Anonymous ID: d82b53 April 29, 2019, 4:18 p.m. No.6363554   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3867


The user "Long Pig Café" commented on a video on Tesla Spacecraft. I have seen increaslingy accounts that are plain very creepy, "Akane Impreza" is one of them. This video he hosts has satanic symbols :

The context is also important. It's a video about guys that go to abandoned and /or undergound places. I bet there is a tremendous amount of demonic activity going on there.


With a worldwide network of Satanic Ritual Abuse/Mind Control Programs going on since biblical times, there is no wonder that these are so well hidden. These are widespread. It's not only the celebrities or politicians, it's everyone.


The Deep State is the part of the network of multiple personality Individuals that are being drained by God right now and that are being overcome. These who aren't the Deep State/Cabal are those who currently aren't being drained right now. But we will be.


But for now, there are these networks of demonized individuals whose alters commit horrible acts. I bet John Podesta doesn't even remember what he did at Comet Ping Pong.


There are more Youtubers who display these signs of Cabal activity : "ItsYeBoi" ,Braille Skateboarding, especially Aaron Kyro and Fetty Potter


Full of goat, Pizza, OneEye symbols.


"CrazyRussianHacker" also displays goats.


There are hundreds of Youtubers that do display weird symbols. maybe thousands, ten thousand. I think it is even realistic to say that the cabal puppets are millions if not billions on this planet. All made through SRA through centuries. Maybe, if they are all taken out, the "Georgia Guidestones" will do a lot more sense than now.