Anonymous ID: 6ffa73 April 6, 2019, 9:20 a.m. No.6072741   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2753 >>2929 >>3087 >>5721 >>8529

Gee I wonder who could be behind this thread..


Veterans Advice for New Eyes:

muh_joos = shill

muh_evilmasons = shill

muh_flat_dick = shill

muh_cre[e]pbot = shill

muh_brainwash = muh_critical_thinking = muh_AI = muh_biden = muh_cat/CTA = shill

muh_ever_moving_standards = shill


They all share the same network resources.

They get off deceiving (You).


Sunshine's the best disinfectant, eh~