Oh… is MAGA Glowalition done recording?
MAGA Glowalition says there's nothing to pizzagate. It's how they got Gorka to be with them again.
I don't think we'll hear much from Q, if at all, until the Mueller Report comes out.
Which should be soonish, right?
It's weird… cuz the podesta e-mails played a huge role in things… they try to play all sides.
What gave it away?
i would assume that take print time into account…
And don't forget… Gorka has already crafted a write up… because… do we expect him to read 400 pages AND write an intro in such a short amount of time?!
muh 650,000 e-mails in a week is believable, tho
release on a sunday so folks can start yammering on monday?
Assemblée des assemblées des gilets jaunes Dimanche 7 Avril 2019 AM
Just a reminder.
Holy fuck, the Japanese…
Needs m0ar shißenposten