“Congratulations” to Virginia Governor ralph northam.==
Media may have given him a free pass on his advocacy for infanticide, but if he doesn’t give a damn whether human babies die, at least he cares about whether animals do.
From an article on the WAVY – Norfolk website:
If you’re charged with abusing an animal in Virginia, it will now be a felony.
Gov. Ralph Northam signed a bill that was dubbed “Tommie’s Law”, which ups the penalty from a misdemeanor to a Class 6 felony. The crime now carries a punishment of one to five years in prison.
The new law closes a loophole that allowed the perpetrator to only be charged with a misdemeanor if the animal survived the abuse, animal rights advocates say.
Am I troubled by northam signing this legislation? Nope. I’m glad he did.
My problem is not with his stated view on an animal that survives abuse, but on a baby that survives an abortion attempt (and, yes, it does happen):
The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and mother.
In other words, northam’s vision is that, if the baby is born alive, – out of the womb and into the world – the woman who tried unsuccessfully to kill it in her womb would decide, along with her physician, whether to just leave it there to die anyway.
josef mengele could have said the same thing in the same words. But, hey, northam does care about animals, doesn’t he? What a guy.
It doesn’t get more depraved than this.