Saw The Da Vinci Code movie the other day, and for keks I decided to read the book for details not part of the film. That lead to digs on the Holy Grail believers. fascinating how people are lead to believe in fraudulent theories and obvious deceptions. The entire basis of Brown's book and film is the existence of the Priory of Scion, the (secret society) protectors of the bloodline of Jesus Christ through his union with Mary Magdalene. Turns out the PoS was a mid 1950's creation by yet one more L. Ron Hubbard style fraudster with a cult agenda. Despite the PoS being thoroughly exposed for what it was over and over again, people still continued believing and promoting it, thus the eventual Dan Brown book and 2006 Ron Howard film.
While digging, I came upon the account of the recent PoS related fraud, that of the discovery of the mummy of Mary Magdalene by amateur archeologist Ben Hammott (Bill Wilkinson), as documented in the 2008 film, Bloodline. In 2012, Ben Hammott admitted the entire story and evidence was fabricated. Even after his confession, people still continued believing the fraud.
This is what we're dealing with, friends. People are able and willing to believe anything and everything, even after being told they were lied to. The cabal knows this and uses it to their advantage.
YT confession of Ben Hammott -