Anonymous ID: eed32b April 9, 2019, 9:39 p.m. No.6117045   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7094 >>7292 >>7318 >>7330 >>7402 >>7451 >>7595 >>7743

I'm wondering if the Monica Lewinsky affair was a setup to divert attention.


I've given some reasons why I think the cabal is behind the whole sequence of events in Rwanda/DRC and then Sudan:

>>6093017 (pb)


I also found at least one teaser piece of evidence that the 1998 embassy bombings were planned events to destroy evidence and divert attention from the truth:

>>6110392 (pb)


Now I'm wondering if the Monica Lewinsky scandal wasn't a setup to divert attention from that really evil stuff. I mean yes BC did have sex with her and lie about it, but I suspect that getting "caught" might have been part of his plan. (And some people like "getting caught"…)


First and most obviously, this was the Clinton sex scandal that got all attention. It seems to be relatively innocuous as Clinton sex scandals go. Other women accuse him of outright rape, and then there's Epstein island….


But that's just the more obvious part. The whole Lewinsky scandal got worked into the Starr investigation, and probably diverted a lot of attention from other stuff like Arkancides.


But even that might not go to the real goal.


The scandal first broke in January 1998, with Slick infamously saying "I did not have sexual relations with that woman".


The "truth" only came out in July/August, with Lewinsky giving grand jury testimony on July 28.

Then BC gave grand jury testimony on August 17, and gave a national address that night where he "came clean" and admitted his actions were "not appropriate".


But… look at other events.


The Kenya/Tanzania US embassy bombings occurred on August 7. They were conducted by al-Qaeda supposedly (and in some sense actually), but I now suspect this was a cabal action meant to destroy evidence, and to divert attention from the roots of dirty dealings in Rwanda/Congo/Sudan. (Also it was a prelude to future al-Qaeda action instigated by the cabal…)


Clinton "responded" to these attacks on August 20 with "Operation Infinite Reach", launching missiles into Sudan and Afghanistan. The Sudan attack was particularly controversial, as it was directed at a factory that produced 50% of the pharmaceuticals in Sudan, the Al-Shifa factory. (And this might figure into subsequent fuckery in Sudan…) The official story was that it was producing chemical weapons. There was subsequently much debate over whether this factory had anything to do with al-Qaeda or whether it had anything to do with chemical weapons, and it seems the answer might very well be a decisive NO on both counts.


But now look back to the timeline. There was some controversy over whether Clinton was "launching a war" in order to distract from a sex scandal. Curiously enough, a movie had just come out on this same them, Wag the Dog, where a president launches a fake war in Albania to distract from a sex scandal, and many of the press discussion made the connection to the film.


But… I'm wondering if this was all exactly backwards. Perhaps the ENTIRE Monica Lewinsky scandal (and the film) was a setup to divert attention from Bill Clinton's REAL dirty dealings. I'm suspecting they planned this sex scandal as a way to divert attention from careful examination of the terrorism/wars/attacks etc.


The "right wing" got played since it focused on the sex scandal as a way to really get Clinton finally, by focusing on blowjobs and the semen-stained blue dress, and the "left wing" got played as it sought to defend Clinton against what seemed overly harsh right wing attacks, and didn't focus any close attention on what was really happening in Africa.


I suspect THIS is the type of stuff they are trying to hide, and why they launched the absurd Russia hoax, instead of just trying to retire and spend their ill-gotten gains.

Anonymous ID: eed32b April 9, 2019, 10:03 p.m. No.6117258   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That's Cass Sunstein's wife Samantha Power.

She makes "deep state" threats against Trump and defends Brennan.

She created the "official story" about B Clinton's response to Rwanda, claiming it was based on passivity and ignorance, so that "next time" mass intervention via armed forces and NGO's is needed. Pretty much the plan they've followed…

Anonymous ID: eed32b April 9, 2019, 10:57 p.m. No.6117634   🗄️.is 🔗kun


On one level, I think it was a setup to make it the primary attack angle on Bill Clinton. And an angle where the Clintons could win.

But on another level, I think it was specifically used to divert attention from the Africa stuff, especially the embassy bombings and the response. I suspect Bill Clinton knowingly colluded with powers behind the scenes who enabled the Rwandan genocide for reasons outlined in the prior link, and this is probably by far the worst thing. (And I suspect the embassy bombings are related to that, especially since that is EXACTLY what Bin Laden apparently claimed…)

(But who knows? The more I think about this stuff the more levels of evil I find….)