Anonymous ID: 3a7900 April 17, 2019, 1:51 p.m. No.6213979   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4390 >>4490 >>4638

>>6213656 LB

Mr. Binney has written in irrefutable detail about Julian Assange and what REALLY happened:


"Why does a cyber security company wait 45 days after allegedly uncovering a massive Russian attack on the DNC server to take concrete steps to safeguard the integrity of the information held on the server? This makes no sense.


A more plausible explanation is that it was discovered that emails had been downloaded from the server and copied onto a device like a thumdrive. But the culprit had not yet been identified. We know one thing for certain—CrowdStrike did not take steps to shutdown and repair the DNC network until 18 days after the last email was copied from the server.


The final curiosity is that the DNC never provided the FBI access to its servers in order for qualified FBI technicians to conduct a thorough forensic examination. If this had been a genuine internet hack, it would be very easy for the NSA to identify when the information was taken and the route it moved after being hacked from the server. The NSA had the technical collection systems in place to enable analysts to know the date and time of the messages. But that has not been done.


Taken together, these disparate data points combine to paint a picture that exonerates alleged Russian hackers and implicates persons within our law enforcement and intelligence community taking part in a campaign of misinformation, deceit and incompetence. It is not a pretty picture."

Anonymous ID: 3a7900 April 17, 2019, 2:10 p.m. No.6214199   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4265 >>4390 >>4490 >>4638

This NXIVM news from today, about the Bronfmans laundering money back to the Clintons ("Follow the Foundation") is looking tastier and tastier.


Also of big note is that Raniere's first harem girl, Karen Unterreiner, has flipped and will testifying for the state. This should all but finish twisting the knife and salting the wound:


Couple of tasty past digs on the Bronfmans to fill in the blanks:


Have been following this guy, Frank Parlato. Dude is a serious NXIVM birddog and has written some great shit.


"If Allison Mack believes she has a future movie career, she is sadly mistaken.

According to reports, Allison Mack and Lauren Salzman, the prosecution’s star witnesses, conspired to submit perjured testimony to frame India Oxenberg for the branding scandal.


According to an inside source in Brooklyn prior to the arrest of Mack: “Mack is under orders to marshal the slave-women to protect Raniere – and has ordered them to accept full responsibility for DOS. All of them are expected to testify that they gained immensely from Raniere’s life coaching, that they were not coerced, and that, if any women were coerced, it was India Oxenberg’s fault.


“Mack agreed with Salzman that if India Oxenberg [who is Mack’s slave] goes to prison to save Raniere, it will be “in line with what’s authentic with herself and what’s integrous with herself.”


In other words, if this source was conveying accurate information then both Allison Mack and Lauren Salzman, according to the report, seemed to be willing to commit perjury and send an innocent woman to prison to save their skins.


They are both willing to say whatever they need to now to save their own skins.

Allison Mack has a history of creating false evidence that could have potentially sent innocent people to prison. Witness her false statement [in her collateral] alleging that her nephews had been sexually molested.


Lauren Salzman had her slaves produce false testimony on videos and signed false confessions to use as collateral.


Nancy allocuted to fraudulently changing a video to submit as evidence in the Rick Ross federal case.


Recently, commenter Yolanda Cortez, who apparently knows Mack and Salzman, made this comment: “Mack is evil”


What is more evil than conspiring to frame an innocent woman like India Oxenberg?

Allison Mack and Lauren Salzman are EVIL.

I suspect Yolanda Cortez was in Brooklyn after Raniere’s arrest and before Mack’s arrest.


If the truth, hurts the prosecution’s case, so be it. If it hurts Allison Mack’s movie career, so be it. Hollywood has plenty of actresses who have not conspired to use perjury to frame innocent people.


In light of the Nxivm, Bornfman and Salzman family’s computer hacking, justice demands that the circumstances surrounding John Tighe’s child porn conviction be completely reviewed also."


And then, there's this eye popper:

Raniere claimed he had proof for Holocaust denial, so Bronfman, Zionists, had to stop him at commodities

Anonymous ID: 3a7900 April 17, 2019, 2:14 p.m. No.6214265   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4390 >>4490 >>4638


I'll be damned.

Nancy Salzman and both Bronfman sisters are/were members of the Clinton Global Initiative going all the way back to this 2007 article.



" A purported pyramid-scheme operator who was run out of Arkansas when Bill Clinton was governor has reinvented himself as the head of an upstate group accused of being a “cult” – and his devotees have pumped thousands into Hillary Rodham Clinton‘s presidential run.


Executives and top associates of the Albany-based NXIVM group – along with their family members – donated $29,900 to Clinton’s presidential campaign, according to federal records.


On March 14 and April 13, records show, more than a dozen contributions poured into Clinton’s coffers from NXIVM, an executive and group-awareness training organization led by Brooklyn-born Keith Raniere, 47.


Most were from first-time political donors, each giving the $2,300 maximum.


The revelation comes on the heels of the arrest of Norman Hsu, who raised $1.5 million in campaign contributions for the Clintons and other Democrats, even though he was technically a fugitive from fraud charges in California.


Hsu jumped bail in early September but was nabbed and is currently locked up in California.


In his previous incarnation, the Svengali-like Raniere ran a $30 million multilevel marketing business that imploded after federal agencies and regulators in 23 states alleged it was an illegal pyramid scheme.


He has managed to attract famous names to NXIVM.


Three of the March and April Clinton pledges came from Raniere’s most high-profile followers: Seagram heiresses Clare and Sara Bronfman, and Pamela Cafritz, daughter of D.C. A-listers Buffy and Bill Cafritz.


Cafritz shares a condo with Raniere.


The Bronfman sisters are also deeply involved with NXIVM and, according to a 2003 article in Forbes magazine, have loaned millions to the group and provided use of their jet.


Their father, Edgar Bronfman Sr., once took NXIVM classes but soon severed ties, telling Forbes, “It’s a cult.”


The Clinton campaign downplayed the significance of the NXIVM-related contributions.


“Over 100,000 people from across the country have contributed to Sen. Clinton’s campaign for change, and regardless of who supports her, she will always continue to stand up for what she feels is right,” said campaign spokesman Blake Zeff.


Hillary isn’t the only Clinton NXIVM officials are attracted to.


At least three of them – group President Nancy Salzman and the Bronfman sisters – are members of Bill’s charitable organization, the Clinton Global Initiative. Membership is by invitation only and requires at least a $15,000 donation per person for one year.


NXIVM spokesman Frank Roberts told The Post the organization doesn’t have a presidential candidate it is officially backing.


Last month, the Albany Times Union reported that NXIVM associates gave $31,600 to the state Republican Senate Campaign Committee and provided $34,763 worth of air transportation.


The recent campaign contributions led one close observer of NXIVM to speculate that the group is trying to curry favor for its effort to expand training centers upstate.


In the 1990s, several states investigated the Raniere-run Consumer Buyline Inc., a marketing firm in which members were paid commissions for recruiting new members.


A 1992 Arkansas lawsuit filed by Bill Clinton’s then-attorney general, Winston Bryant, charged Raniere, Cafritz and two others with fraud and business deception. Soon after, then-New York AG Robert Abrams sued CBI, branding it “illegal.”


Raniere didn’t admit wrongdoing, but agreed to pay hefty fines in both states.


After closing the Albany-based CBI, he became involved in a health-food and vitamin venture that led him to Salzman. Sharing a passion for motivational training, the pair launched NXIVM.


At NXIVM – according to court papers, cult watchdogs and relatives of members – Raniere has defrauded devotees, shattered families and drove at least one person to suicide.


After four months attending NXIVM’s expensive, “intensive” studies, Alaska resident Kristin Marie Snyder grew angry, depressed and irrational.


In winter 2003, she disappeared. Her family believes she drowned herself. Her body was not recovered. Snyder was last seen leaving a NXIVM course, and police released a note she left behind.


“I was brainwashed and my emotional center of the brain was killed/turned off,” Snyder scrawled in a spiral notebook."

Anonymous ID: 3a7900 April 17, 2019, 2:38 p.m. No.6214565   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4638


Dude, the first "harem girl" just flipped! She was the CFO, doing the bookkeeping that rich bitch Bronfman didn't want to do!


Holy shit, read this stuff.


"In addition to knowing about his pedophilia, Karen knows about finances too.


Karen oversaw the double and triple sets of books. Maybe she is the only one who knows – really knows – how much money Nxivm made. And how much was hidden, how much was smuggled.


And don’t forget Karen was one of the owners of Consumer’s Buyline that got shut down for being an illegal pyramid scheme. She knows the history of the monster.


In 1996, Raniere, Karen and Pam signed a Consent Order with the New York Attorney General. State officials accused Raniere of operating an illegal “chain distributor scheme.” Raniere, Cafritz and Unterreiner agreed to be permanently barred from “promoting, offering or granting participation in a chain distribution scheme.”


After Consumers Buyline, Karen went to work for Nxivm. On the old ESP website, we learn of Karen’s important roles.


“Karen Unterreiner has been a key figure of Executive Success Programs’ leadership since she joined the company in 1998. She quickly became one of the top practitioners of ESP’s proprietary Exploration of Meaning™ technology. She is currently one of our top three head trainers and facilitates the company’s coveted advanced-level trainings. She has been a proud member of the Executive Board since 2001 and she is also the head of ESP’s Humanities Board, where she strives to further her commitment to building community, humanitarianism and ethics.


“Karen brings a wealth of experience as an actuary, CFO and computer programmer into her role with ESP. She graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1981 with a degree in Mathematics of Operations Research and Statistics. Following that, she held a position at Aetna Life and Casualty as an actuary until 1985. She received her fellowship in the Society of Actuaries in 1987 while working at Milliman and Robertson, Consulting Actuaries.


“She later expanded into corporate finance and in 1990 assumed the role of Chief Financial Officer at Consumers’ Buyline, Inc., a successful wholesale buying club. During which time, she delved into the field of information technology and began an IT consulting practice. Her attention to detail, expansive intellectual capacity and desire to inspire joy in people’s lives makes her an invaluable asset to the company and its Executive Board.”


And she did a hell of lot more than what she put on her modest bio.


Karen had a hand in scrubbing the computers to deceive the courts in the Rick Ross case. And she may the only one who can tell authorities – and a jury – what all the secret codes mean on the Nxivm books showing who paid by cash (when they were listed as getting scholarships) and where the cash went."