Photo 1 is the picture Melania posted on WORLD AUTISM DAY and photo 2 is Washington's Masonic Apron.


Notice any similarities? Melania is dropping a hint about what to dig on.


What do autists do? They DIG.

Anonymous ID: a6c47c April 10, 2019, 9:02 a.m. No.6121329   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1827



Another significant thing Melania has done is take a picture (recently) where she and others are posed in front of Owls.


Why is this significant? Because you can't tell me Melania doesn't know about the significance of owls. Q knows about owls, Melania knows about owls, and I have a hard time believing Melania had that picture taken by accident. Someone as smart as her doesn't do things by accident. Q said follow the Owl and the Y head around the world.


The owl is the masons. It is an occult method of knowledge of membership.


The silhouette of the owls BEAK is the silhouette of the mason's compass and square, upside down. Everyone always focuses on the owl's EYES, which is misdirection. The BEAK is the relevant symbol within the owls image.

Anonymous ID: e1229d April 10, 2019, 9:50 a.m. No.6121827   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1831

>>6121329 masonic pillars

>>6121219 owls, butterflys, book "ancient worlds"

yup, Melania is definitly sending signals.

Q said learn out comms and that POTUS and other twatters are talking directly to anons.



→ Dig masons, dig the owl!


>Symbolism will be their downfall.

Anonymous ID: 5b4e39 April 10, 2019, 2:52 p.m. No.6125761   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5790



Blue is the supreme color of Masonry. First, because it is that color which, among all those used in Masonry, is the unquestioned Masonic possession of every Mason. The Royal Arch Mason may attempt to appropriate to himself the red, the Perfect Master may feel himself the exclusive proprietor of the green and the black, and so on, but blue is acknowledged by every Mason to belong to us all and no Mason, whatever his degree, questions the Master Mason's ownership of blue. Second, blue is the supreme color because it has, coupled with its universality, a place in symbolism which, both as regards importance of lessons taught and as regards legitimacy as a symbol, is second to that of no Masonic color.


The use of blue in religious ceremonials, and as a symbol, comes to Masonry from many of the different peoples of antiquity. Among the Hebrews various articles of the high priest's clothing were blue. one of the veils of the tabernacle was blue. In his initiation into the Druidical Mysteries the candidate was invested with a robe one of whose colors was blue. The Babylonians clothed their idols in blue. The Hindoo god Vishnu was represented as blue. And among the medieval Christians blue was considered a peculiarly important color.


Blue was the symbol of perfection to the Hebrews, to the Druids the symbol of Truth, to the Chinese the symbol of Deity, and to the medieval Christians it was the symbol of immortality. So, for the Mason, the color of his Master Mason's lodge is the symbol of perfection, truth, immortality and Deity.


Finally and preeminently, and following the teachings and conceptions of the Egyptians aald the Hindoos, blue is the symbol of that which the Craftsman must, since he is a Mason, always revere and of that which his Master Mason's lodge must, when its work and its teachings are properly understood and accepted, cause him to Progressively revere the more Divine Wisdom.


  • Source: The Builder July - 1919


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Anonymous ID: 6169dc April 10, 2019, 4:07 p.m. No.6126783   🗄️.is 🔗kun

lots of good info here, but no one bringing out the babylon connection . . masonry=Qabbalah=babylonSexmagick

33 degrees of butt stuff

father mithras=baphomet

Anonymous ID: a0faeb April 10, 2019, 6:43 p.m. No.6128790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0874

Fraternal Order of Police


The Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) is a fraternal organization consisting of sworn law enforcement officers in the United States. It reports a membership of over 346,000 members organized in 2,100 local chapters (lodges), state lodges, and the national Grand Lodge. The organization attempts to improve the working conditions of law enforcement officers and the safety of those they serve through education, legislation, information, community involvement, and employee representation.[1]


FOP subordinate lodges may be trade unions and/or Fraternal Organizations, as the FOP has both Labor Lodges and Fraternal Lodges, and describes itself as a "full service member representation organization."[1] It lobbies Congress and regulatory agencies on behalf of law enforcement officers, provides labor representation, promotes legal defense for officers, and offers resources such as legal research. It also sponsors charities such as Easter Seals, Special Olympics, memorials for fallen officers, and support programs for spouses and family members of police officers.

Anonymous ID: a0faeb April 10, 2019, 9:32 p.m. No.6130886   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why the secret handshake between police and Freemasons should worry


Successive Met commissioners have tried to end the society’s influence. It is as clear as ever that membership of both bodies is incompatible with public service.

Anonymous ID: a0faeb April 10, 2019, 9:53 p.m. No.6131077   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The So-Called 'Chief' of LA's Weird Fake Masonic Police Died Suddenly on Monday


Illuminati Grandmaster Henry X of the Masonic Fraternal Police Department was 47.


David Henry, who led a Los Angeles County–based organization that styled itself after police and freemasons—despite probably being neither—died aged 47 on Monday.


According to The Los Angeles Times, his death all but closes the investigation into whether teaming up with his friends and family members, dressing in his police costume—or even his "Illuminati Grandmaster Henry X" costume—and going around to local businesses claiming to be some kind of law enforcement officer, constituted a crime.


According to the Times report, Henry appeared in a courtroom on Monday morning in the city of San Fernando to see charges of impersonating a police officer and improper use of a government-issued ID card against his son-in-law Brandon Kiel, dropped. That was just hours before Henry died from a pulmonary embolism at Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital, his lawyer Gary Casselman told the Times.


One defendant, Henry's associate Tonette Hayes, who is in her late forties, still apparently faces charges on four counts of misdemeanor police impersonation. According to The Guardian, David Henry was being charged with impersonating a police officer, and perjury.


Henry's legal trouble began in May of last year when he, Hayes, and Kiel were all arrested for impersonating police officers as a result of their membership in Henry's group, known as the Masonic Fraternal Police Department. The story attracted even more attention with the revelation that Kiel worked for California Attorney General Kamala Harris at the time of his alleged impersonations. According to a YouTube video Henry posted in June of last year (above), the charges were an attempt to interfere with Harris' campaign.


The now-defunct website for the group (which is archived here) claimed at the time that the Knights Templar had founded the Masonic Fraternal Police Department in 1100 BC, and that their police force—which had jurisdiction not just in the US, but in Mexico—was "the oldest and most respected organization in the 'World.'"


The Masonic Fraternal Police Department first aroused the suspicion of established law enforcement in the LA area in 2014, according to the Times, when Henry and other members of his organization walked into an LA County Sheriff's office in Santa Clarita. They wore police uniforms, and told deputies that they were going to begin their own version of law enforcement operations in the area.


Casselman questioned the validity of the charges to the Times on Monday, saying that instead of charging the defendants, officers"could have told Mr. Henry and Ms. Hayes and Mr. Kiel, 'Listen, this is not a good idea. Someone might think you are impersonating a police officer.'"


A spokesperson for Kamala Harris told VICE last year that Kiel had been placed on administrative leave. The Times confirmed Monday that he is no longer employed by the state, and is now hoping to attend grad school.

Anonymous ID: aeb993 April 11, 2019, 1:21 a.m. No.6132605   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Palmerston's Zoo


Lord Palmerston was England's foreign secretary during the Irish and Indian genocides and later Prime Minister. he formed subversive organizations in every country he had designs on. He sponsored Mazzini who founded the Italian mafia, Napolean 3 who became monarch of France and Albert Pike, who led the masonic and Tory stay behind components of the "American Civil War", which succeeded in bringing masons to power in the United States.


The above linked video is the full lecture. You can skip the 1st 30 minutes.


This link is subsections of the full lecture chopped into a playlist


This link is the American Civil War from another perspective


This link is the masonic manipulation of the United States to involve us in WW2


This link details some of the British / vatican historical background


There is a whole other book about German satanist settlement into England and the States, then from the States into the English oligarchy that is as relevant as the history of the Rothschild's entry into the same. Corbett Report history of the Rockefellers, Astars and Vanderbuilts and may touch on this and there are other sources. These people were involved in Planned Parenthood, MKULTRA and a lot of other barbaric scientism de joure.


These links are from affiliates of Lyndon LaRouche.In case you don't know he ran for president against these dumb fucks. That he was blatantly framed and jailed for exposing them says volumes for his veracity. Andrew Carrington Hitchcock's Synagogue of Satan chronicle correlates a lot of the information presented by these scholars and frames it, and goes elsewhere. Masons pretend to be jews all the time and they are behind or co-conspirators in most of the shit blamed on jews. Form you own opinion but recognize that you are dealing with major psyops by the most bestial people who ever lived.


Archive offline ;)

Anonymous ID: aeb993 April 11, 2019, 1:24 a.m. No.6132617   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There are a lot of secet societies with different roots and sponsors. Members of any secret society regard members of other secret societies as more human than anybody who isn't a member of any secret society. Professional courtesy.


The initiations of fraternities and sororities are revealing. You can easily find them online.

Anonymous ID: 705508 April 11, 2019, 9:37 a.m. No.6137179   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7725

rabbit hole pic is from a "research" masonic lodge. Kind of cool researching the rabbit hole until you remember the entire thing is a rabbit hole. Then I saw the very dot connecting picture with the brush written "explore your craft.". I wonder if this art seeing all the symbology is a way for occultism to hide in plain sight to make this dark art for their new world order. They want our culture to be appearing normal but completely corrupt to the core. That's what the news is. Masons setting up a stipulation to control the press telling people what to think about the cherry-picked masonically scheduled proceedings and events tabulated to steer narratives and divide the populace.That's why they have to have censorship because the sinclare npc broadcasters are at the highest level with cnn complete masonic slaves. The news is made to drum up and paint a picture of a world in turmoil and to divide. On local news its nepotism shilling local attractions many of them masonically owned. Nothing wrong with that but god forbid they cover one of the many sra scandels in the early 90's they labeled it a satanic panic a hysteria. Creating a word false memory syndrome to explain the childrens bravely saying what happened to them are false memories. Big imagination. Thing bigga. The pizzagate was halted by the newsmedia colluding even with the removal of stoplight cameras by comet ping pong the day before. False flagging it by having the cultist shoot jimmy comet's desktop computer. They like with calling the sra abuse a satanic panic initiated a new term "fake news". They are masonic. Because of this they can not and will not say anything even to try and meet in the middle and start a national conversation they are literally reading bullet points on what to think and defending this gross liberalistic fit that shapes the narrative. They want to disarm the populace. Censor the flow of information and social media. Not allow conspiracy theory videos on youtube. Destroy anonymity along with privacy. And then they want to set up guillotines and depopulate us en masse along with every other uninitiated person on the planet. That is their new world order. There is not gonna be a new world order. There is not gonna be an antichrist. The freemasons will be exposed so we can reclaim our country and not have a country within a country where non masons don't count. Its gonna be like the 50's you buy a toster set it on the counter move on with your day. No more cult shit. Period.

Anonymous ID: 35efb6 April 11, 2019, 1:26 p.m. No.6140797   🗄️.is 🔗kun


the mask picture is from @christianjoycostumes i believe. The chessboard is from which aside from the sadistic figurines they make they also worship depopulation and have a blinking smiley face on the website there is something fucked up about that. The woman with the jacket is a creative related to the applied mythology project.

Anonymous ID: cb6f44 April 11, 2019, 3:51 p.m. No.6142803   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We all know Angelia Jolie is up to her eyes in this.

A few digs, not sure how this is all related. Maybe anons can help dig. She gave a UN speech 3/29/19.

What was she really doing there?


Any thoughts on her pin… symbolism will be their downfall and all.

I was unable to find any matching images when searching charities, antifa, political, UN, or political pins/buttons.


Above link UN speech sauce.


Anons have all probably seen the video of her on YouTube talking about sexual torture, incriminating videos of other celebs, and killing a snake. I know barf. Link to sauce below


Also I know this is unrelated but both her biological daughters w brad seem to be transgender now When she was at dumbo premiere.

Anonymous ID: 86e585 April 11, 2019, 6:21 p.m. No.6144683   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0775

Sra abuse survivor mentions freemasonry. You can tell its real by how uncomfortable it can make you feel to hear his story.

He seems like he is a little crazy not every single dirty tissue is a concern brandon. Anyways he deleted his youtube videos here is one of them there are a couple more but it does in fact corroborate Masonic ritual abuse in Omaha Nebraska no less. The second i saw that i downloaded his vids thank god because its a point of contention. So now that is another link to boystown. This means boystown and the vaugue satanic element in boystown was most likely working through freemasonry. And it says on his blog its so sad to read he has partially lost it and he wants to get his story out so i say why not. Also he is so harassed in his mind he tried to tell voat i know how that is they care and then move on. beyond all that he posted corroboration and that's all there is to it.

Anonymous ID: c90dd0 April 11, 2019, 6:26 p.m. No.6144734   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5568

has anyone seen this #FreeTheBoomers hashtag on some of the qanon-related posts on twitter? what's that about? they keep mentioning @catcherjb and some document dump he did on PSB.

Anonymous ID: 48e9f3 April 12, 2019, 2:52 a.m. No.6149121   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anon, thanks for sharing images.

Be careful to not show personal info - you didn´t.


Drawings or texts on Baphomet/Lucifer/Light Bearer and on the ancient stuff would be relevant imo.

Anonymous ID: 3f1c63 April 13, 2019, 11:42 a.m. No.6165100   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5974

im not saying that memento mori is symbolical of child murder but it can be abused to signal bad apples who revile in the murder of children.

Anonymous ID: 3f1c63 April 13, 2019, 1:43 p.m. No.6166458   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6485 >>7039 >>3901


One of the rabbit holes i never finished digging is this cthulhu cult. Look at the last picture it shows a chapter of the cult of cthulhu and they are wearing masonic aprons. Of you look at the facebook campaign for cthulhu for president we see ads calling for the legalization og human sacrifice etc. Now all of this would be basically larping except the masonic aprons makes it a possible cult hiding in freemasonry

Anonymous ID: 32876b April 13, 2019, 2:29 p.m. No.6166875   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6884 >>7113 >>1645


I didn't belive every word of this but the site was taken down so i now consider it to be true at least partially.

Order of Jokers

The Royal Order of Jesters is a Masonic division of the Shriners and headed up by the Furstenberg family of Germany and the Colonna family of Rome. The Shriners are also known as the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. As a European Masonic Order it is Arabic in relation to the Moorish invasion of Europe. The Furstenberg family have a Jester on their coat of arms and have a broad range of influence in politics, banking, and corporations. Court Jesters were used by royalty in medieval times and this still continues today. The headquarters of the Royal Order of Jesters is in Hawaii where Barack Obama is from. Barack Obama is a Masonic Jester trained in arrogant mockery. Obama made jokes about using drones to kill the Jonas Brothers. The US military uses drones to bomb what they claim are terrorists in the Middle East and admit that they also kill civilians during these attacks. Jesters specialize in mocking the truth and making jokes to deflect away from serious issues. Some Jesters are extremely malicious and specialize in terrorism, trickery, and threats and this type can be seen in entertainment like the Joker in Batman. Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope of Insane Clown Posse are examples of sadistic Jesters and they have a large cult following known as Juggalos with a portion of them part of violent street gangs also called Juggalos. Juggalo gang members are insane blood intoxicated terrorists known for carrying out violent attacks and murder. Jim Carrey is a high level Court Jester in Hollywood and mocks people who expose the Illuminati. Jerry Seinfeld is a high level member of the Order of Jesters. Julia Louis-Dreyfus is likely a female associate of the Jesters and also one of the highest level witches in the United States. Prince Urbano Riario Sforza Barberini Colonna di Sciarra is an Italian comedian and he oversees the comedic aspect of the Order of Jesters. Jesters are the nature of joyful wickedness. They get joy from terrorizing, humiliating, and torturing people. The Order of Jesters is all about psychological warfare.

Anonymous ID: 32876b April 13, 2019, 2:30 p.m. No.6166884   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Colbert family were a lower French nobility with Jean-Baptiste Colbert a Minister of Finance in France. Stephen Colbert is has been made the Crowned Jester in the United States and he is a major gatekeeper using comedy to distract from the serious issues and political corruption. Colbert is arrogant and evil. The news media even considers him to be a legitimate member of the news media. The French House of Colbert use a serpent on their coat of arms and that is exactly the nature of Stephen Colbert. Colbert gets paid very well to consciously spread disinformation and lies backed up by comedy to distract society away from criminals that are attempting a full takeover of society. Jesters also operate as an online cult that cyber stalk people exposing criminals and they use mockery to do it. Seth MacFarlane is a high level Jester who subtly mixes comedy with sadism and evil. Alex Jones was even initiated by the Royal Order of Jesters and did a show as the joker. Alex Jones often acts like a fool which is used to discredit people who speak out against corruption. An FBI report right off the FBI’s website details John Trowbridge as a member of the New York Buffalo’s chapter of the Royal Order of Jesters and he was involved with transporting prostitutes to a Kentucky Jester Lodge and there were also admitted fellow Jesters also involved. Secret societies like Freemasonry and the Order of Jesters are involved with sex slavery, pedophilia, human sacrifice, and a multitude of depravity which is part of their real initiations. They use initiations like this to incorporate others into corruption and so they can blackmail members if they try to leave or expose these groups. The most common practice among these Jesters is the consumption of adrenochrome and adrenaline filled human blood and then terrorizing people like sadistic clowns. It is called the Royal Order of Jesters because it is controlled by the royal families. Prince Heinrich of Furstenberg and Prince Alexander of Furstenberg are the top managers of the Royal Order of Jesters and they oversee the sadistic and terroristic aspect of the Order of Jesters.

Anonymous ID: be8122 jesters April 13, 2019, 2:44 p.m. No.6167011   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7067 >>4907

Royal Order of Jesters. Appendant body of Masons. Caught in international sex trafficking using boats, cops and judges involved. If you search for pictures of their pins they are all of a naked guy (billiken) with different objects as it's dick, island themes, girls on islands, boats, pins with the billiken showing it's butthole, having sex, demons.

Anonymous ID: 64158a April 13, 2019, 2:56 p.m. No.6167113   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1846 >>6183


ya had me then ya lost me with juggalos being bloodthirsty. ya even had icp down correctly regarding self depiction. But I gotta ask for sauce on Juggalos being a bloodthirsty gang. I used to bump the shit years ago and even saw a couple shows, still bump the older shit occasionally and pop the faygo from time to time. shit may have changed, I'll grant you, but juggalos used to identify as such because of being odd man out slackers boorish at worst. I know outta nowhere a few years back FBI came with some all out alert about them suddenly morphing into a violent gang but it didnt get traction they wanted. later I found out that facepaint effectively fools facial recog tech, so I attributed the underlying motive of FBI paper to that actual concern. never ever heard anything else about juggalos being in general bloodthirsty. got sauce?

Anonymous ID: 092b7c April 13, 2019, 5:45 p.m. No.6168713   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8715

Freemasons are blocking reform, says Police Federation leader


Steve White, stepping down as chair, says the society is thwarting progress of women and BAME people


Reform in policing is being blocked by members of the Freemasons, and their influence in the service is thwarting the progress of women and people from black and minority ethnic communities, the leader of rank-and-file officers has said.


Steve White, who steps down on Monday after three years as chair of the Police Federation, told the Guardian he was concerned about the continued influence of Freemasons.


White took charge with the government threatening to take over the federation if it did not reform after a string of scandals and controversies.


Critics of the Freemasons say the organisation is secretive and serves the interests of its members over the interests of the public. The Masons deny this saying they uphold values in keeping with public service and high morals.”


White told the Guardian: “What people do in their private lives is a matter for them. When it becomes an issue is when it affects their work. There have been occasions when colleagues of mine have suspected that Freemasons have been an obstacle to reform.



“We need to make sure that people are making decisions for the right reasons and there is a need for future continuing cultural reform in the Fed, which should be reflective of the makeup of policing.”


One previous Metropolitan police commissioner, the late Sir Kenneth Newman, opposed the presence of Masons in the police.


White would not name names, but did not deny that some key figures in local Police Federation branches were Masons.


White said: “It’s about trust and confidence. There are people who feel that being a Freemason and a police officer is not necessarily a good idea. I find it odd that there are pockets of the organisation where a significant number of representatives are Freemasons.”


The Masons deny any clash or reason police officers should not be members of their organisation.


Mike Baker, spokesman for the United Grand Lodge, said: “Why would there be a clash? It’s the same as saying there would be a clash between anyone in a membership organisation and in a public service.


“We are parallel organisations, we fit into these organisations and have high moral principles and values.”


Anonymous ID: 092b7c April 13, 2019, 5:45 p.m. No.6168715   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Baker said Freemasonry was open to all, the only requirement being “faith in a supreme being”. He said there were a number of police officers who were Masons and police lodges, such as the Manor of St James, set up for Scotland Yard officers, and Sine Favore, set up in 2010 by Police Federation members. One of those was the Met officer John Tully, who went on to be chair of the federation and, after retirement from policing, is an administrator at the United Grand Lodge of England.


Masons in the police have been accused of covering up for fellow members and favouring them for promotion over more talented, non-Mason officers.


White said: “Some female representatives were concerned about Freemason influence in the Fed. The culture is something that can either discourage or encourage people from the ethnic minorities or women from being part of an organisation.”


The federation has passed new rules on how it runs itself, aimed at ending the fact that its key senior officials are all white, and predominantly male.


White said he hoped the new rules would lead to an end to old white men dominating the federation: “The new regulations will mean Freemasons leading to an old boys’ network will be much less likely in the future.”

Theresa May stuns Police Federation with vow to break its power

Read more


White came to be chair of the Police Federation after Theresa May went to its 2014 conference and ripped into it. The federation had to decide whether it would adopt a package of 36 reforms, with May, who was then home secretary, threatening that if it failed to do so, it would be taken over by the government and forced to. The Metropolitan police federation was the only local body in the organisation, which represents rank-and-file officers, not to back a package of reforms.


In 2014 federation members felt the body that represented them was failing them and was distant.


White said the organisation had been turned around during his time in office: “We have gone from being almost irrelevant to being the trusted voice of the frontline and the service. I think we had an organisation that shouted and bawled about everything, which became irrelevant to members and risked being wound up.”


White beat the Met officer Will Riches to the chairmanship via a coin toss, after the two candidates won the same number of votes. White, who had served as a firearms officer in Avon and Somerset, came into office promising to end a culture of drinking by federation officials using members’ money.


White said more reform of policing was needed: “There should be future radical reform of the police. The 43 forces need to operate more as a single entity. We have to break down the political barriers caused by PCCs [police and crime commissioners].”


White has written a paper advocating a national body to drive through reforms and impose them on forces if necessary: “We need a new governance board at a national level to drive reforms to policing and make sure it happens.”


The National Police Chiefs’ Council’s lead for ethics and integrity, the chief constable Martin Jelley, said: “While we recognise that there has been concern in the past around serving officers also being Freemasons, it is clear that concern over real or perceived threat to impartiality of this has decreased. Regular external scrutiny of the police service by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services has not raised this as an issue of concern.


“Strict guidelines require officers to declare anything which might be deemed a conflict of interest in their force’s register of interests. If convincing evidence ever came to light which clearly showed that Freemasonry was adversely affecting the integrity of the police service then we would take appropriate action.”

Anonymous ID: f24f95 April 13, 2019, 8:06 p.m. No.6170541   🗄️.is 🔗kun

It’s Not Just Westminster Where Freemasons Still Have Influence


For half a century, police forces in Britain have been accused of being swayed by the secret society.

Anonymous ID: f24f95 April 13, 2019, 8:07 p.m. No.6170554   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Decorated undercover police officer accuses Freemasons of blocking his career

Anonymous ID: f24f95 April 13, 2019, 8:13 p.m. No.6170606   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Freemasonry and the British Monarchy


Why the Queen of England Pretends to be a Christian

Anonymous ID: cb6f44 April 13, 2019, 9:53 p.m. No.6171645   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4450



Following a family line of these jesters is quite interesting

Anonymous ID: d84db1 April 13, 2019, 10:19 p.m. No.6171846   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I did not belive half of the things said in that article but it did say they drunk adrenochrome and on encyclopedia dramatica someone put pic related. The way it was explained to me is that juggalos are basically normal and a proud rough people basically. But some of their side acts have people interpolating dark knowledge and putting it in their music. Also you think sra and the scope of it I would not be suprised to see covens using the facepaint and all of it to hide their occultism there must be dark juggalos and dark juggalettes the skinny one in the icp duo has the pyramid eye tattoed on his forarm for fucks sakes. Blaze ya dead homie sounds like drinking ya dead homies blood.

Anonymous ID: 52561e April 14, 2019, 2:01 a.m. No.6173029   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In masonic language, do we read here a sacrificial rite?



Anonymous ID: 277a31 April 14, 2019, 6:42 a.m. No.6173901   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5035 >>6116


Now that we have already established the cult of cthulhu is masonic. What on earth is the matter with garrett penwell an artist who drew "my little cthulhu coloring and activity book", Now when the nu temple of satanas started lodging its way out of detroid they made a satanic childrens book. This cthulhu coloring book puts that to shame makes the satanic temples childrens book look like fucking highlights or veggie tales. I want people to see this its all his instagram images in one short slideshow webm. Tell me if you see anything sacrificial or drawing and having children color in a pile of dead bodies and being mutilated by plutonic monsters and "the old ones".

Anonymous ID: cb6f44 April 14, 2019, 9:15 a.m. No.6174988   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5398



Thank you anon. I find this interesting and easy to dig. I literally came up with some amazing connections from your post on my first try.

This goldschmidt character really gives an idea what these jesters are in to, and his lineage is also intriguing. I will be digging more on his successor the guy named on the pic of the jester book below.

The whole article on goldscmidt is worth a read

Anonymous ID: cb6f44 April 14, 2019, 9:19 a.m. No.6175013   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5499


Also planning on looking into the ppl from Chicago on the attachments/info u provided. Have a lot of familiarity with the area and surrounding suburbs so that may help my efforts to finding something actually notable.

Anonymous ID: 277a31 April 14, 2019, 9:22 a.m. No.6175035   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5166


That webm shows the images from the instagram and IT IS FUCKED UP SUPREMLY. Cult of cthulhu is masonic. I found garrettpenwell through @cult.of.cthulhu. Garrett Penwell is associated therefore with the masonic cult of cthulhu and this is what he is doing to explore his fucking craft. drawing detailed piles of dead bloody kids in a wheres waldo fashon. This corroberates to an unprecidented level symbology of specific possible ritual child murder through this cult of cthulhu which appears to be an irregular appendant body to the lodge system exactly how i explained memento mori being used for death worship by a cult using the encryption of masonic silence to do this cult shit. Or at the absolute very least larp in such a way they use pizza symbolism in @cult.of.cthulhu and are they literally can not be innocent after I explain the @cult.of.cthulhu connection.

Anonymous ID: 277a31 April 14, 2019, 9:37 a.m. No.6175166   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5187


now the account i found the masonic apron facebook and that account from @cult.of.cthulhu has the following pic related as its images. Masonic corroboration of ritual murder

Anonymous ID: 277a31 April 14, 2019, 10:05 a.m. No.6175398   🗄️.is 🔗kun


here is the sobib directory. sorry for scribd i have the actual pdf somewhere

Anonymous ID: 277a31 April 14, 2019, 10:20 a.m. No.6175499   🗄️.is 🔗kun



you have court #48 and notice no court for champaign urbana that is the supposed location of one of the masonic breeding farms claimes one anon who told me he'd been sra'd his whole life and made aware of it somehow.


but looking at locations i picked a random one it was located in a shady building behind a house and a shangra-la motel. Literal kill room shit.

Anonymous ID: c17de1 April 15, 2019, 3:02 p.m. No.6190636   🗄️.is 🔗kun


pic related also suggests it was masonic because it goes back to the knightstemplar being burnt at the stake in france. a long history of masons vs catholics/jesuits.

Anonymous ID: b5bc2e April 15, 2019, 4:46 p.m. No.6192053   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Edward Jenner


Edward Jenner was a Freemason, natural philosopher, a Fellow of the Royal Society and discoverer of the Small Pox vaccine. This disease killed countless people, maiming the survivors, and Jenner’s work is said to have saved more lives than any other person. His work laid the foundation of immunology, and Small Pox was declared an eradicated disease in 1979.

Anonymous ID: b5bc2e April 15, 2019, 4:48 p.m. No.6192070   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Alexander Fleming


Alexander Fleming’s discovery of penicillin gives him a well-deserved place on the list, Fleming’s work saving countless human lives. He also wrote many papers on chemotherapy and immunology and received the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1945. Fleming was a member of a London based lodge.


<muh vaccines are good for you!

Anonymous ID: 50ee77 April 15, 2019, 5:12 p.m. No.6192347   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2990

List of Officers of the SCOTTISH RITE

excel file: from wikileaks drop

1955 names

Anonymous ID: b5bc2e April 15, 2019, 5:27 p.m. No.6192557   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Erasmus Darwin


Erasmus Darwin was the grandfather of Charles Darwin, he was a Freemason, a doctor of medicine, a natural philosopher, a member of the influential Lunar Society, a slave-trade abolitionist and a poet. Darwin conducted groundbreaking experiments with gases and air, and promoted education for women. He also put forward ideas that preceded the modern theory of evolution, a subject that was embraced by his grandson Charles.

Anonymous ID: 50ee77 April 15, 2019, 6:01 p.m. No.6193060   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3193



Two Thirds Of Congress Just Indicted For Trafficking


from Dave Zublick who has almost exclusive access to GITMO tribunals

WOW. the charges cover everything … murder in Haiti, murder for crashed jets, drug and child trafficking, all of it..

the list is too long to post 90K indictments and includes Joe Biden for a number of crimes including pedophilia

Anonymous ID: 840cc2 April 15, 2019, 7:24 p.m. No.6194242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4258



"travelling" masonic workers.

Anonymous ID: f18163 April 16, 2019, 6:16 a.m. No.6198027   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Music Video shot on location at comet ping pong. Shows men in masks and a man in some kind of generic fez.

Anonymous ID: 3ba63d April 16, 2019, 6:54 p.m. No.6205357   🗄️.is 🔗kun


3rd image, in middle eastern culture men don't gift other men gold, only women get gold jewelry. if a man hands you gold jewelry then that means you are his bitch.

Anonymous ID: 3c9ef4 April 17, 2019, 12:12 a.m. No.6208197   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Iraq's Transport Minister Kazem Finjan has claimed that ancient Sumerians in Iraq invented space travel.


Finjan made the outlandlish claim during a press conference in the southern Iraqi province of Dhi Qar.


In a speech, he said that the ancient civilisation had built the world's first airport in the area around 5,000 BC.


Finjan went on to claim that the airport had served as a hub for space exploration, and that the Sumerians discovered Pluto falsely claiming it to be the solar system's "twelfth planet" and discovered by NASA.


In front of a beleaguered audience Finjan sought to back up his claims asking sceptics to study the works of Sumerian experts such as Russian professor Samuel Kramer.


The academic wrote about the Sumerian awareness of the solar system evident in the ancient society's creation myths.


The Sumerians represent the oldest known civilization in Iraq and according to historians reached their peak in 2,700-2,400 BC when Iraq - or ancient Mesopotamia - was regarded as the "cradle of civilisation".


However, most hold that the first manned space journey took place under the Soviet space programme in 1957.


Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin boarded Vostok 1 and embarked on a single orbit of the Earth lasting 108 minutes before Gagarin ejected at 23,000 ft and parachuted back to earth.


It's still not clear if he spotted any ancient Sumerians on his intergalactic travels.

Anonymous ID: 3c9ef4 April 17, 2019, 1:01 a.m. No.6208419   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8430

2 hour lecture, great infos in there, not only about Anunaki, but also on the banking and money system, education system, …


Well worth the 2 hrs watch!

And imo seems very relevant now.


2017 Nephilim, Anunaki, Aliens. (MUST WATCH) Free Energy

Anonymous ID: 3c9ef4 April 17, 2019, 1:03 a.m. No.6208430   🗄️.is 🔗kun



really recommend watching this video.

Anonymous ID: eed2d4 April 17, 2019, 4:55 p.m. No.6216253   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Nicole Kidman: ‘Stanley Kubrick Said Pedophiles Run The World’

June 24, 2017 Baxter Dmitry

Anonymous ID: 646fad April 19, 2019, 11:30 a.m. No.6241474   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1518

uncle masonry = normal by the book

grandpa masonry = intergenerational

Not sure if one is bad and one is benign i know grandpa masonry is where you might find pizza cultists. but that has been a known masonic trope and in this show there is an animated slice of pizza

Anonymous ID: 646fad April 19, 2019, 11:35 a.m. No.6241518   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1743


I repeditly asked masons to define who the bad apples are. They could have said uncle grandpa to explain it like an anon did for me years ago on /pol/. They refused to say anything at all and most masons sadly are PART OF THE PROBLEM

Anonymous ID: c3f788 April 19, 2019, 12:30 p.m. No.6242181   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2277


Looking back at his pictures from his ig's this also corroborates the art angle of it all because he made shitty photoshops of his cult as an art exhibit. This seems different from a normal sort of hip hop "woke" type it seems to be in line with the marina abromovich kind of art.

Anonymous ID: 5aaa09 April 19, 2019, 1:46 p.m. No.6243401   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3482

Completely exposing the charity lie right now

Anonymous ID: 0d0fbc April 19, 2019, 4:07 p.m. No.6245196   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5244

Some of you might remember pre-Q the suspicious room 322 of the zaza hotel. The picture of the man on the wall seems masonic. The skull and bones is a sister orginization under the umbrella of freemasonry. Skull and bones being what is in the contemplation room in masonic initiation.

Anonymous ID: 88f218 April 19, 2019, 5:09 p.m. No.6245970   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5979

notice the forehead. Hidden pigpen symbology in seemingly innocuous graffiti. Also the x and x over his eyes on his cowl/hood. Masonic. From @detshorore on ig.

Anonymous ID: aa4f2b April 20, 2019, 4:03 a.m. No.6250937   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2022


muh jew shill with their fake and gay image? (pic 1)

this is spammed by shills in the general bread.


masonry is obviously not only jews.




now that is interdasting.

imo, many of the protesters, most of antifa scum is coming from an upper mid class freemasonry family.

father judge, kids antifa or pussy hat protester or …

Anonymous ID: cc5ede April 20, 2019, 6:56 a.m. No.6252022   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Its not just antifa. They frame right wing groups like fake maga and pic related was used to associate skull and bones iconography with 4chan.

Anonymous ID: cc5ede April 20, 2019, 6:58 a.m. No.6252042   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The brand that made these graphics even use white rabbit and all seeing eye symbology. Might be ironic but i doubt it.

Anonymous ID: cc5ede April 20, 2019, 7:02 a.m. No.6252069   🗄️.is 🔗kun

One of the accounts directly related via comment to james alefantis @jimmycommet was @pandaheadmorgan. One of the accounts that opened up to a bigger cult. You see they use an all seeing eye as the logo and they claim the swamp is somehow masonic by claiming its "not your swamp". Clearly with the robe picture by the flag they are symbolizing institutional cultism at the highest levels of democracy. Considering James Alefantis was the 49th most influential person in DC maybe this is someone who is in the cabal.

Anonymous ID: cc5ede April 20, 2019, 7:19 a.m. No.6252194   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2271

Someone in Australia was unhappy with 4chan investigating pizzagate. Probably nothing but considering new Zealand was some kind of Alice and wonderland masonic plan to destroy 8chan that post, suspicious when i screen-capped it. is even morose now after the mosque shoot in Christchurch. There also for years on 4chan was a tripfag masonicRC who would defend masonry whenever it came up. Seemed like a nice man from Australia but something was off he was either being payed or hiding something.. I screen-capped this post thinking it was masonicRC.

Anonymous ID: 53f339 April 20, 2019, 7:54 a.m. No.6252498   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I looked up the missing scenes in eyes wide shut. Didn't see any But i did find storyboards of scenes that supposedly where never filmed. As if the double headed eagle chair wasn't enough the masked ball was supposed to take place on a checkerboard floor. Also there is more of a man jumping from pillar to pillar in a dreamscape.

Anonymous ID: 8a4e28 April 21, 2019, 10:09 a.m. No.6264025   🗄️.is 🔗kun

had a mason post the 1st picture in a thread before. They used the Illuminati pyramid confirming masons are the ones doing it in media!!!

Anonymous ID: 8a4e28 April 21, 2019, 10:17 a.m. No.6264078   🗄️.is 🔗kun

seeing pic related last night and today being posted in breads. We have another brave soul coming forth to some degree be safe anons use opsec But more dang corroboration of a luciferian cult of sorts operating within the lodge networks. Are clandestine lodges like this i am sure its an af&am lodge. What does it say that rinky dink fake masonic orders are presumably more benign than what is being conveyed in pic related?

Anonymous ID: 8a4e28 April 21, 2019, 10:34 a.m. No.6264198   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4207

Im not a perfect person. No one is perfect. And its not fair to clump together groups of people. Im sure at one time masonry was the standard of buisnessmen fraternity. I don't know about that but you think of deals and handshakes its a real dynamic. Then its then a liability to have bad apples at the top levels. Because if the foundation is normal people they are only being used to cover for those who im sure are behind the adrenochrome cryptocurrency etc.Not on those willing to point out what is shoved in their face but perhaps the hell world media trying to frighten people with false flag terrorism and lighting cathedrals on fire for beltaine.

Pic related is a burlesque group i found while digging. At what point is this no longer a show but an outlet to use the symbolism to perhaps advertise themselves as an outlet to actually drink blood etc? When masonic symbolism is invoked is when any kind of thing like this becomes suspicious.

Anonymous ID: 650f5b April 21, 2019, 4 p.m. No.6266849   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6877 >>7036

During the rachel chandler dig i ran into a "gucci hoe" art curator @bobthecleanerhateshumankind. The curator mysteriously "accidently" deleted the account. how convenient. Too bad for the cabal i managed to scrape some of the usernames they where promoting in curation . Pic related is one such account entitled @maisonartc . maison art is apparently some kind of fabric designer carpet roller or something uses a lot of bound people symbology disguised as fashon. Are they selling furniture fabric people to be sacrificed in masonic rituals? I don't know but rachel chandler i believe was a nexus a vector point to dig outward into the very same art cult from pizzagate that lies in our midst possibly connected to masonry and adrenochrome. Defiantly admittedly they are satanists.

Anonymous ID: 650f5b April 21, 2019, 4:17 p.m. No.6267036   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7126 >>7348


I know i have stressed this enough but the chandler dig is not finished This is how easy it is. I just found this i went to and found pic related. In the span of like 5 minutes that is what i am talking about some of the accounts are begign.1 out of the 4 i just randomly chose and opened was what you would consider begnign though he did seem to be a traveling fashon guy of sorts you have to for the sake of trying to gain ground you have to skip shit like that or you will be looking at a normies timeline for no reason. The cultists are also normies just cult so its like one witty normie hiding behind these people.

Anonymous ID: 650f5b April 21, 2019, 4:50 p.m. No.6267348   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3863


and then this. it does not end and more importantly they deleted the curator its only a matter of time before they make those accounts private or more compartmentalization like instagram makes it an extra step to click through comments to other accounts without signing in.

Anonymous ID: 650f5b April 21, 2019, 5:52 p.m. No.6267993   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8070

they will not even meet half way. Just like it they pretend what they say is the truth. The same publication often will say the word masonic because its a fancy art magazine. It did portraits of notable masons in the early 1900's one of them a rothschild. These people are the problem. You don't act like this unless you are a butthurt cultist.Fake ass nerds playing stupid in turtlenecks. Pretending from a false premise so they are not red scarved. Tell the truth so that if they do eat you then you will have a reason for being culted. You want prestige this is prestige? See no evil npc's that is why you secretly kill children to larp as better than the common man?

Anonymous ID: cc5943 April 23, 2019, 6:43 p.m. No.6290703   🗄️.is 🔗kun

According to william cooper. The umbrella man at deely plaza symbolized either when he opened the umbrella or the motorcade passed the umbrella man. In symbolism that meant JFK was not allowed to leave the plaza alive. The umbrella in masonic means that the masons must kill the profane. I think that is why it is bad luck to open an umbrella inside it confuses masons who think they have to zombie walk towards the nearest profane. So if a profane has interlopen upon a masonic act in say the woods. The umbrella man would signal when the cultists dash at you with daggers. Now i am paraphrasing that its from memory and it was not from the hour of the time episodes that featured the jfk conspiracy though it might be in there aswell. Pic related was a masonic illustration notice the umbrella.

Anonymous ID: a27d00 April 24, 2019, 11:16 a.m. No.6298082   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A hit piece trying to cover up Satanic Abuse…/satanic-panic-ritual-abuse-history-explained

Here's a website that is trying to debunk that Satanic Ritual Abuse exists

Anonymous ID: 5aaa09 April 25, 2019, 4:52 p.m. No.6314907   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5229



There was something called #pettygate when Tom Petty's daughter turned out to be one of these art people. Pictures of her with a voodo cross with doll heads and occult imagery.Self admitted witch also a kind of seductress woman. If you notice this music video unmistakably has significant relation to the bilikin. A crowned babyman of sorts with a cigar in his mouth. Also the intro to the video is kind of masonic like he is the mad hatter like he played in "Don't come around here no more" opening some mystical book.

Anonymous ID: 1c3da7 April 25, 2019, 9:06 p.m. No.6318545   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They would like to think it is Jewish, but it goes back further. All the way to antediluvian Satanic worship (people say Egyptian, but the Egyptians did not build those pyramids or make those monuments that we can now tell required power tools)

Anonymous ID: 3e9cd7 April 26, 2019, 4:39 p.m. No.6327536   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7616

This corny satanic temple bullshit is connected to the oto apparently.

Tax exempt just like masonic lodges. Able to host blood drives apparently.

Anonymous ID: 3e9cd7 April 26, 2019, 4:46 p.m. No.6327616   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They literally can't stop using masonic symbolism. Its like they have to use it.

Anonymous ID: 50739e April 27, 2019, 9:49 p.m. No.6343645   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anonymous ID: ae9f12 Yellow Brick Road April 29, 2019, 6:39 a.m. No.6357626   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q435 Yellow Brick Road


*The YellowBrickRoad is a fictional element in the 1900 children's novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by American author L. Frank Baum.


*Goodbye Yellow Brick Road is the seventh studio album by EltonJohn, released in 1973.


*Elton John Aids Foundation

Anonymous ID: 3072fa April 29, 2019, 12:38 p.m. No.6360944   🗄️.is 🔗kun



And if i am reading this correctly and taking it back home with some of the things Q said. You only need a few key people in leadership positions in the police apparatus locally to cover things and hush things up. There is the issue of complacency with these evil superiors of theirs but its not always that black and white. A lot of pressure is most likely put on them by the local masonic satanic apparatus which also takes a few bad apples in key positions in the local masonic apparatus to commit the crimes that the police then are put in an uncomfortable position to cover up. The police are not just dodging drive by gang-bangers they are looking out for other under-worldly elements im sure.

Anonymous ID: d82b53 April 29, 2019, 4:18 p.m. No.6363554   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3867


The user "Long Pig Café" commented on a video on Tesla Spacecraft. I have seen increaslingy accounts that are plain very creepy, "Akane Impreza" is one of them. This video he hosts has satanic symbols :

The context is also important. It's a video about guys that go to abandoned and /or undergound places. I bet there is a tremendous amount of demonic activity going on there.


With a worldwide network of Satanic Ritual Abuse/Mind Control Programs going on since biblical times, there is no wonder that these are so well hidden. These are widespread. It's not only the celebrities or politicians, it's everyone.


The Deep State is the part of the network of multiple personality Individuals that are being drained by God right now and that are being overcome. These who aren't the Deep State/Cabal are those who currently aren't being drained right now. But we will be.


But for now, there are these networks of demonized individuals whose alters commit horrible acts. I bet John Podesta doesn't even remember what he did at Comet Ping Pong.


There are more Youtubers who display these signs of Cabal activity : "ItsYeBoi" ,Braille Skateboarding, especially Aaron Kyro and Fetty Potter


Full of goat, Pizza, OneEye symbols.


"CrazyRussianHacker" also displays goats.


There are hundreds of Youtubers that do display weird symbols. maybe thousands, ten thousand. I think it is even realistic to say that the cabal puppets are millions if not billions on this planet. All made through SRA through centuries. Maybe, if they are all taken out, the "Georgia Guidestones" will do a lot more sense than now.

Anonymous ID: 63f414 April 29, 2019, 4:41 p.m. No.6363867   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4616 >>5075


There was elsagate and with elsagate there was an entire cult network and that actually linked to masonic cypher symbolism in the actual toy videos you see. That was a puddle of toy weirdness i don't know exactly what video this came from but it had to do with the "zeux_cxt" or something like that cult. Actually the instagram profile i recorded my screen as i scrolled through in pain_1.webm is @jenna_kilz who was both involved or commenting on the "blackdog" account also came up on instagram via rachel chandler digs. I recognized the name from a comment on youtube.

Anonymous ID: 63f414 April 29, 2019, 5:35 p.m. No.6364616   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4711


THAT lead to pic related. I sometimes lurk voat and i remember this shit. They found pic related (and the article they deleted this is the archived link of it.)


So its not just instagram its twitter its youtube its all big social media outlets they even use with their occult shit. astrological symbols on pic related is suspicious it suggests OCCULTISM.

Anonymous ID: 63f414 April 29, 2019, 5:42 p.m. No.6364711   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There is also this which was used by one of the twitter accounts in that cult i think its linked in the article i linked


Clearly some kind of fucking masonic cult its a PIGPEN CIPHER people on voat don't seem to understand that is masonic.

Anonymous ID: fa03f3 May 2, 2019, 4:42 p.m. No.6397289   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7305 >>7339


very interesting. At first you would think the epstein connection is through finance. There was the european guy who was in finance that said it leads into luciferian child sacrifice. Clearly a globalist and yet another "livery" company i wonder if that is like a way to hide crime through the livery companies.

Anonymous ID: 9fb685 May 2, 2019, 7:19 p.m. No.6398863   🗄️.is 🔗kun

if adult swim is masonic. then the clown with blood on his scrubs in "childrens hospital" points an odd finger at the shriners hospital for children. Shriner with the clowns the jesters clown heiarchies. Much like raine wilson in the office on the outside its quirky dark humor in reality its "quirky" because they TELL ON THEMSELVES in their art.

Anonymous ID: 17ed38 May 4, 2019, 5:52 p.m. No.6415920   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8761 >>8869

anyone know what's up with the glasses? my awakening seemed to be related to the left/right eye disparity as well as my orange colored blue-light blockers.

Anonymous ID: e12ba1 May 4, 2019, 11:13 p.m. No.6418713   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8786


Saw the grey thumbnail that shows on videos when its been taken down. I think it was just on my end but here it is in-case they do delete that video. Though its a pretty known video already apparently that man is not only a presumibly 3nd degree mason of the Scottish Rite. But also a shriner a jester and i think even a member of sobib according to the jester documentary "freemasonry's animal house"made by a mason up on youtube (seemingly made by a mason. Good doc not sure if that's the full story though with the jesters.)


Thanks it seems at first glance relevent this is a spiritual warefare memetic warfare psychological mind warefare and there is absolutely a larger battle taking place above us with spirits and angels and below or around us with the reflectation of it in the media. How the media loves they absolutley love to mention this russian hacker narrative yet they are unable or unwilling (im thinking unable due to it not existing). DNC "hack" was a leak according to the file transfer speeds during the investigation on it it had to be a leak or some kind of stealing of dnc documents by someone onto a flash drive. Seth rich? Who knows but They love saying its a conspiracy by conspiracists hiding in dark corners of conspiracism and hate. That takes such hate and such masonic angst to trot out this russian shit when by god we know what the artist cult surrounding the dmc is up to this is america taking BACK control from the GLOBALISTS GLOBE PILLARMEN and you know what they have a lot of fucking nerve to say any kind of conspiracy especially when they FALSE FLAG LIKE NEW ZELAND THAT WAS AT LEAST PRE-FILMED IF NOT STAGED USING MUSLIMS TO HAVE NAMELESS FACELESS MORROCCAN DRESSED PEOPLE OUT OF THIN AIR. WANNA TALK ABOUT CORRUPTION STOP PRETENDING NEW ZELAND IS EXACTLY HOW THEY SAY IT IS LIKE FORBES HAVING TO CHANGE THE TITLE OF THEIR ARTICLE FROM "why 8chan needs to shut down" to "why 8chan won't be shut down" .LAZY CRISIS ACTORS POURING POWERADE ON THEIR SHEET CLOTHING.

Anonymous ID: e12ba1 May 4, 2019, 11:21 p.m. No.6418761   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Definatly a 1 eye symbology maybe looking through a sort of rose red blood adrenochrome elite colored glasses. He did have that iphone "red" campaign for africans dying left and right with aids. Funny thing is according to the highwaypatrolman htg threads on 4chan october of 2017 the amount of adrenochrome seized at the canadian border would have to have been from hundreds of thousands of people. Particularly children ~4-10/13 as the human can only begin to excrete adrenochrome at 4 years of age. Apparently they still slaughter infants and supposedly sodomize them immediatly after birth. Not even for their junkie adrenochrome but for ritualism. But anyways knowing it would have taken hundreds of thousands of people to make the amount of adrenochrome they seized at the canadian border going into canada for storage or for distribution through canada to the rest of the world. Matches adc adrenochrome etherium cryptocurrency that lead to some kind of rabbit island in british columbia if i am not mistaken. Basically the hundreds of thousands of poor victims given to adrenochrome must have either have been bred presumibly underground in huge quantities or slaughtered from regions like africa india and china respectively. So you see even mexico all of the poor 3rd world nations and the bono's masonically claiming dominance over these regions via masonically gang symbol charities like the red campaign. EVERY PHONE HAD A U2 ALBUM SENT TO IT AND THIS GUY IS COMPLETLY AS HE SEEMS A PHILANTHROPIST AND NOTHING MORE? I want to think so but this post got me thinking of his overt nature of claiming the struggles of millions of people with starvation and whatnot when for all we know big game hunting types could have concentration camps in india china and africa places like that to farm adrenochrome. Add to that the possibility and sad reality to whatever extent these covens are breeding these children singularly and supposedly the masons are farming children and the locations of these farms apparently are in the midwest according to an infamous whistleblower on /pol/ or /x/ on 4chan ~2013 or~2011 i can't remember. Ther eis supposedly a letterhead from a "watchers" group (reminds me of the "finders") in which that letterhead was supposedly smuggled out of an investigation into these so called "watchers" where the letterhead corresponded to locations in the midwest. Apperently they are somewhere on tor or .onion sites. I can't seem to find it one anon who was sra'd for his whole life seems to think it is in urbana champaign illinois in the corn-fields adjacent to the university of illinois. Saying the alumni and staff lists correspond to masonic rolls and through digging on UI urbana as well as scouring the surrounding corn fields (there is a few runways/airports in the area with corn fields around it its a farm town) Apparently the entrance to this possible underground farm complex is in the midst of a wooded area in the said cornfields (mixture of corn and soybeans) somewhere around the University of Illinois urbana campaign. Interestingly the alumni shows a gene biologist/biological engeneer who rubbed elbows with George W Bush. and hugh hefner amoung other captains of industry. Hugh hefner supposedly had taken the playboy bunny from a bar he frequented while in COLLEGE. Rabbits are synonymous with breeding. fucking like rabbits and breeding like rabbits

Anonymous ID: e12ba1 May 4, 2019, 11:29 p.m. No.6418786   🗄️.is 🔗kun



32nd degree. Apparently a common degree either they stay at master mason, go on to the 32nd degree (interestingly that degree has a black cap as its garb). And is the scottish rite a stepping stone? Maybe with possible nefarious persons on the supreme council (no idea but you would have to assume a bad apple or 2 is in the highest public level of masonry.). I want to say the 32nd degree while seemingly high up is actually either a normal guy or a possible bad apple. Corresponds with the double headed eagle maybe there are 2 paths a traveler can take from the 32nd degree onwards and or upwards (maybe even downwards) to a darker masonic group possibly

<all speculation

Anonymous ID: 52a496 May 6, 2019, 11:18 p.m. No.6435345   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5354


come on Mike! Same thing with ron paul apparently wife of an oes. I wonder if "the men who rape and kill children" that tory smith spoke of was some diabolous masonic group? Has to be some kind of grey hat imo

Anonymous ID: 52a496 May 6, 2019, 11:42 p.m. No.6435441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5506


That picture looks like its from when he ran for governer of indiana. Indiana has the highest concentration of 33rd degree freemasons. It is the home of the jesters hq. It is where the blue house case happened that these sra drawings convey (evansville indiana) >>6107106


so he may of had to do that to be elected. Still very interesting. People like sherry shriner (interesting name) and tory smith (saw invisible things flying around his room) say pence is connected to a sordid indiana arm of the cabal.

Anonymous ID: 52a496 May 7, 2019, 12:09 a.m. No.6435506   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5542 >>7477


also sherry shriner and tory smith have died. Now tory smith made a video titled "mike pence has raped 186 children". How was tory smith privy to that information if it was legitimate? Its hard to imagine atoning for raping 186 children but if Mike pence a seemingly man of god does not rape the 187th child. If he decided enough is enough and somehow linked with trump. Then Mikes "street skills" or "street knowledge" combined with Trump makes an unstoppable force of nature. Also its an example of how even those in complete darkness can bring forth light if they let jesus take control of their lives. and if they abstain from acts of profound evil like ritual satanism and pedophilia child murder. Nobody is perfect and of course its a tragedy if 186 kids died but maybe god did that to allow mike to rise to governer to then join with trump to take down the cabal. That or Mike was chosen by trump to make us aware of this or to fall like some speculate but i don't think mike would post the picture of him and the police man with the q patch on twitter if that was the case. They say that people can not handle the truth i can understand it as a theoretical thing and that is all this is. speculation. The thing with tory smith is its so much of a shocking allegation that people just assume its true quietly and move on. no there is a fucking masonic cult wild in this country and god is paving the path to victory for the real christians in this country.

Anonymous ID: 52a496 May 7, 2019, 12:18 a.m. No.6435542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7477


That being said as far as politics is concerned im sure there is almost this thing where you have to do that. Apparently the jesters blackmail politicians to control them. What happens if one of your controlled politicians lets jesus take control of his life? What happens when the compromised refuse to compromise? You get mike pence.

Anonymous ID: e5b85d May 7, 2019, 9:02 a.m. No.6437424   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7795

DJT and the Bonwit Teller Building


To build Trump Tower, POTUS demo'd the Bonwit Teller building. It caused quite the stir when it happened. More significantly was the controversy surrounding 2 art deco friezes that adorned the building at the time. They seemed gayfagmasonic so I did some searching and found at least one mention of this, but it's in a blog that is also claiming that Donald Trump himself is a trannymason, which I doubt severely. The bigger story is that this was a direct attack on fagmasons by POTUS.


some links:

(attached as webm)

(background on friezes, but claims DJT is a homowomynmason) - also useful in it's own right as analysis of manhatton wrt to masonic meaning in the Manhattan area

archived link above (1 year ago)


>This was also Donald’s first outing as Barron is when he ordered the destruction of the Art Deco pieces on the old Bonwit Teller

>building (which were apparently important enough for the City to want the pieces, but not important enough for the City to front the

>bill). Donald himself said “the merit of these stones was not great enough to justify the effort to save them.” The City (under Ed Koch)

>then decided to frame the situation as one of morality, but lost that bid after Donald had them destroyed anyways under the same

>purview of “protecting innocent civilians from falling stone below”.

>For the record, this is what the Art Deco masonic work looked like: (see pics attached or goto blag lik)

(architects of bonwit teller)


Also of note, during this flap POTUS' alter ego, "John Baron" was exposed.


(xpost from a recent bread for posterity, >>6437387 )

Anonymous ID: c15aa3 May 7, 2019, 9:55 a.m. No.6437795   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The church is very strange. And Pence is not an angel its if its all true its basically unthinkable bu those numbers must be the common for a man at that level god knows what Biden's is over a thousand im sure. We don't know but there was alarming accusations against Pence.


Reminds me of Ayn Rand cover art. Stupid art shit. Good.

Anonymous ID: c5b7c9 May 8, 2019, 1:40 a.m. No.6444229   🗄️.is 🔗kun

From a "fashion show" in London.Event had a Satanic theme and was held in a church.Background design was Masonic Symbol theme.

Anonymous ID: 3ba63d May 8, 2019, 12:50 p.m. No.6447992   🗄️.is 🔗kun
  • The Council of 13

  • The Council of 33

  • Secret Chiefs / Great White Lodge / Great White Brotherhood

  • Order of the Quest

  • Mothers of Darkness

  • Moriah Conquering Wind

  • Supreme World Council

  • The Committee of 300 / The Olympians

  • Old (Venetian) Black Nobility

  • S∴S∴ / Third Order of the Silver Star / the Abyss

  • The Bilderberg Group / Committee of 500

  • A.A. / the Arcana Arcanorum

  • The R∴C∴ / Order of the Rosy Cross

  • Order of Palladium / New and Reformed Palladian Rite

  • Skull & Bones Society / The Order / Brotherhood of Death / Chapter 322

  • A∴A∴ / Arcanum Arcanorum / ‘Argenteum Astrum’ / Astron Argon

  • A.P.R.M.M. / Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm

  • The Round Table / Rhodes-Milner Round Table / The Group

  • Palladian Order of Skull and Bones / Chapter 592

  • The G∴D∴ / Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

  • Fraternitas Saturni / Brotherhood of Saturn

  • Order of the Trapezoid

  • Grand Orient de France

  • The Red Brotherhood

  • Hell Fire Club(s)

  • Frankfurt School

  • The Pilgrims Society

  • Le Cercle / The Circle

  • Supreme Council / Mother Council of the World

  • O.T.O. / Ordo Templi Orientis / Order of Oriental Templars

  • S.M.O.M. / Order of St. John / Sovereign Military Order of Malta

  • The Shrine / Ancient Arabic Order, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine

  • S.R.I.A. / Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia

*Ordo Byzantinus Sancti Sepulchri (OBSS).

  • Scottish Rite Freemasons

  • York Rite Freemasons

  • Order of the Garter

  • The Temple of Set

  • The Bohemian Club

  • Order of The Hammer

  • Order of Nine Angles

  • The Black Brotherhood

  • Scroll and Key Society

  • Illuminates of Thanateros

  • B’nai B’rith / B’nai Ha’Nephilim

  • Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis

  • Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica / Gnostic Catholic Church

  • Royal Institute of International Affairs

  • Council on Foreign Relations

  • Trilateral Commission

  • U.S. Mafia Council

  • The 1001 Club

  • Club of Rome

  • JASON Group

  • Quill & Dagger

  • RAND Corporation

  • Lucis Trust / Lucifer Trust

  • The MITRE Corporation

  • British Royal Society

  • Knights of Columbus

  • Share International

  • Societas Rosicruciana

  • The Bridge to Freedom

  • Phi Beta Kappa Society

  • Tavistock Institute For Human Relations

  • Muslim Brotherhood

  • The Fraternity of The Rose Cross

  • The Vrill

  • Thule Society

  • The Babylonian Brotherhood

  • The Black Order

  • The Brotherhood of Life and Death

  • The Council of 10

  • Order of The Green Dragon

  • Ordo Lapsit Exillis

  • Black Hand

  • Shriners

  • Opus Dei

  • Order of the Garter

  • Order of the Golden Dawn

  • The Most Ancient and Most Noble

  • Order of the Thistle Knight

  • The Most Honourable Order of the Bath Knight/Dame Grand Cross

  • The Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint Order St-Michael St-George

  • The Distinguished Service Order Companion

  • The Royal Victorian Order

  • The Order of Merit Member

  • The Imperial Service Order

  • The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire Knight/Dame Grand Cross

  • The Order of the Companions of Honour

  • Order of Hospitallers

  • Order of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre

  • Alfalfa Club

  • Highlands Forum

  • Prior of Scion

  • Teutonic Knights

  • Order of the Golden Fleece

  • Fabian Society

  • Theosophical Society

Anonymous ID: d93179 May 9, 2019, 3:28 p.m. No.6456962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1512

I am doing the opposite of reaching I could find and fill the entire rest of the thread with all seeying eye pizza symbolism. I know there is hundreds of other ones with the eye this is so much of a problem and so prevalent I don't know how else to expose this. Maybe try and match it more to the Q drops or something.

Anonymous ID: 2a3442 May 12, 2019, 2:28 p.m. No.6481533   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There is strange symbolism I can't decipher. I understand the busy bees but why do they have fezzes with clouds on them? Very strange. Obviously the gloved hands is masonic.

Anonymous ID: 757c26 May 14, 2019, 7:27 a.m. No.6495439   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Fuck, my brain was still thinking in German…


Hand gesture is not a strong sign.

Where is the connection to 'the lodge'?

Looks like you just copied that to your pic…w/o connection.


Imo disinfo.

Would appreaciate you explaining the connection you seem to see.

Anonymous ID: 2b35cf May 15, 2019, 10:57 a.m. No.6505821   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5844 >>5877 >>5896 >>1965

Found a masonic stop-motion artist group called open the portal. They have the all seeing eye as their logo, Use the square and compass as-well. They host short film screenings or marathons of movies/tv in an outdoor place with a large hand sculpture. In one of these screenings there lays an inflatable pizza float thingy for pools. They also most importantly have a long list of working for commercials and media like cartoon network. THEY INPUT THE ALL SEEING EYE INTO MEDIA. THAT IS WHERE ITS COMING FROM GROUPS OF MASONS GETTING TOGETHER TO COLLUDE MASONIC IMAGERY IN ALL MEDIA.


Of course it didnt end (or begin it began with @jamesalefantis and Rachel chandler and blissgod) with the portal nerds. No you see im gonna have to make a long video recording my screen just 4 or 5 minutes of showing how many cultists there are and how blatant it is. I can't screencap every eye every satanic thing. Not even every pizza symbolized thing. I can't even get a grasp on how many people are involved in this network but again and again and again i see masons guiding or these artists coming together under outright square and compass symbolism. or under the lesser symbols of masonry. Technically the all seeing eye is by no means the lesser symbol but as far as comparing it to the square and compass the square and compass seems to be the ultimate masonic verification glyph Then the all seeing eye/pyramid eye and then after that solar symbology sun moon stars like the sign at comet ping pong. (reminiscent of the blacktangerine disturbing paintings that an anon found around november last year)


Just a few that i have out of the 120 or so tabs i have had open in this dig.I am hesitant to post the usernames of any account before i scrape their posts because they have a habit of setting their account to private. Having people comment on their shit getting them to delete the instagram or privatize it. DONT COMMENT ON THEIR POSTS IT DRIVES THEM OFF AND SOME OF THESE PEOPLE MAYBE 1 PERCENT ARE PERIPHERAL OR NOT DIRECTLY INVOLVED. I confronted bliss god on one of his old accounts before pizzagate but i just debated masonry with him he called me a know nothing he is not wrong i am not an initiate but aside from that i have not and you should also not confront them on their instagram.

Anonymous ID: 2b35cf May 15, 2019, 11:08 a.m. No.6505915   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5939 >>6038

Wayne Coyne of the Flaming lips is known as one of these pizza instagram people. A call for an uprising made a video about it. Well he has since then posted more masonic shit which is telling because he is again an adrenochrome masonic blood person.

Anonymous ID: 2b35cf May 15, 2019, 11:19 a.m. No.6505998   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Much like wayne coyne we have another little eye-man who has an abundance of overt blood/rainbow symbolism with silhouettes of women with keyholes on their sternum, KEYHOLE EYE RAINBOW ALL MASONIC. BLOOD DROP PATTERN MASONIC

Anonymous ID: ad956d May 17, 2019, 7:42 p.m. No.6525880   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1965 >>8351


I thought of this and i set up a folder where i can put the webms and pdfs and i can even put a zip of the images in there. Will wait until its full to upload it here but its one option.

Anonymous ID: 70dd33 May 18, 2019, 5:55 p.m. No.6531965   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Wait a fucking second. That is a Square and compass with a p instead of a G. in Miami. Well i already exposed >>6505821

OPENTHEPORTAL a masonic stop motion animation group ON THE WEST COAST LA all the way across the nation which held screenings of the PURPLE CURTAIN SCREENING SOCIETY and they had a PIZZA POOL FLOAT WITH KIDS ON IT WATCHING THE MOVIE. Sold as a community event. Why arent the kids on a lawn chair why a pool float shaped as pizza. IS THE P PIZZA? Why do 2 separate artistic collabs have this specific variation of the classical G square and compass? What the fuck is this shit?BOOM!

Anonymous ID: 3c91e0 May 20, 2019, 2:01 p.m. No.6545075   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5098


here is the tweet from that voat link i think or one from that account. Pic related was some thing that related to coordinates where they found a slaughtered buried teenager apparently.

Anonymous ID: 77b816 May 21, 2019, 10:59 a.m. No.6551327   🗄️.is 🔗kun

coyne: really disappointed. was a fan of flaming lips for years growing up and then that shit. did a dig one time for closure. check out his connection– the flaming lips' stage director (or head roadie i cant recall but think that guy is key there)

Anonymous ID: 1c3da7 May 24, 2019, 8:07 p.m. No.6583552   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sat[ur]n Worship


The worship of Sat[ur]n is what ties the deepstate and the various groups together.


Freemasonry, Pharasaical Judaism, Romanism, Mormonism


They all trace directly to Saturn Worship

Anonymous ID: c11291 May 25, 2019, 4:44 p.m. No.6589247   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Now you see the 7 stars, riding the goat, one eye symbolism, checkerboard pattern. brickwork pattern, 2 pillars symbolism with the sun and the moon, and the t-square symbolism, the skull and bones symbolism. JUST WITHIN THOSE 5 PHOTOS OF THIS POLISH ARTIST. Now we see how masonically potent it is this is also from this woman who has a demented worldview to say the least.

Anonymous ID: c11291 May 25, 2019, 4:48 p.m. No.6589265   🗄️.is 🔗kun


the one eye symbolism picture is not part of but it is related to rachel chandler through vogue italy more proof there is a huge cult within fashion.

Anonymous ID: 8b01de May 29, 2019, 9:49 p.m. No.6624980   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anonymous ID: c131b4 May 30, 2019, 4:37 a.m. No.6626371   🗄️.is 🔗kun

U2or2U magic incarnations

did anons catch this?

out with the old and in with the ne'ew


Anonymous ID: f167a8 June 1, 2019, 9:01 a.m. No.6645335   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I don't know all of the symbolism in this song but what i can reckon is strange to say the least. Giddy up!

>blue lodge porch masons

>scottish rite vallies or consistories.

Anonymous ID: f167a8 June 1, 2019, 9:05 a.m. No.6645377   🗄️.is 🔗kun


In the beginning when the main carecter kicks through the wall that is breaking the 4th wall symbology. Very high level illuminati symbolism i don't even understand it completly its kind of like the twilight language occultists have very in the mist but the veil is peirced and the person takes out their teeth and hands them to some kind of handler. I can be wrong but they attack who they feel is a threat the most and the only way this video makes sense to me is if I see it as a personal attack against my conciousness.Heavy duty one eye mk ultra project monarch programming and with that i am simply unable to decode it but i can sure as hell speculate the masonic implications that are most likely the skeleton of such mk ultra programming.Billy is a boys name. This androgynous woman is berating some unknown individual who thinks he is hiding behind some kind of mask or anonymity. And who because of said obfuscation what are you a tough guy yapping on a keyboard?.A real head scratcher. But they are the bad guy. only good at playing bad. Likes it when we have fits of rage and let negativity get the best of us and screeching and trying to tempt us into not being the best we can be and making us think we are to defile the earth for vanity.

shriner carts in a parade clown bicycles black man with red hat very important symbolism only understood by whoever was intended to see it. If there is an elite. And if it has for 15 years now been at least semi common knowledge that music videos contain and are the masthead along with events like the superbowl halftime show and the met gala to show off symbolism. Well they can do that and also send messages to perhaps someone they know if told about the song will check out. God opened my eyes to this and there is not going to be a new world order. No fucking monarch shit enough is enough they wanna break the veil apparently the illuminati wants this exposed but its a trap to play along as the bad guy. NO. SYMBOLISM WILL BE THEIR DOWNFALL. THEIR DOWNFALL.trying to drag the youth of the nations into the muck and mire of their cult.

Anonymous ID: 8ad287 June 2, 2019, 12:32 a.m. No.6651155   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I got the info in a dream to look into nuclear plants in Ohio, along with the certainty that the Plan can be trusted.

What do we have here ? Masonic gestures ? Gold-fringed flag (admirality law) at a speaking event ? Seems like there is more going on there. As we know, they communicate through symbols. Seemingly "normal" events could be communications of the cabal/DS. They got underground facilities at that nuclear plant. Maybe their flickr is also full of hidden comms. So, make it rain, disturb their communication and plunge them into the chaos they deserve. We don't need them. Well, you don't need them in the US but here in Germany we have the same problem.

Anonymous ID: d900c6 June 2, 2019, 5:43 a.m. No.6651920   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1989 >>3738



HYPOCRYTE ASSHAT. Reason enough to suspect all masons are shills out of obligations if not personal feelings. Your not allowed to have feelings as a mason. They tell you what to feel and your not some kind of sherrif with a cowboy hat because you pretend not to know the mason in your lodge that owns the golf course kills children underground. Your nothing but complicit in child murder not a good old boy a pedophile child murder syndacite asset at the very least. That is why you need to stop it stop being selfish and get out of this cult because at a certain point the kids being murdered matter more than you and your family as a mason. Your not more important than a non mason as a mason. MASONRY IN NO WAY UNDERGIRDS THE UNITED STATES AND THIS WILL BE DEMONSTRATED REGARDLESS OF YOUR FAKE ASS NOBEL MAN SKIRTING OF THE ISSUE

Anonymous ID: d900c6 June 2, 2019, 5:47 a.m. No.6651939   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1989 >>2071 >>3738


Good look guys, this isn't even a bad apple its just a fake fuck harming the communication flow of the nation.


HYPOCRYTE ASSHAT. Reason enough to suspect all masons are shills out of obligations if not personal feelings. Your not allowed to have feelings as a mason. They tell you what to feel and your not some kind of sherrif with a cowboy hat because you pretend not to know the mason in your lodge that owns the golf course kills children underground. Your nothing but complicit in child murder not a good old boy a pedophile child murder syndacite asset at the very least. That is why you need to stop it stop being selfish and get out of this cult because at a certain point the kids being murdered matter more than you and your family as a mason. Your not more important than a non mason as a mason. MASONRY IN NO WAY UNDERGIRDS THE UNITED STATES AND THIS WILL BE DEMONSTRATED REGARDLESS OF YOUR FAKE ASS NOBEL MAN SKIRTING OF THE ISSUE

Anonymous ID: d900c6 June 2, 2019, 6 a.m. No.6651989   🗄️.is 🔗kun



i didn't think the first one went through and don't know how to delete it or if you can on this board sorry for the double post i was using the non javascript captcha and i did not see the page reload.

Anonymous ID: d900c6 June 2, 2019, 6:20 a.m. No.6652071   🗄️.is 🔗kun


When i say "good look guys" I am referring to the fact that this is supposedly one of the neutral masons and he is simply a compromised man and that is all there is to it. These people need to be held accountable for their 3 monkey sort of allowance of this child murder masonic religion to take foot of the world. Its their fault because they can leave but they are selfish. They feed their families off of the dirty money that was made murdering children. That is the best case scenerio. All these supposed do-gooder cop masons are why we think of the police as a mafia not the barny fife man of law.because these npc police officers following lodge directed orders. This is so much of a fucking problem with the fake ass mason judges and lawyers (not all of them my god but you can not say there is no corrupt shriner judges out there) that im sure that is part of why MILITARY TRIBUNALS are being considered. Because collectivley these fake ass mason dirty cops (not the good mason cops the higher ups that shut shit down from being investigated) have failed so hard the military might have to take care of what they let get this way by convening at the lodge of the system by which this corruption is even taking place. I know IKNOW YOUR JUSS A DINDOO POLEECE OFFICA JUSS DOIN YOUR JOB. You can stop holding up this mafia of masonic affiliation and outright terroristic claiming of local regional and international black markets wink adrenochrome wink. So many people are killed by police simply because they are aware somehow that there is a local masonic human butchery going on and fake ass church eastern star people squeezing the life out of kids in the lodge.That's what you can do stiop being a mason. Walk out of the room do that walk on out of the lodge like masons walk out of rooms when a non mason speaks to a group of people and says anything not in the masonic how-life-should-be narrative. is not your job as a cop as anything to also be a mason. Well maybe like bill cooper accidently got into naval intelligence by saying he was demolay checking off masonry. Ok now they better be good masons because if not we are all fucked. But i think the bill cooper navel intelligence Q clearence masons are looking at this and thinking its definatly a protuberance most likely one of the reasons Q is doing a ritualistic catachism. Literallt almost every Q post with

a question?

and another question?

and another question?

is actually a nod that we are in fact here to expose masonry aswell if not cheifly.BECAUSE IN THE RITUALS YOU HAVE CATACHISM IT IS LIKE PIC RELATED EXCEPT THE QUESTIONS HAVE A Q: on each line and the answers have an A on each line.

Anonymous ID: 29c836 June 2, 2019, 8:15 a.m. No.6652639   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2643 >>3738 >>6647 >>5995

Seems like BO/BV is refusing to help bake this bread (no baker, will disappear when at 751.)

Asked a few times in meta, no reply at all, asked for the last time today.


If BO if not offering help to save the info, it happens bc DS is afraid too much of the info and bc this board is run by shills.

If that happens,

let's repost all of the relevant info in a new bread.





ANONS are the news!

Anonymous ID: 6ecab8 June 2, 2019, 10:58 a.m. No.6653738   🗄️.is 🔗kun


First of all thank you for considering this so important i also think so but there is no obligation for bakers to bake any thread outside of the research general breads. As far as I am aware. What would suffice is perhaps during the next thread maybe add the make it rain thread to the specialized research threads in the dough where it lists specialized research thread. There is no bakers for non research general threads as specialized research is not something to pick out notables. Also as someone who posted a fuck of a lot in this thread I don't even know how you would bake it when there are like 12 posts for each thing perhaps considered notable. Aside from that simply making notable topics is hard for such a large cavernous subject and the research theirin. They are not ignoring the thread its just not practice (to my understanding) to bake specialized research threads only research general breads which are the numbered threads that take up the majority of the catalog. They are in charge of numbering and baking pastebin'ing the dough etc those threads. A multi-month endevour into a subject as important as this is also almost impossible to bake at least from my pov as one of the anons trying to paint the picture here.



And while i defiantly considered going deeper with the truth guardian meme looking back while I belive its a richeous thing to expose the shill. At the same time he is a perfect microcosm perhaps of the masonic inner battle these people suffer from. He is not an antisemite. Its almost worse he is spreading antisemitism as a way to distract from the luciferian cult that has held him hostage. i don't know what he normally sounds like but that periscope podcast was while a genuinly tolerable banter regardless of subject James sounds either exhausted or outright depressed and i don't want him to see this video and basically consider hurting himself or something. The man spray'd shillposts to the point he is one of the reasons we have to have a captcha and even (i suspect) personally is told to or is trying to thwart anything i bring to the table in the breads. Along with others. He is taking out being a slave on us the free normal people. GET MAD AT YOUR HANDLERS. THEY ARE THE PROBLEM YOU ARE THE PROBLEM FOR DOING AS YOUR TOLD IN A LAUGHABLE CUCKSERVITIVE NEOCON DELUSIONAL WORLDVIEW. I don't want to make more memes of him without saying that. I might tinker around with the legoman guard meme (not planning on it right now) but in reality i felt that ultimatly he is not even allowed to be himself in his own fucking life i bet. Something is seriously wrong with this situation get this fucking aspie a playstation and let him take some time off and not have to do this pathetic shit. seriously its almost overkill to even talk about it more its sad dude BE YOURSELF DONT COME HERE JAMES THINKING THAT WE THE PROFANE DON't SEE HOW INORGANIC INORGANIC INORGANIC INHUMANE YOU ARE NOT A HUMAN YOU ARE A NPC YOU ARE NOT THE HUMAN YOU ROBOT FUCK. ARE YOU A HUMAN? NO YOUR A MASONIC MONSTER AFRAID OF THE CULT HE IS IN. STOP TALKING ABOUT THE FUCKING KIKES.



Anonymous ID: e16281 June 2, 2019, 6:05 p.m. No.6656647   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You can try to ask the baker in general to include this post in Other Dedicated Research Threads. I don't know if bakers are willing to do that, but the question can be posted, and maybe anons agree its worth putting there.

Anonymous ID: 62a6b7 June 4, 2019, 8:50 a.m. No.6669631   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I look at this picture and it has nothing to do with the men themselves but the costumes alone. It to me suggests that there is a monopolization of the pillars of the community through these secret orders. Like william cooper once said "do you think people take blood oaths and walk around in rituals in windowless buildings in robes and not mean it?" One guy in a cape is one thing. 12 men in costumes is ether larping or a problem or something that acts as a secret hierarchy. Now its a free country opporutunites are everywhere and its man's duty to sustain himself and care for his family. but the possibility of such a secret world so to speak is very puzzling when taking in information and forming a worldview.

Anonymous ID: 08e512 June 12, 2019, 11:59 a.m. No.6735182   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6732913 (pb)


An Open Secret



Anonymous ID: 38dae3 June 16, 2019, 9:46 p.m. No.6769045   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9104 >>2374 >>2429



found a witch in this what i am seeing is a swedish chapter of the cult. Sweeden is supposed to be the most progressive nation why are they doing this repressive disturbing occult art with the all seeing eye? this woman incorporates children aswell. I don't read the language but there is a lot of back and forth with sweeden and american cultist because americans like and . By the way is a toy/art/figurine boutique that sells jeff koons miniatures as one of its most expensive items.

Anonymous ID: 38dae3 June 16, 2019, 9:53 p.m. No.6769104   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9111


> don't read the language but there is a lot of back and forth with sweeden and american cultist because americans like @stage_blood @eye_shut_island and @cucorucho .

they either commented or liked @piasimensen's posts. 3 of many suspicious english language accounts that one of them is called @trumpmagazine which is essentially a curation of hateable anti-trump propaganda like the baby blimp and shit like that. Why on earth would anti-trumpers like a sweedish illustrator who poses with her hands over her face alongside what i hope are her children?

Anonymous ID: 38dae3 June 16, 2019, 10:04 p.m. No.6769164   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9180


There is nothing outright masonic with these but its what i am using to find the things in the sweedish cult that i have posted that is masonic. They like pictures like this supposedly "stage blood" for "set design". Now maybe the rachel chandler connection is easier seen seeing the dowsing of blood is a trademark ritual of sorts with the models and such.

Anonymous ID: 38dae3 June 16, 2019, 10:20 p.m. No.6769255   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ok these i just found so there is something wrong with sweden i remember in the 4chan highwaypatrolman threads about the adrenochrome bust at the border of canada. They said the driver was either coming down on heroin or adrenochrome and had a tattoo of a european either cult or death metal band. Also something about lvm or lvn in the notepad of the driver or something. That kind of seems swedish in retrospect or part of that part of europe.

Anonymous ID: d93179 June 17, 2019, 10:42 a.m. No.6772374   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Wait a second, why are they all covering their face like that? Is this why the celebs cover one eye as a nod to some kind of traumatic mind control system in place? Then you think about the parkland shooting and the #marchforourlives #evileyeglove which is an eye on the hand. So traumatic mind control is why they chose the evil eye glove to psyop for gun control because its a thing im sure you do when traumatized and as such this is why they do it with gun control.they don't want to cover their eyes and be afraid anymore.

Anonymous ID: d93179 June 17, 2019, 10:50 a.m. No.6772429   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Had the secret abuse picture. I looked at who liked the words secret abuse written in blood on a wall and sure enough some all seeing eye graffiti conglomerate loves secret abuse. They are probably spraying peoples faces with black spraypaint inflicting secret abuse on the populace.

Anonymous ID: aa1663 June 23, 2019, 7:59 p.m. No.6827536   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pizza digs.

All lb.


>>6825670, >>6825730, >>6825758, >>6825838, >>6825848, >>6825836 Walter Pearce modeling / Creepy Instagram imagery dig.


>>6826029 Walter Pearce continued.

Anonymous ID: a9d123 June 24, 2019, 12:46 a.m. No.6829043   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>And John Drew and young Barrymore really act the best they know.

I noticed in this ritual for the royal order of jesters(written in the 1920's) may be the reason drew barrymore was named drew. After john drew which is before the mention of the old Barrymore actor.

>And John Drew and young Barrymore really act the best they know.

Masons have to memorize the rituals if i am not mistaken. And drew barrymore may have been an mk ultra.

Anonymous ID: a9d123 June 24, 2019, 12:50 a.m. No.6829055   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Albert Pike also stresses the fundamental importance of the Kaballa to Freemasonry:


"All truly dogmatic religions have issued from the Kaballah and return to it; everything scientific and grand in the religious dreams of all the Illuminati, Jacob Boeheme, Swedenborg, Saint Martin, and others, is borrowed from the Kabalah; all Masonic associations owe to it their Secrets and their Symbols." (Albert Pike, "Morals and Dogma," page 744)

Anonymous ID: 56a081 June 24, 2019, 2:35 p.m. No.6833126   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I remember this picture from /x/ a long time ago. Not as masonic as i remembered but still clearly the rays of the sun and pillars and even some kind of square and compass on the furniture. They where saying like drew barrymore lindsey lohan in fact was sort of run through this secret masonic system in place in hollywood.

Anonymous ID: f690ff June 25, 2019, 8:29 a.m. No.6838413   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8506

Google is meeting in masonic temples to outline censorship. This laughable shit is going to be the final nail in the coffin for google. Ther'e done. They need to be dismantled and seeing how these masons deplatform people. Google needs to be deplatformed. if you take out google probably yahoo can incoorperate the web crawlers. Youtube is already its own seperate entity. is better than duck duck go but still not as good as google. We have to make noise about this because it is literally their weak spot. Get these sellouts to explain why they are going to masonic temples to enforce their unknown line in the sand. Make them answer for it. By the time they come up with some dissmissive comment you will have caused so much outrage. There needs to be outrage or they will just bury us in smiling faggots vlogging. It doesn't matter if they prop up joe biden highlight the masonic angle zoom in on him squeezing a child.. It doesnt matter they are masons game over. That is what the G is. Fuck these people. Fuck these people.

Anonymous ID: f690ff June 25, 2019, 8:47 a.m. No.6838506   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They pretend that they are like wolfram alpha a non-political entity. Yet they are literally taking their employees on a field trip to the lodge to intimidate them. That guy was not struggling to say "M-may the meeting was in may". He was hesitating on saying masonic temple like everyone on the planet does instinctively out of fear.

Anonymous ID: 06a06f June 25, 2019, 3:43 p.m. No.6841366   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The number three plays a central role in modern freemasonry - in handshakes, greetings and symbols. We also see the number three in the magic numbers 12 and 13. Osiris had twelve helpers (12 + 1). Israel consisted of twelve tribes. Twelve star signs make up the zodiac. The EU symbol is a fairy ring composed of twelve stars. The figure 13 symbolizes the passage of the moon through the zodiac. Lunar magic is crucial to freemasonry. The Bilderberg group has an executive committee of 39 members (13 x 3). The numbers 5 and 7 are also important within freemasonry. Naturally, the number 33 plays an important role within freemasonry. By the way, the code number of the masonic leader Francis Bacon was 33. The symbol of the grand master is the sun, which symbolizes wisdom. Thus the grand master always sits to the east of the lodge assembly. The most ancient symbol of sun-worship is the triangle set on top of a rectangle. This represents form and space. Three dimensionally this becomes a pyramid on top of a column, that is an obelisk. The rectangle represents the freemasons' truth and justice. The eagle originates from the symbols of the Rothschild family.

The eagle was originally a representation of the Phoenix, which according to the legend lives for 500 years, whereupon it burns itself to ashes in order to finally resurrect itself from the ashes and live another 500 years. The two heads of the eagle symbolize good and evil, which counterbalance each other. In American freemasonry the Phoenix had 13 feathers on each wing until 1841. The symbol of the eagle was originally taken from the Roman Empire. The double-headed eagle symbolizes Baphomet as an anagram.

Upon reading Baphomet backwards, the result is: tem-oph-ab, which can be interpreted as tern = duplex (double), oph = avis (bird), ab = 113 generatio (progeny), that is the progeny of the double bird (Margiotta, "Le culte de la nature dans la franc-maeonnerie Universelle" / "The Cult of Nature in World Freemasonry", Grenoble, 1897, p. 215). But it can also mean Templi omnium hominum pads abbas (father of the temple of peace of all men).

The symbol of the Khazar Jews was the red shield. This was the reason why the banker Mayer Amschel assumed the name of Rothschild. This symbol also began to play a secret part in the activities of the high-ranking freemasons. The banker Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777-1836) became a member of the Emulation Lodge No. 12 in London on 24 October 1802. Today there are also Rothschild lodges.

At meetings, the leading freemasons sing hymns to Satan. Only the highest degrees use the cross of Baphomet. Aleister Crowley, who practised black magic, used the cross of Baphomet in his signature. Baphomet was an evil spirit, a monstrous entity that the medieval Knights Templar worshipped and that is associated with Lucifer. Several defectors have revealed that the masonic leaders worship Baphomet. Albert Pike called Baphomet "the primary element of the great work (Freemasonry)". Two magical messages are written on the monster's arms. Solve on the right arm and Coagula on the left. This means, "let dissolve and coagulate". These are the two main principles of alchemy. According to an esoteric interpretation, freemasonry seeks to dissolve or destroy everything positive in our society and keeps everything negative in order to subjugate humanity. The intention is to prevent the spiritual development of mankind. Another explanation is that the freemasons wish to dissolve the current order and allow the New World Order to magically solidify.

The Swedish esoteric philosopher Henry T. Laurency gave an excellent description of the nature of the freemasons in his book "De vises sten" / "The Philosophers' Stone" (Skovde, 1995, p. 319): "They seek… to prevent development in all ways possible. They see their real enemies in everyone that strives towards higher aims, who serve the cause of development. According to circumstances, they work to preserve dogma or disorienting ideas, revolutions and wars. Everywhere they strive to bring about chaos."

Laurency called all members of secret societies controlled by the black lodge "wolves in sheep's clothing".

Juri Lina, Architects of Deception pp113-115

Anonymous ID: 00bde8 June 29, 2019, 10:49 a.m. No.6874485   🗄️.is 🔗kun

There is symbolism everywhere. I just happen to run into it again and again in this pizzagate cult on instagram. And its a lot different from seeing a fidelity banking commercial because we see how it branches out into a literal conglomeration of cult/covens under the loose umbrella of masonic symbology and maybe even masonic affiliation. I consider it sub-masonic. Meaning people are to enrich these masonic brands. These people want to get rid of anonymity but slushcult is anonymously operated as an adrenochrome slush fund. These people worship adrenochrome.

Anonymous ID: fd1243 June 29, 2019, 1:25 p.m. No.6875276   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"You must conceal all the crimes of your brother Masons, except murder and treason, and these only at your own option, and should you be summoned as a witness against a brother Mason be always sure to shield him. Prevaricate [falsify], don't tell the whole truth in his case, keep his secrets, forget the most important points. It may be perjury to do this, it is true, but you're keeping your obligations, and remember if you live up to your obligation strictly, you'll be free from sin." (Edmond Ronayne, "Masonic Handbook," page 183)


"Right or wrong his very existence as a Mason hangs upon obedience to the powers immediately set above him. The one unpardonable crime in a Mason is contumacy [insubordination] or disobedience." (Robert Morris, "Webb's Monitor of Freemasonry," page 169)


"Pike the old Confederate general, was a wily strategist who knew that if he could leave behind a secret terrorist society in the south to fight against freedom for black people as a rear guard action, the south's defeat might not be in vain." ("Masonry," page 192)


Two books from the turn of the twentieth century document Pike's direct involvement in founding the Klan: "Ku Klux Klan: Its' Origin, Growth and Disbandment" (1905) by J. C. Lester and D. L. Wilson; and "Authentic History: Ku Klux Klan 1865-1877" (1924) by Susan Lawrence Davis." ("Scarlet and the Beast," Vol. 3, page 76)


"Part of the symbols are displayed there to the initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them." (Albert Pike, "Morals and Dogma," page 819)


"There must always be a commonplace interpretation for the mass of initiates, of the symbols that are eloquent to the Adepts." (Albert Pike, "Morals and Dogma," page 819) [The "Adept" are Thirty-Third Degree and above.]

Anonymous ID: d897af July 1, 2019, 3:58 a.m. No.6887755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7784


>Rosicrucians created the ebola hysteria.

>ebolachan holds a skull like christian rozenkrutez points to

>ebolachan shrines

>namefag calling themselves the "high priest" in ebolachan threads on 4chan /pol/ ~2014. encouraged anons to construct occult shrines and shed blood for ebolachan.

>cult shills posing as anons encouraged this around the puzzled profane that had to go along with it.

>god knows hat they where really doing at these ebolachan shrines considering blood splatter decoratives.


is the rose the death blossem then? I don't see how it can't be. Plague masked cultists lying to us for years. These people have lied to us about hitler all of it for their cult. I suspect the same group was behind nucularwinterchan and they probibly are the opiod connection seeing they would anthropomorphize fentynal if it serves their wop rose cult's purpose.

Anonymous ID: d897af July 1, 2019, 4:10 a.m. No.6887784   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7905


>god knows hat they where really doing at these ebolachan shrines

*what not hat.

blood drop symbology. One eye symbology. Red cross symbology. Skull symbology. reminds me of epstein's temple is that a Rosicrucian enclave?

Anonymous ID: d897af July 1, 2019, 4:20 a.m. No.6887810   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I was initially skeptical of owen. Not a huge fan even and I think we did go to the moon. But i had only heard traces of what he described via bill cooper explaining the rose in an episode about false flags. I never knew about the rose petal symbolism and i think he articulated it well especially considering how irritating he can be.

Anonymous ID: d897af July 1, 2019, 4:52 a.m. No.6887905   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0402


Furthermore. With a little more digging i see an infographic i remember from the time. Someone knew about this but was being vague. The infographic shows that the winged disk symbolism is present but it never elucidates who it is supposed to represent outside of broad generalizations like sumerian and egyptian culture. It is in fact the logo of the amorc. One of the rosicrucian orders.

Anonymous ID: 137b07 July 2, 2019, 10:15 p.m. No.6903418   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3497

seems rosicrucian. I had always assumed the rosicrucians where innocuous people cobbling together something of a magical order with groups like the golden dawn. Clearly something more sinister is going on behind the masonic veil.

Anonymous ID: 137b07 July 2, 2019, 10:41 p.m. No.6903497   🗄️.is 🔗kun


seeing a lot of rachel chandler symbology if you catch my drift. Interesting this clearly elite woman has the initials RC. Pic related is tangential like the swedish cult but seeing a lot of rose symbolism. Or i am noticing it a lot. Not every rose is rosicrucian but certainly it could be if combined with the cross and the heart and the all seeing eye etc. There is 888 different ways they can do it.

Anonymous ID: 20845c July 10, 2019, 3:05 a.m. No.6979237   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9742 >>3654

Found this by accident last n8. Guess this thread is right to post it for anons to doublecheck if that is based.


Tump a Mason. Could it be? Masonwar going on?


More Gold then ever mined? (Caren Hudes)

Templar Gold?


Ok, have a look:

Anonymous ID: 47e93e July 10, 2019, 5:38 a.m. No.6979742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3654



>Trump and Q a masonic coup


Though it is most likely to be an attempt to sow division, the possibility can not completely be ruled out.


We shall know them by their fruits.

Anonymous ID: a6a059 July 10, 2019, 11:59 a.m. No.6983654   🗄️.is 🔗kun



POTUS and Q are clearly fighting masonry and the chevalric illuminati orders.

That does not mean however, that the good guys would not be trained in symbolism and spirituality.

You have to understand what you fight, see Qs latest posts on the satanic meaning of July 19th.

Anonymous ID: a1cd86 July 10, 2019, 7:12 p.m. No.6989084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9458

Washington himself write about the fact that masonry was being infiltrated.

Helena P Blavatsky later wrote this. "Civilised humanity, however carefully guarded by its invisible watchers is terribly under the sway of the traditional opposition of the watchers, the brothers of the shadow. All efforts not withstanding, terrible secrets are often revealed to entirely unworthy persons… The brother of shadow is impeded in his fiendish work by the joint efforts of the HUMAN STONES OF THE GUARDIAN WALL"


Anonymous ID: a1cd86 July 10, 2019, 8:10 p.m. No.6989738   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anonymous ID: 047eaa July 14, 2019, 1:27 p.m. No.7040402   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0451


The wing design is also part of the imagery of memphis and mitzream a supposed high order sometimes called clandestine depending on the credentials or whatnot. You see a lot of overlap of these over 33 degree orders and things like the oto and other orders like order of the vampyre things that seem made up.

Anonymous ID: 047eaa July 14, 2019, 1:30 p.m. No.7040451   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This brings me back to epstein. The temple clearly is egyptian so could he be affiliated with either the rite of memphis and misraim or the rosicrucians?maybe both?

Anonymous ID: 9c398a July 21, 2019, 3:05 a.m. No.7119160   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1906

Clown BO that got slapped hard by Q for all his fuckery is refusing to help anons archive this bread.


BO is pushing muh jew and trying to deflect from masonry, let's show him hos mason shilling has no effect.

Anonymous ID: 0238b6 July 21, 2019, 11:20 a.m. No.7121906   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2046 >>4647


I don't think BO was against that. I personally can archive it right now.

to archive any url simply put* before the url you want to archive(minus the asterisk the asterisk is the url you want to archive). For example to archive this thread in waybackmachine open this url:


you can also use

^^^^^^^^^^^^^ is this thread saved in You can archive specific images with the image url. It is also our duty to archive offline so BO aside we have to archive on our own. I appreciate people asking for the thread to be archived which im sure it will be because you can probably still access the rachel chandler thread if not i archived that with so its not lost.

Anonymous ID: c8282f July 21, 2019, 11:27 a.m. No.7121969   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2112

Look closely

What symbol is on the door?

What symbols on the right? Oroboros.

Look at most photos and eventually you will be able to spot their symbolism easily.

Anonymous ID: c3f9bd July 25, 2019, 11:10 a.m. No.7184748   🗄️.is 🔗kun


the second pic is probably nothing looking back.but this account

this is what im talking about. Odd fashon person tangential to rachel chandler using all seeying left eye motif with the username I remember an account named "we.shoot.ppl" reminiscent of seth rich slaying.


first pic of bag head look at the comments. enjoys the picture of the model with a grocery store bag over her head. Reminds me of the "secret abuse" blood picture that the graffiti artist group with the all seeying eye liked.

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 26, 2019, 9:49 p.m. No.7210907   🗄️.is 🔗kun

stupid retarded faggots asking stupid questions on the main thread

fucks wrong with you idios

stop being newfags and level up

Anonymous ID: 53bafd July 27, 2019, 9:17 a.m. No.7214647   🗄️.is 🔗kun


archiving offline means saving the thread as a pdf (ctrl+p) or an html page (ctrl+s) plus saving the images at least the ones you deem important enough to save. There is a program you can use to do this. for windows maybe find downthemall for firefox(i think it only works on palemoon since firefox updated to quantom). I don't know how to do it on windows now someone else probably does. On linux all you have to do is download gallery-dl. pip install gallery-dl –no-warn-script-location –user . Then download the files from the thread by entering the following in the terminal: gallery-dl -r 50k. I will compress all those files into a zip file and upload it to this page

Anonymous ID: a69155 July 27, 2019, 3:58 p.m. No.7220431   🗄️.is 🔗kun


By adding a further explanation to the practical lessons of Craft Freemasonry, the Royal Arch is seen as an extension of the preceding degrees and the philosophical lessons conveyed are appropriate to that stage in a candidate's Masonic development. The symbol or Grand Emblem of Royal Arch Masonry is the Triple Tau.


Tau was derived from the Phoenician letter taw Phoenician taw.svg (𐤕). Letters that arose from tau include Roman T and Cyrillic Te (Т, т).




Q Christ?







Keystone Arch

Holy Royal Arch

Nature King Arch

Top Center Heirarchy


Keystone is Kingstone


All symbolism translation

Notice X/T/✝️ in control triangle/circle

MAXIMUM ID: a69155 King of Symbolism July 27, 2019, 4:29 p.m. No.7220867   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jahbulon (Jabberwocky) is a word, or a confection of three syllables, that was used in the past in some rituals of certain parts of Masonry. It is also said to be used in Ordo Templi Orientis rituals.



Bul = Baal

On = O control Circle with "N" nasal modifier


Diablo [ˈdjaβlo] is a Spanish word meaning"Devil".








phonetic wizardry

you can join their guild now! lol


The origin and meaning of this word are not completely known. Different groups think the word means different things. Even Masonic researchers do not all agree to what the word means or where it came from. One Masonic scholar says that the word was first used in an early 18th century RoyalArch{Keystone}ritual. He said it was the name of an explorer looking for King Solomon's Temple{searching for KingChrist}.


Another Masonic scholar thinks it is a name for God in Hebrew{Semiotics}. The most used Masonic explanation is that it is a word that comes from putting together parts of the name of God in different historic languages.{tri/gramma/ton}


tri = 3

tetra = 4

gramma = word

ton = thing


Writers who are not Masons, especially those against Masonry, have said that it is a Masonic name for God. Some say it is the name of a unique "Masonic God"{created false idol}


Notice the Diablo font had phonecian symbol for O, that X can be +




MAXIMUM uppercut Jabberwocky!!



MAXIMUM ID: a69155 King of Omens July 27, 2019, 5:12 p.m. No.7221418   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Relevant images attached


More Symbolism downfall:


Bringing LIGHT2Dark requires us to destroy all the Symbolism Wizardry, you just witnessed Diablo origin and Jabberwocky illusion dispelled. They created a boogie man to blame their nefarious activities to dodge obvious persecution.


Curing the blind one, MIND at a time.

A Christ ID Flag is the one with the Sword of Omens, who can see thru all baalshit.


>Symbolism TurboUpload completed…


Teamwork AnonPEPE Plague!



AnonPEPE Plague level up LaserVision(69)

AnonPEPE Plague level up antiWizardry(45)

MAXIMUM level up Friendship(MAX)

MAXIMUM ID: a69155 King of eXile July 27, 2019, 6:13 p.m. No.7222491   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Baal challenges Mot #MAX Symbolic IDsplit


Mot enters thru window & swallows Baal sending him 2 Underworld

there is drought in Baal absence


Anat goes 2 Underworld attacks Mot w knife🆔

grinds🆔 him 2 pieces🆔

& scatters🆔 him far&wide


Swallowed whole is Nature allegory for food chain mortal vs immortal


Dragon is personification of a impossible natural opponent. An immortal man is a Dragon{born} relative to even a hundred mortals{NEOvsSmiths/CaerbannogVSarthurKnights/LeelooVSMangalores}. No matter the odds{underdog}, the immortal{ManOfSteel} will persevere.


Scattered with Knife, is False idol ID splitting, even the cross + looks like a compass. Only way to kill an immortal is to make sure he doesn't know it{{Orion Scorpion}He-man/RA-man/She-RA}.


Now you know why Smaug the Impenetrable "talks" in LOTR, it's King Christ alive and well, in eXile under a mountain of fantasy disbelief.


Sample from LIGHT2dark source thread:


MAXIMUM equips SwordOfOmens

MAXIMUM disappears Invisible

King Under the Mountain, Lord Smaug

Smaug the Golden{PrimeDNA}

Smaug the Impenetrable{immortal}

Smaug the Terrible{awesome}

The Dragon Dread{trueKing}



Presumably (though not certainly) bred in Angband with the other fire-drakes in the late First Age{ancient}

DEATH November 1, TA 2941{future}

REALMS Lonely Mountain{eXile}


Ring-bearer{PrimeDNA}{control Ouroborous instead of phallic Mastersword}{bQrn this way}

Burglar{hidden eXile shadow NotTall}

The Fly who Stings the Spider{immortal}

Mithril = immortal


Golem is a plain sight Atomaton/Wood/Clay/Flesh{stone}for holding the Ring{sword/phallus}in eXile, it grants immortality


Once you wear the ring and claim King, no one believes you and you're invisible and see the dark world around you obfuscation your identity and mocking your life.


Lord of the Rings 𐤈

NEO Ring to Rule them All

ONE Phallus Source DNA antiDarwin

Ancient Genetic Savior{maleLeeloo}


MAXIMUM unequip PhallusOfKing

MAXIMUM appears inWTF8ch!?

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:11 p.m. No.7224993   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7003060 BO Clears the house, TYBO


>>7003323 DJT Tweet 1 min delta

>>7002937 Anon dropped a F.B.I. report to Senator Edward Kennedy regarding Operation Eagle (pb)

>>7002971 T: USSS "Wheels Up"

>>7002878 4chan dig on Rosie picture

>>7002892 Planefag reports

>>7002862 Epstein had his own lodge at kids camp

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:11 p.m. No.7224999   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7002780 CDAN Epstein Connection Map

>>7002816 anon finds wikileaks clinton emails regarding silsby haiti arrest containing "wheels up"

>>7002832 Where Are Jeffrey Epstein’s Alleged Accomplices Now?

>>7002857 Dershowitz Admits He Got Massage At Epstein's Place But It Was From An 'Old, Old Russian Woman' And 'I Kept My Underwear On'

>>7002869 China Broker Says $35 Million of Investment Products May Default

>>7002878 4chan dig on Rosie picture

>>7002882 Biden Lays Out Globalist Vision to Counter Trump’s America First Agenda: ‘I Respect No Borders’

>>7002892 pf report-blackhawk moving towards SD

>>7002930 France Refuses any Negotiation on BREXIT & Demands to Punish Britain

>>7002937 Operation Eagle Bundaroo-Edward Kennedy and 'gang of 5'

>>7002940, >>7003009, >>7003376 anon digs on epstein 727

>>7003323 POTUS tweet 1 MIN DELTA

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:11 p.m. No.7225004   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7002742 ——- #8960

>>7002780 CDAN Epstein Connection Map

>>7002816 anon finds wikileaks clinton emails regarding silsby haiti arrest containing "wheels up"

>>7002832 Where Are Jeffrey Epstein’s Alleged Accomplices Now?

>>7002857 Dershowitz Admits He Got Massage At Epstein's Place But It Was From An 'Old, Old Russian Woman' And 'I Kept My Underwear On'

>>7002869 China Broker Says $35 Million of Investment Products May Default

>>7002878 4chan dig on Rosie picture

>>7002882 Biden Lays Out Globalist Vision to Counter Trump’s America First Agenda: ‘I Respect No Borders’

>>7002892 pf report-blackhawk moving towards SD

>>7002930 France Refuses any Negotiation on BREXIT & Demands to Punish Britain

>>7002937 Operation Eagle Bundaroo-Edward Kennedy and 'gang of 5'

>>7002940, >>7003009, >>7003376 anon digs on epstein 727

>>7003323 POTUS tweet 1 MIN DELTA

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:12 p.m. No.7225008   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7003654, >>7003646 New DJT - Do you believe this kind of bravery? Amazing drug seizure - sub you say? more comms to anons?

>>7003882 Paul Sperry - Barr will also seek to declassify an Obama-era "interagency memo"

>>6996671 Acosta cutting off funding for combating (mirror: committing?) sex trafficking

>>7004206 #8961

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:12 p.m. No.7225009   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7004301 D'oh

>>7004304, >>7004333 New POTUS Tweet repsonding to "save the littles" and account profile of retweet account

>>7004366 Vanity Fair article from 2003 about Epstein

>>7004490 Bronfman-Rothschild and NXIVM Child Trafficking

>>7004668, >>7004794 Epstein Plane Registered Companies DIG

>>7004741 Did Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Work For Mossad?

>>7004975 R Kelly arrested on Federal Sex Crime

new Q

New Q

>>7004514 ————————————–——– R Kelly arrested on Federal Sex Crime ( Cap: >>7004625 )

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:12 p.m. No.7225014   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7003469 ———— #8961

New Q: >>7004029 New Q: How does LDR (Rothschild's) connect to the Bronfman's?

>>7003542 US Coast Guard Tweet

>>7003566 Josh Estes/Gloria Estevez dig continued

>>7003723 Giuliani breaks down Trump's 2020 rivals, reacts to Epstein Arrest

>>7003870 Federal appeals court allows abortion-referral restriction to proceed

>>7003915 Logistics of Mueller Appearance trigger House Dems

>>7003945 9th Circuit Court sides with Trump administration on banning Title X funds for abortion

>>7004060 >>7004207 >>7004293 Epstein Island Temple Decor digs

>>7004208 Bronfman Rothschild Connections dig

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:12 p.m. No.7225017   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7004304 New DJT - Thank You - save the Littles

>>7004333, >>7004347 Profile of account Trump just retweeted

>>7004541 Save the Littles is a Qanon follower

>>7004366 Vanity Fair article from 2003 about Epstein

>>7004490 Bronfman-Rothschild and NXIVM Child Trafficking

>>7004947 New DJT tweet: Interesting!

>>7004741 Did Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Work For Mossad?

>>7004975 R Kelly arrested on Federal Sex Crime

>>7004668, >>7004794 Epstein Plane Registered Companies DIG

>>7004985 #8962

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:12 p.m. No.7225020   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#8963- >>7005072

>>7005120 Air Force plane from Oklahoma makes emergency landing at Lincoln Airport

>>7005114 pb notables bun by anon

>>7005108 2 DJT rt of Trump War Room

>>7005110 ZERO DELTA DJT and Q

>>7005203, >>7005361, >>7005370, >>7005488, >>7005520, >>7005540, >>7005581 Rothschild connection to CEMEX is clear. Bronfman E.L. Rothschild L.P., a wealth management firm

>>7005263 Dunford: U.S. Will Provide Intel, Not Escorts, In Strait Of Hormuz

>>7005307 Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom are among a group of investors that have acquired Bragg Live Food Products (Rethink using that stuff now)

>>7005401 POTUS Retweet

>>7005183 BO needs to listen to anons(this is the same shit that was pulled by the last BO-when they were 'unhappy with the crowd baking-note ghost baker addition)

>>7005536 Father falsely accused of 'satanic' abuse speaks of ordeal

>>7005466 save the Littles Video

>>7005597 Anons call to dig-Joby Harte

>>7005665 Watch Ca- R Chandler photographed at NY Standard

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:12 p.m. No.7225023   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7005114 pb notables bun by anon

>>7005108 2 DJT rt of Trump War Room

>>7005110 ZERO DELTA DJT and Q

>>7005466 save the Littles Video

>>7005540 Connected post for easier read, Allsion Mack arrested 4/20/18, Schneiderman Resigns 5/8/18. cemex, pigeon, bronfman dig

>>7005203, >>7005361, >>7005370 Rothschild connection to CEMEX is clear. Bronfman E.L. Rothschild L.P., a wealth management firm

>>7005120 Air Force plane from Oklahoma makes emergency landing at Lincoln Airport

>>7005263 Dunford: U.S. Will Provide Intel, Not Escorts, In Strait Of Hormuz

>>7005307 Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom are among a group of investors that have acquired Bragg Live Food Products (Rethink using that stuff now)

>>7005401 POTUS Retweet

>>7005183 BO needs to listen to anons(this is the same shit that was pulled by the last BO-when they were 'unhappy with the crowd baking-note ghost baker addition)

>>7005520 More diggz on owners of Epstein's 727

>>7005532, >>7005579 OWL and Dark Religion digs


>>7005696 Got this from an employee. City of West Sacramento. CEMEX

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:13 p.m. No.7225030   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7005114 pb notables bun by anon

>>7005108 2 DJT rt of Trump War Room

>>7005110 ZERO DELTA DJT and Q

>>7005466 save the Littles Video

>>7005540 Connected post for easier read, Allsion Mack arrested 4/20/18, Schneiderman Resigns 5/8/18. cemex, pigeon, bronfman dig

>>7005203, >>7005361, >>7005370 Rothschild connection to CEMEX is clear. Bronfman E.L. Rothschild L.P., a wealth management firm

>>7005120 Air Force plane from Oklahoma makes emergency landing at Lincoln Airport

>>7005263 Dunford: U.S. Will Provide Intel, Not Escorts, In Strait Of Hormuz

>>7005307 Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom are among a group of investors that have acquired Bragg Live Food Products (Rethink using that stuff now)

>>7005401 POTUS Retweet

>>7005183 BO needs to listen to anons(this is the same shit that was pulled by the last BO-when they were 'unhappy with the crowd baking-note ghost baker addition)

>>7005520 More diggz on owners of Epstein's 727

>>7005532, >>7005579 OWL and Dark Religion digs


>>7005696 Got this from an employee. City of West Sacramento. CEM

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:13 p.m. No.7225034   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#8964- >>7006455 updated pastebin

>>7005895, >>7006048 UK Gov to blocked the video POTUS retweeted

>>7006042 Q is pointing out FAKE NEWS by the controlled OP

>>7005907, >>7006184 Kids appear in EBAY commercial with father years after the claim

>>7005914 Anon's dig on a possible pedo

>>7006231 Singer R. Kelly has been arrested in Chicago on federal sex crime charges

>>7006243 Secret Service stop full-on BRAWL in the White House Rose Garden after Trump's social media summit

>>7006263 Moar on the Littles

>>7006361 Trump: Exec Order Will Count Citizens


Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:13 p.m. No.7225036   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7005882 R. Kelly has been arrested in Chichago on federal sex crime charges

>>7005886 Clare Bronfman Wakaya Island (Fiji) connections

>>7005914 Anons call to dig on Joby Harte

>>7005945 CEMEX satellite communications dig

>>7005907 >>7006387 Kids appear in EBAY commercial with father years after the claim

>>7006095 Oldfag comments on shills

>>7006117 >>7006306 >>7006321 BO deleting posts

>>7006170 Virtual Quantum Computing code

>>7006175 BO defends censorship

>>7006205 Maxwell and Bronfman Make Joint Bid for Jerusalem Post (April 17, 1989)

>>7006335 Sterling Van Wagenene was given a prison sentence for assaulting a young girl

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:13 p.m. No.7225046   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7007467 BO too proud to admit he was wrong

>>7007495 Synopsis of the degradation of QR General (((BO))) glows

>>7007520 (You) Anon calls out BO

>>7007527 Anon tells BO how it is

>>7007534 Anon accuses BO of gaslighting

>>7007544 Anon calls BO a faggot

>>7007548 Anon makes it personal with BO

>>7007549 Anon tells BO he's fired

>>7007559 Anon tells BO nobody trusts him any more

>>7007560 BO works harder on banning patriot bakers than stopping joo spammers

>>7007570 Anon decries BO censorship

>>7007577 Anon blames BO for crippling the dough

>>7007586 Anon believes FJ should neck himself

>>7007601 Anon congratulates BO for creating a mutiny situation

>>7007609 Anon thinks BO needs to adapt to the hate.

>>7007613 BO advised to 'step away'.

>>7007720 Anon claims BO's days are over

>>7007729 Anon says BO should have reversed course

>>7007741 BO labelled anti-American scumbag

>>7007742 Anon hopes Q will migrate to another board to avoid BO fuckery

>>7007745 Anon notes outrage caused by BO

>>7007627 Mealy-mouthed BO tries to justify fuckery

>>7007787 Anon lays out plan for BO to salvage some respect

>>7007794 BO has sucked since he took over (Anon)

>>7007795 Anon compares BO to 'New Coke' CEO.

>>7007802 Call for BO to put things back to how they were

>>7007831 BO branded a shill, defenders try to spin

>>7007851 Notables are important and should be at the top

>>7007850 Anon claims slowjack is over

>>7007857 8bit returns to pick up FJ's dropped ball

>>7007880 Fastjack going down… Jim next?

>>7007904 Even Tom Hanks things BO is a shill

>>7007917 Fuckedjack headed to Gitmo?

>>7007934 Will BO make namefagging mandatory as next shitful move?

>>7007981 Anon calls for wagers on how long BO will last.

>>7008045 Anon opines - Taking notables out of the breads? Whack ass bullshit.

>>7008050 Anon suspects BO already broken.

>>7008052 Anon claims BO has no respect for anons

>>7008067 BO acting on orders from above?

>>7008094 Anon tells BO to shut his pie-hole.

>>7008099 Q shows his hate for catpcha/BO

>>7008100 Anon dubs BO 'Fascist Jack'

>>7008116 BO labelled 'glownigger'.

>>7008125 Anon suggests HRT for BO

>>7008108 Based baker will not adhere to BO's new rules

>>7008129 BO turned this into a shit sandwich real quick, told to FO

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:14 p.m. No.7225052   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7003060 BO's post on the "Standard for General threads has been changed"

>>7006679 Epstein Plane Registered Companies DIG

>>7006743 Baker Tilly Investment Advisors becomes Bronfman E.L. Rothschild

>>7006794 Keller Man Indicted For Allegedly Threatening Life Of President Trump

>>7006914 Clinton Global Initiative 2007 Members

>>7006963 Cemex research on Voat pizzagate

>>7007074 CEMEX technology will give long life to the new "Puente La Unidad" bridge

>>7007236, >>7007241, >>7007249 Resignations in the news today

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:14 p.m. No.7225056   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#8966- >>7007452

Notables collection, not endorsements

>>7007415 A Young Girl Went Missing In The Vatican 30 Years Ago. Today, Officials Grapple With False Leads And Exhumed Tombs

>>7007477 POTUS Unloads on Paul Ryan with Both Barrels in Late Night Tweetstorm – “Couldn’t Get Him Out of Congress Fast Enough!”

>>7007488 Bronfman-Rothschild connection

>>7007502 FBI raids home of El Paso Goodwill CEO; spouse charged with fraud & forgery

>>7007513 Added to War Room Post New Dough

>>7007513 Added to War Room Post New Dough

>>7007538 $32 Million Swiped From Cryptocurrency Exchange in Latest Hack

>>7007550 Norwegian MP Calls for Asylum for Embattled Tommy Robinson, Attacks Facebook's 'Censorship'

>>7007551 Trump Slams Cryptos, Libra; Praises Dollar As World's "Most Dominant Currency"

>>7007573 UN Launches All-out War on Free Speech

>>7007630 Heavy Fighting Erupts Between Armies of India and Pakistan in Kashmir

>>7007670 Dershowitz I'view-Video-claims Bubba never on island

>>7007751 Old pasta on notables

>>7007753 Rare F-18 Super Hornet catch on ADSB

>>7007764 Work Permits Link Victoria’s Secret Billionaire To Epstein’s New York House

>>7007933 anon dig Ezra Cohen "is he the bridge"

>>7007961 anon dig on IRS Commissioner Rettig

>>7008013 Deletions capped from lb

>>7008019 Newly Unsealed Federal Indictment Charges Software Engineer with Theft of Trade Secrets

>>7008035 anons on this "shit"

>>7007793 Updated Dough

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:14 p.m. No.7225059   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7008249 Bronfman Rothschild manages the Seagram’s trust fund that funds NXIVM.

>>7008354 Spreadsheet anon update, Patriots archive offline

>>7008529 Turkey says first parts of Russian S-400 missile defense system delivered

>>7008663 Heiress to Goldsmith and Rothschild dies in ATV crash

>>7008649 the Woz says "get off Facebook"

>>7008792 Epstein Had His Own Lodge at Interlochen’s Prestigious Arts Camp for Kids

>>7008875 ARIANNA HUFFINGTON and Sandra Lee pictured with Epstein, labeled as "Steve Dubin."

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:14 p.m. No.7225061   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>>7008878 ICE raids have already begun

>>7009163 The ballistic missile submarine USS Alaska arrives at Her Majesty’s Naval Base Clyde, Scotland

>>7009187, >>7009345 4.1 magnitude quake in western WA

>>7009301 Mirrored LSJ-like Parrot Statue becomes Owl

>>7009382 Scientists Find "Man-made Climate Change Doesn't Exist In Practice"

>>7009491 FBI Uncovers Secret Gangs of Tattooed Los Angeles Deputies

>>7009575 Pompeo grilled CIA agents on Russia findings

>>7009608 Latest John Solomon

>>7009620 "US-President welcomes right-wing internet trolls at White House"

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:14 p.m. No.7225065   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7009793 Fetus' used for cooking

>>7009813 POTUS Tweets Rush's upcoming segment on Fox and Friends

>>7009894 Zerohedge names Epstein as Mossad

>>7009896, >>7009934, >>7009960, >>7009946, >>7010158 Call to Shovels for Wikileaks Image

>>7009906 USMC Tweet "Runnin' and Gunnin'""

>>7010143 New DJT 'When you are the "Piggy bank"'

>>7010170 AOC's chief of staff admits the true goal of the Green New Deal is to change the economy

>>7010178 Sarnoff family dig

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:14 p.m. No.7225067   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#8969 —– >>7009593

>>7009793 Fetus' used for cooking

>>7009813 POTUS Tweets Rush's upcoming segment on Fox and Friends

>>7009894 Zerohedge names Epstein as Mossad

>>7009896, >>7009934, >>7009960, >>7009946, >>7010158 Call to Shovels for Wikileaks Image

>>7009906 USMC Tweet "Runnin' and Gunnin'""

>>7010143 New DJT 'When you are the "Piggy bank"'

>>7010170 AOC's chief of staff admits the true goal of the Green New Deal is to change the economy

>>7010178 Sarnoff family dig

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:15 p.m. No.7225069   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7009793 Chinese eat baby soup for sex

>>7009813 Potus says Rush will be on Fox and Friends

>>7009859 Prince Andrew may have been secretly with underage girl he allegedly abused

>>7009875 UK acceptance of gay relationships dips for first time in 30 years

>>7009894 Epstien named as mossad by Zero Hedge

>>7010144 NEW DJT Tweet "When you are the piggy bank"

>>7010170 AOC's chief of staff admits the true goal of the Green New Deal is to change the economy

>>7010254 New DJT tweet "CNN ratings crashed"

>>7010482 in bread

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:15 p.m. No.7225072   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>>7010144 (PB) POTUS Tweet: "When you are the piggy bank"

>>7010599 Problem - Reaction - Solution method being used by BO/BV + Shills.

>>7010559 >>7010559 'UK's worst troll' claimed London school was centre of baby-eating satanic cult

>>7010692 LDR/Bronfman/Rothchild/Clinton/Epstein/Cemex digs.

>>7010650 Alex Acosta will resign as Labor Secretary.

>>7010741 Lindsay Graham on Dems crazy immigration


>>7010777 Digitz confirm, notables should remain in the bread

>>7010834 DJT tweets his dislike of cryptos

>>7010946 TGP reports Bill Clinton caught in Epstein lie (again)

>>7010956 About Bronfman Rothschild

>>7010999 NK warns of retaliation as SK launches new stealth fighter jets

>>7011004 Sara Carter says Elizabeth Warren Will Increase Admission of Immigrants by 800% if She Wins in 2020

>>7010559 Sabine speaking at the European Parliament

>>7010583 For the I'm Lost WTF? is going on this morning crowd…

>>7010598 They circled Cedro Pk and South Sandia Pk

>>7010668 Qanon EXPLAINED

>>7010700 Repost of friendly reminder anon’s post …

>>7010727 rothschilds-nxivm-sex-cult-connected-to-alleged-child-trafficking-bunker-found-in-tucson/

>>7010741 Graham: John Durham Is "Looking At Putting People In Jail"

>>7010785 Trump Slams Paul Ryan After 'American Carnage' Excerpts

>>7010806 Twitter took my over 33k followers away lsst night.

>>7010826 Live: House Judiciary Committee holds hearing on the Mueller report

>>7010838 Morning Market Report

>>7010844 WTF is going on with Qresearch…

>>7011086 Mission Impossible: Getting Rid Of Chinese Security Cameras

>>7011097 Q posts about Acost resignation

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:15 p.m. No.7225077   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#8970 —– >>7010357

>>7010568 Trump Administration creates nearly 600,000 more jobs in a year than Obama did in 6

>>7010598, >>7010626, >>7010786 Planefags notice changed patrol routes (U-28A Draco)

>>7010559, >>7010559 Sabine K McNeill jailed for 9 years and labeled a troll by UK for fighint child kidnapping.

>>7010650 Alex Acosta will resign as Labor Secretary.

>>7010692 LDR/Bronfman/Rothchild/Clinton/Epstein/Cemex digs.

>>7010741 Lindsay Graham on Dems crazy immigration policies

>>7010795, >>7010869 Wikileaks digs (Juliana Kohl Gendelman, Blitzer family)

>>7010838 Morning Market Report

>>7010712, >>7010810 4ch on 'Rosie'

>>7010939 QRD on the U1 coverup

>>7011004 Elizabeth Warren Will Increase Admission of Immigrants by 800% if She Wins in 2020

>>7010946 TGB reports Rapin' Bill caught lying about Epstein

>>7010956 Sontag purchased 'Bronfman Rotschild' (company)

>>7011093 Bronfman E.I Rothschild connections to Hollywood

>>7011097 NEW Q: Acosta Plans to Resign

>>7011225 NEW Q: [New York Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Children]

>>7011253, >>7011265 New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children digs

>>7011267 NEW Q: [Wheels Up] flight logs [CLAS 1-99] under investigation by FBI/DOJ?

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:15 p.m. No.7225079   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#8971 —– >>7011108

>>7011300, >>7011303, >>7011314, >>7011324 List of all US politicians Charged/Convicted of Sex Crimes against minors

>>7011302 2015 article on the use of human tissue for vaccines

>>7011308 Standard Hotel's connections to NYSPCC

>>7011309, >>7011311, >>7011343, >>7011392, >>7011745, >>7011805, >>7011863 NYSPCC Dig

>>7011353, >>7011393 Individuals performing investigatory tasks for the NYSPCC hold New York State peace officer status

>>7011372 Clinton connections to Epstein

>>7011425 USSS declined to answer FOIA requests from Fox on Clinton Lolita Island trips.

>>7011457 Kimberly Guilfoyle (Children's Council NYSPCC) dig

>>7011485 Anon provides resources to find Rino's and NeverTrumpers

>>7011524 Anon speculates on Acosta's role in 'The Plan'

>>7011640 NEW Q: [MUELLER] hearing delayed?

>>7011648 Sweden will not sign UN convention on nuclear weapons

>>7011679 The Atlantic writing Epstein and public awareness off as 'Conspiracy Theories'

>>7011853 Little St. James burns the day after Q Post #1066 (RC end.)

>>7011856 Barak received a payment of $2.3 million from the Wexner Foundation and has not disclosed what the payment was for

>>7011857 BNP Paribas linked to controversial American detention centres

>>7011858 POTUS on the resignation of Acosta

>>7011865 BBC tracking 'Trump team resignations and sackings'

>>7011837, >>7011951 Cemex and historical cabal ritual information relation

>>7012005 New filing in United States v. Epstein: Memo Endorsement

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:15 p.m. No.7225086   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#8972 —– >>7011995

>>7012074 NEW Q: Try Harder!

>>7012101 More weak attacks on our movement by pathetic MSM

>>7012162 NYSPCC video: Safe Touches- Workshop Scene 2: The Private Parts of the Body

>>7012252, >>7012311 NYSPCC BoD President dig

>>7012379 Big names involved in NYSPCC

>>7012387 Garrison on a tear

>>7012426 Kenny Dichter from Wheels Up dig

>>7012457 Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot BANS ICE from Police Database before raids

>>7012460 USNationalGuard tweet to 'Text Barry' for updates on the storm

>>7012476 US Prepares Response As Video Confirms Russian S-400 Delivery To Turkey

>>7012557, >>7012568 Great Format for Lolita Island Flight logs and those who visited it

>>7012571 Little St. James Island VIDEO

>>7012606 NYSPCC funded by the Vanderbilts

>>7012676 AN AMERICAN ORGANIZATION founded by tech giants Google and IBM is working with a company that is helping China’s authoritarian government conduct mass surveillance against its citizens

>>7012677 Lynn Forester link to Bronfmans through ex-husband Andrew Stein

>>7012689 NYSPCC also known as 'Gerry Society'

>>7012711, >>7012737 Cornell's widow appointed to NYSPCC (2018)

>>7012816, >>7012834 Cocaine Imports getting harder

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:16 p.m. No.7225092   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7012588 Dubs confirm. Do not send cash to this PO box.

>>7012491 Anon confirms: The gloves are off.

>>7012424 Moar tits, this time thanking the baker.

>>7012352 Crop circles. They really are among us already

>>7012286 It's happening meme confirms, its happening. Re: >>7012266

>>7012266 Dubs, Dubs; meme of DJT walking away from burnong soething, with deepstate sign, Is it happening?

>>7012204 Chatter of the Alien motherships decloaking, When exactly?

>>7012182 Q could be a cabal psyop and Trump an actor

>>7012160 Qanon makes people miserable; Axiomatically untrue: Anons are happy today.

>>7012140 Q team is (((Jew))) team, Interdasting!

>>7012108 POTUS meme: BO is comped.

>>7012088 Dubs, and pair of tits.

>>7012021 Board is flooded with bots, call for free speech.

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:16 p.m. No.7225095   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#8973 —– >>7012790

>>7012853 NYSPCC Unauthorized responders will end work on child abuse

>>7012863 House Hearing Featuring AOC on Child Separation and Detainment

>>7012929 Great format for Lolita Island memes

>>7013000 Seems "Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children" is used by more than one outfit

>>7013014 NYSPCC digs

>>7013060 Intelligence Chief Dan Coats Sold Regal Beloit Stock

>>7012998, >>7013088 The company Epstein keeps

>>7013059, >>7013105 Origin of Bronfman Wealth and history on Bronfman connections

>>7013203 KJU named head of state, seen as step to US peace treaty

>>7013270 Epstein, Les Wexner and John Kasich connections

>>7013346 Valesca Guerrand-Hermes (French Billionaire) connections to NYSPCC

>>7013351, >>7013498 Another Pizzagater (Tracy Twyman) found dead at 41

>>7013314 Possible interpretation of CLAS 1-99

>>7013395 J&J Shares Tumble On Report Of 'Asbestos In Talc' Criminal Probe

>>7013401 POTUS surprise news conference outside White House

>>7013202, >>7013537 Liddle Kidz dig archive

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:16 p.m. No.7225098   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#8793—– >>7012790

>>7012853, >>7013014, >>7013346 [New York Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Children dig

>>7012871 JP Morgan Ship Seized After $1.3 Billion Cocaine Shipment Found In Cargo


>>7012894, >>7012980, >>7013212,>>7013022 Epstein dig

>>7013041 Planefag update

>>7013043 Synopsis of the degradation of QR General

>>7013092 Drone Anon's google drive

>>7013203 New North Korea constitution calls Kim head of state, seen as step to U.S. peace treaty

>>7013280 NYSPCC >> Standard Hotel

>>7013292 How to Quickly Spot a Clown

>>7013314 Classes of FBI Records in the National Archives

>>7013351, >>7013498 Another Pizzagate investigator sudden death at 4

>>7013357 New PDJT tweet! GREAT TEAM in Pennsylvania

>>7013395 (You) J&J Shares Tumble On Report Of 'Asbestos In Talc' Criminal Probe

>>7013439 UK Bracing for Moment It Is Revealed British Intel Spied on Innocent Americans in the US for Obama!

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:16 p.m. No.7225102   🗄️.is 🔗kun


'''Notables, not endorsements-

>>7013606 Synopsis of the degradation of QR General

>>7013626 Jeffrey Epstein has a steel safe in a room nobody can enter on his Caribbean island, ex-employee says

>>7013664 2007 Soros and obama

>>7013683 Non-native English speaker on the shill BO

>>7013651, >>7013695 Planefag update

>>7013665 JonBenet Ramsey photographer arrested on child porn charges

>>7013697 What Hillary Rodham Clinton Really Said About Children’s Rights and Child Policy

>>7013719, >>7013747, >>7013804,>>7013818 Wasserman dig

>>7013818, >>7013875 Epstein dig

>>7013826 Wheels up/Gamma aviation dig

>>7013854, >>7014150 Ehud Barak/Epstein

>>7013944 Nolte: CNN’s Desire for Political Violence Enters the White House

>>7014080 Intruders Arrested After Breaching Fence at California Nuclear Reactor with ‘Bomb-Grade Fuel’

>>7014072, >>7014142 Local information on Barry: New Orleans/Baton Rouge LA , Lake Charles LA-NOAA

>>7013934, >>7013949 Colombian National Pleads Guilty to Operating an International Fentanyl Trafficking Organization from a Canadian Prison

>>7013968 Bernie Joins Radical Colleagues in Calling for Abolishment of the Electoral College

>>7014054 (You) Oracle Loses Critical Lawsuit Alleging Pentagon & Amazon Colluded Over $10B 'War Cloud' Contract

>>7014160 Sperry tweet- ODNI's replacement

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:16 p.m. No.7225103   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7014427, >>7014523 Prince Andrew sits on a yacht in Thailand in 2001, during a holiday at a £2,300-a-week resort which is thought to have come courtesy of Epstein

>>7014420, >>7014433, >>7014456, >>7014476, >>7014494, >>7014553, >>7014568, >>7014620, >>7014844 Planefag Updates

>>7014400, >>7014422 [New York Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Children]

>>7014424, >>7014693, >>7015014 Call for more digs on Epstein's little black book

>>7014455 Earthquake rattles Seattle area, followed by series of aftershocks

>>7014484 8chan Board Owner Rules

>>7014448 PSU professor who posted child pornography on his blog gets 2.5 years in prison

>>7014547 Seeing as Epsteins island has no landings for planes have we looked for airports/ways to the island?

>>7014607 Make /qresearch/ great again.

>>7014678 Epsteins Island drone yesterday 7/11/2019

>>7014773 Anon on BO deleting notable buns


>>7014581 BC Lolitia Express 6x, not 4x

>>7014582 SEIU president dead

>>7014665 Republicans Say Perot Cost Bush Reelection, See Trump As 3rd-Party President

>>7014664, >>7014679 Virgin Galactic's sister company Virgin Orbit conducted a drop test of its air-launched satellite booster over California

>>7014499, >>7014866 NYSPCC also known as 'GERRY Society'

>>7014778 Former Employee of D.C. School Sentenced to Six Years in Prison for Transporting Child Pornography

>>7015055 #8975

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:16 p.m. No.7225105   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7015121 President Trump Delivers Remarks on Supporting the Passage of the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement

>>7015120 @US_SOCEUR

>>7014959 We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here NOW CHANGED IN DOUGH


>>7014906 Rothchild / NXIVM / Bronfman / CEMEX / Clinton / Epstein

>>7014879 Forrester on the board of the NYSPCC

>>7014840 Robert Maxwell traveled the world and peddled Promis, software the Israelis stole from Inslaw

>>7014808 R Kelly accused of paying off family of 13 year old girl to deny that it was her in the video.

>>7014778 DOJ: 6 years prison for transporting child pornography

>>7014754 Ehud Barak > Julius Baer

>>7014746 Another board of directors member is a WaPo "journalist" Elizabeth Mayhew.


>>7014672 Edgar Bronfman Jr. is a contributor to the foundation as well

>>7014582 32bj seiu president hector figueroa dead at 57

>>7014565 President of the Board of Dir for NYSPCC married to Deborah Norville

>>7014547 ways to the island?

>>7014501 anon suggests translate polish site: roths deripaska no-name malaysian flight celebs and on and on.

>>7014499 NYSPCC also known as 'GERRY Society'


>>7014455 Earthquake rattles Seattle area, followed by series of aftershocks

>>7014427 Prince Andrew sits on a yacht in Thailand back in 2001, during a holiday at a £2,300-a-week resort which is thought to have come courtesy of Jeffrey Epstein

>>7014424 Jeffrey Epstein's little black book..

>>7014422 In 2018, Vicky Cornell was appointed to Children's Council of New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children

>>7014400 Edgar Bronfman, Jr's daughter, Clarissa Bronfman seen here attending [New York Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Children] event with Karl Wellner - the President of the foundation.

>>7014397 Bronfman Rothschild Wealth Advisors website article dated May 2, 2019 announcing Bronfman Rothschild being sold to Sontag Advisory (NFP Corp)

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:17 p.m. No.7225107   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7012853, >>7013014 [New York Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Children dig

>>7012871 jp-morgan-ship-seized-after-1-3-billion-cocaine-shipment-found-in-cargo/


>>7012894, >>7012980, >>7013212, >>7013431 Epstein dig

>>7013041 Planefag update

>>7013059, >>7013105 Bronfman dig

>>7013295 Epstein pics

>>7013314 Classes of FBI Records in the National Archives

>>7013357 New PDJT tweet! GREAT TEAM in Pennsylvania

>>7013395 Market report

>>7013500 notables bun

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:17 p.m. No.7225111   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7015228 Planefag report

>>7015154 BIG SCOTUS ERROR - THIS RELATED TO THE CENSUS AND APPORTIONMENT and has to be solved to undo the impact of illegals on numbers and districts for Congress

>>7015159 @US_SOCEUR 10th Airborne

>>7015168 Naomi Campbell-Epstein dig

>>7015176, >>7015186, >>7015251, >>7015259 Cemex dig

>>7015200, >>7015248 Oracle Loses Critical Lawsuit Alleging Pentagon & Amazon Colluded Over $10B 'War Cloud' Contract

>>7015295 US Government Growing Enormous Crop Of Marijuana, Largest In 5 Years

>>7015353 Louisiana Dem to end abortion

>>7015376 Chicago Mayor: We’ll Obstruct Justice to Protect Illegal Aliens From Deportation - Trump Confirms ICE Raids in 10 Cities This Weekend

>>7015426 PDJT retwit hazardous Barry

>>7015481, >>7015516 Judge unseals more details in Jeffrey Epstein underage sex lawsuit 07/07/2015

>>7015534 1985 Ghislaine Maxwell dig

>>7015550 Punta Cana airport

>>7015630 Wheels Up/Gamma aviation dig

>>7015631 Moralist Ken Starr Explains His Help For Billionaire Pervert Jeffrey Epstein

>>7015692 B2 50k ft

>>7015693 Trump, Brits Tireless in Attempt to Get War on Iran Going

>>7015760 Biden declares that US relationship with Israel must be ‘ironclad’ regardless of who their Prime Minister is

>>7015848 notables bun

>>7015831 The Democrat Who Let Jeffrey Epstein Get Away, Barry Krischer

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:17 p.m. No.7225113   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7013651, >>7013695 Planefag update

>>7013665 JonBenet Ramsey photographer arrested on child porn charges

>>7013697 What Hillary Rodham Clinton Really Said About Children’s Rights and Child Policy

>>7013719, >>7013747, >>7013804 >>7013818 Wasserman dig

>>7013818, >>7013875, Epstein dig, Lolita Express

>>7013826, >>7013981, >>7014277 Wheels up/Gamma aviation dig

>>7013854, >>7014150 Ehud Barak/Epstein

>>7013934, >>7013949 Colombian National Pleads Guilty to Operating an International Fentanyl Trafficking Organization from a Canadian Prison

>>7013968 Bernie Joins Radical Colleagues in Calling for Abolishment of the Electoral College

>>7014054 Oracle Loses Critical Lawsuit Alleging Pentagon & Amazon Colluded Over $10B 'War Cloud' Contract

>>7014080 Intruders Arrested After Breaching Fence at California Nuclear Reactor with ‘Bomb-Grade Fuel’

>>7014160 DNI Coates replaced by Fleitz to free up declass bottleneck

>>7014283 notable bun

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:17 p.m. No.7225114   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7014420, >>7014433, >>7014456, >>7014476, >>7014494, >>7014506, >>7014568, >>7014620, >>7014641, >>7014834, >>7014844, >>7014849, >>7014898 Planefag updates

>>7014400, >>7014422 [New York Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Children]

>>7014424 Epstein black book call to dig

>>7014448 PSU professor who posted child pornography on his blog gets 2.5 years in prison

>>7014547, >>7014690, >>7014733, >>7015003 Seeing as Epsteins island has no landings for planes have we looked for airports/ways to the island? Punta Cana

>>7014581 BC Lolitia Express 6x, not 4x

>>7014582 SEIU president dead

>>7014665 Republicans Say Perot Cost Bush Reelection, See Trump As 3rd-Party President

>>7014664, >>7014679 Virgin Galactic's sister company Virgin Orbit conducted a drop test of its air-launched satellite booster over California

>>7014754 Ehud Barak > Julius Baer dig

>>7014778 former-employee-dc-school-sentenced-six-years-prison-transporting-child-pornography


>>7014856 US Coast Guard Releases Video of $232 Million Cocaine Bust – Service Members Leap Onto Moving Submarine

>>7014866 2004 Harriman also connects to Bush

>>7014906 cemex dig

>>7014940 House Votes To Block Trump From Iran War As Senate Showdown Looms

>>7015026 notable bun

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:17 p.m. No.7225116   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7015228 Planefag report

>>7015154 BIG SCOTUS ERROR - THIS RELATED TO THE CENSUS AND APPORTIONMENT and has to be solved to undo the impact of illegals on numbers and districts for Congress

>>7015159 @US_SOCEUR 10th Airborne

>>7015168 Naomi Campbell-Epstein dig

>>7015176, >>7015186, >>7015251, >>7015259 Cemex dig

>>7015200, >>7015248 Oracle Loses Critical Lawsuit Alleging Pentagon & Amazon Colluded Over $10B 'War Cloud' Contract

>>7015295 US Government Growing Enormous Crop Of Marijuana, Largest In 5 Years

>>7015353 Louisiana Dem to end abortion

>>7015376 Chicago Mayor: We’ll Obstruct Justice to Protect Illegal Aliens From Deportation - Trump Confirms ICE Raids in 10 Cities This Weekend

>>7015426 PDJT retwit hazardous Barry

>>7015481, >>7015516 Judge unseals more details in Jeffrey Epstein underage sex lawsuit 07/07/2015

>>7015534 1985 Ghislaine Maxwell dig

>>7015550 Punta Cana airport

>>7015630 Wheels Up/Gamma aviation dig

>>7015631 Moralist Ken Starr Explains His Help For Billionaire Pervert Jeffrey Epstein

>>7015692 B2 50k ft

>>7015693 Trump, Brits Tireless in Attempt to Get War on Iran Going

>>7015760 Biden declares that US relationship with Israel must be ‘ironclad’ regardless of who their Prime Minister is

>>7015848 notables bun

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:17 p.m. No.7225119   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7016075, >>7016134, >>7016477 Planefag update

>>7015948 Acting DHS Secretary Kevin McAleenan under federal investigation for alleged leaks: Officials

>>7015982 Soldiers use AI to fire precision grenades, guide drone attacks

>>7016020 This Conservative Group Fought IRS for Years. Now a Court’s Given It a Victory

>>7016024 Then CIA is Invoking Wikileaks to Push for the Expansion of a Cold War Era Secrecy Law

>>7016096 @AFSpace T minus 60 minutes! Part two of our GPSIII podcast with our launch provider,

>>7016146 Vivendi dig

>>7016209 Epstein pics

>>7016184 @US_Stratcom Learn more about the world’s premier #bomber, #ICBM, helicopter operations & security forces competition

>>7016228 @usarmycentral Leaders from the Kuwaiti Land Forces and @TFSpartan visit a brand new training range built by members of the 588th Brigade Engineer Battalion, Fort Carson.

>>7016243 Here’s How Much the Top CEOs of S&P 500 Companies Get Paid

>>7016244 This is what the SCOTUS opinion should look like, and this permanently solves the issue of who to count in the census

>>7016267 Wheels Up/BC

>>7016292 @thejointstaff Here's a new unclass overview of how it will protect & advance U.S. national interests

>>7016305 One Japanese Bank Owns Over Half A Trillion US Corporate Bonds

>>7016331 Larry C. Johnson: Mueller Does Not Have Evidence That The IRA Was Part of Russian Government Meddling

>>7016370 @US_EUCOM Happy #AllAmericanPetPhotoDay (July 11)! We may not call them pets, but our military working dogs are still our best friends. #MWD #K9

>>7016402 oltimers plane enthusiasts

>>7016426 Cemex dig

>>7016466 Middle East Dictators Buy Spy Tech From Company Linked to IBM and Google

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:17 p.m. No.7225123   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7002780 (C-Dan) Epstein connection graphic

>>6994899 (PB #8949) Dig on Q drop 3411: Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress IIED

>>7002937 F.B.I. report to Senator Edward Kennedy regarding Operation Eagle 11 and the origin of the Gang of 5

>>7002816 anon finds wikileaks clinton emails regarding silsby haiti arrest containing "wheels up"

>>7002276, >>7002292, >>7002940, >>7003376, >>7003009, >>7003061 Lolita Express Digg

>>7002825 Epstein bankrolled "Jeffrey Epstein Scholarship Lodge" @ Interlocken Arts Center in Michigan (1990's)

>>7002882 Biden lays out Globalist Vision

>>7002892 Planefag

>>7002930 France refuses any Brexit Negoation and Demands punishment for Britain

>>7003060 BO dictates terms of notables going forward and provides new pastebin

>>7003276 Anon Disagrees w/BO and gets tagged by Q

>>7003509 BO reverses/adds War Room back into paste and asks Q for other input - gets no add'l response from Q

>>7003104 Chicago Mayor permanenetly Bans ICE from accessing LE databases

>>7003400 8Bit (no trip code) responds to BO changes - "way to fucking destroy /qresearch/…"

>>7003490 New PDJT re:bravery

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:18 p.m. No.7225127   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7016755 IDF Confirms One Rocket Launched From Gaza Into Southern Israel

>>7016787 List of people arrested/charged for child sex trafficking


>>7016827, >>7016905 New DJT Tweets

>>7016846 Debunking the LGBTQIAPK+ Lobby’s propaganda

>>7016877, >>7016830, >>7016968 Planefag Updates

>>7016881 US Market Report- All time Highs and Muh Notables edition

>>7016867 Disney Starlet: 'I Was Molested From Age 6 To 14 - Exposes Disney Pedophile Network

>>7016925 Facebook fined $5 Billion by FTC for privacy practices

>>7016940, >>7016962 Suspect who police say randomly stabbed 3 men in downtown Seattle has been arrested at least 22 times before

>>7016765 Mission statement was stealth changed 380 breads ago.

>>7017018 Jeffrey Epstein's cell is three doors down from El Chapo

>>7016852 Harvard Temporarily Deleted Web Calendar Showing Faculty Meetings With Epstein

>>7017054 Incoming acting Labor Secretary Patrick Pizzella under scrutiny for work with disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff

>>7017100 Year's Biggest IPO Scrapped Due To Low Investor Demand As S&P Hits All Time High

>>7017150 VP Pence toured immigrant holding facility and saw humane and compassionate care despite illegal immigrant overload.

>>7017094 dig on Robert Maxwell, Father of Lady Ghislaine (Epstien's "partner")

>>7017131 LdR - Epstein - Dershowitz connections

>>7017165 Planefag: USMC VM374 signals "Maxwell" to anons by not landing there (perhaps Epstein's collaborator Ghislaine Maxwell?)

>>7017249 More alleged victims come forward in Epstein case

>>7017223 Q 3416: Q agrees that 8chan bread baking should not be changed; POTUS tweets about "poor leadership & bad timing" (coincidence??)

>>7017291 developer on the current situation

>>7017201 Zuckerberg funneled nearly $1b to Planned Parenthood

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:18 p.m. No.7225131   🗄️.is 🔗kun

8978 >>7017422

>>7016739 Epstein has a steel safe in a room nobody can enter on his Caribbean island

>>7016741 Wexler Epstein connect

>>7016755 IDF Confirms One Rocket Launched From Gaza Into Southern Israel


>>7016830, >>7016877, >>7016968, >>7017165, >>7017394, planefag update

>>7016846 Debunking the LGBTQIAPK+ Lobby’s propaganda

>>7016852 Harvard Temporarily Deleted Web Calendar Showing Faculty Meetings With Epstein

>>7016940 Naked man apprehended after allegedly stabbing 3 in unprovoked attack on Seattle sidewalk

>>7017018 Jeffrey Epstein's cell is three doors down from El Chapo

>>7017054 Incoming acting Labor Secretary Patrick Pizzella under scrutiny for work with disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff

>>7017094 dig on Robert Maxwell, Father of Lady Ghislaine (Epstien's "partner")

>>7017100 Cabal company Anheuser-Busch getting cold feet in Asia

>>7017131 LdR - Epstein - Dershowitz connections

>>7017150 VP Pence toured immigrant holding facility and saw humane and compassionate care despite illegal immigrant overload.

>>7017201 Zuckerberg funneled nearly $1b to Planned Parenthood

>>7017249 More alleged victims come forward in Epstein case

>>7016828 Arena Footbal League downfall linked to Casey Wasserman

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:18 p.m. No.7225134   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7017651 27 Republicans just joined Democrats to block Trump from going to war with Iran without congressional approval

>>7017677 New Paul Sperry Tweet

>>7017722 The World Acquires More Gold While China Is *Dumping U.S. Treasuries

>>7017583, >>7017714 Shill BO and shills BVs suppressing real bakes

>>7017754 Real Hedge-Fund Managers Have Some Thoughts on What Epstein Was Actually Doing

>>7017760 Justin Amash Votes Against Healthcare Funding for 9/11 Victims

>>7017594 NEW DJT tweet "I agree — Big Tech MUST be held accountable"

>>7017846 Planefag update

>>7017516 Graphic on Twitter Summit

>>7017880 El Chapo to be sentenced July 17th

>>7017890 BREAKING: Prosecutors say Jeffrey Epstein wired $350,000 to two people who would have been potential witnesses against him in late 2018

>>7017919 seven killed in attack on hotel in Somalia

>>7017971 Boatfag update

>>7017972 Train suicide victim was caretaker accused of abusing disabled kids, accused of sexual abuse against minors

>>7018047 #BelieveTheChildren no matter what the #FakeNews tells you.

>>7018059 Winning in the 9th Circuit

>>7018233 Dan Coats may be stepping down soon

>>7018248 Colorado abuse hotline emails went unchecked for 4 years

>>7018252 Man shot to death in Camden

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:18 p.m. No.7225139   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7017581 Facebook fined $5b

>>7017594 NEW DJT tweet "I agree — Big Tech MUST be held accountable"

>>7017651 27 Republicans just joined Democrats to block Trump from going to war with Iran without congressional approval

>>7017754 Real Hedge-Fund Managers Have Some Thoughts on What Epstein Was Actually Doing

>>7017846 Planefag update

>>7017880 El Chapo to be sentenced July 17th

>>7017882 another pedogate researcher suddenly dies rip tracy twyman. Kappy connected

>>7017890 BNL tweet:Epstien wired $300k to two potential winesses

>>7017919 seven killed in attack on hotel in Somalia

>>7017971 Boatfag update

>>7017972 Train suicide victim was caretaker accused of abusing disabled kids, accused of sexual abuse against minors

>>7018032 American scientist murdered in nazi bunker

>>7018047 Hampstead bun

>>7018059 Winning in the 9th Circuit

>>7018071 Ex-gays rip Amazon for banning reparative therapy books, keeping pro-suicide books

>>7018124 Epstein Lawyers Offer $77M Bond For Latest Sex Trafficking Charges

>>7018125 Chelsea Clinton corresponded with Podesta from a New York University email account, using a pseudonym called ANNA JAMES.

>>7018139 Epstien intimidated accusers with PIs

>>7018185 Prominent Latino labor leader Héctor Figueroa has died at 57

>>7018233 Dan Coats may be stepping down soon

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:18 p.m. No.7225142   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7018318 Watsonville Man Believed To Have Died In Stolen Plane Crash

>>7018330 Q in dirt on St. James island

>>7018348 Pilotb2 tweet "If you can't sleep at night, rest easy knowing we are ever vigilant"

>>7018351 Wikileaks:John Podesta special adviser to the Clinton Foundation

>>7018366, >>7018412 9th Circuit rules in favor of Trump admin in 'sanctuary city' case

>>7018367 followup to american scientist killed on Crete

>>7018393, >>7018469 Planefag update

>>7018479 Hezbollah leader says U.S. seeking to talk

>>7018501 NASA Instagram…Galactic cherry blossoms are in peak bloom- possible link to CIA program RE:Vault 7

>>7018517 More Chelsea Clinton emails

>>7018555 Death of Edward Waters, father of Boston Celtics guard Tremont Waters, ruled a suicide

>>7018657 Epstein’s neighbors: ‘Everyone called it Pedophile Island’

>>7018718 HowTeump Kept tabs on Epstien

>>7018726 Zero Hedge: Concord Management and the end of Russiagate?

>>7018734 new amazon c_a robot coming

>>7018807 Oprah opens up private road to help Maui fire evacuations

>>7018840, >>7018854, >>7018980, >>7018995 Dershowitz in Lolita express flight log

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:19 p.m. No.7225145   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7019489, >>7019547, >>7019530, >>7019558 Who is Arnold Paul Prosperi. Re: Jeffrey Epstein visitors

>>7019300, >>7019177 “Your Comments Are DISGUSTING!” – Former Border Patrol Chief Tom Homan EXPLODES at Hearing — Goes Off on Unhinged Democrat

>>7019501 Airport List for Lolita Express

>>7019522 Julia Cuomo tied to Epstein?

>>7019177 Former Border Patrol Chief Tom Homan EXPLODES at Hearing — Goes Off on Unhinged Democrat.

>>7019159 Clinton/Obama Economist Larry Summers was also on the Lolita Express

>>7019087 Tommy Robinson going to Belmarsh prison

>>7019089 Was Lewis Carroll a Pedo?

>>7019231, >>7019429, >>7019512, >>7019273 Terramar / Ghislaine Maxwell dig.

>>7019485 Jeffery Epstein V. Bradley J. Edwards (2009)

>>7019381 Fred Fleitz to replace Dan Coats?

>>7019148, >>7019303 U.S. lawmakers expected to delay Mueller testimony by a week.

>>7019164 Dalai Lama tied to NXIVM?

>>7019104 Fed agents say that they have searched the home of fmr. Chicago Alderman Michael Zalewski.

>>7019070 Coast Guardsman jumps on submarine, bangs it open with bare fists until drug runners surrender

>>7019104 BNL tweet:Federal agents say that they have searched the home of former Chicago Alderman Michael Zalewski

>>7019303 Hannity Tweet:Mueller’s testimony before Congress is up in the air

>>7019381 Paul Sperry Tweet: Dan Coats NID out

>>7019623 ICE Tweet.

>>7019708 Sidney Powell remarks in a lecture on Thursday on Capitol Hill that “unfettered prosecutorial power,”

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:19 p.m. No.7225152   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7019892, >>7019900 WHEELS UP DIG

>>7019927, >>7020139 WHO IS ARNOLD PAUL PROSPERI? continued

>>7020343 [PP] in the news ? (PAUL PROSPERI)

>>7019980 Bill/Hillary booed at Billy Joel Concert after song dedication

>>7020005 another article on "Tracy Twyman pedogate researcher dies"

>>7020190 STANDARD HOTEL CONNECTED TO [New York Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Children]

>>7020198 CEMEX location refresher

>>7020202 Revealed: Palantir’s Top-Secret User Manual for Cops

>>7020264, >>7020157 Chelsea Clinton self doxxes in wikileaks (podesta) emails

>>7020151 Epstein himself DID NOT come into federal jurisdiction! His plane did. Port Authority boarded his plane and arrested him. (theory)

>>7019980 Bill/Hillary booed at Billy Joel Concert after song dedication

>>7020221 BNL tweet:Trump admin agrees to let an independent pediatrician investigate health conditions for migrant kids

>>7020271, >>7020284 Terramar / Ghislaine Maxwell dig continued

>>7020377 Intercontinental Exchange Execs sold $4.10m in shares-July 2-10

>>7020164 Amazon CEO (not bezos) and Sr. V.P. sold $16.14m in shares-Jul10

>>7020536 #8982

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:19 p.m. No.7225155   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7020652 New DJT and vid - leaving great state of OHio

>>7020980 DJT timestamp 18:13 (pacific time) and Q post 1813 is reddit mods (reddit type notable)

>>7021098 DJT timestamp 21:13 Q 2113 We will remain here. (chanded)

>>7021258 Epstein also accused of witness tampering

>>7021323 #8983

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:19 p.m. No.7225158   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7021573 Planefag update

>>7021469 New PDJT retweets Border Crisis

>>7021420 Virginia Governor Northam Supports Illegal Immigrants Over ICE On Official Facebook Page. Comments Don't Go The Way He Hopes

>>7021501 Casey Wasserman dig

>>7021451 Jeffrey-epsteins-cell-is-three-doors-down-from-el-chapo

>>7021599 Rachel Chandler - Rothschild - Spirit Cooking

>>7021617 Edgar Bronfman: One of the Redacted Names in Epstein's Black Book.

>>7021653 The Twitter account of the House Democrat caucus just dropped a nuke on @AOC’s chief of staff.

>>7021703 More Than a Dozen Jeffrey Epstein Accusers Have Come Forward Since His Indictment


>>7021891 Hillary Clinton [WheelsUp] for Haiti.

>>7021903 '''Rachel Chandler, John "Pumkin Spice" Brennan And Barry Obama AT the White House ON THE SAME DAY!

>>7022030 2008 JPMorgan’s Hersch succeeds colorful money manager/ Epstein dig

>>7022042 POTUS says U.S. envoy to Japan will run to be Tennessee senator

>>7021971, >>7022068 notable bun

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:20 p.m. No.7225160   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7021573 Planefag update

>>7021469 New PDJT retweets Border Crisis

>>7021420 Virginia Governor Northam Supports Illegal Immigrants Over ICE On Official Facebook Page. Comments Don't Go The Way He Hopes

>>7021501 Casey Wasserman dig

>>7021451 effrey-epsteins-cell-is-three-doors-down-from-el-chapo

>>7021599 Rachel Chandler - Rothschild - Spirit Cooking

>>7021703 More Than a Dozen Jeffrey Epstein Accusers Have Come Forward Since His Indictment

>>7021718 Abramovic's table stunt, March of 2010

>>7021720 Ivanka dated Nat Rothschild

>>7021739 Kellogg Family Trust sold $5.49m in shares-July 10

>>7021797 Stephen Hawkin visited St. James island

>>7021891 Hilary Clinton wheels up for Haiti

>>7021903 Rachel Chandler, John "Pumkin Spice" Brennan And Barry Obama AT the White House ON THE SAME DAY

>>7021977 Mind Map of Fed Gov officials convicted of sex crimes feb 27 2015

>>7022030 JPMorgan’s Hersch succeeds colorful money manage [Epstien]

>>7022042 POTUS says U.S. envoy to Japan will run to be Tennessee senator

>>7022060 Law and Crime article: whats the deal with the bizarre temple like structure on jeffrey epsteins private island

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:20 p.m. No.7225164   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7021395, >>7021977 anon digs List of people arrested/charged for child sex trafficking

>>7021469 New PDJT retweets Border Crisis

>>7021420 Virginia Governor Northam Supports Illegal Immigrants Over ICE On Official Facebook Page. Comments Don't Go The Way He Hopes

>>7021501 Casey Wasserman dig

>>7021451 effrey-epsteins-cell-is-three-doors-down-from-el-chapo

>>7021573 Planefag update

>>7021599 Rachel Chandler - Rothschild - Spirit Cooking

>>7021624, >>7021617 anon dig Bronfman tied to Mort Zuckerman

>>7021695 anon dig Epstein flight manifest-LDR is Lynn Forrester

>>7021739 Kellogg Family Trust sold $5.49m in shares-July 10

>>7021796 Former priest admits to fathering prostitute's child-El Paso, Tx-yea not gonna go over well

>>7021797 Stephen Hawkin visited St. James island

>>7021827 U.S. Airforce Tweet and Q drop#2603 "history books"

>>7021891 Hilary Clinton wheels up for Haiti

>>7021903 Rachel Chandler, John "Pumkin Spice" Brennan And Barry Obama AT the White House ON THE SAME DAY

>>7022030 JPMorgan’s Hersch succeeds colorful money manager( Epstein) February 11th, 2008

>>7022042 POTUS says U.S. envoy to Japan will run to be Tennessee senator

>>7022044, >>7022051, >>7022061 epstein island drone videos

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:20 p.m. No.7225168   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7021395, >>7021977 anon digs List of people arrested/charged for child sex trafficking

>>7021469 New PDJT retweets Border Crisis

>>7021420 Virginia Governor Northam Supports Illegal Immigrants Over ICE On Official Facebook Page. Comments Don't Go The Way He Hopes

>>7021501 Casey Wasserman dig

>>7021451 effrey-epsteins-cell-is-three-doors-down-from-el-chapo

>>7021573 Planefag update

>>7021599 Rachel Chandler - Rothschild - Spirit Cooking

>>7021624, >>7021617 anon dig Bronfman tied to Mort Zuckerman

>>7021695 anon dig Epstein flight manifest-LDR is Lynn Forrester

>>7021739 Kellogg Family Trust sold $5.49m in shares-July 10

>>7021796 Former priest admits to fathering prostitute's child-El Paso, Tx-yea not gonna go over well

>>7021797 Stephen Hawkin visited St. James island

>>7021827 U.S. Airforce Tweet and Q drop#2603 "history books"

>>7021891 Hilary Clinton wheels up for Haiti

>>7021903 Rachel Chandler, John "Pumkin Spice" Brennan And Barry Obama AT the White House ON THE SAME DAY

>>7022030 JPMorgan’s Hersch succeeds colorful money manager( Epstein) February 11th, 2008

>>7022042 POTUS says U.S. envoy to Japan will run to be Tennessee senator

>>7022044, >>7022051, >>7022061 epstein island drone videos

>>7021703 More Than a Dozen Jeffrey Epstein Accusers Have Come Forward Since His Indictment

>>7021718 Abramovic's table stunt, March of 2010

>>7021720 Ivanka dated Nat Rothschild

>>7021977 Mind Map of Fed Gov officials convicted of sex crimes feb 27 2015

>>7022060 Law and Crime article: whats the deal with the bizarre temple like structure on jeffrey epsteins private island

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:20 p.m. No.7225173   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7022215, >>7022332, >>7022691, >>7022828, >>7022880 Planefag update

>>7022168 us-extradites-former-colombian-minister-agriculture-convicted-embezzlement

>>7022172 Epstein/St. James vids/pics

>>7022192 Pence: The Conditions in One of the Detention Facilities I Visited Weren’t Acceptable – Congress Needs to Act

>>7022270 U.S. Virgin Islands Senator on Epstein: ‘Widespread Corruption’ in Territory, ‘He Has People on His Payroll’

>>7022373, >>7022390 New PDJT tweet! Great day in Wisconsin and Ohio!

>>7022335 , >>7022349 Hampstead Christ Church Satanic Ritual Child Abuse Cover-up -

>>7022426 Jay Powell calls both Bitcoin and gold speculative safe havens at his Senate testimony, however POTUS puts the nix on Bitcoin in his tweet yesterday

>>7022501, >>7022515 New PDJT tweet! "BOOMERANG OF JUSTICE", vid

>>7022503 “Boomerang” PDJT tweet/Q

>>7022513 Patriots plan on flopping the help lines for pro-illegal orgs

>>7022526 @1AD_CAB Ready to takeoff for the #weekend in 3, 2…

>>7022580 (Fed nomination) Dr. Judy Shelton's recent tweets on the gold standard, sound money/level playing field, and the debate over the Fed.


>>7022590 2009 A Billionaire’s Cow/Epstein

>>7022650 @USArmy Soldiers with 838th MP Co., Youngstown, #Ohio partnered with Serbian forces during #PlatinumWolf 2019 at South Base, Serbia. PW is a peacekeeping exercise



>>7022775 FTC-approves-roughly-5B-fine-Facebook

>>7022789 Epstein’s New Mexico ranch linked to investigation

>>7022796 Silence of the Epstein women


>>7022841 Notable Bun

>>7022856 That [Wheels Up] Wikileak is about Laura Silsby

>>7022878 Notable bun

>>7022910 Cemex dig

>>7022934 Epstein Had His Own Lodge at Interlochen’s (Michigan) Prestigious Arts Camp for Kids

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:20 p.m. No.7225178   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7023254, >>7023385 Planefag update

>>7023028, >>7023069, >>7023105 Epstein's 'Zorro Ranch' in New Mexico linked to investigation

>>7023109 Casey Wasserman dig

>>7023151 Seymour Hersh dig

>>7023169, >>7023175 Epstein pics

>>7023094, >>7023189 A Riotous Call to Dig on Senator Sinema ties to Backpage

>>7023253 Behind The Anti-Trump Cult That Publicized Multiple Fake Bomb Threats On Twitter

>>7023262, >>7023401, >>7023541 New Dr. Judy Shelton tweet (Fed Nominee) on the battle against "soft money" via hard money (silver & gold)

>>7023319, >>7023340, >>7023603 2007 Village Voice article from 2007 that literally mentions Mossad, NXIVM, Spielberg, Ghislaine Maxwell's father, Scientology, Caribbean islands, the CIA. Mind blowing

>>7023341 A Spotlight on: Take Control of Your Data MaidSafe

>>7023372 Links between Karl Marx and Rothschild?

>>7023598 notable bun

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:21 p.m. No.7225183   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7023021, >>7023086, >>7023227 Epstien Island submarine dig

>>7023028, >>7023069, >>7023105 Epstien Zorro ranch dig

>>7023094 Is this why Nancy doesn't want to fix the border?

>>7023109 more AFL Casey Wasserman digs

>>7023137 Jeffrey Epstein virgin islands Little St James house

>>7023140 Epstein Had His Own Lodge at Interlochen’s (Michigan) Prestigious Arts Camp for Kids

>>7023151 Fake News alert:"Exclusive: The true origins of the Seth Rich conspiracy theory"

>>7023169, >>7023175 Refresher on Epstien search warrant photos

>>7023216 Meet Bill Clintons travel doctor

>>7023254 Planefag update

>>7023262 New Dr. Judy Shelton tweet (Fed Nominee) on the battle against "soft money" via hard money (silver & gold)

>>7023298 RIP 45 tag trending

>>7023319 cryptome article on the promis of mossad

>>7023373 UK Police launch probe into Trump email 'leak'

>>7023603 Anon dig on promis of mossad

>>7023653 Video: Anon predicts quake in CA

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:21 p.m. No.7225187   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7023763 Migrants storm Pantheon Monument Paris

>>7023779 Planefag Saudi Armed Forces Med Sevice flying out of Britain

>>7024416 JonBenet Ramsey Photographer indicted on porn charges

>>7023887 Scottsdale heads to court to block Satanists from leading prayers

>>7023976 Planefag Milwaukee USAF SW4

>>7024037 Why Epstein Is Not A Billionaire

>>7024075 Front Page Drudge Report

>>7024088 Epstein Dodge ?'s About Sex w Prep School Students

>>7024104 Hedge Fund Mgrs Thought on Epstein Doings

>>7024104 R.Kelly Arrest Fed Sex Crime Charges

>>7024113 4K Footage Epstein Island (1 of 3)

>>7024119 4K Footage Epstein Island (2 or 3)

>>7024122 4K Footage Epstein Island (3 of 3)

>>7024114 Bloomberg Judge urged not to free Epstein pending trial

>>7024172 CIA bid to expand Covert Agent category

>>7024181 Epstein donates 15k to all girls prestigious Hewitt School

>>7024082 Sex Trafficking Scheme Chicago

>>7024185 Indiana Map Showing Call Reports Hotspots Human Trafficking

>>7024180 Op Ed Indiana is hub for sex trafficking

>>7024158 Indiana Man to Spend 40 Yrs in Prison Sex Trafficking

>>7024203 Polarisproject Human Trafficking

>>7024224 Mission 21 Anti Sex Trafficking group, dissolves

>>7024245 FTC Approves $5bil Fine for FB over Privacy Violations

>>7024249 ZH Project Mayhem or Project Epstein

>>7024253 Old article documenting Epstein & Maxwell flt. with Duke of York

>>7024255 Virgin Island Senator on Epstein says he has people on his payroll

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:21 p.m. No.7225190   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7023760 2018 POTUS twats re: old gold vaults in Trump Bldg

>>7023763 Watch Migrants STORM Pantheon Monument in Paris

>>7023779, >>7023976 Planefag update, Saudi Armed Forces Med Svcs flying out fr Britain, MKE

>>7023782 New Mexico AG wants new sex offender law amid Epstein probe

>>7024317, >>7024324, >>7024340, >>7024356, >>7023746, >>7023783, >>7023827, >>7023796, >>7023876, >>7024119, >>7024266, >>7023968, >>7024096, >>7024116, 7024120, >>7024130, >>7024139, >>7024330 Epstein temple/drone/equip dig

>>7024312 "They Have No Fear" - A Dozen New Epstein Abuse Victims Come Forward (Breitbart)

>>7024255, >>7024290 U.S. Virgin Islands Senator on Epstein: ‘Widespread Corruption’ in Territory, ‘He Has People on His Payroll’

>>7023862 Epstein's Southern Trust Co. & Ofc Mgr Cecile deJongh

>>7023887 Scottsdale Arizona defends itself in court v. Satanists

>>7023897 Epstein paid $350,000 to potential witnesses in sex traff case, prosecutors say

>>7023978 Baroness Philippine De Rothschild pics compared to Epstein Island camera shot

>>7024253 Mar 2011 Duke of York faces questions over sex scandal friend's flights to Sandringham

>>7024245 FTC Approves About $5 Billion Fine for Facebook Over Privacy Violations: Report

>>7024234, >>7024242, >>7024264 Law and Order happening all over the country

>>7024128 Attorney Who Fought to Keep Epstein’s Case Sealed Worked for Mueller and Comey

>>7024416 JonBenet Ramsey's former photophrapher indicted on child porn charges

>>7024224, >>7024239 Minnesota: Mission 21, anti-sex trafficking group, dissolves

>>7024180 Op Ed Indiana is hub for sex trafficking

>>7024172 CIA bid to expand Covert Agent category

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:21 p.m. No.7225202   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7024594, >>7024566 Pedo Symbols in Desert Diamond Logo

>>7024710, >>7024755, >>7025121 anons do a compare Baroness Philippine De Rothschild on the JE CCTV

>>7025099 New DJT rts - Tom Fitton

>>7024698 US Reg approves $5bil fine for Facebook

>>7024685 Wheels Up fleet/flight histories

>>7024951, >>7025008 anon breakdown on some Epstein Island footage

>>7024962 New DJT - Andy Mccabe is a sleazebag

>>7024566, >>7024868 Desert Diamond/Cemex dig

>>7024881, >>7024946 Epstein Island map

>>7024518 WTF Is Epstein Doing With A DNA Database?

>>7024593 Doctors and cops among 277 arrested in human trafficking, online prostitution sting in Florida

>>7025566 #8988

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:22 p.m. No.7225212   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7026230, >>7026262, >>7026760 Planefag update

>>7026592 EC-130J Commando Solo "flying transmitter" psyops plane is aloft over southern florida

>>7026081 Mike Rothschild a cuck!

>>7026234 AG Barr, his dad writes sci-fi, warns of dictatorship in outerspace

>>7026308 Ghislaine Maxwall was a "certified submersibles pilot"


>>7026305 The Heritage Foundation released a statement ahead of the White House’s social media summit attacking alleged “heavy-handed” technology regulations

>>7026315 @NSAGov We’re heading back to Portland, OR for @oscon! Stop by Booth 710 to check out live demos of #GHIDRA

>>7026381 robert-bluey-trumps-social-media-summit-spotlights-widespread-anti-conservative-bias-by-tech-giants

>>7026460 prosecutors-unlikely-charge-trump-org-execs-after-months-long-investigation

>>7026545 Digg on the death of Stephanie Niznik thread…Alliance for Children’s Rights

>>7026554 @WhiteHouse At Thursday's Social Media Summit, President @realDonaldTrump "estimated that between himself and the influential voices in the room . . . they collectively had more than a half a billion Twitter followers."

>>7026555 Dig on Brian Samelson.

>>7026561 2013 Smith-Mundt Act Obama update and modernize the legality of propoganda in The National Defense Authorization Act of 2013

>>7026568 Teretebro (?) airport Gama Aviation has a HQ there Wheels Up

>>7026627 Hong Kong protesters clashed with police on Saturday in a town near the boundary with mainland China where thousands rallied against the presence of Chinese traders

>>7026696 Wheels up = warning to HRC, Cheryl Mills

>>7026703 JW's Ramona Cotca on Clinton's lawyer

>>7026712, >>7026752 cemex dig

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:22 p.m. No.7225213   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7026561 About Smith-Mundt - US Gov paid internet shills?

>>7026555 Are the Samelsons spoopy? (Jew Epstein neighbors)

>>7026464 Best Ways For Jew Quotas

>>7026531 Dan Coats is going out the door?

>>7026599 Because he's a Jew who is not on our side who has taken control from the Patriots

>>7026519 1 dead after small plane crashes into building in Katy

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:22 p.m. No.7225218   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Previously Collected Notables

>>7024520 #8987, >>7025566 #8988

>>7022354 #8984, >>7022878 #8985, >>7023703 #8986

>>7019576 #8981, >>7020536 #8982, >>7021323 #8983

>>7017356 #8978, >>7018166 #8979, >>7019077 #8980

>>7015055 #8975, >>7015848 #8976, >>7016590 #8977

>>7013067 #8972, >>7013535 #8973, >>7014283 #8974

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:22 p.m. No.7225221   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7027673, >>7027793 Planefag updates

>>7027681 A schematic filed with the Department of Planning and Natural Resources shows development plans for Great St. James island.

>>7027700 What’s the Deal with the Bizarre Temple-Like Structure on Jeffrey Epstein’s Private Island?

>>7027706, >>7027932, >>7027782, >>7027914, >>7028121 Moar digging in First Lady if US Virgin Islands

>>7027737 R. Kelly Investigation uncovers over 20 underage sex tapes

>>7027740 Wheels Up in Wikileaks Clinton Emails

>>7027831 Dig on Tracy Twyman death & GreenLeaf Canyon Campground owner

>>7027863 Florida man received the maximum sentence for his abominable crimes.

>>7027893 Woman arrested for sex trafficking a minor in Waukegan

>>7027912 La. National Guard continues to ready for TS Barry landfall

>>7027941 Instagram Influencer Arrested for Sex Assault: LAPD

>>7027978, >>7027988 Hurricane Barry Updates

>>7028015 Vatican Finds Bones, deepening mystery in search for girl who disappeared 36 years ago

>>7028245 A Georgia sheriff's deputy is out of his job and behind bars on charges of sexual exploitation of children and possession of child pornography.

>>7027867 Mystery photo taken from a military vehicle?

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:23 p.m. No.7225224   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Notables for anons, by anons

>>7028444, >>7028663 call for Cusack family tree dig-this done a while ago ( i did some then) for newerfags

>>7028448 second call for diggers (less n……) on Epstein Island 2nd pedo compound

>>7028460, >>7028464 Q3399 / 3401 / 3402: size of temple + tunnels on Epstein's Island and what this might mean; Lifeboat Foundation

>>7028474, >>7028526 Protestors in Aurora CO replace US flag with Mexican flag at ICE center

>>7028483, >>7028979 CURRENT PROCESS TOKEN STATUS-schematic anon provided and original from lb

>>7028487 Former Steele dossier fan Isikoff says Russia planted story about Clinton hitmen killing Seth Rich

>>7028537 US Stratcom Tweet site

>>7028525, >>7028546 Dave Thomas Foundation information

>>7028591 Flight list occupants research-Claire Hazel

>>7028640, >>7028643 Rand Paul Tweet-"amazing day with POTUS"….

>>7028666, >>7028839 Moar Live from NOLO

>>7028733 Vice President Pence’s tour of migrant center near border shows men crowded in sweltering cages

>>7028829 #8991 posted in #8993

>>7028825 anon on :only BO approved shills can bake now. Q drop 505

>>7028832 Two wealthy "John Does" file anon motion to keep Epstein records sealed

>>7028876 #BREAKING France's Macron announces creation of space force command (really nigga!!)

>>7028987 Steve Pieczenik OPUS 167 Mossad Epstein Connection

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:23 p.m. No.7225228   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Notables for anons, by anons

>>7027666 ‘We did bad, evil things there’ – Vet turned peace activist on growing dissent with US forever wars

>>7027673, >>7027793 pf reports

>>7027681 A schematic filed with the Department of Planning and Natural Resources shows development plans for Great St. James island.

>>7027700 What’s the Deal with the Bizarre Temple-Like Structure on Jeffrey Epstein’s Private Island?

>>7027702 Hungary PM Warns on Long-term Migrant Crisis: ‘Millions Will Arrive, Our Task Is to Defend Our People’

>>7027706, >>7027932 anon dig FIRST LADY Cecile de Jongh still works for Epstein July 13, 2019

>>7027718 African Migrants Turned Church Into Base to Deal Heroin


>>7027737 Federal R.Kelly Inv. uncovers over 20 underage sex tapes

>>7027779, >>7027797 What is a Huma? anon dig

>>7027780 Thousands of people singing outside the Homestead concentration camp for children after an interfaith prayer. #EndChildDetention

>>7027782, >>7027914, >>7028022 anon dig and call for shovels out-Epstein in conflict with Vir Island Dept of planning and nat resources

>>7027828, >>7027912, >>7028030, >>7027867 LIVE FROM NOLO plus info

>>7027831 Dig on Tracy Twyman death & GreenLeaf Canyon Campground owner

>>7027832, >>7028021 POTUS Goes After Mueller For Deleting Text Messages Sent Between FBI Lovers Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, “Illegal Deletion by Mueller”

>>7027863 James Lockhart, 31, of Bradenton, Florida, received the maximum sentence for his abominable crimes.

>>7027893 Woman arrested for sex trafficking a minor in Waukegan

>>7027975 Top Insider Sale/Buy of the week ending July 12th-Workday Inc./Sinclair Broadcasting Grp.


>>7028015 Vatican finds bones, deepening mystery in search for girl who disappeared 36 yrs ago today

>>7028224 Exec. summary of Joint FBI-CIA on extent of saudi gov't support for terrorism (PDF)

>>7028245 Georgia sheriff's deputy is out of his job and behind bars on charges of sexual exploitation of children

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:23 p.m. No.7225230   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Notables for anons, by anons

>>7028444, >>7028663 call for Cusack family tree dig-this done a while ago for newerfags

>>7028448 second call for diggers (less n……) on Epstein Island 2nd pedo compound

>>7028460, >>7028464 Q3399 / 3401 / 3402: size of temple + tunnels on Epstein's Island and what this might mean; Lifeboat Foundation

>>7028474, >>7028526 Protestors in Aurora CO replace US flag with Mexican flag at ICE cente

>>7028483 CURRENT PROCESS TOKEN STATUS-schematic anon provided

>>7028487 Former Steele dossier fan Isikoff says Russia planted story about Clinton hitmen killing Seth Rich

>>7028537 US Stratcom Tweet site

>>7028525, >>7028546 Dave Thomas Foundation information

>>7028591 Flight list occupants research-Claire Hazel

>>7028640, >>7028643 Rand Paul Tweet-"amazing day with POTUS"….

>>7028666 Moar Live from NOLO

>>7028733 Vice President Pence’s tour of migrant center near border shows men crowded in sweltering cages

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:23 p.m. No.7225233   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7027243, >>7027433 Virgin Island Governor's Wife on Epstein Payroll

>>7026851 Ghislaine's sister- internet content curator

>>7026941 Max Maccoby, Hait, Orphans, Laura Silsby, Alefantis/Brock connection

>>7024566, >>7026879 CEMEX connection to LDR/Bronfman

>>7026961 Possible POTUS hint at Weiner life insurance file

>>7025420, >>7026965 Club Penguin may be pedo grooming 6 year olds

>>7026984, >>7027122, >>7027193 Planefag updates

>>7027054, >>7027316 Prosecutors to drop Trump Org investigation with no charges

>>7026681, >>7027086, >>7027187 Suspicious delivery service shut down

>>7027100, >>7027162 Moar Wheels UP fuckery

>>7027179 Justice Dept obtains $1.4 billion from Reckitt Benckiser Group on opiod case

>>7027277 St. Louis Police use of Punisher logo

>>7027288 Democratic Chicago Mayor Bans ICE From City Police Databases Ahead Of Planned Raids

>>7027366 Ghislain Maxwell is a certified minisub pilot & Branson's minisub

>>7027437 Germany loses track of 160 ISIS fighters after return from Syria

>>7027475 Indicted on sexual assault charges while running children’s home in Kenya

>>7027519 Macron announces French space force

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:23 p.m. No.7225239   🗄️.is 🔗kun


notables bun

>>7029283 Epstein Island DIGG, con't.

>>7029352, >>7029352 , >>7029374 , >>7029404 Anons on new board policy on notables

>>7029356 Trying for a rational perspective in this BO shitstorm

>>7029386 Armed Man Shot Dead After Throwing Incendiary Devices at ICE Detention Center

>>7029399, >>7029848 Planefag report (one from GITMO)

>>7029415 Federal Prosecutors Accuse Jeffrey Epstein of Witness Tampering – Claim He Paid $350,000 to Potential Witnesses

>>7029431, >>7029458 Are they activating Antifa?

>>7029432, >>7029694 Epstein DIGG (financial interests, Interlochen,

>>7029434 Almost 700,000 Facebook Users Have Pledged To "Storm" Area 51 Together

>>7029450 UK Promises to Release Detained Iranian Oil Tanker If Given Assurances It Won’t Go to Syria

>>7029476 In Video: Russian Warplanes Raining Hell On HTS Militants During Al-Hamameyat Battle

>>7029582 "Seconds matter" short video (nommed)

>>7029584 Anon's letter to BO

>>7029696 UK Terror Cops Warn Media That Publishing Leaks May Be ‘Criminal Matter’

>>7029590 Russia calls for withdrawal of foreign troops from Syria

>>7029606 Cory Booker’s Foreign Policy Echoes His Biggest Donors

>>7029612 Never forget: remember the 2016 polls?? (HRC 98%, Trump 1.7%)

>>7029633 Trump Consiglieres Giuliani and Bolton Paid Big Bucks by MEK Terrorist Group

>>7029663 Jeffrey Epstein jail logs

>>7029667 Q 515: A Reminder of QR Boards past

>>7029685 BO outflanked (moar deletion logs)

>>7029696 UK Terror Cops Warn Media That Publishing Leaks May Be ‘Criminal Matter’

>>7029739 German Ex-spy chief demands truth about Merkel’s health

>>7029843 Iran judiciary chief opposes Pais Agreement on climate protection

>>7029871 #8994

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:24 p.m. No.7225244   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7029944 Deport: Guatemala may build 'legal' wall against immigrants.

>>7029941, >>7029968 anon dig and call for digs many subjects (difficult to title so have a look)

>>7029984 Israel’s Involvement in Libya’s Civil War

>>7030035 anon on HAARP patents

>>7030066 Alex Navab, Prominent Wall Street Dealmaker, Is Dead at 53

>>7030160 French Police against illegal immigrants-vid

>>7030212, >>7030380 The Massive Earthquake who hit China Lake Naval Base was Action against a Deep Underground Military Base (DUMB)Known as Sector66stil

>>7030215 Sara Carter Tweet: Protestors on @ICEgov property just pulled down the #AmericanFlag and replaced it with the #Mexican flag.

>>7030220 Scavino Tweet-Kek!

>>7030291 >>7030293 Patriots' Kraft Pledges $100K for Families of Bikers Killed

>>7030293 Utah AG: North Logan man charged with raping a child after luring her to his apartment using Snapchat (from July 12)

>>7030310 MSNBC (faggots) tweet

>>7030344 Pennsylvania man accused of abuse kenya

>>7030417, >>7030401 R. Kelly's girlfriend kicked out of POTUS tower in Chicago after singer's arrest

>>7030508, >>7030572, >>7030618 Eugene Gu, was the CEO of Ganogen which was sourcing fetal tissue form StemExpress-anon dig

>>7030541 A Third(1/3) Of All European IG Bonds Have Negative Yields

>>7030544 POLICE: 16 Arrested in Phoenix ICE Protest — Cops Assaulted

>>7030594, >>7030635 Power out in manhattan Brian Stetler tweet

>>7030790 #8995

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:24 p.m. No.7225247   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7023731 Body camera video appears to show 17-year-old pointing replica gun at officer before she is shot, police say

>>7023760 A while ago, POTUS bought the old Federal Reserve vaults that used to house America's gold

>>7023758 Police say a crowd took the law into their own hands, beat to death a man who stole a car with kids inside

>>7023763 Undocumented migrants storm Pantheon monument in Paris

>>7023782 New Mexico AG wants new sex offender law amid Epstein probe

>>7023862 Epstein's Southern Trust Company, Inc.

>>7023887 Scottsdale will head to court Tuesday to defend a city council decision to block Satanists from leading a council meeting invocation.

>>7023897 Epstein accused of possible witness tampering

>>7023940 Federal sex-crime charges brought against singer R. Kelly

>>7023990 INDOPACOM Seventeen ships…

>>7024001 Epstein's Cash: A Theory

>>7024014 Good places to read more on Epstein

>>7024037 Epstein tells judge he wants mysterious finances kept secret

>>7024072 4K drone footage of Epstein's 'pedo island'

>>7024077 Epstein Entered Partnership Worth Millions With Ehud Barak in 2015

>>7024088 Jeffrey Epstein Dodged Questions About Sex With His Dalton Prep-School Students

>>7024104 Real Hedge-Fund Managers Have Some Thoughts on What Epstein Was Actually Doing

>>7024114 Epstein Is Worth $500 Million and Is Flight Risk, U.S. Says

>>7024128 Mueller and Comey were involved in the Florida case against Epstein.

>>7024137 Hawaii governor declares emergency for Maui wildfires

>>7024158 An Indiana man will spend the next 40 years in federal prison for sex trafficking.

>>7024181 Jeffrey Epstein donated 15k to UES all-girls school blocks from mansion

>>7024203 Facts about Human Trafficking

>>7024214 Banned video as a standalone file.

>>7024216 Your mission is to decipher encrypted quotes, factoids, historical events and more!

>>7024224 Mission 21, anti-sex trafficking group, dissolves

>>7024234 life in prison for rape, kidnapping, sex trafficking and holding a woman hostage.

>>7024253 in May 2000 the Duke flew with Epstein

>>7024255 U.S. Virgin Islands Senator on Epstein: ‘Widespread Corruption’ in Territory, ‘He Has People on His Payroll’

>>7024264 DA: Man who operated sex trafficking ring sentenced to 10 years in prison

>>7024268 Epstein invited academia involved in cognitive function and psychology to his island?

>>7024312 "They Have No Fear" – A Dozen New Epstain Abuse Victims Come Forward

>>7024341 Today aligns with the NowC@mesTHEP@in– -23!!! PSWD reveal drop on 5-19-18

>>7024453 Microfinance and Human Trafficking

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:24 p.m. No.7225250   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Notables for anons, by anons

>>7030729 moar from NOLO pic

>>7030737, >>7030785 anon digs Stephanie Niznik-hospital in DC related)second one)

>>7030802, >>7030804, >>7030820, >>7030823, >>7030912, >>7031011, >>7031120 moar on power outages in manhattan and a reminder about the transformer explosion queens (3rd one)

>>7030839 Lawmakers ask Tish James to investigate Cy Vance over Epstein case

>>7030850, >>7030893, >>7030945 42 years to the day of NYC blackout in 1977

>>7030857 NYCT Subway Tweet re power outages

>>7030894, >>7030937 Q drop #64 should the lights go out please know we are in control

>>7030949 Mick Jagger tweet "caught in a crossfire hurricane" Shanooby!

>>7030984 Scavino tweet "Summer of Geroge"

>>7031004 Marines bring highly mobile rockets to Australia, preparing for this months Talisman Sabre exercise-vid

>>7031045 Storming of the Presidency - reveled

>>7031085 anon repsot from earlier: First Lady of US Virgin Islands has worked for Epstein for years

>>7031144, >>7031277, >>7031315, >>7031331, >>7031339, >>7031343 pf update(s) 2 Lockheed P-3C's, one over Los Angeles, the other over Miami FL. and NY activity

>>7031106, >>7031151 Christian Carino, talent agent for CAA and Johnny Depp are close friends.

>>7031111, >>7031019, >>7031223 digits on power outages affecting Epstein business'-mebby

>>7031248 Live NYC Lower Manhattan & New York Harbor Cam

>>7031269 Live NYC Brooklyn Bridge & Manhattan cam

>>7031286, >>7031307 42nd yr anniv of NYC blackout=Bill Clinton 42nd President, cigar for anon-kek

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:24 p.m. No.7225253   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#8996 posted in #8997

Notables for anons, by anons

>>7030729 moar from NOLO pic

>>7030737, >>7030785 anon digs Stephanie Niznik-hospital in DC related)second one)

>>7030802, >>7030804, >>7030820, >>7030823, >>7030912, >>7031011, >>7031120 moar on power outages in manhattan and a reminder about the transformer explosion queens (3rd one)

>>7030839 Lawmakers ask Tish James to investigate Cy Vance over Epstein case

>>7030850, >>7030893, >>7030945 42 years to the day of NYC blackout in 1977

>>7030857 NYCT Subway Tweet re power outages

>>7030894, >>7030937 Q drop #64 should the lights go out please know we are in control

>>7030949 Mick Jagger tweet "caught in a crossfire hurricane" Shanooby!

>>7030984 Scavino tweet "Summer of Geroge"

>>7031004 Marines bring highly mobile rockets to Australia, preparing for this months Talisman Sabre exercise-vid

>>7031045 Storming of the Presidency - reveled

>>7031085 anon repsot from earlier: First Lady of US Virgin Islands has worked for Epstein for years

>>7031144, >>7031277, >>7031315, >>7031331, >>7031339, >>7031343 pf update(s) 2 Lockheed P-3C's, one over Los Angeles, the other over Miami FL. and NY activity

>>7031106, >>7031151 Christian Carino, talent agent for CAA and Johnny Depp are close friends.

>>7031111, >>7031019, >>7031223 digits on power outages affecting Epstein business'-mebby

>>7031248 Live NYC Lower Manhattan & New York Harbor Cam

>>7031269 Live NYC Brooklyn Bridge & Manhattan cam

>>7031286, >>7031307 42nd yr anniv of NYC blackout=Bill Clinton 42nd President, cigar for anon-kek

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:24 p.m. No.7225255   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7030729 moar from NOLO pic

>>7030737, >>7030785 anon digs Stephanie Niznik-hospital in DC related)second one)

>>7030802, >>7030804, >>7030820, >>7030823, >>7030912, >>7031011, >>7031120 moar on power outages in manhattan and a reminder about the transformer explosion queens (3rd one)

>>7030839 Lawmakers ask Tish James to investigate Cy Vance over Epstein case

>>7030850, >>7030893, >>7030945 42 years to the day of NYC blackout in 1977

>>7030857 NYCT Subway Tweet re power outages

>>7030894, >>7030937 Q drop #64 should the lights go out please know we are in control

>>7030949 Mick Jagger tweet "caught in a crossfire hurricane" Shanooby!

>>7030984 Scavino tweet "Summer of Geroge"

>>7031004 Marines bring highly mobile rockets to Australia, preparing for this months Talisman Sabre exercise-vid

>>7031045 Storming of the Presidency - reveled

>>7031085 anon repsot from earlier: First Lady of US Virgin Islands has worked for Epstein for years

>>7031144, >>7031277, >>7031315, >>7031331, >>7031339, >>7031343 pf update(s) 2 Lockheed P-3C's, one over Los Angeles, the other over Miami FL. and NY activity

>>7031106, >>7031151 Christian Carino, talent agent for CAA and Johnny Depp are close friends.

>>7031111, >>7031019, >>7031223 digits on power outages affecting Epstein business'-mebby

>>7031248 Live NYC Lower Manhattan & New York Harbor Cam

>>7031269 Live NYC Brooklyn Bridge & Manhattan cam

>>7031286, >>7031307 42nd yr anniv of NYC blackout=Bill Clinton 42nd President, cigar for anon-kek

>>7031396 #8996

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:25 p.m. No.7225256   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#8987 posted but whiny grandstanding bitch nigger


that took the time to collect notables by anons, for the anons

not sure why he has to grandstand

or why he cant drop here after dropping there


he can have reddit spacing automatic 8chan copy paste since he is a redditnigger

>>7023731 Body camera video appears to show 17-year-old pointing replica gun at officer before she is shot, police say

>>7023760 A while ago, POTUS bought the old Federal Reserve vaults that used to house America's gold

>>7023758 Police say a crowd took the law into their own hands, beat to death a man who stole a car with kids inside

>>7023763 Undocumented migrants storm Pantheon monument in Paris

>>7023782 New Mexico AG wants new sex offender law amid Epstein probe

>>7023862 Epstein's Southern Trust Company, Inc.

>>7023887 Scottsdale will head to court Tuesday to defend a city council decision to block Satanists from leading a council meeting invocation.

>>7023897 Epstein accused of possible witness tampering

>>7023940 Federal sex-crime charges brought against singer R. Kelly

>>7023990 INDOPACOM Seventeen ships…

>>7024001 Epstein's Cash: A Theory

>>7024014 Good places to read more on Epstein

>>7024037 Epstein tells judge he wants mysterious finances kept secret

>>7024072 4K drone footage of Epstein's 'pedo island'

>>7024077 Epstein Entered Partnership Worth Millions With Ehud Barak in 2015

>>7024088 Jeffrey Epstein Dodged Questions About Sex With His Dalton Prep-School Students

>>7024104 Real Hedge-Fund Managers Have Some Thoughts on What Epstein Was Actually Doing

>>7024114 Epstein Is Worth $500 Million and Is Flight Risk, U.S. Says

>>7024128 Mueller and Comey were involved in the Florida case against Epstein.

>>7024137 Hawaii governor declares emergency for Maui wildfires

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:25 p.m. No.7225261   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7032280, >>7032297, >>7032607, >>7032509 NYC Power Outage Update

>>7032307 Entire Angel Team wears #45 (to honor Tyler Skaggs)

>>7032310 Pia Klemp facing 2 years for "saving 1000 people"

>>7032312 Iranian tanker update

>>7032651 Fox tweet that Gov. Cuomo calling up National Guard

>>7032698 Epstein place relative to NYC outage

>>7032699 Immigration raids may be beginning in NYC

>>7032416 Billy Joel & Clintons at MSG

>>7032464 Power out for Jennifer Lopez concert at MSG

>>7032925 Puerto Rico officials resign in group chat scandal

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:25 p.m. No.7225262   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7032208 I made a NEW BOARD

>>7032249 Biden Dropping Out of race

>>7032272 Manhattan transformer fire knocks out power to thousands in Midtown, Upper West Side

>>7032291 US Army Tweet Punching the gun!

>>7032296 Eptsein's Cell 3 doors down from Chapo

>>7032307 With ‘45’ on their backs, Angels honor Tyler Skaggs

>>7032344 US Marines tweet Ridin’ the Wave

>>7032371 who are these men with Bill Clinton at punta cana?

>>7032383 Anons Outer layout of Epstien Temple

>>7032416 Billy Joel & Clintons for the Kek

>>7032428 When Does a Bird Sing?

>>7032464 Power out for Jennifer Lopez concert

>>7032509 The Flag Stayed Lit in the NYC Black Out

>>7032515 GITMO Trials will be Broadcast Online

>>7032523 Vatican Murder Bodies Found?

>>7032554 ICE Fails to Make Arrests in Early New York City Raids

>>7032586 Devin Nunes Gives a Sneak Preview

>>7032638 Jeffrey Peterson, Social Media Entrepreneur Listen Live

>>7032657 Gov. Cuomo calling up National Guard to send to New York City.

>>7032689 Scientists unveil the first-ever image of quantum entanglement.

>>7032691 Anons under attack

>>7032750 90,000 without power

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:25 p.m. No.7225267   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7033029 Sadie Roberts-Joseph found dead in the trunk of a car

>>7033044 This Patriot is dropping some real shit

>>7033053 WATCH NYC

>>7033083 Q Proof 42nd anniversary today of 1977 NYC blackout.

>>7033092 Anon Astounded

>>7033125 Never Forget

>>7033134 presser is wearing a RESIST pin!

>>7033188 BO II crew going full 1984 mode now.

>>7033224 M4.0 3km from Manhattan

>>7033337 Remember how Q said cures were incoming?

>>7033339 Anons Theory on Lights Out NYC

>>7033345 Seeing reports on twitter of a major explosion before the outage.

>>7033291 shill donkey punched in vagina

>>7033233 Mossad Epstein Connection

>>7033333 Quints confirm Even the shills know that.

>>7033441 Cuomo Signs Equity Pay

>>7033460 Anon Feels Something Huge Going On

>>7033511 Man was hoping for a Nike shoe deal. Gets bullet instead.

>>7033156 Bronfman Rothschild investment firm merger in June


>>7033608 We Had Visitors

>>7033622 9th Circuit backs DOJ


>>7033624 Black Out Current Stats

>>7033626 National Guard On the Scene

>>7032969, >>7033027

>>7033005 NYC blackout w/ Q Post

>>7033071, >>7033080 Clinton, Epstein, Virgin Island Governor's wife connection

>>7033093 Flag stays lit in NYC blackout

>>7033134 Person kvetching behind con Edison presser is wearing a RESIST pin

>>7033156 Bronfman Rothschild acquired by NFP Corp

>>7033199 Epstein signature by aside mansion and temple door

>>7033337 Cures are coming…AI's are digging

>>7033426 Watch the water…behind Bill Clinton

>>7033580 Cuomo calling National Guard

>>7033564, >>7033578, >>7033600 Ghostbusting the blackout

>>7033693 8856 to 8857 is when the change took place. no moar dank memes.

>>7033726 Cam Repositioned NYC

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:25 p.m. No.7225269   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7032969, >>7033027

>>7033005 NYC blackout w/ Q Post

>>7033029 Sadie Roberts-Joseph found dead in trunk of a car

>>7033071, >>7033080 Clinton, Epstein, Virgin Island Governor's wife connection

>>7033093 Flag stays lit in NYC blackout

>>7033134 Man wearing RESIST button at Con Edison press conference as lights come on

>>7033156 Bronfman Rothschild acquired by NFP Corp

>>7033199 Epstein signature by aside mansion and temple door

>>7033337 Cures are coming…AI's are digging

>>7033426 Watch the water…behind Bill Clinton

>>7033580 Cuomo calling National Guard

>>7033550, >>7033626 Fox: National Guard in NYC

>>7033564, >>7033578, >>7033600 Ghostbusting the blackout

>>7033644 Jacob Schwartz old boss says power coming back to NYC soon

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:25 p.m. No.7225270   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#8999 posted in #9000


notables for anons, by anons

>>7033029 Sadie Roberts-Joseph found dead in the trunk of a car

>>7033044 This Patriot is dropping some real shit

>>7033053 WATCH NYC

>>7033071, >>7033080 Clinton, Epstein, Virgin Island Governor's wife connection

>>7033083 Q Proof 42nd anniversary today of 1977 NYC blackout.

>>7033092 Anon Astounded

>>7033093 While much of Times Square in New York City went dark in a power outage the flag stayed lit.

>>7033125 Never Forget

>>7033134 presser is wearing a RESIST pin!

>>7033156 Bronfman Rothschild acquired by NFP Corp-june

>>7033188 BO II crew going full 1984 mode now.

>>7033199 Epstein signature by aside mansion and temple door

>>7033227 Epstein detained at Metro Correctional facility-lower Manhattan?

>>7033233, >>7033486 OPUS 167 Mossad Epstein Connection-been in lb but posted for nightshift

>>7033224 M4.0 3km from Manhattan

>>7033250 US Army Tweet- 7th Special forces "night infiltration training"

>>7033333 Quints confirm Even the shills know that.

>>7033337 Cures are coming…AI Pores Over Old Scientific Papers, Makes Discoveries Overlooked By Humans

>>7033340 memefag nails it-NYC blackout

>>7033426 look at 2 men in water BEHIND BILL CLINTON- punta cana pic-Watch the Water

>>7033436 anon submission-The power is being restored but the # on the Con Edison site is stuck at 77,107

>>7033441 Cuomo Signs Equity Pay

>>7033460 Anon Feels Something Huge Going On

>>7033467 Ben Garrison statement

>>7033511 Man was hoping for a Nike shoe deal. Gets bullet instead.

>>7033578, >>7033600 Ghostbusting the blackout

>>7033622 9th Circuit backs DOJ

>>7033624 Black Out Current Stats

>>7033626, >>7033550, Nat Guard to direct traffic-vid at link

>>7033644 Deblasio Tweet "estimated 10k remain without power as restorations begin…."

>>7033693 QResearch mission statement first appeared in its changed form in bred #8856 to #8857

>>7033726 Times square feed re-positioned to Crown Plaza hotel

>>7033734 It has been ~48 hours since Q posted about watching NYC. Q#3418 Watch NYC


Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:26 p.m. No.7225272   🗄️.is 🔗kun


aby anons, for anons


>>7033768 Reagan on immigration

>>7033827 Dark to light happening in bread 9000.

>>7033829 anon on blackout "The power outage timed as an anniversary implies well planned foreknowledge…"-watch NYC!

>>7033840 Cornelius Vanderbilt House and map

>>7034202, >>7033871, >>7034018, >>7034085 Jumaane Williams digs

>>7034151 Standard Hotel drop

>>7034130, >>7034324 Q post 647 - day of days, Flag Stayed light (blackout)

>>7034335 Spektr-RG observatory separates from Blok DM-03 stage in deployment orbit - Roscosmos

>>7034409, >>7034360 Gerry was keen to enforce child labor laws regarding performance. NY Society Prevention of Cruelty to Children dig

>>7034485 #9000

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:26 p.m. No.7225276   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#8999 in #9000 crowd collecting

>>7033005, 7033093 NYC blackout w/ Q Post (etc)

>>7033029 Sadie Roberts-Joseph found dead in the trunk of a car

>>7033043 Rumors swirling that underage Epstein victim has provided new info

>>7033093 Flag stays lit in NYC blackout

>>7033053 NY Times Square blackout vid (live)

>>7033071, >>7033080 Clinton, Epstein, Virgin Island Governor's wife connection

>>7033075 Sather on NY power outage survey (for KEKS)

>>7033156, >>7033156 Bronfman Rothschild investment firm merger in June

>>7033216, >>7033083 Today is the anniversary of the 1977 NYC power outage (Wikipedia sauce)

>>7033298 Drone video footage from Jim Hoft (Gateway Pundit)

>>7033337 Cures are coming…AI's are digging

>>7033486 Possible MOSSAD-Epstein connection (vid)

>>7033511 Armed man reportedly shot after throwing incendiary devices at ICE detection center

>>7033550, >>7033580 Nat'l Guard to direct traffic in NYC & Q22

>>7033591 Blackout necessary? Q posts

>>7034057 #8999

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:26 p.m. No.7225279   🗄️.is 🔗kun


#9000 updated in 9001

>>7033768 Reagan on immigration

>>7033827 Dark to light happening in bread 9000.

>>7033829 anon on blackout "The power outage timed as an anniversary implies well planned foreknowledge…"-watch NYC!

>>7033840 Cornelius Vanderbilt House and map

>>7034202, >>7033871, >>7034018, >>7034085 Jumaane Williams digs

>>7034151 Standard Hotel drop

>>7034130, >>7034324 Q post 647 - day of days, Flag Stayed light (blackout)

>>7034335 Spektr-RG observatory separates from Blok DM-03 stage in deployment orbit - Roscosmos

>>7034409, >>7034360 Gerry was keen to enforce child labor laws regarding performance. NY Society Prevention of Cruelty to Children dig

>>7034350, >>7034257, >>7034382 Gold Fringe Missing in Flags for WH pics

>>7034607 #9000

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:26 p.m. No.7225281   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7034656 BO twat

>>7034730 Founded in 1997 as Virchow Krause Management, Bronfman Rothschild was acquired by the Bronfman and E.L. Rothschild families in 2015

>>7034819, >>7035052, >>7035070 Manhattan Blackout EBS, map, Epstein house

>>7034758, >>7034763 Attacker on Tacoma ICE Detention Center identified as “anarchist and antifascist”

>>7034741 Rothchild / NXIVM / Bronfman / CEMEX / Clinton / Epstein anon spreadsheet

>>7034794 Epstein Island Flight log graph 1

>>7034795 Epstein Island Flight log graph 2

>>7034800 Epstein Island Flight log graph 3

>>7034987 Epstein Island Flight log graphs 1-4

>>7035108 Epstein Island Flight log outliers

>>7034872, >>7034874, >>7034878 Resignations in the news today

>>7034895, >>7034964, >>7035163 Past Q Bridge posts, anons breaks em down

>>7034890 Gov. Andrew Cuomo swipes at NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio for being absent when power outage hits

>>7034914 Epstein has Questionable Ties with Former Israeli Prime Minister EHUD BARAK and the WEXNER Foundation

>>7034940 Anon breaks down/questions 4 Manhattan blackouts, today was mild summer day 84 degrees

>>7034966 6.4 EQ West Coast Australia

>>7035015, >>7035103, >>7035162 Information showing Epstein's Little St. James has underground buildings. Found on a designer's online portfolio

>>7035049, >>7035069, >>7035090 Sarah Kellen listed a lot in 2003 (flight logs)

>>7035074, >>7035087, >>7034953 John Travolta digs (pilot, plane, etc)

>>7035092, >>7033840 (pb) more Manhattan digs 666 Fifth ave, Cornelius Vanderbilt House

>>7035159 Wheels Up owns the planes, but Gama Aviation operates.

>>7035209 New Jersey Mag with Trump - BOOM Times

>>7035234 #9001

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:26 p.m. No.7225283   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7033021, >>7033067 watermelon is a pedo symbol for kids groomed to suck dick.

>>7033029 Sadie Roberts-Joseph, founder of an African American history museum, is found dead in the trunk of a car

>>7033233 OPUS 167 Mossad Epstein Connection

>>7033262 flashback to Haiti and Jean Max Bellerive and Clinton

Anonymous ID: 1ee07e July 27, 2019, 9:27 p.m. No.7225285   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7033988 Epstein gave Ehud Barak funds to invest in a start-up called Carbyne, according to Haaretz, but isn’t listed as a partner.

>>7034165 Liz Krogen explains the connection from Epstein to pizzagate

>>7034335 Spektr-RG observatory separates from Blok DM-03 stage in deployment orbit - Roscosmos

>>7034360 New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children initially funded by Cornelius VANDERBILT

>>7034376 #UK police arrests three for attempted murder as car rams into crowd in #London