It is literally impossible, if they not interessted… I have tried it for four years in Germany… I have reached… three or four people in my town, but they don´t understand what I am telling them… It is frustrating! Nobody is able to see how great this is and that we are literally fighting for earth and humanity…
But… weeks ago, I put my yellow vest outside and visibally for all, at my car. And I was asked, by a few people what this is… The situation, that they have to ask is sad… I recognized, that we are more divided here, than I thought and than ever before! There are so many People how know, that something is not accurate in this world, but they don´t know how to search, or they are afraid to talk about, cause everybody is brainwashed like hell, or get threatened by our GOV in the smallest towns! What I will tell you, from my own experience, they have to ask and than you can start explaining! I was in my butcher´s shop and reached 3 People in one time!
How? I used the russian Hoax. get back to Saddam an his "weapons of massdestruction", than I have asked them about 9/11 and the lie, that Atta was the man… And than I have asked, "you believe now, that they are telling you the truth about the WWII? And they started thinking! I gave them qmap and I hope, I can go further by my next stop at the butcher´s shop!
We have to wait, until they start asking. All other tries are frutitless and frustrating! And I can not understand why…