Anonymous ID: 2b35cf May 15, 2019, 10:57 a.m. No.6505821   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5844 >>5877 >>5896 >>1965

Found a masonic stop-motion artist group called open the portal. They have the all seeing eye as their logo, Use the square and compass as-well. They host short film screenings or marathons of movies/tv in an outdoor place with a large hand sculpture. In one of these screenings there lays an inflatable pizza float thingy for pools. They also most importantly have a long list of working for commercials and media like cartoon network. THEY INPUT THE ALL SEEING EYE INTO MEDIA. THAT IS WHERE ITS COMING FROM GROUPS OF MASONS GETTING TOGETHER TO COLLUDE MASONIC IMAGERY IN ALL MEDIA.


Of course it didnt end (or begin it began with @jamesalefantis and Rachel chandler and blissgod) with the portal nerds. No you see im gonna have to make a long video recording my screen just 4 or 5 minutes of showing how many cultists there are and how blatant it is. I can't screencap every eye every satanic thing. Not even every pizza symbolized thing. I can't even get a grasp on how many people are involved in this network but again and again and again i see masons guiding or these artists coming together under outright square and compass symbolism. or under the lesser symbols of masonry. Technically the all seeing eye is by no means the lesser symbol but as far as comparing it to the square and compass the square and compass seems to be the ultimate masonic verification glyph Then the all seeing eye/pyramid eye and then after that solar symbology sun moon stars like the sign at comet ping pong. (reminiscent of the blacktangerine disturbing paintings that an anon found around november last year)


Just a few that i have out of the 120 or so tabs i have had open in this dig.I am hesitant to post the usernames of any account before i scrape their posts because they have a habit of setting their account to private. Having people comment on their shit getting them to delete the instagram or privatize it. DONT COMMENT ON THEIR POSTS IT DRIVES THEM OFF AND SOME OF THESE PEOPLE MAYBE 1 PERCENT ARE PERIPHERAL OR NOT DIRECTLY INVOLVED. I confronted bliss god on one of his old accounts before pizzagate but i just debated masonry with him he called me a know nothing he is not wrong i am not an initiate but aside from that i have not and you should also not confront them on their instagram.

Anonymous ID: 2b35cf May 15, 2019, 11:08 a.m. No.6505915   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5939 >>6038

Wayne Coyne of the Flaming lips is known as one of these pizza instagram people. A call for an uprising made a video about it. Well he has since then posted more masonic shit which is telling because he is again an adrenochrome masonic blood person.

Anonymous ID: 2b35cf May 15, 2019, 11:19 a.m. No.6505998   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Much like wayne coyne we have another little eye-man who has an abundance of overt blood/rainbow symbolism with silhouettes of women with keyholes on their sternum, KEYHOLE EYE RAINBOW ALL MASONIC. BLOOD DROP PATTERN MASONIC