Anonymous ID: aeb993 April 11, 2019, 1:21 a.m. No.6132605   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Palmerston's Zoo


Lord Palmerston was England's foreign secretary during the Irish and Indian genocides and later Prime Minister. he formed subversive organizations in every country he had designs on. He sponsored Mazzini who founded the Italian mafia, Napolean 3 who became monarch of France and Albert Pike, who led the masonic and Tory stay behind components of the "American Civil War", which succeeded in bringing masons to power in the United States.


The above linked video is the full lecture. You can skip the 1st 30 minutes.


This link is subsections of the full lecture chopped into a playlist


This link is the American Civil War from another perspective


This link is the masonic manipulation of the United States to involve us in WW2


This link details some of the British / vatican historical background


There is a whole other book about German satanist settlement into England and the States, then from the States into the English oligarchy that is as relevant as the history of the Rothschild's entry into the same. Corbett Report history of the Rockefellers, Astars and Vanderbuilts and may touch on this and there are other sources. These people were involved in Planned Parenthood, MKULTRA and a lot of other barbaric scientism de joure.


These links are from affiliates of Lyndon LaRouche.In case you don't know he ran for president against these dumb fucks. That he was blatantly framed and jailed for exposing them says volumes for his veracity. Andrew Carrington Hitchcock's Synagogue of Satan chronicle correlates a lot of the information presented by these scholars and frames it, and goes elsewhere. Masons pretend to be jews all the time and they are behind or co-conspirators in most of the shit blamed on jews. Form you own opinion but recognize that you are dealing with major psyops by the most bestial people who ever lived.


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Anonymous ID: aeb993 April 11, 2019, 1:24 a.m. No.6132617   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There are a lot of secet societies with different roots and sponsors. Members of any secret society regard members of other secret societies as more human than anybody who isn't a member of any secret society. Professional courtesy.


The initiations of fraternities and sororities are revealing. You can easily find them online.