Fake, but funny! Well played, anon.
Disinformation is necessary.
You're the wimpy fucker we used to give blanket parties to in boot camp.
You should thank God every single day that we don't know who you are (yet).
You'd be wise to not admit that you're shitposting divisive crap simply because you're "bored".
Don't be a dick.
And, yes, Army Intel.
I could argue this one both ways, fren.
We all have been educated on the players, the plot and the ending.
Not much left other than sequence, and that isn't mission critical.
Team Q may have already landed the plane, quietly exited and is sipping drinks in the Pilot's Lounge watching the same movie we are.
Get on twatter and make new frens. It's really easy to do so there. Zillions of Q fans.