Anonymous ID: 3c3a6e April 8, 2019, 9:14 a.m. No.6096893   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Congress, Speaker Pelosi, the Democrats, Mitch McConnell, and the RINOs passed a bill that completely sold out American citizens and hardworking taxpayers—all middle and lower-income America—and crammed it down the President’s throat. An inner circle of people in the White House do not share the MAGA agenda and either mislead the President or flat-out lied to him about it all. And, the National Emergency Declaration won’t fix it.


The bill they crammed through aids and abets the Mexican criminal cartels, boosting their billion-dollar-business by multi-millions of dollars a month. It’s a neon sign inviting human-traffickers and other criminals to grab children and pour into the United States. It is worse than amnesty.


That is why tens of thousands more people with children are pouring into this country every day—and being released immediately. Not only did the bill cut the number of beds for detention, it provides—unbelievably—that if the invaders qualify in the broad language below—and tens of thousands do, they can NOT BE DETAINED OR DEPORTED. Section 224(a) provides that “None of the funds provided by this Act or any other Act . . . may be used by the Secretary of Homeland Security to place in detention, remove, refer for a decision whether to initiate removal proceedings, or initiate removal proceedings against a sponsor, potential sponsor, or member of a household of a sponsor or potential sponsor of an unaccompanied alien child . . .”


Others tried to warn us. This provision is unconscionable, insidious, and outright criminal. It should be challenged by the Department of Justice as contrary to the criminal laws and national security of the United States. This bill should never have been signed, but since it has been, there are few alternatives left to the President to save the United States of America.


Mexico stopping a thousand people in a day is tokenism.


Those of us out here in the middle of America see how outraged the President’s base is. We are losing ground every day in more ways than one. Telling Mexico and other countries we are full isn’t enough. We did not elect a politician. We elected a kick-ass man of action who did not kow-tow to political interests.


Protecting our national security was the primary reason most people voted for Donald Trump. It is the fundamental issue on which he must turn things around–dramatically–right now. He promised.

Anonymous ID: 3c3a6e April 8, 2019, 9:45 a.m. No.6097155   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7163 >>7213


The petro dollar is on its last leg, the economy and the country is bankrupt. While other nations spent the last 5-10 years accumulating gold to prop up their currencies and the new “silk (belt and) road” initiative ready to rollout, our leaders are preparing a national disaster to blame for the fact, we are bankrupt. Raising gas prices is being used as a prop up for our economy while we try to accumulate wealth from other nations by stealing it after they’ve been “couped”. i.e. Venezuela, Libya, etc.. steal the oil, steal the gold.


Watch Indonesia.


The executive order about EMP attacks should give you a clue as to how they will use this national catastrophe as a reason for the economic bankruptcy.


The model is Puerto Rico


DARPA “hurricaned” the island and blamed IT for their already bankrupted nation.


If you recall that hurricane was ridiculously fake and manipulated a total creation of the evil powers that be.


Take a step back and stop viewing things from surface level and take a peek behind the curtain, it’s amazing what you’ll discover.


My prediction, there will be no 4th of July celebration in DC this year due to this “national tragedy” whatever form it may take shape as, be on the lookout….