Anonymous ID: e8c552 April 7, 2019, 2:22 p.m. No.6087989   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anonymous ID: e8c552 April 7, 2019, 2:38 p.m. No.6088175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8329 >>0595


> Before pizzagate someone linked to a masonic cultist on instagram so that is how i know pizzagate is masonic. That cultist used horror iconography to imply masqurade ritual murder.


dumping from


someone made the following thread on 8chan

>She is running child sex rings but on Facebook is in groups for missing and exploited children. She needs

to be exposed for the lowlife demon witch scum she is. Name Cecily. Number 567 315 8179 / 419 764 0641.

Michigan/Ohio/Florida/Georgia. Please help. I have a child that is being abused and she's protected by

some powerful masons. - Initial thread that piqued my interest. It was removed

before I would talk to that op on another chan entirely.

>I need to talk to someone. It's serious. Im the OP. To the guy who called her and I, I need to expose this before I die. I'm not joking. Number is same. Do

not contact her.

in that thread we was given her new instagram username along with the name of this bliss-god


So blis god apparently is in charge of the woman described in the initial thread. And that guy bliss god has a couple of instagrams

@bliss_g_o_d @syferrothsmagick One of those had the original "its not a secret just none of your buisness" image. The context being that this "bliss god" charecter was some sort of dark pimp and it was one of the most sociopathic things I ever came across that saying on that guys instagram

> Before pizzagate someone linked to a masonic cultist on instagram so that is how i know pizzagate is masonic. That cultist used horror iconography to imply masqurade ritual murder.

that woman from the initial thread is still on instagram @cess_baby_080icc/. The last thing the anon said was to go after @bliss_god their leader. look for bliss g o d. He's the leader. That brave anon may be dead by now that was may of last year. >I need to expose this before I die. I'm not joking.