Anonymous ID: cf6965 April 7, 2019, 12:16 a.m. No.6082550   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2575


It is literally impossible, if they not interessted… I have tried it for four years in Germany… I have reached… three or four people in my town, but they don´t understand what I am telling them… It is frustrating! Nobody is able to see how great this is and that we are literally fighting for earth and humanity…

But… weeks ago, I put my yellow vest outside and visibally for all, at my car. And I was asked, by a few people what this is… The situation, that they have to ask is sad… I recognized, that we are more divided here, than I thought and than ever before! There are so many People how know, that something is not accurate in this world, but they don´t know how to search, or they are afraid to talk about, cause everybody is brainwashed like hell, or get threatened by our GOV in the smallest towns! What I will tell you, from my own experience, they have to ask and than you can start explaining! I was in my butcher´s shop and reached 3 People in one time!

How? I used the russian Hoax. get back to Saddam an his "weapons of massdestruction", than I have asked them about 9/11 and the lie, that Atta was the man… And than I have asked, "you believe now, that they are telling you the truth about the WWII? And they started thinking! I gave them qmap and I hope, I can go further by my next stop at the butcher´s shop!

We have to wait, until they start asking. All other tries are frutitless and frustrating! And I can not understand why…

Anonymous ID: cf6965 April 7, 2019, 1:48 a.m. No.6082956   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I have found, so far, just a german sauce for this.


Ex-CIA Agent: Children are bred for sale and for ritual abuse

Goog trans


We are living in times of apocalypse, in times when even the darkest truths come to light, because the time has come and humanity finally wants to free itself from the yoke of slavery. The last few months have been very eventful, eventually more and more background on the child sex scandals of the Catholic Church to the public and were also smash some globally operating child pornography.