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==Can someone call and ask the "QUESTION"?
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==Can someone call and ask the "QUESTION"?
Is it Comey time?
Barr likes him.
He’s certainly dancing and dodging.
He could very well be dancing and dodging to avoid disclosing any hint that 24+ democrats and former Obama people are going to find themselves on the wrong side of an indictment soon.
Wray Worked in the Justice Department With James Comey & Robert Mueller,
Threatening to Resign With Them During Comey’s White House Showdown in 2004.
“While Wray was assistant attorney general from 2003 to 2005, Comey was the deputy attorney general and Mueller was leading the FBI as its director.
He was willing to resign along with Comey and Mueller in 2004, during Comey’s showdown with the White House over the plan to renew the National Security Agency’s Terrorist Surveillance Program while then-Attorney General John Ashcroft was hospitalized.
According to the Washingtonian, Wray approached Comey at the Justice Department headquarters and said, “Look, I don’t know what’s going on, but before you guys all pull the rip cords, please give me a heads‑up so I can jump with you.”
I will be nominating Christopher A. Wray, a man of impeccable credentials, to be the new Director of the FBI. Details to follow.
impeccable credentials
AG Barr complimenting Wray
Rule is that you always protect up, meaning you never, ever sandbag or publicly contradict your “principal” (i.e., the political appointee who heads your agency). Even if you disagree, or know they messed up — you politely cover for them (if the matter is merely a PR thing) and minimally you deflect, (if the matter is more serious). The last thing you do is help to tighten the screws — behind the scenes, but especially publicly. And yet that is precisely what Mueller and Wray have openly done, back-to-back, within a few-week period. It’s not subtle. Mueller’s formal letter, leaked on the eve of Barr’s testimony, is tantamount to open trench warfare. Ditto Wray’s smarmy “diplomatic” quibbling about “spying.” He deliberately and gratuitously contradicted his boss, knowing the exact result would be to perpetuate and assist the slander against an AG who’s doing everything by the book. You JUST DON’T DO THAT within an agency. Unless the warfare has reached the surface.
A reasonable inference is that battle lines are drawn at both DOJ and FBI. And not in the shadows — we’re talking full-scale open disagreement, factions among leadership operating at cross-purposes. Either Wray is so compromised — i.e., to the degree of Rosenstein or Mueller — that he believes he has nothing to lose; or he’s a loyalist to the wrong side, though not directly implicated in Spygate. From what we know, it seems like the latter (there is no evidence Wray had something to do with campaign against Trump).
A fair inference from Wray publicly undercutting his boss (and thereby assisting to shield corruption from sunlight) is that he knows the evidence and disagrees with the scale of accountability Barr has set in motion. Whatever the motive, Wray doesn’t support a full, ultimately transparent investigation. And if he’s willing to be so bold publicly, the strong likelihood is he’s got a lot of backing for that view among significant personnel in the Department, certainly at least at headquarters. But I think we all figured that.
Of course, it would be better if the FBI Director were on the same page as the AG Barr. Here’s the silver lining. Wray wouldn’t have done what he did unless here were clearly LOSING. If he thought he had Barr’s ear, it would have been counterproductive to publicly undermine him. Doing so burns any ability to influence Barr internally. So you only do that when you think your internal options are nil. If Wray thought he had some ability to steer the investigation in order to minimize fallout, or minimize public exposure — whatever his personal motive may be — he would have deflected on the “spy” question or backed his boss.
Make no mistake. If Barr is attempting to restore rule of law to the DOJ/FBI — and not in the “look forward not back” wink wink way we’ve seen for at least the last 2 decades — he has few if any real friends among politicians or bureaucrats in Washington. In fact his only friend we know of — President Trump — may be able to help clear the field or run interference but can’t do so in coordination or on the PR front. It’s vital that they act separately, both in appearance and in fact. The takeaway here is that we should be more afraid of the known swampies who appear to be toeing the line, because it may mean they’re attempting internal influence or sabotage (e.g., Graham and McConnell). Ironically, in this atmosphere, open hostility to Barr among his own ranks or allies is the next best thing to open support; it means whomever it is knows they’re losing and have no standing or capital or influence. Actors in Washington never “go public” against their own side on principle, only in desperation.
We suspected Wray was part of the Department “resistance” — now we know it’s an open revolt. Good. Makes it easier for Barr to know where folks stand. We should assume little to know help in FBI or DOJ headquarters. At this point, it would be a really, really bright development if Huber actually was doing his job all this time.
“I want to be careful about how I answer that question here because there is an ongoing inspector general investigation,” Wray said. “I have my own thoughts on limited information I have seen so far but I don’t think it would be right or appropriate for me to share those at this stage because I really do think it’s important for everybody to respect the independent inspector general’s investigation, which I think this line of questioning starts to implicate.”
If there any fucking HighIQ Anons left, try to focus here with me:
Wray said:
"I want to be a little bit careful about what I can discuss here, but I think it’s been publicly disclosed that there were a number of relevant warrants that were secured in the course of that investigation."
"I want to be careful about how I answer that question here because there is an ongoing inspector general investigation. I have my own thoughts based on the limited information I’ve seen so far but I don’t think it would be right or appropriate for me to share those"
Wray gave a pause before answering the final question about spying - and emphasized the words “I personally”
"I don’t think I personally have any evidence of that sort."
For fuck sake Anons…
He literally says he hasn't seen all the info, the IG is investigating and he wants to respect that, and that he doesn't personally have evidence of spying.