This idea is a little out there. Could the Clinton's link to Aus be something to do with the Aboriginals? Similar to their 'taste' for Haitians maybe.. Q also mentions "Blood."
Australian Aboriginals are one of the oldest cultures on Earth. Most of their communities right now seem to be terrible, degenerate places because of things like rampant child sexual abuse and alcoholism. It's a national tragedy. Probably makes them 'easier' to kidnap and traffick though.
There's also this:
Rihanna tweeted and Julie Bishop responded with a lazy $90M Aus taxpayer donation to GPE (not CF but is C-related) less than four weeks after Q posted "Coincidence all donations to the CF terminated post defeat?"
Were they looking to cover their asses? E.g. if Aus still donates to Clinton-related foundations, how can it be Pay2Play?
Or Australia was still being forced to donate and I'm way off the mark.
Were they previously forced to donate because of compromising information on top Australian politicians? Globalist macroeconomic power-plays/threats? Maybe both?