Anonymous ID: ce1234 April 11, 2019, 9:19 a.m. No.6136933   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Posted in #7848


>>6136152, >>6136307 Gaetz Introduces "Pencil Act" to remove AS

>>6136078 Jeff Bezos to meet with federal prosecutors on extortion and hacking claims against SA

>>6136051 Chancellor Angela Merkel's mother has died at age 90

>>6136229, >>6136243 POTUS tweets about "Spygate"on Tucker tonight

>>6136286 Election shenanigans in Israel?

>>6136317, >>6136322, >>6136488 Digs on Vidal (Author of Book Assange carried)

>>6136591, >>6136472, >>6136523 More Digs on Vidal

>>6136351 Consolidated reporting on arrest of Assange

>>6136401 Live testimony regarding creation of Space Force

>>6136161 Notable Time Delta on Q Post 1133

>>6136200 New indictments for Avenatti

>>6136471 Pelosi claims to have asked for meeting with POTUS

>>6136514 Justice Department outlines charges for Assange

>>6136407 Bill to help Gold Star Children in NY shot down by lawmakers

>>6136642, >>6136610, >>6136646, >>6136650 Hollywood Image Drops

>>6136618, >>6136625, >>6136634, >>6136683 Hollywood Image Drops

>>6136664 New White House Tweet

>>6136423 California considering new taxes on water

>>6136666 Trump Threatens DECLAS

>>6136458 New Drawstrike thread

>>6136753, >>6136744 Schumer panics

Anonymous ID: ce1234 April 11, 2019, 9:56 a.m. No.6137433   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7448

Notables so far

A tad late, apologies, was on cleanup in isle 5.

All good. Anything missed?


>>6137385 POTUS Schedule: POTUS is aware of Assange case and is leaving it to Barr

>>6137377 How do you introduce evidence? We have the source

>>6137336 Deborah Curtis, the new attorney appearance in Flynn’s case

>>6137329 Federal charges pummel shares of opioid manufacturers Indivior and Reckitt Benckiser

>>6137274 @USACE: 'Pay attention to the markers in the water'

>>6137216 Interdasting mirror on the QClock re Assange

>>6137116 , >>6137178 Clip: Jordan's face when Hannity asks Sara if Comey will be indicted

>>6137031 More on Hussein's WH counsel expecting to be indicted

>>6136998 , >>6137022 Schumer meets with Haiti ambassador

>>6136972 Reminder on possible 'Matlock'

>>6136898 , >>6136965 Relevant past Q Posts and infos re Assange

>>6136859 , >>6136913, >>6136904, >>6136924 US unseals Assange indictment, indicment here

>>6136854 Lawfag: Unseen and unreported habbenings in the war against the admin. state

Anonymous ID: ce1234 April 11, 2019, 10:04 a.m. No.6137548   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#7848 Baker change

>>6137442 2018 report that Assange would possbily testify before the Senate Comm.

>>6137385 , >>6137444 POTUS Schedule: POTUS is aware of Assange case and is leaving it to Barr

>>6137377 How do you introduce evidence? We have the source

>>6137336 Deborah Curtis, the new attorney appearance in Flynn’s case

>>6137329 Federal charges pummel shares of opioid manufacturers Indivior and Reckitt Benckiser

>>6137274 @USACE: 'Pay attention to the markers in the water'

>>6137216 Interdasting mirror on the QClock re Assange

>>6137116 , >>6137178 Clip: Jordan's face when Hannity asks Sara if Comey will be indicted

>>6137031 More on Hussein's WH counsel expecting to be indicted

>>6136998 , >>6137022 Schumer meets with Haiti ambassador

>>6136972 Reminder on possible 'Matlock'

>>6136898 , >>6136965 Relevant past Q Posts and info re Assange

>>6136859 , >>6136913, >>6136904, >>6136924 US unseals Assange indictment, indicment here

>>6136854 Lawfag: Unseen and unreported habbenings in the war against the admin. state