Q hates Jews … so do most of Q's followers.
Plain as day.
Trust muh Plan
Disinformation is necessary
Trust Sessions
Are you ready for arrests?
>any group could get 2-300 people to spam this board and each bread would last what - 1 minute max?
>I submit this board has never been under under an attack
A thinking anon. Refreshing.
But "this board is under attack" makes the morans who still suck on Q's dick feel extra important .. which is likely part of the Plan.
>Can you imagine if Reagan had Twatter ?
Reagan had all 3 "News" stations and all print media against him .. with ZERO ability to get fair coverage … so he made Presidential addresses, and fucking crushed it when he did.
>We'll see how brave you are soon. Knock Knock.
You're an idiot if you think muh Q is feared by anyone other than morans like you.
>Sean Hannity seems to have deleted all references to Julian Assange, WikiLeaks on his Twitter
Trump uses him and that serves Trump, but Hannity is a fucking dolt.
>This is a research board
This is a circlejerk board dedicated to an anonymous poster of cryptic bullshit that has produced ZERO results in 17 months.
Calling this shitshow cult a research board may make you feel important, but that doesn't make it true.