Anonymous ID: 3cbd29 April 19, 2019, 9:58 a.m. No.6240430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0452

St. Pats attempted burning


Seton Hall Student Here: Our professor attempted arson at St. Patricks in NYC, bizarre details


I am a student at Seton Hall university. Yesterday this story came to my attention. I never had this professor or knew who he was, but regardless, i was incredibly shocked. Upon reading the story there are a LOT of bizarre details that stick out to me.


He shows up in a van, gets out with cans of gasoline and 2 lighters, and walks into the church. Workers stop him, tell him he can't bring them in, and he proceeds to dump gasoline on the floor. Police soon intervene, he tells them he was "just cutting through the church because his car ran out of gas." They found his car, it was not out of gas. He was also arrested a few days previously at a church in Newark for refusing to leave after the church closed (maybe waiting to attempt to burn that one down as well?)


One of The craziest parts: right before going to the Cathedral, he books a $2,000+ ONE WAY ticket to ROME. Now i dont know about you but this strikes me as MUCH more than just "a crazy guy trying to imitate the Notre Dame burning." The way the police described him was also as "extremely evasive", and he seemed to believe he was just going to refuel his car. This immediately all struck me as a classic possible MKUltra-type candidate. As we all know, the most effective way of handlers molding their subjects to their will is to make them believe they are doing something else that is innocent, as most people, even subconsciously, will not just submit to doing something they view as immoral (The RFK assassin, for example, was trained to believe he was just at the range shooting at targets when he shot RFK as opposed to being told to just shoot him.) This man most likely simply believe he was just going to refuel his car, and that that is the explanation he should give police should he be stopped.


The fact that he booked a one way ticket to Rome IMMEDIATELY before going into this is even more suspicious and compelling. I think it's obvious now that something big is going on here. Notre Dame is burned down very suspiciously, and only a few days someone attempts to do the same thing to St. Patricks, probably the most famous cathedral in NYC and possibly even one of the most famous cathedrals in America TBH. This does not seem like coincidence. I believe the Catholic Church is scrambling to cover their tracks as the day of reckoning draws closer. Whatever they are trying to hide, they are absolutely scrambling as fast as they can to hide it. They are putting in every last minute effort they can to cover their asses as The Storm approaches. The fact that it was a professor from Seton Hall seems even more convincing, as Seton Hall is a Catholic University, and one of the top Catholic Universities on the East Coast as well. These people are pulling all the strings to make things go away before it's too late.


What I think happened: This guy had a handler, possibly even someone placed inside the University, and has been groomed for a while. They activated him and sent him to burn this church down, partially as a False Flag distraction to the media, partially to hide evidence, and they had him book a one way ticket to Rome so that he could immediately report back to them. This could be for many reasons. It could be that 1.) they had a narrative set up to discredit him as a "Religious Radical" against the Catholic Church, and Rome was his intended "next target" 2.) They would dispose of him there to hide all evidence 3.) He was also a messenger carrying important information from other superiors in the system over here


Either way, this was definitely very telling that things are going down rapidly now. It was especially disturbing to me that this was someone from MY school, and that a possible DS operative could be so close to me. What are everyone else's thoughts on this?