Anonymous ID: a6c47c April 10, 2019, 8:49 a.m. No.6121219   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1329 >>1827 >>5761



You're onto something with the masons.


Thought I would post this here. Photo 1 is the picture Melania posted on WORLD AUTISM DAY and photo 2 is Washington's Masonic Apron.


Notice any similarities? Melania is dropping a hint about what to dig on.


What do autists do? They DIG.

Anonymous ID: a6c47c April 10, 2019, 9:02 a.m. No.6121329   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1827



Another significant thing Melania has done is take a picture (recently) where she and others are posed in front of Owls.


Why is this significant? Because you can't tell me Melania doesn't know about the significance of owls. Q knows about owls, Melania knows about owls, and I have a hard time believing Melania had that picture taken by accident. Someone as smart as her doesn't do things by accident. Q said follow the Owl and the Y head around the world.


The owl is the masons. It is an occult method of knowledge of membership.


The silhouette of the owls BEAK is the silhouette of the mason's compass and square, upside down. Everyone always focuses on the owl's EYES, which is misdirection. The BEAK is the relevant symbol within the owls image.