Anonymous ID: e8bf6f April 10, 2019, 5:56 p.m. No.6128109   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8393 >>8580 >>8746



Trump to release peace plan after new coalition formed.


Aides to US President expect him to release his Israel-PA peace plan once Netanyahu forms a government coalition.


Aides to US President Donald Trump expect the president to release his peace plan for Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) once Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu forms a coalition, Reuters reported on Wednesday, a day after Netanyahu’s election victory.


Officials said that despite criticism of the administration’s moves to date, the plan will demand compromises from both sides.


The contents of the Middle East peace plan, authored by President Donald Trump’s advisers Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt, have remained a secret thus far.


Kushner and Greenblatt have limited the plan’s distribution over the two years they have been crafting it. It has been kept secret “to ensure people approach it with an open mind” when it is released, a senior administration official told Reuters.


Only four people have regular access - Kushner, Greenblatt, US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman and Kushner aide Avi Berkowitz, the official said.


Trump is briefed regularly on the contents but is not believed to have read the entire document of dozens of pages.


“He is briefed if something interesting is happening or there is an idea they want to run by him,” the official told Reuters.


While the plan has not yet been made public, Kushner recently discussed it in an interview with Sky News in Arabic.


While Kushner did not get into many specifics, he did say the plan “is very detailed and will focus on delineating the border and providing solutions to the main issues that are controversial and will be appropriate for the current situation on the ground.”


According to Reuters, the proposal also addresses such core political issues as the status of Jerusalem, and separately aims at helping the Palestinian Arabs strengthen their economy.


Cloaked in secrecy is whether the plan will propose outright the creation of a Palestinian state.


On Wednesday, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the plan would be presented before too long but, when asked, declined to say whether the administration favored a two-state solution.


On Tuesday, when asked about the two-state by a Senate subcommittee, Pompeo would only say, "Ultimately the Israelis and Palestinians will decide how to resolve this.”


The PA, meanwhile, has been boycotting the US ever since Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital in December of 2017 and has rejected the US peace plan before it has even been unveiled.

Anonymous ID: e8bf6f April 10, 2019, 5:59 p.m. No.6128158   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8393 >>8580 >>8746



Italy’s Deputy Premier Salvini: “Turkey has nothing to do with Europe and will never enter EU on our watch”


Italy’s Deputy Premier, Interior Minister and League leader Matteo Salvini called for Turkey’s application to join the EU to be definitively rejected as he met with the heads of other European right-wing parties in Milan.

“Turkey is not in Europe and it never will be”, Salvini told a press conference at the gathering titled “Towards a Common Sense Europe, Peoples Rise Up”.

“The news is that we are expanding the [eurosceptic]family, we are working for a new European dream. Today for many citizens and for many people Europe represents a nightmare and not a dream”, said Salvini, speaking alongside Alternative for Germany (AfD) leader Joerg Methuen.

The Danish People’s Party and the Finns Party of Finland also attended the Italian event, titled ‘Towards a Common Sense Europe, Peoples Rise Up’.

France’s National Rally (RN) and Austria’s populist Freedom Party (FPO) confirmed they too plan to be part of the new grouping.

“We aim to win [EU Parliament elections] and change Europe… We are working for the future of our children”, Salvini told the conference, adding that the EU “makes sense if it recognizes identity and culture, rather than the nightmare if it were to look only towards business and finance”.

He also dismissed claims from globalist politicians and the media branding patriotic parties in Europe that wish to preserve their culture as dangerous extremists, telling reporters at the event: “The dangers are not in the past, as neither fascism nor communism will return.”

“Islamic extremism is the danger [now]”, he said, before stating that Turkey “will never enter [Europe] under our watch. Never”.

“The EU chooses to pursue sanctions against Hungary and Poland while giving billions [of euros]to Turkey. The path to accession should not be suspended, but instead definitively cancelled”, he added, stressing that the majority-Muslim country “has nothing to do with Europe”.

Anonymous ID: e8bf6f April 10, 2019, 6:02 p.m. No.6128196   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8361



Migrants Bomb Minister Matteo Salvini’s Party Office.





The attack occurred in January and saw the front door of the League office in San Valentino Torio damaged following an explosive blast that was downplayed by left-wing politicians as “Christmas fireworks,” Il Giornale reports.


Prosecutors say that the two main suspects in the attack are 41-year-old Abderrahim S. and 37-year-old Moktar J. who are being investigated under suspicion of detonating explosives. The pair were identified with the help of CCTV footage.


Mariano Falcone, regional deputy coordinator for the League in Salerno, said that while the damage to the building was not extensive, “It is an attack against Matteo Salvini and against the League” and called the attack “disturbing.”

“We must not let our guard down,” Falcone said and warned of new groups behaving like the far-left terrorists who committed acts of violence in Italy in the 1970s.


One such far-left terrorist, Cesare Battisti, recently admitted to murdering several people during that era after being deported from Brazil by populist president Jair Bolsonaro


The incident is not the first time Salvini’s party offices have been attacked with explosives. In August last year, an office in Treviso was attacked with far-left Antifa anarchists later taking responsibility for the bombing online.


The attack consisted of two separate explosive devices, one meant to attract police and others to the area where a second one, filled with nails and metal fragments, would then go off. Police were able to disarm the second device before it exploded.


While it is mostly far-left groups behind attacks or calls for attacks on Salvini, the Salerno case is different in that the suspects appear to be migrants.


It also comes after another migrant, 47-year-old Senegalese national Ousseynou Sy, attempted to set a bus full of children on fire, citing revenge against Salvini and his anti-mass migration policies.

Anonymous ID: e8bf6f April 10, 2019, 6:09 p.m. No.6128290   🗄️.is 🔗kun



UN sanctions are good business for Chinese smugglers in North Korea.


group of Chinese merchants who are residents of North Korea are using their connections and border-crossing privileges to smuggle goods subject to U.N. sanctions from China into the North, sources in the border region say.


The sanctions, aimed at depriving North Korea of resources that could be channeled into its nuclear program, prohibit U.N. member nations from exporting certain goods into North Korea.


The illegal but lucrative trade in banned goods has enabled the merchants to amass small fortunes.


“Many of them are making money by smuggling goods prohibited by the Chinese government into North Korea across the river,” said a source from a Chinese city bordering North Korea in an interview with RFA’s Korean Service.


“[These] merchants are doing big business, able to smuggle 200,000 Chinese Yuan (about $30,000) worth of illegal goods into the North [with each shipment],” said the source.


The large-scale nature of their smuggling enterprise necessitates an effort that amounts to far more than an individual hiding a few pieces of contraband in their personal luggage. These operations require complex teamwork, according to the source.


One partner operating in China will deliver the goods across the river to the other partner in North Korea. Trust is paramount in these types of operations, so many work with family members.


“Most of them work in pairs, like a husband and wife or a father and son. They can also team up with other smugglers and send goods [to each other] across the river,” said the source.


The source described two popular routes for smugglers, explaining that the width of the river and the presence of border guards were a factor in determining the costs of their trade.


“It costs about 200 Chinese Yuan (about $30), on average, to transport 70 kilos from Changbai county, Jilin province to Hyesan city, through a [professional] smuggler. However, it costs double if they transport the package via Dandong and Sinuiju.” the source said, referring to towns and cities on the shared river border between China and North Korea.


“The river is much wider [between Dandong and Sinuiju] and they have to spend more to bribe the Chinese and North Korean border guards,” said the source.


The source said that under normal circumstances, the goods being smuggled would not be worth the bribes these smugglers must pay to get the goods across the river, but the sanctions have made the effort worthwhile.


Another source, an ethnic Korean living in China said the items being smuggled include “automobile parts, water pumps, diesel power generators and electric locks.”


“Items like these seem like they would be necessary for North Korean companies, high ranking officials or [otherwise] rich people,” the source said.


“[The smugglers] make more money when there are more things to smuggle so they actually welcome international sanctions on North Korea,” the source said.


“It actually works out because China and North Korea have a common interest in bringing sanctioned goods into North Korea,” the source said.


Smuggling has become more and more commonplace as North Korea transitions into a market economy. As people cannot live on what they are paid by the government, many must find alternative income sources. This has led to a very active black market enabled by bribery and corruption, often with government and military officials themselves leading the smuggling operations.


RFA reported in March that a commander of a North Korean border defense regiment was arrested for embezzling funds from a state-sanctioned car smuggling scheme. Sources in that story were surprised by the sudden crackdown on smugglers, given that the practice is rampant along the border with China.


Reported by Joonho Kim for RFA’s Korean Service. Translated by Leejin Jun. Written in English by Eugene Whong.

Anonymous ID: e8bf6f April 10, 2019, 6:33 p.m. No.6128636   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He has to keep pounding the truth out there for it to eventually break through and sink in.

He is a true soldier, one of us no doubt.

An anon too I bet :)