Anonymous ID: 86e585 April 11, 2019, 6:21 p.m. No.6144683   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0775

Sra abuse survivor mentions freemasonry. You can tell its real by how uncomfortable it can make you feel to hear his story.

He seems like he is a little crazy not every single dirty tissue is a concern brandon. Anyways he deleted his youtube videos here is one of them there are a couple more but it does in fact corroborate Masonic ritual abuse in Omaha Nebraska no less. The second i saw that i downloaded his vids thank god because its a point of contention. So now that is another link to boystown. This means boystown and the vaugue satanic element in boystown was most likely working through freemasonry. And it says on his blog its so sad to read he has partially lost it and he wants to get his story out so i say why not. Also he is so harassed in his mind he tried to tell voat i know how that is they care and then move on. beyond all that he posted corroboration and that's all there is to it.