Anonymous ID: f690ff June 25, 2019, 8:29 a.m. No.6838413   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8506

Google is meeting in masonic temples to outline censorship. This laughable shit is going to be the final nail in the coffin for google. Ther'e done. They need to be dismantled and seeing how these masons deplatform people. Google needs to be deplatformed. if you take out google probably yahoo can incoorperate the web crawlers. Youtube is already its own seperate entity. is better than duck duck go but still not as good as google. We have to make noise about this because it is literally their weak spot. Get these sellouts to explain why they are going to masonic temples to enforce their unknown line in the sand. Make them answer for it. By the time they come up with some dissmissive comment you will have caused so much outrage. There needs to be outrage or they will just bury us in smiling faggots vlogging. It doesn't matter if they prop up joe biden highlight the masonic angle zoom in on him squeezing a child.. It doesnt matter they are masons game over. That is what the G is. Fuck these people. Fuck these people.

Anonymous ID: f690ff June 25, 2019, 8:47 a.m. No.6838506   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They pretend that they are like wolfram alpha a non-political entity. Yet they are literally taking their employees on a field trip to the lodge to intimidate them. That guy was not struggling to say "M-may the meeting was in may". He was hesitating on saying masonic temple like everyone on the planet does instinctively out of fear.