Anonymous ID: 5aedff April 18, 2019, 5:14 p.m. No.6231962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1977 >>1979 >>1992 >>2680

Man and Girl From Viral Photo Taken Near Notre Dame Before Fire Are Found


A father and daughter posed in front of the Notre Dame Cathedral moments before it erupted into flames in a now-viral photo. After several days, they were found. Brooke Windsor, who took the photo, tweeted on April 18 that the “search is over,” and the photo “reached the dad and family.” “He has chosen to remain anonymous in the wake of tragedy,” she said, adding, “Thank you to everyone who has shared the picture and for your kind words.” Windsor said the father told him: “Thanks again for that beautiful photo, we will find a special place for it.” Days ago, she wrote, “I took this photo as we were leaving #NotreDame about an hour before it caught on fire. I almost went up to the dad and asked if he wanted it. Now I wish I had. Twitter if you have any magic, help him find this.”


Windsor tweeted the photo and caption on day of the devastating fire. Since her tweet was posted on April 15, it generated 400,000 “likes” and 200,000 retweets.


Meanwhile, a French official told The Associated Press that the cause of the fire was likely from an electrical short-circuit. French investigators still have not gone inside the church and searched the rubble due to safety reasons, the official said.

Anonymous ID: 5aedff April 18, 2019, 5:46 p.m. No.6232351   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2372 >>2390 >>2531 >>2626

‘Now the Tables Have Turned:’ Trump Campaign Demands Origin of Mueller Probe Investigated


Shortly after Attorney General William Barr released the full redacted Mueller report on Thursday, April 18, Trump Campaign Manager Brad Parscale demanded an investigation of the “liars who instigated this sham investigation into President Trump.” “President Trump has been fully and completely exonerated yet again. Now the tables have turned, and it’s time to investigate the liars who instigated this sham investigation into President Trump, motivated by political retribution and based on no evidence whatsoever,” he said in a statement. “Now that the collusion and obstruction conspiracy theories have been exposed for the pathetic hoaxes they always were, the Obama-era DOJ and FBI must answer for their misdeeds and the scam that they perpetrated against the American people,” read the statement.


Earlier in the day, Barr re-affirmed that no member of the Trump campaign, or any other American, colluded with Russia to interfere with the 2016 elections. He made the remarks during a press conference before releasing the Mueller report to the congressional committees and the public. The Special Counsel “did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities,” Barr said, quoting the Mueller report. He also said that he and Deputy Attorney Rod Rosenstein determined there was no obstruction of justice case based on the information presented by Mueller.


Ronna McDaniel, the chairwoman of Republican National Committee (RNC), also asked for the origin of the Mueller probe to be investigated. “It is now time to get to the bottom of how an investigation based off of fake and partisan information began in the first place. After two years and over $35 million, American taxpayers deserve answers and the integrity of our democratic process depends on ensuring this never happens again,” she stated.


Trump and his legal team declared victory after the Mueller report was released. “I’m having a good day, too, it’s called ‘no collusion, no obstruction,’” he said while addressing the Wounded Warrior Project Soldier Ride at the White House. “There never was by the way, and there never will be.” “This should never happen to another president again, this hoax, it should never happen to another president again,” he added.


Many Trump supporters also joined the rally on social media to declare victory. “Thank you to every Trump supporter who never gave up on him or doubted him. YOU are the champions today,” wrote Bill Mitchell, the host of a conservative talk radio show and one of the pundits on Trump, on Twitter.


‘Failure Among a Group of Leaders There’ During an April 10 hearing before the Senate Appropriations Committee, Barr said that spying on Trump Campaign in 2016 “did occur.” “I think spying did occur. Yes, I think spying did occur,” he confirmed when Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) asked if he suggested that spying occurred. He also said that he wants to pull everything together from the various investigations at the Capitol and the DOJ and see if there are any remaining questions to be addressed. “I haven’t set up a team yet. But I do have in mind having some colleagues to help me pull all this information together and let me know whether there’s some areas that should be looked at,” he stated. Barr clarified that he is not launching an investigation into the FBI, but he thought there was probably “a failure among a group of leaders there.”

Anonymous ID: 5aedff April 18, 2019, 5:53 p.m. No.6232434   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2527

National Popular Vote Movement Seeks to Make Electoral College Obsolete


WASHINGTON—A proposal to guarantee that the winner of the national popular vote in future presidential elections becomes president of the United States—without going through the effort of amending the U.S. Constitution—now has 70 percent of the state-level support its backers say it needs to become a reality. The 70-percent mark was achieved April 3 when New Mexico became the 15th jurisdiction in the nation to enact enabling legislation, committing its presidential electors to vote for the candidate who receives the greatest number of popular votes nationally. Republican officeholders generally favor the current system, which incorporates the power-sharing arrangement between higher-population states and lower-population states that is at the heart of federalism. The system, they reason, prevents smaller states from being dominated by larger states and ensures that whoever wins the presidency enjoys a measure of broad-based support across the country. It does, however, occasionally lead to a president being elected who didn’t win the national popular vote. Democrats have long sought to get around the Electoral College, which prevents the United States from political domination at the hands of major population centers, which are controlled by Democrats in so-called blue states.


National Popular Vote Instead of amending the Constitution, a very difficult thing to do, a group called National Popular Vote (NPV) wants the states to ignore their own voters and enter into an interstate compact that would hand the presidency to whoever gets the greatest number of popular votes nationally. Rather than abolishing the Electoral College, the plan would require presidential electors in the states and the District of Columbia to vote for the candidate who gets the most popular votes. Constitutional amendments need two-thirds approval of each chamber of Congress, and then ratification by three-quarters of the states. Small states aren’t likely to go along with a proposal like NPV’s that would permanently water down their voting power in presidential elections. The current system came out of the Constitutional Convention that met in 1787 in Philadelphia, and ousted the earlier constitution known as the Articles of Confederation. NPV says its proposal “would guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.” Currently, 48 states give all their electoral votes to the candidate who prevails in the popular vote in that state. Nebraska and Maine use a different formula, awarding some of their electors by congressional district.

Anonymous ID: 5aedff April 18, 2019, 6:03 p.m. No.6232557   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2566 >>2617 >>2626

Olivia Jade Giannulli Could Be Implicated in College Scam, Analyst Says


Social media influencer Olivia Jade Giannulli, the daughter of “Full House” actress Lori Loughlin, might be complicit in the college bribery scam. According to Fox News, she was copied in an email that her mother sent to William “Rick” Singer, the main actor in the scam, on “how to proceed” in filling out Oliva Jade’s college applications after her “provisional acceptance as a recruited [crew] athlete.” Federal officials have said that Loughlin and her husband paid $500,000 to get Oliva Jade and her sister, Isabella, into the University of Southern California as crew recruits when they weren’t involved in the sport. A former federal prosecutor told Fox that prosecutors might be able to charge Olivia Jade, 19, if Loughlin and her husband, Mossimo Giannulli, do not admit their guilt. They pleaded not guilty earlier this month.


“The government has a ton of evidence here – they have incredible leverage over Loughlin and her husband and the daughters,” former federal prosecutor Naema Rahmani told the news outlet. “And they have this leverage for a few reasons. If you review the evidence, it’s incredibly strong in terms of recorded phone calls, in terms of emails, financial records and so forth.” “There really could have only been two things – and it’s all the government has to prove,” Rahmani continued. “One is that they agreed to commit an unlawful act, and two is if they committed one overt act within the conspiracy. If you prove those two things, then the kids are on the hook as well. You can easily, easily argue that Olivia knew what was going on, she agreed to engage in this unlawful act by not filling out the application, by taking the picture – it can be an overt act to create liability for criminal liability.” Rahmani added that prosecutors wouldn’t have to prove whether Olivia Jade saw the email.


“There doesn’t have to be a smoking gun where she told someone either verbally or not that I knew I was doing this,” Rahmani said. “They can say there is circumstantial support that someone that is not an athlete, someone that doesn’t have the grades, someone that gets into USC and is supposedly participating in crew and having never rowed crew – they knew that they did not get in legitimately.”


Lara Yeretsian, another legal analyst, noted that Olivia Jade posed for a photo to be designated as a crew recruit, but said it may not be enough to implicate the student. “Posing for a picture is not sufficient to make Olivia Jade a co-conspirator in the College Admissions Scandal,” she told the broadcaster. “In other words, there is no evidence whatsoever in the affidavit to suggest that Olivia Jade was aware of any alleged conspiracy to funnel money to coaches or athletic directors at USC through Singer’s charitable organization. The prosecution does not have sufficient evidence here,” she added.


Olivia Jade is also reportedly terrified at the possibility of appearing in court and possibly testifying in court. A source close to Olivia Jade, who had amassed millions of followers on social media, and her 20-year-old sister were apparently aware that her parents allegedly spoke to a man who could help them get into the University of Southern California, reported Entertainment Tonight. The source didn’t say whether the man was Singer. The source said the two sisters, however, were not aware of the lengths that entailed getting them into the private university. “Olivia’s still mad at her parents,” said the source, who added that Oliva Jade is “terrified at the idea she may have to testify against them.”


Rahmani said that federal prosecutors may ensnare Olivia Jade in order to apply pressure on her parents. “These deals always get worse over time. Usually, the first deal is the best deal, and it’s just going to get worse after that. So, they put out a plea agreement allowing them to plead guilty to just the single count and the amount that they actually paid – Loughlin says no and guess what? They go to the grand jury, they get indicted for money laundering charges – now kids are getting involved,” Rahmani noted. “Desperate Housewives” actress Felicity Huffman and about a dozen other people have already pleaded guilty in the case, dubbed “Operation Varsity Blues.”

Anonymous ID: 5aedff April 18, 2019, 6:08 p.m. No.6232591   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2620


Interesting…I didn't notice the rest of her arm missing…….shooped maybe….hmmm need eyes on this. Maybe this is a fake pic for some kind of retaliatory set up….Nice Catch Anon!