Anonymous ID: 05eddc May 13, 2019, 1:29 p.m. No.6489848   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6489583 (lb) The point of that particular LARP is that Tate was not killed. No one was. Tate's previously unknown sister made an appearance maybe 20 years later and was interviewed. IMO that was Tate herself, returning to the scene–looked very much like her. Speaking of which, the alleged sister moved into the alleged kill house. Which makes more sense—a woman moving into a home where her pregnant sister was allegedly slaughtered, or for Tate herself to return to the house she knew & loved?


Would Polanski have known the score? Highly likely. Imagine that he grew tired of the BS and was going to spill the beans. Could he have been framed for the sex thing? Possible.


As to the LoBiancas the next day, am not sure. Could have been faked, or they could have been killed by someone. If they were killed, it was not the imaginary "Manson family" that did it. Maybe a copycat killing, based on what they thought was a real crime the day before in Laurel Canyon, hoping it would be blamed on whoever had done the first one.


But LA has a long history of being friendly to LARPs. If you control certain officials, you can make any story stick about anything. After it is repeatedly & breathlessly brayed to the public by the fake press, they believe it. Fake news, fake history. Just an extension of Hollywood.


Every anon should be aware that these type of fake crimes have been committed repeatedly in every state and every locale, for a long time. As in LA, with the connivance of certain officials & press. Think of something notorious from your neck of the woods & ask yourself if it actually happened. I think we are going to find out everything.

Anonymous ID: 05eddc May 13, 2019, 2:39 p.m. No.6490477   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6490035 Could not have said it better myself. In addition, it was obvious to level headed people from the start that he was a front man. As a young man, Carter was what ripped the scales from my eyes politically.