Anonymous ID: 4f3945 July 18, 2019, 11:07 a.m. No.7083417   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3480 >>2598

Forgve me anons, i'm going to post next an extremely long article, but it's terribly important. It gives us a very close look of how they traffick the kids. Epstein island use the same methods. I know it's very long and i will be abusing your patience, but it's truly important because Anons can dig and uncover plenty using this article as a guide. Also, i'm posting it because i'm afraid the article might be scrubbed from the web or the site shut down. Please read throught, please. Thank you for listening anons.


“The economics of a child being sold into sexual slavery are such that it is very lucrative.

A child in the sex slave business has a useful expected lifetime of two years. They fail to thrive in that setting. They die of disease, neglect, abuse and giving up.

The kids are killed if they are seriously hurt, refuse to work, or become too jaded to attract customers. They are almost never freed by their owners because they could talk. It is a dead end occupation usually.

No one takes a child like that to an ER because the sexual abuse might come to light. They are expendable goods that the owners don't expect to last anyway. If they are boys, they might grow up to be a pimp. Some children run away, but they are often re-captured by other pimps. If they come from another country, they have no papers and poor language skills. If they are picked up by the police, they are detained for months to years and deported, often back to the same war zone.

Some were child soldiers or child spies before being forced into sexual slavery. Even without that, they have disabling Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome intentionally inflicted in them in order to disable them and keep them from being able to run away successfully.

If they are transported to a place like New York City, the owner can make about US$50 per hour for about 10 hours a day, roughly US$500 a day or $3,000 a week, which is $150,000 a year.

The kid's food costs next to nothing. The owner has to house them. The rent and clothes, etc. are less than $10,000 depending on the location. It is still $140,000 profit per year, or about $300,000 for the expected life span of the child.

The going price for brothel owners to buy a kid on an auction block in New York City and D.C. is between $500 dollars for a sick kid to $50,000 for a choice virgin who is blond and blue eyed and speaks English.

The average price for a kid from a war zone is about US$2,000. Then there is about a $10,000 cost to get into the auction at all.

Anonymous ID: 4f3945 July 18, 2019, 11:10 a.m. No.7083480   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3531



The CIA and its corporate bosses like the Rockefellers and Bushs make about 1,000 USD per kid from a war zone if they sell them to auctioners. Of that 1,000, the CIA will get about 300, and about 700 will go to the corporate bosses. For drugs the split is more like 15 USD per 100 in profit going to the CIA. There is much more money to be made when the bosses keep the kids in their own hands. So the best kids are skimmed off the top and never make it to the auction houses. Kids are skimmed off either because of looks or smarts. A smart kid, like I was, can be a life long asset and make an owner a lot more money. About 1 -2 percent of kids are tried that way, as spies or corporate slaves. About 5 percent of the kids are skimmed off by the bosses for looks. The best of these end up as a house boy or girl of a politician that the boss wants to keep happy and controlled. They will also be spying on the politician for the boss. In that position some of these kids make it into adulthood.

The CIA and its corporate bosses like the Rockefellers and Bushs make about 1,000 USD per kid from a war zone if they sell them to auctioners. Of that 1,000, the CIA will get about 300, and about 700 will go to the corporate bosses. For drugs the split is more like 15 USD per 100 in profit going to the CIA. There is much more money to be made when the bosses keep the kids in their own hands. So the best kids are skimmed off the top and never make it to the auction houses. Kids are skimmed off either because of looks or smarts. A smart kid, like I was, can be a life long asset and make an owner a lot more money. About 1 -2 percent of kids are tried that way, as spies or corporate slaves. About 5 percent of the kids are skimmed off by the bosses for looks. The best of these end up as a house boy or girl of a politician that the boss wants to keep happy and controlled. They will also be spying on the politician for the boss. In that position some of these kids make it into adulthood.

Presidential Models often have been trained by the CIA in special ESP skills like having a photographic memory. Other special CIA spy ESP skills they may have been programmed to have include the ability to speak "in tongues" i.e. in any language, the ability to see and hear at a distance, as in clairvoyance and clariaudience) A/K/A remote viewing, shapeshifting, and forecasting the future, including stock prices, etc.

The CIA needed these skills in spies. Shamans had the skills and the CIA did the R&D to get them.

The bosses own their own high class call services that make lots of money off of servicing their friendly business men.

This is sometimes associated with an escort type of service allowing children to grow up as well by being charming. But that is really difficult as most of the children are too hardened and jaded after a year or two to carry that off.

In the highest class settings, the bosses make up to a million dollars a day for the slave's service. That sounds unbelievable but it is a function of how rich the buyers of the services are and what the skills of a good stock price forecaster are worth to them for a day.

See Hilter's Psychic for a historical example of stock price forecasting.

An Arab sheik wanting to please the President to put through an oil deal will think nothing of spending the million to have a girl the President has slept with; it is sort of a status and male bonding thing

Presidential models made in CIA mind control fashion, beautiful girls and boys who were charming spies without advanced ESP skills, usually fetched $10,000-30,000 a day for their bosses when used at White House functions.

The girls would be at the White House dinner and the men would indicate their preferences by talking to them and showing an obvious interest in them.

Either the man was rich enough not to care about the cost until he received the bill later or he was politely informed of the price by having it listed on the bottom of a card placed next to his drink on a silver or gold tray.

It was up to "the Butler" to know which category the man was in in terms of his wealth and personal preferences.

I usually came into dinner on the arm of the DCI and sat next to him through much of the evening so that he could have me answer his questions as a remote viewer of known accuracy in that personality.

It was up to him if I was to be surrendered to another man for the evening as it affected national security.

Consider for a moment the usual White House dinner. They range in size from 5 women to about 50 women slaves on a given night.

At an average profit of $20,000 per night, 5 nets $100,000 and 50 nets $1 million. Not all nights does that happen.

But roughly the President personally makes a good $30-100 million a year just on the Presidential model sex slaves. That starts to tell you about the conflict of interest in stopping this corrupt system. It has been going on a long time, since about President Kennedy.

Anonymous ID: 4f3945 July 18, 2019, 11:13 a.m. No.7083531   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3564



President Carter is the only exception to the rule that I know of. Since I personally was forced into the beds of Johnson, VP Nelson Rockefeller, Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton and Bush Jr.

However, because I was really a Director of Central Intelligence Model primarily, I ended up mainly in the beds of DCIs from Helms (left) to Tenet (right).

Women are raped in war and often abandon the babies at birth. The CIA helps fund orphanges in the war zones so that it can skim off the kids it wants. The children under 2 usually are too neglected to survive - failure to thrive syndrome.

The cute ones are bought up by the CIA for the cabal bosses and sold as part of the $100,000 a month club.

Rich people like fine wines to show up monthly and this is a variation of that. They are signed up for it almost automatically without any choice in the matter if they attend certain high class estate ceremonies around the world hosted by people like the Rockefellers.

Getting in the door means that you can't get out it again when the ceremony starts unless you are a very good spy. The ceremony will involve the human sacrifice of some person - often a toddler or young virgin.

Few people are sophisicated enough to know not to get into one of these traps or how to get out of them. They have families and they cave in to the pressure. It then perpetuates itself. They get a baby a month to ritually kill and entrap all the politicians and police chiefs that might try to stop their rise to fame.

They go on practicing Christianity by mouth by day, and satanism by night in their deeds. Some of them are mind controlled by the trauma and drugs at the initial ceremony and do not even know later that they are satanists. Others do know.

I would say that about 20 percent are fully aware that what they are doing is evil and wrong and just don't know how to stop it. About 50 know what they are doing but deny that it is evil.

They excuse it as their right to be pagan and uninhibited. Then about 10 percent are full multiples and are clueless during the day as to what is happening at night.

Then about another 20 percent are too lazy and apathic to think about what they are doing. They are just doing it because others do it.

The CIA founded three major orphanages including one of UNESCO’s. The Rockefellers funded four orphanages. There was overlap at one of them which caused some problems. The CIA "talent scouts" came by a week after Rockefeller’s did and that made the nuns suspicious.

In each case, the nuns were told that the scouts were working for large adoption agencies in the US and the kids were to be quickly processed in a large lot for adoption.

The local orphanages in Yugoslavia were absolutely swamped. There were tons of babies and large numbers of war orphans, the latter mainly the result of US bombs killing their parents. Some had been dug out of the rubble days later. Many of these kids were extremely traumatized already.

That saved the CIA some of the work to traumatize them themselves, if they were going to be made into mind control slaves. Some of the bright ones get training to be heads of puppet govt's later.

The US sends them back in 20-30 years later as the head of a country or as an important minister.

Any time you hear of a US-educated native of a country returning to it to suddenly assume an important position in its new US-friendly govt. think about this mind control slave possibility. It happens much more often then people realize.

The CIA and the cabal bosses have been making mind control slaves out of war orphans by the thousands since WWII.

The CIA has been using children from orphanges since its inception.

Remember that in WW II the UK and US took in Jewish and East bloc refugee children WITHOUT their parents. Their parents were alive the US just didn’t want them.

A woman I know well, who is older than I, ended up training some of the East Bloc orphans picked up by the CIA, not long after the end of WW II. They were trained as child prodigy musicians. Then they were inserted into East Bloc foreign embassies to provide musical and sexual services. They spoke the local language and passed as natives. They themselves did not know otherwise. But they had personalities that went to phone booths and called the CIA to report on the actions of their East Bloc "owners" at the embassies. Most of the kids were uncovered and killed by the KGB as "foreign agents."

Agencies are not run to protect their country’s citizens but to make big bucks for the overlords.

Anonymous ID: 4f3945 July 18, 2019, 11:15 a.m. No.7083564   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4207



Some CIA operatives looking for sex slaves audition kids by having them do blow jobs on local officials on a special outing for the poor orphans. Those kids that are the best at socializing and sucking to stay alive, win a trip to the US. Yes, they do win a trip to the US – but as sex slaves. They are unlikely to ever take a walk in nature again.

So an investigator should look for who moved kids out of orphanages in batches, who took them on “field trips” or tested them first. Forget about the innocence of foundations.

The UN, the Girl Scouts of America, the Catholic Church etc. can all be used as fronts for despicable deeds by greedy bosses.

The CIA sent out someone else the next month. That person was not a remote viewer and did not know what would happen to kids if they got there. He bought 14 acres of land, and the CIA built its concentration camp for orphans, complete with barbed wire and control towers with armed guards carrying machine guns. An investigator could check this.

All that happened before a single shot was fired to start that war in Bosnia.

It was already planned back at the CIA. The CIA had already bought the land to house the children that they planned to sell into sexual slavery.

Remember that each child that gets sold into sexual slavery makes about $700 for the bosses if sold at auction, about $300,000 over its 2-year lifespan if the boss houses it in a brothel in the US, and millions of dollar if it can be raised in the US and turned into a “presidential model” or a “puppet government model” – if it is male. And all the training, transport, etc. is paid for by the US taxpayer to torture these children into compliance.

Oh, yes, and don’t forget the $100,000 for the babies in the $100,000 a month ritual sacrifice category.

Knowing all that, I think that you can envision what that 14 acres looked like. It looked like Auschwitz.

It was built to house 5,000 children, but at the peak of its use per CIA records I saw at Langley it had 12,000 children. The CIA was interested not in having the children there but in moving them.

The CIA did research studies to see why it took an average of 2 months to move any given child out of there. It wanted them sorted and transported faster than that. The bottleneck was in shipping them by boat out of the war zone.

The ships were privately owned by front companies in order to give plausible deniability. The private companies did not want to dock that close to the fighting.

The CIA helped the private bosses shanghai some crews – by kidnapping and enslaving mariners.

The Skull and Bones pirate origins of the CIA and the Cabal bosses were really showing in that manuveur. But that weakness in shipping the sex slaves stateside for the Bones' Bosses remained a problem for the CIA during the Bosnian war.

How many children were shipped out of Yugoslavia to be enslaved during the course of the war?

The CIA put the number at over a million over the period of the Yugoslavian wars (1992-1999). That includes other pick-up centers than this one. Even if one only made $1000 on the average per kid, that is a billion dollar business.

Now you see why the CIA took the trouble of building that concentration camp for kids. They built it before the war started because it is harder to build anything once the shooting starts. So it stood empty during the first 6 months of its existence because the CIA was having trouble igniting the war in Bosnia.

Any competent investigative journalist should be able to find the location of that camp and interview some of its small army of childcare workers. The ships carried all those kids away; someone loaded them.

The CIA and the UN worked together to enslave the children and not rescue them.

Ten minutes later there was a knock on my door inviting me to go down to the CIA’s basement for another torture session. It wasn’t that I didn’t know what was going on, it was just that the rest of the world did not want to hear it and act.”

Anonymous ID: 4f3945 July 18, 2019, 11:20 a.m. No.7083632   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3789

There is more anons, this article is super long and it's so so so true, every little detail in it is soooooo true.


An anon, a friend in here, posted this link, God bless him so much for sharing this with us.


Anons, should i continue posting? This information is terribly important, i wish it could be saved and archived in this place. So anons, let me know if i should continue posting this article or stop there. In what is comming next is the part on HOW THEY TRANSPORT the sex slave children among other stuff.

Anonymous ID: 4f3945 July 18, 2019, 11:58 a.m. No.7084207   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4214


Thank you anons. God bless you.




“I was asked to look at that war remotely from the Pentagon’s War Room. The Soviet Union had not yet fallen. Blacks were dying in Mozambique in a US-Soviet proxy war.

That is, Rockefeller was selling weapons to both sides and provoking both intelligence agencies to increase the intensity of the fighting. It was good for arms sales.

It was good for the sex slave business. It kept his promise to the forces of darkness to rape, pillage, and destroy as much as is humanly possible to do so throughout the world.

While I was viewing the war in Mozambique I noticed a US run training camp for child soldiers. The average age of the kids was 13. Some were as young as 9 or 10, and some were old worn out veterans of the war at age 16. These were boys.

Next door in a barbed wire compound were the girls of all ages, from babies, to age about 12. The older girls had already been shipped out into sexual slavery.

The number of boys that I saw being trained there was in the thousands, and the number of girls in the adjacent compound, a few hundred. Each girl was holding a baby in her arms even if she was only 4 years old and still there were babies laying listlessly on the ground by themselves.

There was no housing, just a wire enclosure like for a herd of cows. The boys had a shed for housing the machine guns to keep them dry if it rained, but nothing for themselves.

Then to shock him out of his intentional ignorance, I showed him the CIA report on the girls and their being sold into sexual slavery. He was outraged that I would show him such smut. There were some pictures of what the girls had been trained to do in a short period of time, including doing blow jobs.

The CIA authors of the paper had bragged about how well they had trained these girls in preparation for their new careers and supplied the pictures to prove it. The general refused to let this material affect his view of the US as honorable.

It was only when I showed him the CIA report and figures on the money made on the sales of weapons and sex slaves that he conceded that the war was corrupt. And that really only happened because I showed him the list of bosses and how much each one had made in the war.

I did find the “mole” that the defector mentioned. He was a US general who did know about the sex slave trade run by the US. He just didn’t know about the Soviet run sex slave trade. He had given the Soviet some very minor secrets for free, thinking it would help shut down the Mozambique and other African wars. It had not unfortunately.

So then I had to run some information into the US war room about the Soviet use of child soldiers and sex slaves to help them keep a balanced picture. The US general got a slap on the wrist. The children got no help whatsoever.

The US generals knew the truth but refused to help. I went back to the CIA and cried in private in the woman’s restroom. I couldn’t cry about what had happened to me at the hands of the CIA and bosses repeatedly throughout my life. But I could feel the suffering of other children and know that what was happening to them was wrong.

Anonymous ID: 4f3945 July 18, 2019, 11:59 a.m. No.7084214   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4224



Let’s talk about the shipping of sex slaves since it is a bottleneck in the sex slave trade. We can try to make it more of a bottleneck by exposing it. It is obvious that human cargo is never listed on the ship’s cargo list.

So how do you know which ships are carrying the sex slaves?

Most people assume that all ships coming into a harbor are logged in and registered. That is simply not true.

There is a whole system set up for smugglers and regardless of what they are smuggling it is the same – drugs, sex slaves, art treasures, landmines, chemical weapons, etc.

When a ship first comes in and makes contact with the harbor authorities by radio, it has to give the right signal or it will be bordered by the coast guard as an "illegal" vessel. When it radios, it indicates to the harbor authorities whether it wants to be inspected or not and how perishable its "fruit" is.

Any shipper in the "legal" loop knows the informal code that indicates whether the ship is clean and can be inspected to make the harbour authorities and the shipping co. look good, or is dirty and should not be inspected for those same reason.

Over 75 percent of sex slaves end up in the hands of the independent brothel owners so it is definitely a worthwhile part of the trade to target in terms of saving lives.

However, the bosses that skim off the top 10 percent of the children make more like 90 percent of the profits. It is like designer clothes – that is where the big profit margins are made. In both cases, one is paying more for an illusion of being rich and famous, than you are for the goods themselves.

One throws it into the shipping conversation. Suppose I at the CIA want to ship a load of goods to Iraq for “reconstruction” purposes. I call up almost any shipper in the world and say for instance, 'I want to send 17 “boxes” of construction goods, and “by the way” two bodies to look after them. Make sure they arrive safely, you know.'

The shipper then knows that there will be not two people, but two box containers, each containing many girls and boys. But the usual instruction to the shipper is more like “be sure they arrive in not too bad condition” because they want a high spoilage rate, but for some of them to survive.

Another way I have heard this phrased is, “deliver it ripe but not spoiled” as if one was talking about bananas. The shippers know what the bosses want — they are paid big bribes to know.

The conversation is like an insider’s language. You have to know it and not slip up on it to place the order to move them. But it is all done plain text, not in encrypted format.

Much of it is done on cell phones and is not secure at all, anyone could listen in. As soon as I send this to you it may be changed. The point is that an investigator could listen to shipping conversations for awhile and quickly figure out the system.

It is a system that is worldwide and involves thousands of people that the CIA does not want to send out new memos every week giving them a new code system because that would wreck the plausible deniability and the people loading the containers on the docks would have to learn a new system every week.

If the CIA goes to such a formal process, that will be easy to expose because any dock worker will be able to tell you that he is being given new terminology to use. The reason that sex slaves and renditions go on is because the average person is not watching the docks and the airports.

It only takes paying attention, not any special intelligence training to figure out that planes without other markings except a series of numbers and letters are CIA planes carrying people to black detention centers.

Average people paying attention threw a monkey wrench into the CIA’s kidnapping of people.

Any investigator who was willing to pay some dockworkers under the table would be told what the system is. Here is the way I would do it if I were an investigator to do it safely.

Go to a dock and watch what the dockers are wearing as they go into bars. Dress according. Then walk into a bar that is near a dock and make some friend drinking.

Don’t ask the questions in the bar that is a little too dangerous because of too many ears, some of them protective of their bosses. Invite a couple of your friends to a party at your hotel room. Listen to their problems for a while and then feel them out.

Most of these dockers do not like having to load human cargo. The smell of urine and feces inside gives it away. Water has to either go in on a two-week trip or be in containers on the inside. The water is almost always drugged.

Anonymous ID: 4f3945 July 18, 2019, 11:59 a.m. No.7084224   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4235



Some of the people inside the containers die. It is intentional. The percent that die is called the spoilage rate.

The brothel owners want to buy children from a spoilage rate of 40 percent on up so that they can get kids too traumatized to resist or try to run away. The stench can be dreadful.

Dockers sometimes vomit as these containers get unloaded — that is how bad it is. Sometimes, they hose the containers down inside before they go into the harbor so that the smell does not give them away. But then they have to deal with the dead bodies that they find inside.

No one wants dead bodies floating into the harbor so they either toss them out the day before they get to the harbor, or they have to weight the bodies down to sink them closer in. In any case there are a lot of people who know what is going on—either by the smell or by trying to combat the smell.

Those human cargo containers are often unloaded as far away as possible from the public’s nose. Sometimes they are unloaded next to fishing vessels to confuse the nose.

Amateurs could easily train their dogs to sniff them out, if their own noses were not so good. Look for any dock unloading area which is long past a gate as distance is the major way that the smell is hidden.

In Vancouver for instance, there are very long docks far out in the bay far from where an unauthorized person can drive.

The human cargo has to be unloaded in a wherehouse (sic) and cleaned up. It is not like other cargo that can just be loaded straight onto trucks or rail cars because of the recurring stench problem. The wherehouse will thus have hoses and drains in their floors. Most of the auction “houses” are held in these wherehouses and the buyers are responsible for the next phase of transport onto shore. So a ship comes in, containers are moved into a wherehouse.

A lot of personnel swarm in, water is seen coming out the bottom of the wherehouse for at least 10 minutes as kids are washed inside. Then and only then, after the smell is dealt with, there is a sudden influx of rich men in fancy cars and limos and a bunch of usually unmarked vans without windows. The investigator should write down the license plates of all vehicles and make sure that if the investigator suddenly disappears, many people would send them to the police, and human rights organizations.

One can’t rely just on the police or FBI as the people at the top rungs of those are usually already bought off or blackmailed.

Even organizations like the ACLU often have on its board or at its head people who have been “Rockefeller” or “Carnegie” Scholars, or CIA operatives. Some of these people are mind control slaves themselves. They sound good but when you test whether you actually respond appropriately you find out differently.

Ordinary Quakers and other activists are of sometimes more helpful. It has to almost all be done informally. As soon as something is formalized, the CIA moves people in to try to stall it in some way. It all has to be done very ethically and non-violently.

As soon as someone suggests something the least bit unethical or aggressive, throw them out of your life — they are likely an agent provocateur that could lead you into being labeled a terrorist.

Slave auctions happen fast. People want to be in and out in under two hours max. It is not unusual for the whole thing to take 45 minutes including putting the kids in the vans. The vans are pulled into the wherehouse and loaded inside. A man wins the auction bid, and has his security man pull the van in and load it and then back it out. He doesn’t want to have “loose cargo” sitting out there for long. The kids are drugged up on the ships but they are coming out of it during the auction so that the buyers can see what kind of personality they have and whether they are going to attract customers.

As soon as a “lot” of kids, usually 10 to 100 are sold, they are given oral drugs again and loaded into the vans. But it takes up to 10 minutes for the drugs to sedate them again and in that amount of time they can do a fair amount of damage inside a van or make a fair amount of noise.

Some kids are killed in this process because stun guns are used too much or they are given too much of a drug. What drug they are given will depend on how long they have to be transported in the next leg of their journey.

Routinely the kids are naked the whole time. The vans are often naked inside too, with easy to hose out features. Slavers used to use U-Haul and Ryder vans, but those companies got wind of it and basically managed to get out of it by tightening their rules on recording the driver’s licenses and credit card numbers of the renters. That was all it took, forcing their own workers to follow their policies, to force the slavers to buy their own vehicles.

Anonymous ID: 4f3945 July 18, 2019, 11:59 a.m. No.7084235   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4239 >>8901



That means that their own vehicle license plate numbers are a weak point for them. If the buyers are front organizations for the bosses and the CIA, then those license plates may be “unregistered” — fakes that do not link up to a real name anywhere in the world. But the numbers still help one track the trade, just like the numbers on the rendition planes.


If the van owners are free lance brothel owners — then those vehicle numbers may go to a person who the police might be willing to prosecute in the sex slave business. Like in the drug trade, the police will prosecute the free-lancers to make it look like they are doing their jobs.

The free lancers are often fairly obvious — they are less rich and more varied in appearance both personally and in their vehicles. The rich often buy a vehicle, use it for a few months and then turn around and sell it for another purpose. The VIN numbers could be a problem for them even though the plates are false.

Over 80 percent of those vehicles are bought for the slave trade originally. They are bought in lots of 100 or more by the bosses. Putting pressure on that auto manufacturer not to produce those vehicles would slow down the sex slave trade. I believe that it is Chevrolet that makes those vehicles. There is a legitimate use for those vehicles, but those people have another vehicle that meets their needs and most of them buy that alternative anyway. My mind has a little trouble bring[ing] this information up which is why there are long lead ins before I get to the point.

I have been to that factory in Atlanta. A Rockefeller took me because he wanted the vehicles re-designed and he wanted my opinion on the plant engineer’s plans and whether the price could be brought down. I was there for about 2 hours in the 1980’s.

It was during the Iran Contra hearings and I had to get back to testify in them in a closed door session in the afternoon. So we had flown down in a private jet in the morning, and then taken a chopper out to the plant. It was a very short ride. It felt like we just got up in the air and landed again.

The requirement of needing good drainage and needing soundproofing were almost contradictory. The engineer had wanted the kids just to be better drugged so that soundproofing wasn’t needed. That was an unrealistic expectation on his part but he had to hear it from a doctor to understand why and I guess that that was why that Rockefeller had me flown down to talk to the engineer.

In the face of the importance of the Iran Contra hearings to the CIA, it is interesting that Rockefeller was able to cart me off to deal with a sex slave transport problem. I think that tells you something about how much of a bottle neck that was on the Rockefeller fortunes and also how well they believe that they had the congress already bound up as good slaves themselves.

Ok, so when one sees a van of this type drive up to a dock, it is extremely likely that it is carrying sex slaves. It would cost the bosses a lot to have the vans redesigned to look differently. So groups of concerned citizens could put a dent in having sex slaves brought into their communities by watching the docks and recording the license plate numbers of the vans driving out onto these long docks. Writing letters to the manufacturer or staging protest demonstrations outside the plant and demanding the list of corporate buyers of these vans would also be useful.

The vans — let’s see if I can adequately tell you what they look like so that you could recognized one when you see one. They come in a couple of different sizes. The biggest carries a 100 slaves. The smallest about 20, drugged and thrown in on the floor. That is not very big. They are really Ryder sized vans. But they have no over-the-cab van space as no kids go up in such a space.

The insides are a plain rectangle. The outside walls are about a foot thick and they are rounded on the outside. Their floors are surprisingly low to the ground like Ryders because the drugged kids are heavy and no one wants to lift them up, if one doesn’t have to. It almost always happens that some of the kids do not wake up between the ships and the vans.

The ships carrying such cargo almost always get first priority for unloading at a harbor. You can almost tell which ships are carrying “by the way” cargo by how fast they get unloaded. The harbor authorities are usually well aware of what cargoes they are not supposed to inspect and want them out of the way as soon as possible so that the DEA does not find them and give them, the harbor authorities any trouble. Almost everyone in the harbor authorities is on-the-take from the bosses.

In fact, how they could get such a job without the approval of the bosses and their agencies is beyond me. It would have to be a bureaucratic snafu or a small harbor not to have an adequate control system in place.

Anonymous ID: 4f3945 July 18, 2019, noon No.7084239   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Since only about 2-4 % of all shipping containers are inspected anyway, it is not hard for the harbor authorities to avoid inspecting the “by the way” cargo. The job of the harbor authorities is to prevent competition from “illegals” — all those that the bosses do not authorize.

It is a monopoly system. The bosses sent up corporate agreements with their friends to share the trade and everyone else is considered an illegal. The distinction is entirely arbitrary. An illegal could sign an agreement with a boss and be legal next week. Or a legal could piss a boss off, and next week be an illegal. This is the way the world really works at this moment in history.

But I forced the “by the way” cargo off the Naval vessels by training Naval officers in remote viewing and then watching them to make sure that they didn’t let that cargo on board ship without having to answer to me for it. So I do know what it takes to clean up the shipping because I did it in one corner of shipping.

Since I have not been embedded in US intelligence and military operations since Aug. 2004, the Navy ships may have gone back to carrying “by the way” cargo. But while I was at the ONI from 1993-2004, part-time I managed to free it from the control of the bosses including by making it financially independent of their control. I trained Naval officers on how to invest money cleanly and how to watch financial transactions to find corruption. It is possible to do. The results are good.

That type of “accounting” just needs to be generalized worldwide. I believe that even the bosses will eventually accept a clean system, because it will be to their advantage to do so.

Everyone uses cars and planes these days, even those people who used to own horse buggy cabby monopolies in New York City. Technological advances over ran their monopolies.