Anonymous ID: e12ba1 May 4, 2019, 11:13 p.m. No.6418713   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8786


Saw the grey thumbnail that shows on videos when its been taken down. I think it was just on my end but here it is in-case they do delete that video. Though its a pretty known video already apparently that man is not only a presumibly 3nd degree mason of the Scottish Rite. But also a shriner a jester and i think even a member of sobib according to the jester documentary "freemasonry's animal house"made by a mason up on youtube (seemingly made by a mason. Good doc not sure if that's the full story though with the jesters.)


Thanks it seems at first glance relevent this is a spiritual warefare memetic warfare psychological mind warefare and there is absolutely a larger battle taking place above us with spirits and angels and below or around us with the reflectation of it in the media. How the media loves they absolutley love to mention this russian hacker narrative yet they are unable or unwilling (im thinking unable due to it not existing). DNC "hack" was a leak according to the file transfer speeds during the investigation on it it had to be a leak or some kind of stealing of dnc documents by someone onto a flash drive. Seth rich? Who knows but They love saying its a conspiracy by conspiracists hiding in dark corners of conspiracism and hate. That takes such hate and such masonic angst to trot out this russian shit when by god we know what the artist cult surrounding the dmc is up to this is america taking BACK control from the GLOBALISTS GLOBE PILLARMEN and you know what they have a lot of fucking nerve to say any kind of conspiracy especially when they FALSE FLAG LIKE NEW ZELAND THAT WAS AT LEAST PRE-FILMED IF NOT STAGED USING MUSLIMS TO HAVE NAMELESS FACELESS MORROCCAN DRESSED PEOPLE OUT OF THIN AIR. WANNA TALK ABOUT CORRUPTION STOP PRETENDING NEW ZELAND IS EXACTLY HOW THEY SAY IT IS LIKE FORBES HAVING TO CHANGE THE TITLE OF THEIR ARTICLE FROM "why 8chan needs to shut down" to "why 8chan won't be shut down" .LAZY CRISIS ACTORS POURING POWERADE ON THEIR SHEET CLOTHING.

Anonymous ID: e12ba1 May 4, 2019, 11:21 p.m. No.6418761   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Definatly a 1 eye symbology maybe looking through a sort of rose red blood adrenochrome elite colored glasses. He did have that iphone "red" campaign for africans dying left and right with aids. Funny thing is according to the highwaypatrolman htg threads on 4chan october of 2017 the amount of adrenochrome seized at the canadian border would have to have been from hundreds of thousands of people. Particularly children ~4-10/13 as the human can only begin to excrete adrenochrome at 4 years of age. Apparently they still slaughter infants and supposedly sodomize them immediatly after birth. Not even for their junkie adrenochrome but for ritualism. But anyways knowing it would have taken hundreds of thousands of people to make the amount of adrenochrome they seized at the canadian border going into canada for storage or for distribution through canada to the rest of the world. Matches adc adrenochrome etherium cryptocurrency that lead to some kind of rabbit island in british columbia if i am not mistaken. Basically the hundreds of thousands of poor victims given to adrenochrome must have either have been bred presumibly underground in huge quantities or slaughtered from regions like africa india and china respectively. So you see even mexico all of the poor 3rd world nations and the bono's masonically claiming dominance over these regions via masonically gang symbol charities like the red campaign. EVERY PHONE HAD A U2 ALBUM SENT TO IT AND THIS GUY IS COMPLETLY AS HE SEEMS A PHILANTHROPIST AND NOTHING MORE? I want to think so but this post got me thinking of his overt nature of claiming the struggles of millions of people with starvation and whatnot when for all we know big game hunting types could have concentration camps in india china and africa places like that to farm adrenochrome. Add to that the possibility and sad reality to whatever extent these covens are breeding these children singularly and supposedly the masons are farming children and the locations of these farms apparently are in the midwest according to an infamous whistleblower on /pol/ or /x/ on 4chan ~2013 or~2011 i can't remember. Ther eis supposedly a letterhead from a "watchers" group (reminds me of the "finders") in which that letterhead was supposedly smuggled out of an investigation into these so called "watchers" where the letterhead corresponded to locations in the midwest. Apperently they are somewhere on tor or .onion sites. I can't seem to find it one anon who was sra'd for his whole life seems to think it is in urbana champaign illinois in the corn-fields adjacent to the university of illinois. Saying the alumni and staff lists correspond to masonic rolls and through digging on UI urbana as well as scouring the surrounding corn fields (there is a few runways/airports in the area with corn fields around it its a farm town) Apparently the entrance to this possible underground farm complex is in the midst of a wooded area in the said cornfields (mixture of corn and soybeans) somewhere around the University of Illinois urbana campaign. Interestingly the alumni shows a gene biologist/biological engeneer who rubbed elbows with George W Bush. and hugh hefner amoung other captains of industry. Hugh hefner supposedly had taken the playboy bunny from a bar he frequented while in COLLEGE. Rabbits are synonymous with breeding. fucking like rabbits and breeding like rabbits

Anonymous ID: e12ba1 May 4, 2019, 11:29 p.m. No.6418786   🗄️.is 🔗kun



32nd degree. Apparently a common degree either they stay at master mason, go on to the 32nd degree (interestingly that degree has a black cap as its garb). And is the scottish rite a stepping stone? Maybe with possible nefarious persons on the supreme council (no idea but you would have to assume a bad apple or 2 is in the highest public level of masonry.). I want to say the 32nd degree while seemingly high up is actually either a normal guy or a possible bad apple. Corresponds with the double headed eagle maybe there are 2 paths a traveler can take from the 32nd degree onwards and or upwards (maybe even downwards) to a darker masonic group possibly

<all speculation