in re;
thoughts from a fellow baker
> sitting under for 8-12 hours.
you have valid points about the amount of exposure around modern cop cars.
you miss a key point though
a metal box called a faraday cage
a vehicle is made of steel and will act as a shield from radio waves coming from certain directions so the cop inside is shielded to a fair degree.
the people I'd worry about are the ones living right next to cell phone towers, that's where the exposure levels are highest.
I'd worry a bit about having a wifi hotspot right next to my head in an office setting ect…
I'm not worried about health problems from 5G
I am worried about increased spying & hacking it will enable and the loss of privacy that will result
your ignorance does not disturb me, but the message you spread does
>You trust in technical cartoons too much.
no a successful career in broadcasting
when you work around transmitters measured in KW you either learn the facts or you suffer / die
>What if
spent a lot of time with two 3Kw 6Ghz transmitters within 10 ft of me. you have valid points about the technicians installing / maintaining the equipment.
Since I was one, I kept myself and others around me safe. I cannot speak for other so called technicians level of skill / safety awareness
there is no doubt radio waves can maim & kill IF used improperly
modern specs are safe if followed.
>It could also be the long hours, high stress, and bad food. A bit of RF energy isn't the only variable.
the study I had in mind included the fact that cops cancer rates were higher than general population
but the testicular cancer rate during the first few years of widespread use of 'radar guns' was outrageously high.
the reason being, ignorant / improper use of the equipment.
lawsuits etc…
years ago
ancient history
the incidence of testicular cancer among officers who kept the gun on and in their laps was several sigma above the norm
the 'radar gun' being a causation of cancer wasn't proven… ok
I'll draw my conclusions, you have yours
>I know people that sleep with their phones under their pillow. They will have GBM tumors the size of that volleyball real soon.
ya, that population will most likely experience a higher incidence of brain tumors
no guarantees tho, modern cell phones idle with very low emissions when not in use
The RF engineers you spoke with told you the truth, the intensity of the field goes down with the square of the distance, close up isn't good, a few inches can make a significant difference
>no ground = wont work
by your theory how does the cops radio transmit without a ground then?
ground isn't needed for a sheet of steel to block radio waves emitted on one side from being strongly present on the other
the other factor is the vertical antennas radiation pattern includes a dead zone surrounding it's base
thus antennas on the roof of a car have very little effect on the occupant