Anonymous ID: 33cbb8 April 10, 2019, 6 p.m. No.6128175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8197 >>8234 >>8393 >>8440 >>8576 >>8580 >>8746

Thomas Massie And John Kerry Square Off Over Climate Testimony


Republican Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie and former Secretary of State John Kerry squared off on Twitter on Wednesday after Massie criticized Kerry’s testimony in a climate change hearing. During the House Oversight Committee hearing, which took place Tuesday, Kerry appeared as an expert witness and took questions on the national security threat posed by climate change.


After a heated exchange, Massie took to Twitter to vent his frustrations. “Have you noticed that the scientists who feel most qualified to weigh in on climate science are political scientists?” he tweeted on Wednesday morning. Kerry responded by sharing a tweet from Rolling Stone that mocked Massie, along with his own comment, “It’s almost as if someone said ‘Congress has hit rock bottom’ and Massie replies with ‘hold my beer.'”


Massie fired right back. “It’s almost as if someone said ‘No one has less knowledge of science, a higher opinion of himself, and a bigger carbon footprint than Al Gore’ and Kerry replies ‘hold my champagne, I’m going to testify as a climate change expert,'” Massie tweeted.


Former Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel also testified at Tuesday’s hearing, arguing that climate change is a “threat multiplier” that can dramatically increase the inherent risk of things like natural disasters, military actions and even public health emergencies.

Anonymous ID: 33cbb8 April 10, 2019, 6:05 p.m. No.6128237   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8393 >>8580 >>8746

Nearly 60 Arrested In Undercover Child-Sex Sting During Final Four


Minnesota authorities conducted an undercover child-sex sting during the NCAA Final Four tournament last weekend that resulted in a total of 58 people being arrested, according to state authorities on Wednesday. The undercover operation, run by the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) in several Twin Cities communities, arrested 47 people for probable cause of felony solicitation of a minor and 11 people for probable cause of sex trafficking and promotion of prostitution. Eight of those arrested were from out-of-state and 28 victims, including one minor, were rescued from trafficking situations, according to BCA Superintendent Drew Evans.


Undercover agents and investigators posed as minors or sex buyers via social media and were chatted by potential suspects. After meeting at an arraigned place with the agents, the suspects were arrested. Personnel from 33 criminal justice agencies, such as investigators from St. Paul, Minneapolis and Buffalo police departments, were part of the BCA-led operation. “It really illustrates that when law enforcement works collaboratively we can work to drive down this type of crime, and that Minnesota does not tolerate trafficking in the state,” said Evans. “The results of the Final Four human trafficking operation remind us that we must continue to identify and aid the victims, arrest and prosecute the offenders, and continue to educate the public on ways to assist law enforcement in the prevention of human trafficking,” said Bloomington Police Chief Jeff Potts.


The Final Four tournament was held from April 4-8 in U.S. Bank Stadium in Minneapolis and is another indication of the ongoing epidemic of human trafficking before big events. In the 2018 Super Bowl, which was also held at U.S. Bank Stadium, Minnesota authorities made more than 110 arrests in the days prior to the game. Predicting a similar increase of trafficking at this year’s Super Bowl, more than 600 Department of Homeland Security officials went to Atlanta to provide extra security. In the end, law enforcement officials apprehended 169 people between Jan. 23 and Feb. 2.

Anonymous ID: 33cbb8 April 10, 2019, 6:13 p.m. No.6128344   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8393 >>8580 >>8746

Twitter and Facebook Deny ‘Shadowbanning’ in Senate Hearing


Representatives from both Twitter and Facebook denied engaging in “shadowbanning” in response to a question from Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) today, although Twitter’s representative went on to describe practices that mirrors the covert censorship almost exactly.


“Does Twitter or Facebook engage in shadowbans?” asked Sen. Cruz, during today’s Senate judiciary committee hearing on technological censorship. Turning to Twitter’s representative, Sen. Cruz said “you testified before, or you acknowledged that Twitter will downgrade a comment to make it less visible. Does Twitter notify a person if their comment has been downgraded?”


“If we have signals indicating that a person is being a spammy, meaning they are using multiple accounts to do the same, if they are doing automated activity but we’re not 100 percent sure that they are breaking our rules, if they’re abusive then what we will do is make it harder for that content to be found in a couple of different places – one is in search results, and the other is in conversations — the replies.”


Twitter’s spokesman would not reply on whether the platform notifies users when their comments are downgraded, instead promising to get back to Sen. Cruz on the topic. “I believe the answer is ‘no’, and if the answer is ‘no, that, as far as I can tell, is all but indistinguishable from shadowbanning” said Sen. Cruz. “At no point, sir, is a person’s followers unable to find what that person has tweeted,” said the Twitter spokesman. “But if it’s downgraded so far fewer people see it, that is exactly what is being alleged on shadowbanning” responded the Senator.


Last summer, an investigation by the left-wing magazine Vice found that Twitter shadowbanned prominent Republicans, including Rep. Matt Gaetz and GOP chairwoman Ronna McDaniel in search results. Undercover journalism by Project Veritas also exposed Twitter employees speaking candidly about shadowbanning users. Sen. Cruz seemed unconvinced that the Twitter spokesman’s description of his company’s policies did not amount to shadowbanning.

Anonymous ID: 33cbb8 April 10, 2019, 6:19 p.m. No.6128430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8483 >>8532 >>8580 >>8746

Gaetz Introduces Resolution To Remove Schiff From House Intel Committee


Republican Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz unveiled his new resolution targeting House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff for his handling of the Russian collusion theory, during Tucker Carlson’s Wednesday show.


The resolution, titled “Preventing Extreme Negligence with Classified Information Licenses Resolution“—or “Pencil Act”—calls for Schiff’s resignation from the committee. The acronym is a reference to “pencil neck,” which is President Donald Trump’s recent nickname for Schiff.


“Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that Congressman Adam Schiff should be removed from the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House and that his security clearance should be revoked immediately,” the resolution begins. “Whereas Congressman Adam Schiff is the Chairman of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives.” “I have filed legislation today, sent to the House, that Adam Schiff needs to be removed from the Intelligence Committee, because how are the rest of us supposed to be able to rely on a man, who you just showed, lied to the American people when he said that there was not spying? Or when he lied and said that there was actual evidence of collusion or clear evidence of collusion?” Gaetz began.


“If Adam Schiff is able to review covert operations and intelligence, and if we have to rely on his representation, our whole system is broken,” he continued. “It would be like putting Lori Loughlin in charge of the college board. It would be like putting Jussie Smollett in charge of the hate crime of the FBI.”


As Gaetz referenced, Schiff has faced significant heat since special counsel Robert Mueller completed his investigation and filed his report. Attorney General William Barr relayed to Congress a summary of the report, which concluded that the president’s 2016 campaign did not conspire with Russia.


Back in March 2017, Schiff claimed he had seen “more than circumstantial evidence of collusion.” The nine Republicans on the House Intel Committee sent a letter to Schiff at the end of March that called for him to step down, alleging that he “spent two years knowingly and unlawfully lying and leaking, should be forced to resign from Congress!”

Anonymous ID: 33cbb8 April 10, 2019, 6:33 p.m. No.6128642   🗄️.is 🔗kun

China: Muslim ‘Re-Education’ Camps Needed to Prevent Another New Zealand Massacre


The Chinese government took its latest swing at justifying re-education camps for Muslims, and aggressive efforts to subdue all religious faith, in a letter to the Wall Street Journal published Tuesday. China cited the Christchurch massacre in New Zealand to justify pervasive surveillance and gigantic detention centers for Muslims, arguing such methods are necessary to prevent violent friction between ethnic and religious groups. The government of Muslim-heavy Xinjiang province claimed its heavy-handed methods were necessary to make Xinjiang safe for investment and commerce, which in turn offer the only long-term solution to unrest among the Uighur minority.


The latest technique Beijing is using to steamroller the Uighurs involves literal steamrollers: a “community redevelopment” project in the city of Urumqi that looks suspiciously like ethnic cleansing. The Chinese are razing the ancient city to the ground, wiping out hundreds of mosques, restaurants serving traditional food, and bookstores selling Uighur literature. The parts of Urumqi not dismantled entirely are littered with cameras, biometric scanners, and police checkpoints, turning the city into a huge prison. When the WSJ asked about Urumqi, the Chinese essentially responded that residents should be thankful for all the money invested to modernize their city and improve its infrastructure.


The Asean Post warned on Tuesday that China has made great progress on eliminating Uighur culture and religion and is confident the international community will do nothing serious to prevent it from finishing the job. The article pointed out China’s profound hypocrisy in treating radical Islam as an existential threat to domestic security while actively supporting and defending it in countries the Chinese wish to destabilize. The Asean Post saluted U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for calling out China’s game on social media in March.


As a minor quibble, it is not quite “hypocrisy” or inconsistent behavior if China’s rulers have concluded Islam is a destabilizing force to be suppressed at home but nourished within competing nations. It is a characteristically cold calculation by ruthless Communist leaders, who have been making such calculations on a routine basis since the inception of their ideology. Hypocrisy comes into play when Chinese leaders pretend to be anything other than aggressive totalitarian adversaries prepared to use any means necessary to weaken other nations and protect their own grip on power. The Chinese are staging a social-media counteroffensive to portray policies in Xinjiang as a justifiable response to terrorism, fully supported by the (non-Uighur) Chinese population. A major goal of the online campaign is to challenge all negative news and uncomfortable images from the Xinjiang camps as disinformation and fabrications. The European Union criticized China for human rights abuses from its annual summit on Tuesday, but activists were disappointed the EU did not specifically name and condemn Chinese practices in Xinjiang, Tibet, and other oppressed regions. A demonstration that included family members of people imprisoned in Chinese re-education camps was held outside EU headquarters in Brussels during the summit.