Anonymous ID: 41973b April 24, 2019, 4:43 a.m. No.6295105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5113 >>5141 >>5183

[FINAL - Application under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 1982]


To the Australian Information Commissioner/Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade,


Subverting the democratic process of the People of The United States of America, by a Foreign Government/Entity or individual, is considered an 'Act of War' by an 'Enemy Combatant'.


Now that the Mueller Report has been tabled by William Barr, the blockade to Australian FOIA transparency, ought be removed.


Hence I humbly request ALL information pertaining to potential spying by the Australian/UK Governments and other Entities/individuals, upon the Presidential Candidate and subsequent POTUS, Donald J Trump.


The request is reasonable given the gravity of the matter involved. For similar reasons, it can not be considered to be interfering with the minister's functions.


The predicate date searches required would be for documents/communications created from 1st January 2015 until 24th April 2019 inclusive - under section 15(2) of the FOIA 1982.


Please send the reply by email address only.


A) I seek all relevant cables, faxes, diary entries, notes, letters, memos, reports, emails, draft emails, Five Eyes Signals, telephone records and other communications - by, to, between and amongst, but not limited to the following Entities/individuals:




Members of The National Security Committee of Cabinet (NSC) of Australia under the Turnbull and Morrison Governments


Members of the Armed Forces Council of Canada under the Harper and Trudeau Governments


Members of The Cabinet National Security Committee (NSC) of New Zealand under the Key and Ardern Governments


Members of the National Security Council (NSC) of the United Kingdom under the Cameron and May Governments


Huma Abedin

Jacinda Ardern

Julie Bishop

Rear-Admiral Scott Bishop

Greta Bossenmaier

George Brandis

John Brennan

Chris Burrows

David Cameron

Christian Cantor

James Clapper

Hillary Clinton

James Comey


Sir Richard Dearlove

The Lord Paul Deighton

Emanuela Del Re

Luigi Di Maio

Alexander Downer

Sir Bill English

Richard Fadden

Niall Fitzgerald

Jeremy Fleming


Hakluyt & Company (Holdingham Group Limited)

Stefan Halper

Robert Hannigan

Joe Hockey

Jeremy Hunt

Valerie Jarrett

Daniel Jean

Boris Johnson

Michael Keenan

John Key

Sir Iain Lobban

Loretta Lynch

Andrew McCabe

Theresa May


Joseph Mifsud


Barack Obama

Carter Page

Lisa Page

George Papadopoulos

Bill Priestap

Harjit Sajjan

Christopher Steele

Peter Strzok

Erika Thompson

Ivan Timofeev

Elisabetta Trenta

Justin Trudeau

Malcolm Turnbull

General Jonathon Vance

Olga Vinogradova

Sally Yates

Alex Younger


(no insinuations alleged)


B) With regard to the Entity/Team posting on 8chan under the acronym QAnon or Q (Q level clearance in the US Department of Energy), I request NSC, ASIO/ASIS/ASD/DOD/DIO/AGO information in relation to the irrefutable mathematical/statistically significant association between Q Post and POTUS tweet delta's.


As you are aware, QAnon has posted vast quantities of military intelligence related to the above mentioned subversion. The relevance of a Q/POTUS association is therefore profound and of national interest. Co-ordination/collaboration with the US Embassy in Canberra is clearly mandatory prior to an association disclosure.


Whence, I seek all relevant cables, faxes, diary entries, notes, letters, memos, reports, emails, draft emails, Five Eyes Signals, telephone records and other communications - by, to, between and amongst, but not limited to the following Entities - NSC, ASIO/ASIS/ASD/DOD/DIO/AGO on the Q Post/POTUS tweet delta association.


C) Pertaining to A + B, I seek all relevant cables, faxes, diary entries, notes, letters, memos, reports, emails, draft emails, Five Eyes Signals, telephone records and other communications with regard to any D-Notice/gag/suppression order or suggested suppression directive by the Australian Government or any other Entity/individual to the Australian MSM.


Yours Faithfully,


Dr Russell McGregor




24th April 2019

Anonymous ID: 41973b April 24, 2019, 4:57 a.m. No.6295179   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes they must respond, unless they deem it contravenes National Security and puts our relationship with other countries at risk. But they must admit it at least!