Anonymous ID: 9b5ab2 April 10, 2019, 5:56 p.m. No.6128105   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tusk: UK Can Reconsider Strategy, Revoke Art. 50 Until End of Brexit Extension


European Council President Donald Tusk urged the United Kingdom on Thursday not to waste the extra time to sort out Brexit after the EU agreed on a second delay to London's departure until 31 October.


"Please don't waste this time", Tusk said at a news conference after eight hours of EU leaders' talks. Tusk stressed that the UK still had all the options on Brexit available during the extension, from approving the stalled divorce deal, to changing its leave strategy to canceling the departure altogether.


Heads of 27 EU members states and the United Kingdom have agreed upon a flexible extension of the Brexit deadline until 31 October, giving London additional six months to figure out the best possible way out of the withdrawal deadlock, the European Council President, Donald Tusk, said on Thursday.


At the same news conference, President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker said that a no-deal Brexit would be a total disaster, adding that we will do all we can to avoid such a scenario.


According to the Brexit summit conclusion, if the UK fails to Ratify withdrawal deal by 22 May it must hold the European Parliament election or leave the EU on 1 June.


The UK parliament has repeatedly rejected the withdrawal agreement, coordinated between London and Brussels, and the country therefore risked tumbling out of the bloc without a deal, which could affect both the UK and EU economies.


The UK government and Brussels reached a divorce deal late last year, but the UK parliament has refused to back the agreement and cannot agree on any alternative measures. The country was supposed to leave the bloc on 29 March but missed the deadline.


The issue of Northern Ireland remains a thorny one in the Brexit process. The main challenge for London is to avoid a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland while, at the same time, securing the nation’s integrity.

Anonymous ID: 9b5ab2 April 10, 2019, 5:57 p.m. No.6128117   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pompeo: US ready to prolong New START with Russia, 'if we can get the deal right'


There is large compliance with the new treaty, the US Secretary of State has noted


Washington will agree to prolonging the Russian-US treaty on Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (New START), if the two sides make a deal that suits both sides, US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo said on Wednesday.


"There is large compliance with the new START. On both sides there are some arguments on edges, but largely the Russians and the United States have been compliant. We are at the very beginning of conversations of renewing that. If we can get the deal right, if we can make sure it fits 2021 and beyond, President Trump has made very clear that if we can get a good solid arms control agreement, we ought to get one," Pompeo said during hearings at the US Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee.

Anonymous ID: 9b5ab2 April 10, 2019, 6:03 p.m. No.6128202   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Western Spies Among the Jihadis in Idlib


There are spies among the Jihadis in Idlib. Movements, storages and plans are well known to the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and their Russian allies. Recently, the Russian Defense Ministry warned that European intelligence agents were inside Idlib, and planning a chemical attack, which would be blamed on the Syrian and/or Russian military. The professional video troupe, The White Helmets, is also present ready to begin their upcoming role in the drama. French and Belgian agents inside Idlib were observed by informants in their midst, though the French Foreign Ministry accused Russia of lying.


When the battle to free East Aleppo was over in December 2016, the civilians came streaming out, and the next task was to interview them to determine who was an innocent civilian, and who had actually been a terrorist, but had not managed to escape. Under-cover informants were able to identify the innocent from the terrorists. Time and time again, from battle to battle, valuable information was leaked to the SAA through their vast network of informants on the ground, behind enemy lines, among the terrorist groups they were fighting.


Ever since the war began in 2011, chemical weapons use, or merely the threat, has played a role. Syrians watched videos made in 2012 by terrorists in which rabbits were killed with chemicals, in an effort to scare the civilian population, and it worked. People were scared, and the fear was coming from the Turkish border, as the chemicals in the video were clearly made in Turkey. In March 2013, Khan al Assal was attacked by chemical weapons. The dead were 25 civilians and 16 SAA soldiers guarding the town after a previous terrorist attack.


The live TV coverage of the hospital with the gasping victims, and the dead in a local hospital shocked Syrians nationwide, while the Syrian deputy foreign minister, Faisal Meqdad, said Syria would file a protest with the U.N. Security Council, which was followed up by requests by the Syrian government for UN investigators to come and inspect the crime scene and victims. The UN repeatedly stalled citing security concerns, finally in August 2013 the team arrived in Damascus, but before they could begin a new chemical attack happened, and the video caused outrage around the world, as viewers were convinced the Syrian government had used sarin gas on hundreds of civilians.


There were skeptics, who wondered why the Syrian government would repeatedly plead for UN investigators to come and see Khan al Assal, and just as the UN arrives after months of delay, the same government would use chemicals right under the noses of the UN inspectors? In the science of criminal investigation, the first question the UN investigators must ask is: “Who will benefit from this crime?” Obviously, the crime benefitted the terrorists. They had made a priceless video, uploaded to the internet, and made available free of charge globally. News media from the four corners of the world were showing it repeatedly. By watching it over and over, the audience was convinced they knew the culprit, though no evidence was ever supplied. Even US Secretary of State John Kerry, without any fact based evidence cited, said it was evident from the video that Syria was to blame.


Snap judgments based on amateur videos became routine in Syria. Yahya Ababneh was on the ground in Damascus just days after the event, and interviewed armed men fighting the Syrian military. Named eye witnesses told about chemicals coming in from a Saudi Arabian, but without proper instructions on how to deal with, or use them. Jibhat al Nusra, the Syrian branch of Al Qaeda, tasked their allies in the Free Syrian Army in the handling and use of the chemicals, which resulted in deaths of terrorists as well as civilians.

Anonymous ID: 9b5ab2 April 10, 2019, 6:23 p.m. No.6128487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8607 >>8746

Hansjörg Wyss


Hansjörg Wyss (born 19 September 1935) is a Swiss entrepreneur, businessman, and philanthropist. He is the founder and was president, then chairman, of Synthes USA, until its sale in 2012. Wyss lives in Wyoming and has supported philanthropic causes relating to environmental protection, social justice, and science. His contributions led to the establishment of the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University in 2009 and he created the Wyss Foundation, which aims to conserve natural environments, including public lands in the Western United States, Africa, and South America. As of 2017, Wyss has a net worth of US$5.6 billion, according to Forbes.[2][3]


The Wyss Foundation

The Wyss Foundation is a private, charitable foundation dedicated to supporting innovative, lasting solutions that improve lives, empower communities, and strengthen connections to the land. The Foundation is headquartered in Washington, DC in a restored historic building that houses its offices and provides space to several other non-profits.


Wyss Institute Harvard

The Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering uses biological design principles to develop new engineering innovations that will transform medicine and create a more sustainable world.


Clinton Donor ‘Deliriously Happy’ He Escaped Indictment

Swiss billionaire and Clinton donor Hansjorg Wyss sat in a packed Washington State courtroom Monday to face his first trial over unsuspecting patients who died when his company used an illegal medical substance. Ultimately, five people died.

Four of Wyss’ executives went to prison in the federal case, but Wyss walked free.


Sex Victim Advocates Slam Harvard, The Clinton Foundation And John Podesta’s Think Tank For Silence Over Sex Assault Probe

Victim advocates are slamming Harvard University, the Clinton Foundation and John Podesta’s think-tank for their silence over an ongoing investigation by New Jersey prosecutors for the brutal sexual assault that a woman alleges was committed by their donor, Swiss billionaire Hansjorg Wyss.

Wyss, who contributes millions to many high-profile liberal causes, is a financial donor to Harvard, the Clinton Foundation and Podesta’s Center for American Progress. Last fall, prosecutors in Morris Township, New Jersey, opened an investigation into an alleged brutal 2011 sexual assault of Jacqueline Long, then an employee of Wyss’ foundation.

Anonymous ID: 9b5ab2 April 10, 2019, 6:29 p.m. No.6128590   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8746

Former Obama White House Counsel Expected to Be Indicted Soon in Case Stemming From Mueller’s Probe


Former Obama White House Counsel Greg Craig expects to be indicted any day now on charges stemming from Meuller’s probe related to work he did for Ukraine in 2012.


Craig, 74, served as legal counsel for Obama from 2009 to 2010 and worked as senior legal counsel to Bill Clinton during his impeachment.


It is believed Greg Craig will be charged for making false statements to Justice Department investigators during the Mueller investigation.


According to Mr. Craig’s legal team, Craig refused to accept a plea deal and the case could be handed over to a grand jury for indictment within the next few days, the Wall Street Journal reported.


Greg Craig was interviewed twice by Mueller’s investigators about work he and his law firm did in Ukraine in 2012.


Craig’s lawyers said the case against him was conducted by prosecutors in the Southern District of New York, although they expect the indictment to come down from the Justice Department in DC and allege they are abusing their power.


“This case was thoroughly investigated by the SDNY and that office decided not to pursue charges against Mr. Craig. We expect an indictment by the DC US Attorney’s Office at the request of the National Security Division. Mr. Craig is not guilty of any charge and the government’s stubborn insistence on prosecuting Mr. Craig is a misguided abuse of prosecutorial discretion,” Craig’s lawyers said in a statement.


Craig was a partner in the law firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, which entered into a multi-million dollar settlement with the DOJ over its work in Ukraine.


Greg Craig worked with Paul Manafort in Ukraine — if he is indicted, he will be the first top Dem charged in a case stemming from Mueller’s witch hunt.