Anonymous ID: d900c6 June 2, 2019, 5:43 a.m. No.6651920   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1989 >>3738



HYPOCRYTE ASSHAT. Reason enough to suspect all masons are shills out of obligations if not personal feelings. Your not allowed to have feelings as a mason. They tell you what to feel and your not some kind of sherrif with a cowboy hat because you pretend not to know the mason in your lodge that owns the golf course kills children underground. Your nothing but complicit in child murder not a good old boy a pedophile child murder syndacite asset at the very least. That is why you need to stop it stop being selfish and get out of this cult because at a certain point the kids being murdered matter more than you and your family as a mason. Your not more important than a non mason as a mason. MASONRY IN NO WAY UNDERGIRDS THE UNITED STATES AND THIS WILL BE DEMONSTRATED REGARDLESS OF YOUR FAKE ASS NOBEL MAN SKIRTING OF THE ISSUE

Anonymous ID: d900c6 June 2, 2019, 5:47 a.m. No.6651939   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1989 >>2071 >>3738


Good look guys, this isn't even a bad apple its just a fake fuck harming the communication flow of the nation.


HYPOCRYTE ASSHAT. Reason enough to suspect all masons are shills out of obligations if not personal feelings. Your not allowed to have feelings as a mason. They tell you what to feel and your not some kind of sherrif with a cowboy hat because you pretend not to know the mason in your lodge that owns the golf course kills children underground. Your nothing but complicit in child murder not a good old boy a pedophile child murder syndacite asset at the very least. That is why you need to stop it stop being selfish and get out of this cult because at a certain point the kids being murdered matter more than you and your family as a mason. Your not more important than a non mason as a mason. MASONRY IN NO WAY UNDERGIRDS THE UNITED STATES AND THIS WILL BE DEMONSTRATED REGARDLESS OF YOUR FAKE ASS NOBEL MAN SKIRTING OF THE ISSUE

Anonymous ID: d900c6 June 2, 2019, 6 a.m. No.6651989   🗄️.is 🔗kun



i didn't think the first one went through and don't know how to delete it or if you can on this board sorry for the double post i was using the non javascript captcha and i did not see the page reload.

Anonymous ID: d900c6 June 2, 2019, 6:20 a.m. No.6652071   🗄️.is 🔗kun


When i say "good look guys" I am referring to the fact that this is supposedly one of the neutral masons and he is simply a compromised man and that is all there is to it. These people need to be held accountable for their 3 monkey sort of allowance of this child murder masonic religion to take foot of the world. Its their fault because they can leave but they are selfish. They feed their families off of the dirty money that was made murdering children. That is the best case scenerio. All these supposed do-gooder cop masons are why we think of the police as a mafia not the barny fife man of law.because these npc police officers following lodge directed orders. This is so much of a fucking problem with the fake ass mason judges and lawyers (not all of them my god but you can not say there is no corrupt shriner judges out there) that im sure that is part of why MILITARY TRIBUNALS are being considered. Because collectivley these fake ass mason dirty cops (not the good mason cops the higher ups that shut shit down from being investigated) have failed so hard the military might have to take care of what they let get this way by convening at the lodge of the system by which this corruption is even taking place. I know IKNOW YOUR JUSS A DINDOO POLEECE OFFICA JUSS DOIN YOUR JOB. You can stop holding up this mafia of masonic affiliation and outright terroristic claiming of local regional and international black markets wink adrenochrome wink. So many people are killed by police simply because they are aware somehow that there is a local masonic human butchery going on and fake ass church eastern star people squeezing the life out of kids in the lodge.That's what you can do stiop being a mason. Walk out of the room do that walk on out of the lodge like masons walk out of rooms when a non mason speaks to a group of people and says anything not in the masonic how-life-should-be narrative. is not your job as a cop as anything to also be a mason. Well maybe like bill cooper accidently got into naval intelligence by saying he was demolay checking off masonry. Ok now they better be good masons because if not we are all fucked. But i think the bill cooper navel intelligence Q clearence masons are looking at this and thinking its definatly a protuberance most likely one of the reasons Q is doing a ritualistic catachism. Literallt almost every Q post with

a question?

and another question?

and another question?

is actually a nod that we are in fact here to expose masonry aswell if not cheifly.BECAUSE IN THE RITUALS YOU HAVE CATACHISM IT IS LIKE PIC RELATED EXCEPT THE QUESTIONS HAVE A Q: on each line and the answers have an A on each line.