Anonymous ID: ce7482 April 7, 2019, 9:15 a.m. No.6084895   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4899


Why Barry Soetoro asked Robert Mueller to stay on for two more years?

So why stretch out his appointment? Insiders say months of searching turned up nobody as well qualified who was easily confirmable and willing to take the job.

Thursday’s announcement was a shrewd political move for Obama, who has struggled to win Senate approval for his nominees. (James Cole recently became the first nominee for deputy attorney general to face a filibuster.) Mueller’s extension will keep him in the job until September 4, 2013, well after the presidential election.

“This gets [Obama] through the re-elect with a solid, stable leader at the FBI,” said a senior administration official, who would not speak on the record. “And politically it makes sense for Republicans to support. If they win the presidency, they’ll get to pick the next director.”

For months, Holder and Vice President Biden led a search committee to find Mueller’s successor. Replacing him was bound to be a tall order.

Maybe something to cover up?

During Mueller’s appearance in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee last week, only Senator Al Franken raised this question. Mueller—who had received largely softball questions and lengthy praise to that point—became visibly uncomfortable when Franken started off by telling him that “your department has been heavily criticized over the last ten years for significant misuse of the department’s surveillance powers and for other major civil liberties violations.”

Franken then asked about the findings of the Justice Department’s inspector general in 2007 that the FBI engaged in serious abuse of national security letters, which are essentially subpoenas issued by the FBI that are not subject to judicial review.

or could it have been this? (also 50 737 NextGen aircraft…possibly of the type that have crashed recently)

The McFaul-Surkov efforts paid off handsomely in June with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev's trip to the United States, during which he signed an historic agreement with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) "for collaboration in education and research in Russia."

Even more important was Medvedev's visit to California's Silicon Valley, where, among other things, he inked a $1 billion deal with Cisco Systems, and met with Apple's Steve Jobs (who presented him with one of the first iPhone 4 units).

The big deal, however, was the announced $4 billion sale of 50 Boeing Next-Generation 737 jet airplanes to Russia.


Apparently, Dyson and other Medvedev cheerleaders were quite taken with the Russian President's easy delivery of scripted lines during his U.S. tour. On taking leave of California's Governor Schwarzenegger, Medvedev predictably borrowed quips from Arnold's action-hero movies. "I'll be back," he told Schwarzenegger. And with a wink, he added "Hasta la vista baby."

Esther Dyson is typical of the American elites who promote East-West convergence and claim to see a bright silver lining in every dark cloud over the Kremlin, a new blossoming of freedom in every new concentration of power by the KGB/FSB. A member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and an advisory board member of the Soros Medical Internet Project, Dyson is also well connected to the powers-that-be in Russia, including Putin, Medvedev, and unsavory oligarchs such as Yuri Milner, Alisher Usmanov, Roman Abramovich, and Viktor Vekselberg.

Anonymous ID: ce7482 April 7, 2019, 9:16 a.m. No.6084899   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Incredibly, the ongoing Mueller-directed farce popularly referred to as the “Trump-Russia collusion” investigation is being directed by a man who should be officially considered a top “Russia collusion” suspect. It was FBI Director Mueller, after all, who, along with then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, failed to take any action to stop the sale of Uranium One to Russia (see here, here, and here). Giving Putin 20 percent of our uranium production capacity seems to be a bit more serious than anything Donald Trump or anyone in his retinue have been accused of.

And what was Director Mueller doing while President Obama and Secretary Clinton were helping Putin build Skolkovo, Russia’s hi-tech version of Silicon Valley?

As secretary of State, Hillary Clinton worked with Russian leaders, including Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and then-President Dmitri Medvedev, to create U.S. technology partnerships with Moscow’s version of Silicon Valley, a sprawling high-tech campus known as Skolkovo.

Years later, intelligence documents show, both the Skolkovo and Uranium One projects raised serious security concerns.

In 2013, the U.S. military’s leading intelligence think tank in Europe sounded alarm that the Skolkovo project might be a front for economic and military espionage.

In an extraordinary warning issued to technology companies in Massachusetts, the FBI’s Boston office said entrepreneurs could unwittingly be drawn into industrial espionage if they work with Russian-backed venture capital firms operating here and in Silicon Valley.

The bureau said it has sent notices to local companies and research facilities such as universities, and on Friday published an op-ed piece by an agent in the FBI’s Boston office.

The FBI singled out the Skolkovo Foundation, founded by Russia’s prime minister, Dmitry Medvedev, that in 2011 enlisted the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to start an elite technical college in Russia modeled after the Cambridge school.

″The foundation may be a means for the Russian government to access our nation’s sensitive or classified research development facilities and dual-use technologies with military and commercial application,” Lucia Ziobro, assistant special agent at the FBI’s Boston’s office, wrote in an op-ed piece that was published online by the Boston Business Journal Friday.


The FBI warning comes as the Obama administration has increased pressure on Russia for its annexation of the former Ukrainian territory of Crimea by levying sanctions on some business leaders close to President Vladimir Putin. In March, the Commerce Department banned new licenses for the export to Russia of defense-related products and “dual-use” technologies that could have military applications.

But Ziobro said the warning had been in the works since early February, before the situation began in Crimea.

″Rather than waiting for a crime to occur, we’re putting the alert out in case something comes up from Russia,” she said.

Many of Russia’s overseas technology initiatives are active in Boston.

Anonymous ID: ce7482 April 7, 2019, 10:14 a.m. No.6085423   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CH on Russia…


Putin soon savored more first-class service on the Russian Collusion Express. Barely a month after shafting Poland and the Czech Republic, Team Obama began to ply Putin with planes. To that end, Hillary jetted to Moscow on October 13, 2009.

“We’re delighted that a new Russian airline, Rosavia, is actively considering the acquisition of Boeing aircraft,” Clinton declared at Moscow’s Boeing Design Center. “The Ex-Im Bank would welcome an application for financing from Rosavia to support its purchase of Boeing aircraft.” Three days later, the Washington Post reports, “Boeing formally submitted its bid for the Russian deal.”


On June 1, 2010, the Kremlin-owned Rostekhnologii company — now Rostec — decided to purchase up to 50 Boeing 737s for Russia’s national airline, Aeroflot. Price: $3.7 billion.


That August 17, just ten weeks later, Boeing unveiled a $900,000 gift to the Clinton Foundation to “help support the reconstruction of Haiti’s public education system” after an earthquake had pulverized that destitute island the previous January.


Hillary also promoted Skolkovo, an “innovation city” near Moscow, backed by Kremlin seed rubles worth some $5 billion.

“At a long meeting I had with [Russia’s then-president Dimitry] Medvedev outside Moscow in October 2009, he raised his plan to build a high-tech corridor in Russia modeled after our own Silicon Valley,” Hillary explained. “I suggested that he visit the original in California,” she added.


Hillary’s State Department arranged for 22 leading U.S. venture capitalists to tour Skolkovo in May 2010. Medvedev, in turn, traversed Silicon Valley the next month.


State persuaded Cisco, Google, and Intel, among others, to join Skolkovo. By 2012, the project boasted 28 “Key Partners” in America, Europe, and Russia. Three-fifths of these organizations donated to the Clinton Foundation or paid Bill Clinton speaking fees. From Russia with Money, an August 2016 paper by the Government Accountability Institute, reported that 17 “Key Partners” contributed between $6.5 million and $23.5 million to the Clinton Foundation.


But by 2013, the U.S. Army Foreign Military Studies Program warned: “Skolkovo is arguably an overt alternative to clandestine industrial espionage.” Boston-based FBI agent Lucia Ziobro concluded in 2014, “The FBI believes the true motives of the Russian partners, who are often funded by their government, is to gain access to classified, sensitive, and emerging technology from the companies.


Mueller Disclosure

Intel Microsoft Alphabet