Anonymous ID: 4ce966 April 19, 2019, 12:22 a.m. No.6236783   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In line with the bread designation then:


Do you think crooked hitllery is truly so dense that she and/or her cute little minions didn't know that for emails and such to get to and fom hittlery's home private server that they had to go through another server someplace? And that if she cleaned off her private home server using bleach bit or whatever that everything she thought she was destroying to obfuscate her crimes…is, or rather was, still at prn?


Wonder if that is what our favorite anon means when he notes "We have the server!"?


Are these, the platte river network servers, part of what Q refers to when stating "We have it all!"?


So much has actually happened over the last two years with the Sword of Damocles that was the special counsel investigation hanging over President Trump and limiting both he and Q, but as they have now been unleashed, since the very micro-second the report was released, what can they do with hands untied?


Been an awful lot of twats lately by many branches of the military, many at night, many with pictures using night-vision lenses or infra-red and it has been several hours now that POTUS and FLOTUS are safe at Mar-A-Lago where it seems they will spend the weekend.


1:10am here. Wonder if I will wake up to a surprise in the morning. Lovely sunny day, hearing about arrests or executions or suicides of some globalist scum, demonrat even-slimier-scum, globalist propaganda media meat puppets? Noice!!! Over covfefe, eggs, bacon and toast!!!


Part of a Great breakfast and worthy of a national slogan: Make Breakfast Great Again, Execute a Traitor!

Anonymous ID: 4ce966 April 19, 2019, 12:45 a.m. No.6236887   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6904 >>6991

Do you think crooked hitllery is truly so dense that she and/or her cute little minions didn't know that for emails and such to get to and fom hittlery's home private server that they had to go through another server someplace? And that if she cleaned off her private home server using bleach bit or whatever that everything she thought she was destroying to obfuscate her crimes…is, or rather was, still at prn?


Wonder if that is what our favorite anon means when he notes "We have the server!"?


Are these, the platte river network servers, part of what Q refers to when stating "We have it all!"?


So much has actually happened over the last two years with the Sword of Damocles that was the special counsel investigation hanging over President Trump and limiting both he and Q, but as they have now been unleashed, since the very micro-second the report was released, what can they do with hands untied?


Been an awful lot of twats lately by many branches of the military, many at night, many with pictures using night-vision lenses or infra-red and it has been several hours now that POTUS and FLOTUS are safe at Mar-A-Lago where it seems they will spend the weekend.


1:10am here. Wonder if I will wake up to a surprise in the morning. Lovely sunny day, hearing about arrests or executions or suicides of some globalist scum, demonrat even-slimier-scum, globalist propaganda media meat puppets? Noice!!! Over covfefe, eggs, bacon and toast!!!


Part of a Great breakfast and worthy of a national slogan: Make Breakfast Great Again, Execute a Traitor!

Anonymous ID: 4ce966 April 19, 2019, 1:05 a.m. No.6236972   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Your tax dollars at work keeping the private prison industry in the red and the jails full…as per the stupid contract the government tends to sign with the prison companies that provides a guarantee of, shall we say, guests, or the government - again, your tax dollars - has to pay to the prisons for loss of profit.


Foods shit too since most of the private prison companies also get to stick their greasy fingers into every supply chain requirement for the prisons. So somebody has to fill the prisons.

Anonymous ID: 4ce966 April 19, 2019, 1:33 a.m. No.6237080   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Odd shills don't know that when Q posts a repeat of one of his posts he always does it as a quote, within a new post, and that is also posted on a couple "Q only" sites so it can verified.


Maybe some shills don't think anons recognize Q posts? Hell, we've been reading them for awhile.


Oh well, nice to see them again anyway. Guess shills gotta shill even if lost for focus.

Anonymous ID: 4ce966 April 19, 2019, 2:12 a.m. No.6237214   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Watching the PANIC, PANIC, PANIC from those so in fear of their bosses and the ultimatum they were given that they are visibly shaking in their boots…although, with nadler he always sort of shakes.


"Finish Trump or Die" and they don't want to die for failing so they are still going to try and prolong it in the hopes they can avoid elimination by their owners.