Anonymous ID: e2bc2c April 7, 2019, 9:17 a.m. No.6084916   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hey all TDS sufferes and shills:


How’s your anger management going?


You know that Irrational outbursts of anger or nothing more than emotional terrorism, just as Saul (Alinski) advocates, right?


Hey lookie here at the media Matrix PANDERING to the SPECIAL CLINGERS!


The spectacle of bitter clingers to the compromised corporate propaganda is welcome.


Note the raging hypocrisy of those who love to demonize religious believers for their clinging to their beliefs: thinkers know that religions have compromised true knowledge of humanimal nature for social control BUT at least there is some “there there”, deep under cover, which provides time-tested and useful psychological self-management.


The manufactured cotton candy fictions being sold to the deranged insane media addicts, in contrast, have NOTHING but deadly ingredients, intended to destroy the minds of the addicts even more!


We must pause and either laugh or cry about the pathetic safe spaces for the deluded being created by the Matrix to hold weak minds in thrall.


Pandering of the lowest intention, to provide reinforcement to subjectivities whose blind beliefs have shaken by revelation of media falsehoods, these shows intended for immature audiences, LITERALLY destroy neuronal connections of those who consume them, rewriting memory and history right before your eyes!


Walking by the media lair, the effect of the inverted lies coming straight from demonic mindsets, has a sickening effect that is palpable.


However, the media addicts no doubt finds this to enhance the “high”, make the delusion stick better in the mind by sucking vitality out of the humanimal body, as loading lies into your imagination mechanism DOES!

Anonymous ID: e2bc2c April 7, 2019, 9:33 a.m. No.6085047   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>8Bit resigned BO position. BO worked tirelessly to get us where we are now. This place is literally one of the last actual strongholds of Free Speech anywhere on the web, and we owe that, in large part, to 8bit. Interesting to think; any assumptions that Q and 8bit might have the capability to communicate outside of this board (and perhaps have) would probably fall in the realm of fact, so that means the transition of this board to the hands of BVs has been planned/coordinated. We're in good hands, anon. This movement is in good hands; always has been.




>So, as a result, MAGA Coalition are sparing no expense of time and resources to cause further divisions across the movement with false claims, and the typical division faggotry. Keep your discernment at the ready!


voice of reason, using logic, balancing emotions to neutral.

ty, true anon