Any Anon care to "enlighten " me …RE: Freemasons…what is your a take on this? It is so hard to know what is what, so much BS everywhere. Who are good guys who are bad? Are these two guys in this discussion Freemasons themselves? Predictive programming? And what about this comment found after the discussion? Does the comment hold any weight? Sometimes this is all so overwhelming to sort out, to know what is what. (((Washington a Mason? Not true. So why the Washington monument?
Who can say " My grandfather or my grandmother was a fool?' Not many, it's not in our nature. We follow the traditions of those we love most the time. My family has been on both sides of Solomonic masonry and royal bloodline agenda . So I can say paternal grandparents and great grandparents were fools and lead fools.But I still love them just the same altho I don't follow that path.
FACT, Masonic lodges were conceived to lead fools and to use people for the royal bloodlines. The families keep extensive records, archives and wooden rulers for a reason. My thirty seventh great-grandfather was at the very top and core of the Templars "Robert the Wolf". After his first deed at large and a leader, in his own words paraphrased " My thoughts convict me". So he walked away and the task was passed to his brothers. He was imprisoned by them for the rest of his life, more then twenty years. Today the ones at the very top in private mock those that follow. The very core's real secret " is never reviled to the followers" is that you are and have been fooled. The BIG lie in America is that most of our founders were loyal Masons, not so, those that were mason like Franklin and Jefferson, founders and revolutionaries were spying on the royal masonic core, and using the masonic followers to help the cause of freedom. Washington was never a Mason. How would I know that for fact? He is family, they worked under Franklin and my ninth grandfather was Jeffersons friend. Those of my ancestors that were at the very core of the American revolution had also at one time been at the very core of masonry and royal Solomonic endeavors. They knew the enemy to freedom very well and long before the revolution hit the west. They lost the battle for the most part in the east. "Go west young man" Again Washington was never a mason and those founders that were, only infiltrated to turn leaders and followers away from supporting Royal bloodlines and towards freedom … so if this is the truth and it is, Why did we let those men who came years later build the Washington monument and call it such? After 1812…… They needed the very face of the rebellion "Washington" to be seen as one of their own and the capital to be a symbolic representation of the Royal order. The aka KKK, the aka black panthers, the aka BLM, the aka bilderberg, Socialism, communism have all been institutions or organs of the royal orders. Adolph aka Hitler was a royal knight, in the hon bloodline making him a Wolf and aka Rothchilds grandson. Taught by aka Trotsky.
Today we fight the aka Muslim brotherhood that was founded by Leon aka Trotsky and Albanna in 1928 in Alexandria, both men royal knights and in the royal bloodlines. ALL followers are tools. THIS IS REAL ENLIGHTENMENT.)))