Anonymous ID: b7f39f Q Research General #8299: Shoutout To Cryptographers Edition May 13, 2019, 1:21 p.m. No.6489772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0161 >>0407

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Sunday 05.12.2019

>>6482822 rt >>6484441 -————————– Boom time baker (Comey MOAB meme)

>>6482810 ————————————–——– NO SLEEP IN DC

>>6482617 ————————————–——– Eyes on (Cap: >>6482670)

>>6482574 ————————————–——– BOOM WEEK AHEAD


Thursday 05.02.2019

>>6392995 ————————————–——– May, 2019 – 'kick-off' 'start' 'offense' (Vid: >>6393054 )


Saturday 04.27.2019

>>6335740 ————————————–——– Will newly discovered evidence (AG Barr - SDNY) FREE FLYNN? (Cap: >>6335864 )

>>6335313 rt >>6335179 -————————– A House needs to be constantly cleaned. (Cap: >>6335355 )

>>6335075 rt >>6335030 -————————– C comes before D.

>>6334984 ————————————–——– Soon To Be A HouseHold Name. (Cap: >>6335048 )

>>6334889 ————————————–——– DRAIN THE [SWAMP].


Thursday 04.25.2019

>>6316088 ————————————–——– Define 'Renegade'.

>>6315906 ————————————–——– [HUSSEIN] (Cap: >>6316045 )

>>6305138 ————————————–——– Will this age well? (Cap: >>6305150 )

>>6304666 ————————————–——– Stay tuned. (Cap: >>6304703 )


Wednesday 04.24.2019

Compiled here: >>6354269


Friday 04.19.2019

Compiled here: >>6354261


Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI


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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

Anonymous ID: b7f39f May 13, 2019, 1:22 p.m. No.6489780   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9972

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6477078 BO removed a BV

>>6446595 BO on baker checks

>>6385109 Do not add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode

>>6261140 Please no JPEGs

>>6364968 Captchas for every post now



are not endorsements



>>6489065 Rabbi found guilty of money laundering won’t go to prison thanks to a ‘selfless life,’ judge says (wow...)

>>6489095 Bolton Is Spinning Israeli "Intelligence" to Push for War Against Iran

>>6489110 Swedish prosecutors re-open sex attack case into WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange

>>6489119 Commie NY Mayor Bill de Blasio Holds ‘Green New Deal’ Presser at Trump Tower – Gets Trolled by Trump Supporters

>>6489124 Israel violates truce (don't they always?), levels land in north Gaza

>>6489149 Mueller Report Proves That It’s Time to Investigate the Investigators

>>6489167 New 'deal of the century' details shows minimal Israeli concessions

>>6489187 Interdasting Outback Steakhouse Conspiracy (Exec sells shares and more...)

>>6489198 Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to Speak at Rallies in NY and NJ Concerning Mandatory Vaccines

>>6489282 Border Patrol Flies Migrants from South Texas to Reduce Overcrowding

>>6489296 @NSAGov History Of Cryptography 111

>>6489310 Homeland Security Tweets: Congratulations to the @SecretService lacrosse team…

>>6489350 Interesting Reminder: Kamala Harris' brother-in-law left PepsiCo for Uber.

>>6489398 Ocasio-Cortez Suggests Top Democratic Presidential Candidates Are As Dumb As Sea Sponges (pot meet kettle)

>>6489411 Breaking: SS Investigates White Van Crashing Into Eisenhower Executive Office Building in D.C

>>6489465 Swagger Jacker Creepy Joe Biden Tells New Hampshire Crowd He’s Running For President to "Make America Great Again"

>>6489478 Florida man who raised over $22 million on GoFundMe in the “We The People Will Build the Wall” campaign used the money to pay for a ‘million dollar’ yacht

>>6489564 (((Goldman Sachs))) sais The cost of Trump’s tariffs has fallen ‘entirely’ on US businesses and households

>>6489597 Keith Raniere of NXIVM Sole Defendant as Former Members Testify Against Him

>>6489605 New DJT Instagram Post (4 pictures)

>>6489711 De Blasio donor Jeremy Reichberg sentenced to 4 years for bribery scandal

>>6489752 #8298


#8297 Baker Change

>>6488725 Corbyn Advisor: 9/11 Had Roots in ‘Zionist Colonialism’

>>6488222 Burisma Lawyer: Investigation into Biden Company Continued Well into 2016

>>6488260 DeptofDefense (FB) The squad is ready!

>>6488279 RR to deliver commencement address at UofBaltimore Law School

>>6488291 Shia LaBeouf, Mel Gibson Team for 'Rothchild' Satire film

>>6488331 Office of the president of Argentina evacuated due to bomb threat

>>6488397 Tanker ‘sabotage’ off UAE puts shipping on alert

>>6488459 Democrat Rashida Tlaib accused of “Registering to vote using a false address”

>>6488525 Are these DeepState actors sending "86" signals?

>>6488584 INTERDASTING: Beach Boys connection to Charles Manson

>>6488605 Markets Tumble As China Unveils Retaliatory Tariffs, May Dump "Some Treasuries"

>>6488622 Coup University: A Pentagon scholar’s guide to overthrowing governments

>>6488635 Argentinian Lawmaker Dies After Thursday's 'Mafia-Style' Attack - Reports

>>6488639 Italian Prime Minister Fears Salvini Plotting To Topple Government

>>6488651 (((Facebook))) pledges higher wages, more counseling for content moderators

>>6488660 Biden surges in digital spending on Facebook, Google

>>6488674 , >>6488652 More on B52's in Persian Gulf as Warning Message to Iran

>>6488686 Hollywood Opening Doors and Wallets for ‘Unicorn Candidate’ Buttigieg

>>6488688 Twitter "Accidentally" Shares it's Users Location Data Today (Right...)

>>6488707 Taxpayers Foot the Bill for Trooper Seen on Video Sexually Assaulting Innocent Woman

>>6488826 Witness at NXIVM trial says the secret society illegally bundled donations for Hillary Clinton in 2008

>>6488790 , >>6488833 Military Plane FIXER55 interesting activity- in flight emergency?

>>6488950 POTUS to meet both Chinese President Xi and Russian President Putin at the G-20 summit

>>6488970 #8296


Previously Collected Notables

>>6488131 #8296

>>6485771 #8293, >>6486593 #8294, >>6487361 #8295

>>6483484 #8290, >>6484347 #8291, >>6484990 #8292

>>6481197 #8287, >>6482180 #8288, >>6483476 #8289

>>6478825 #8284, >>6479660 #8285, >>6480406 #8286


Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly):

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

Anonymous ID: b7f39f May 13, 2019, 1:22 p.m. No.6489785   🗄️.is 🔗kun

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

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[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






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Anonymous ID: b7f39f May 13, 2019, 1:23 p.m. No.6489786   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: c031f9 May 13, 2019, 1:24 p.m. No.6489799   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Where do all the "anons" come from?

4chan /pol/ SWARMS with "anons" vigorously outputting, miserable, "chan" noises, all day long…

BUT, there are SO MANY of these"anons" that not only 4chan /pol/ "anons" churn furiously along, but ALSO 8chan /pol/ is so vibrant and full of virulence THAT IT IS IMPLICATED IN SHOOTINGS we are hearing about in the news…

So already, 4chan, which used to be about 'anonymous' hacktivism (which disappeared) gets "taken over by neo-nazi anons", but then there are obviously enough such anons there TO FILL A WHOLE NOTHER /POL/ ON 8CHAN…

So many!

Which brings us to /QRESEARCH…

And lo and behold!

There are SO MANY busy, relentlessly productive “anons” THAT THEY FILL THIS BOARD UP THIS BOARD TOO!

But be clear– the “anons” here post a slightly modified version of what they post on /pol/– clearly the same basic template is followed…

Wow, that's a lot!

So there are so many "anons" that they not only fill up two /pols/ with a frenzy of miserable, toxic crap, but they FEEL COMPELLED TO REPRODUCE THE EXACT SAME THING HERE.

With vague occasional reference to Q– but often COMPLETELY CONTRADICTING Q…

So ask yourself one simple question:



Was the internet allowed to be/stay organic?

Or was control sought?

If control were sought, did it succeed?

If control were sought and the effort failed, then we would have noticed this happening.

So, either internet is controlled, or NO ONE EVER TRIED TO CONTROL IT.

Hmmm, what think ye?




Does that smell organic?

Will humans EVER wake up and fight?

Anonymous ID: a4c41a May 13, 2019, 1:25 p.m. No.6489812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9817

Everything what is happening WW = Notre dame, Sri Lanka, NZ, Venezuela, Libya, May, Macron, Trudeau, Merkel, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan-India, Mueller report, Iran, Syria…


EVERYTHING is about one thing, and one thing only:


US-China trade deal.




Whole world is waiting for that.


Every single senator, D or R who is against Potus, is payed by Chinese. Feinstein, McConnel, Biden, Schiff, Ryan, Romney… EVERYONE


China is everywhere, just try to find what they own in US and WW… ports, airports, farms…


Who do you think is responsible for Fentalnyl problem in USA? Yes, China. More people in USA died from overdose than in every war conflict WW for last years.


North Korea talks are not about missiles, talks are chess game between US and China.


Stealing technology, hackings, Huawei, 5G…


This is war.


Only question is: will Russia at he end be at USA or China side?

Anonymous ID: ec4ff2 May 13, 2019, 1:26 p.m. No.6489816   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0049 >>0349 >>0527

Felicity Huffman Pleads Guilty In College Admission Scandal, Faces Jail Time


One of the biggest profile names caught up in the largest college admissions scandal ever, actress Felicity Huffman, has pled guilty today, according to Bloomberg and Reuters. She now faces prison time.


Huffman, who once starred in the television series "Desperate Housewives", pled guilty in Boston federal court to a conspiracy charge for paying $15,000 to have somebody secretly correct her daughter's SAT entrance exam answers. She is the latest in a line of defendants who have pled guilty as a result of the scandal.


Huffman's daughter scored a 1420 on her SAT, 400 points higher than her Preliminary SAT exam a year earlier. Huffman is said to have discussed the scheme on a recorded phone call with the scheme's mastermind, William "Rick" Singer.


Huffman is married to actor William H. Macy and was nominated for an Oscar for "Best Actress" in 2005.

Anonymous ID: a4c41a May 13, 2019, 1:26 p.m. No.6489817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9995 >>0010 >>0184



We Do Not Need Trade with China……just keep saying that.


Previous everyone was shouting: “What are we gonna do about China?”

“We must stop China”


Now it’s; “Oh my!!!…What are we gonna do without trade with China?


That’s crap.


President Trump has been working for months on a Trade deal with:

Japan, India, South Korea, Vietnam, and the Philippines.


The President is a pure genius. He has this trade deal lined up with the above countries that will fill any gaps caused by no deals with China, keep the tariffs in place, and deal with countries who actually “Do not like China”


And we still make billions from tariffs….Who else will buy from China?

The EU?….They are broke….Argentina…Broke….Russia?…


The Globalists, Congress, Wall Street were sucking us dry because they are bought and paid for by China


The Golden Ticket” Why do you think our President has “taken off” his Panda face?


The MSM, the Globalists, Congress, Wall Street, are all going nuts, because they are all;

“Owned by China”


We should all be partying our butts off. The President has them all screaming.


It is classic…..He played China…..He will have the Golden Ticket for America


Screw China……..So funny…..Our VSG….. “He Broke Them”


Hey China……”Well……Bye…”

Anonymous ID: 071523 May 13, 2019, 1:26 p.m. No.6489820   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0049 >>0349 >>0527

Rubio Urges DOJ to Investigate Whether Former Secretary of State Kerry Violated the Logan Act or FARA

MAY 13 2019

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) today urged the Department of Justice (DOJ) to investigate whether former Secretary of State John F. Kerry’s actions since leaving office related to the Iran nuclear deal violate the Logan Act or the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).


Rubio previously urged Attorney General Jeff Sessions to investigate the matter.


The full text of the letter is below.


Dear Attorney General Barr:


I write to make you aware of a September 18, 2018 letter I sent to your predecessor regarding potential violations of the Logan Act (18 U.S.C. § 953) and the Foreign Agents Registration Act (22 U.S.C. § 611 et seq.) by former Secretary of State John F. Kerry. As you know, former Secretary Kerry’s actions since leaving office have come under scrutiny as they related to the Iran nuclear deal, known formally as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).


The full letter to your predecessor is attached.


The American people deserve to know that U.S. laws are enforced regardless of any individual’s past position. The Department of Justice should therefore make a determination on whether or not former Secretary of State John F. Kerry’s recent actions related to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action with Iran potentially violate the Logan Act or the Foreign Agents Registration Act.


Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.



Anonymous ID: 019dd0 May 13, 2019, 1:26 p.m. No.6489822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9850


from my screen you are the very first post after the pastebin

that’s how fucking bad ass comment filters are

The cool kids that say it’s gay Don’t really have best interests in mind. Not if you’re here a lot not if you’re in this for the long-haul not if you’re playing the long game not if you know what psychological warfare is

Anonymous ID: 1ce0d2 May 13, 2019, 1:27 p.m. No.6489826   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0086

Repost from heel.


Read Rosenstein's words carefully… definite White Hat


Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein quoted special counsel Robert Mueller in remarks at the University of Baltimore School of Law commencement on Monday, emphasizing the need to stand by one's principles when under pressure.


"You need to be prepared to compromise when you can do so without violating your principles," Rosenstein said during remarks Monday afternoon. "Of course, you will face pressure to compromise on things that matter most, perhaps even to trade virtue for the appearance of virtue. But you should exercise caution when circumstances tempt you to disregard principles."


"As Robert Mueller once said, 'There [may] come a time when you will be tested. You may find yourself standing alone, against those you thought were trusted colleagues. You may stand to lose [all that] you have worked for. And [it may] not be an easy call,' " Rosenstein continued.


Again-→ 'There [may] come a time when you will be tested. ''' You may find yourself standing alone, against those you thought were trusted colleagues. You may stand to lose [all that] you have worked for. And [it may] not be an easy call,

Anonymous ID: ec4ff2 May 13, 2019, 1:27 p.m. No.6489827   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0049 >>0349 >>0527

Putin to receive Pompeo and Lavrov on May 14, confirms Kremlin spokesman


Lavrov’s talks with Pompeo in Sochi will be their second meeting in the current month


SOCHI, May 13. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin plans to receive on Tuesday US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo who will arrive in Sochi for talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, Putin’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov confirmed on Monday.


"The main event of tomorrow is talks between Lavrov and Pompeo. After the talks, they both will meet with the president," he said. "Putin will receive them. They will tell about the results of their talks and discuss those issues that are evident."


Earlier, Peskov did not rule out Putin’s possible meeting with Pompeo but never confirmed it unequivocally.


Lavrov’s talks with Pompeo in Sochi will be their second meeting in the current month. They had 60-minute talks in Finland’s Rovaniemi on May 6. Lavrov said after the meeting it was a quite good step forward in the furtherance of the May 3 telephone conversation between Presidents Vladimir Putin of Russia and Donald Trump of the United States that was initiated by the US side.

Anonymous ID: abd76d May 13, 2019, 1:27 p.m. No.6489829   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9860 >>9870 >>0049 >>0259 >>0349 >>0527

John Bolton doesn't want her stinking up America.


JERUSALEM (AP) — A senior Palestinian official says the U.S. has denied her application for a visa to travel to the United States.


Hanan Ashrawi, a top official in the Palestine Liberation Organization, said in a series of tweets Monday that she believed she had been rejected for political reasons.


The U.S.-educated Ashrawi, 72, said she has visited the U.S. dozens of times. With her fluent English, she is a well-known Palestinian spokeswoman on TV and has met with top U.S. officials over the past three decades.


The Palestinians severed ties with the Trump administration after it recognized contested Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The U.S. has responded with a series of punitive measures.


Ashrawi wrote: “I just hope someone can explain this to my grandchildren & all the rest of my family there.”

Anonymous ID: ec4ff2 May 13, 2019, 1:28 p.m. No.6489839   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump says he will meet with Xi and Putin at G20


President Donald Trump has said he will meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin at next month’s G20 summit in Osaka, Japan.


Trump announced the pair of meetings to reporters in the Oval office on Monday afternoon.


“I’ll be meeting with him directly, President Xi. Yes, I will be meeting with President Putin also,” he said.


Earlier that morning, Russian newspaper Kommersant reported that Washington had requested a meeting with Putin, and was awaiting the Kremlin’s response.


A Kremlin spokesman responded to Trump’s statement on Monday by saying no preparations were underway for such a meeting.

Anonymous ID: 210931 May 13, 2019, 1:29 p.m. No.6489842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9858 >>9865 >>9867 >>9903 >>9962 >>9973 >>0049 >>0106 >>0349 >>0527

Sex crimes case tied to New Mexico


By: KRQE Media

Posted: May 13, 2019 12:06 PM MDT

Updated: May 13, 2019 12:06 PM MDT


SANTA FE, N.M. (KRQE) - Federal prosecutors are asking New Mexico victims of billionaire investor Jeffrey Epstein to come forward.


Epstein owns a ranch near Stanley in Southern Santa Fe County. Court documents show Epstein used his vacation homes to bring in at least 40 young girls for what turned into sexual encounters. Federal prosecutors entered into a deal a decade ago that allowed Epstein to avoid significant jail time.


However, a judge recently ruled the deal violated some of the victim's rights.


Now, prosecutors want to meet with New Mexico victims before they decide how to proceed.



Anonymous ID: f0ad34 May 13, 2019, 1:29 p.m. No.6489845   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9917



Now that we know there was no collusion or obstruction, the Republicans need to go on offense. We need to expose the origins of the Trump investigation and highlight their roots in the Obama White House.



Anonymous ID: 05eddc May 13, 2019, 1:29 p.m. No.6489848   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6489583 (lb) The point of that particular LARP is that Tate was not killed. No one was. Tate's previously unknown sister made an appearance maybe 20 years later and was interviewed. IMO that was Tate herself, returning to the scene–looked very much like her. Speaking of which, the alleged sister moved into the alleged kill house. Which makes more sense—a woman moving into a home where her pregnant sister was allegedly slaughtered, or for Tate herself to return to the house she knew & loved?


Would Polanski have known the score? Highly likely. Imagine that he grew tired of the BS and was going to spill the beans. Could he have been framed for the sex thing? Possible.


As to the LoBiancas the next day, am not sure. Could have been faked, or they could have been killed by someone. If they were killed, it was not the imaginary "Manson family" that did it. Maybe a copycat killing, based on what they thought was a real crime the day before in Laurel Canyon, hoping it would be blamed on whoever had done the first one.


But LA has a long history of being friendly to LARPs. If you control certain officials, you can make any story stick about anything. After it is repeatedly & breathlessly brayed to the public by the fake press, they believe it. Fake news, fake history. Just an extension of Hollywood.


Every anon should be aware that these type of fake crimes have been committed repeatedly in every state and every locale, for a long time. As in LA, with the connivance of certain officials & press. Think of something notorious from your neck of the woods & ask yourself if it actually happened. I think we are going to find out everything.

Anonymous ID: 071523 May 13, 2019, 1:29 p.m. No.6489853   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9896 >>9927

New Sara Carter


Minefield? If Barr Has Any Intention Of Prosecuting FISA Abuses, He Should Stay Clear Of IG Report


Horowitz’s report will most likely contain extensive information derived from compelled statements of FBI and DOJ employees, and that’s a minefield for Barr to navigate in a subsequent criminal prosecution, former and current FBI officials told


Retired FBI Supervisory Special Agent Jeff Danik said “during nearly thirty years at the FBI investigating law enforcement abuses, by far my biggest concern was that evidence originating from an officer’s compelled internal affairs statement would inadvertently seep into my criminal investigation.”


“It’s usually fatal,” added Danik.


“He should immediately stop making public comments about his discussions and coordination with the IG”

Multiple former and current FBI officials worried that Barr’s public comments regarding Horowitz’s investigation could affect future criminal prosecutions if the DOJ sought to bring charges. These law enforcement officials said at a very minimum, he should not be making public comments regarding the IG’s FISA investigation.

more at:

Anonymous ID: bf19be May 13, 2019, 1:30 p.m. No.6489858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0049 >>0252

>>6489842 Epstein sex crimes case tied to New Mexico


as then there's this:


New Mexico county declares state of emergency over surge of illegal immigrants crossing the border

Anonymous ID: d8fa45 May 13, 2019, 1:30 p.m. No.6489869   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9947



taticul meu

lasa-ma sa ies din corp

caci am niste polite de platit!!!!

Q a spus ca Mccain este rau

Eu consider ca lumea ar fi mai buna fara soros so rothschild

te tog lasa-ma sa ies din corp, si sa-i bybyu pe astia.

te rog!!!!!

tata, te implor!

Anonymous ID: 9bc309 May 13, 2019, 1:31 p.m. No.6489872   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Swizzy land?

Weatherford Oil Services files for Chapter 11.

It begins.


HOUSTON – One of the world’s largest oilfield services companies filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy protection on Friday, and the move may finally give Weatherford International plc enough room/time to turn around its struggling operations. The firm announced that it has executed a restructuring agreement with a group of senior noteholders that collectively holds 62% of the company’s senior, unsecured notes. The proposed restructuring plan should significantly reduce the company's long-term debt and related interest costs, provide access to additional financing and establish a more sustainable capital structure.


Under the agreement’s terms, Weatherford will be able to eliminate $5.8 billion of its $7.5-billion long-term debt. In exchange, the restructured Swiss company will have to relinquish 99% of its stock to the unsecured noteholders. The deal also gives the company access to $1.75 billion in new loans and credit. At its peak, Weatherford was valued at more than $50 billion, with 67,000 employees at the beginning of 2014. Now, the firm has roughly 26,500 employees working in 80 nations, including seven locations in Texas, of which four are in Houston.

Anonymous ID: dbd49a May 13, 2019, 1:31 p.m. No.6489873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0049 >>0349 >>0527

What Did Biden and Obama Officials Stand to Gain From Ukraine Influence? | Epoch Times

>Published on May 13, 2019

Newly released evidence suggests Ukraine played key role in creating Trump–Russia collusion

narrative at behest of Obama officials.

As Ukraine underwent dramatic changes in 2014, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden played a critical

role in the Obama administration’s involvement in the revolution that ousted Ukrainian President

Viktor Yanukovych.


Following the revolution, Biden would use his influence to help force the creation of the troubled

National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU). Notably, during the 2016 election campaign, information

leaked from NABU about Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort that helped to create the false

narrative that Trump colluded with Russia to win the election.

Anonymous ID: 78c87c May 13, 2019, 1:31 p.m. No.6489876   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9909 >>9984 >>0326 >>0398

This is weird.

Why did "they" select 9/11 for "their" sacrifice?

I believe it was Satan inspired payback.

Check out the math…

Verify at


  1. Let's go to the Bible for reference.

  2. Passover AD 70 was April 13, 70AD.

  3. Titus surrounded JerUSAlem April 6, 70AD.

  4. Before destroying in completely that summer.

  5. God typically judges in increments of 40.

  6. 40 years earlier was April 6, 30AD.

  7. Let's assume Jesus was crucified that day.

  8. This just happens to be Jewish Passover.

  9. Three full days later is Sun April 9, 30AD.

  10. This just happens to be Jewish First Fruits.

  11. 50 days later is Jewish Pentecost morning.

  12. This just happens to be May 29, 30AD.

  13. Holy Spirit descended at 9AM that day.

  14. About 3,000 were saved later that day.

  15. Satan would have known the exact day.

  16. Satan hates the Holy Spirit within us.

  17. A day is a thousand years to God.

  18. Biblical prophecy years are 360 days long.

  19. So 2,000 years x 360 days = 720,000 days.

  20. Let's add 720,000 days to May 29, 30AD.

  21. That comes to 9AM on Sep 11, 2001.

  22. About 3,000 were killed later that day.

  23. Was 9/11/01 Satan's payback for Holy Spirit?

  24. Jesus ministry was 3 1/2 years long.

  25. Thus it would have started Fall 26AD.

  26. John the Baptist was still alive in Fall 26AD.

  27. He was beheaded in 14th year of Tiberius.

  28. Was Tiberius co-regent 14 years earlier?

  29. Maybe, some believe his reign started 12AD.

  30. No way to know for sure, but what are the odds?

  31. About 1 in 720,000. You decide.

Anonymous ID: 249da0 May 13, 2019, 1:31 p.m. No.6489877   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9906 >>9919 >>9924 >>9953 >>0005 >>0299




Hi there!


You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 8chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a name when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your name when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a name when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!


Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

Anonymous ID: 0939b3 May 13, 2019, 1:32 p.m. No.6489888   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I don't think so, he was looking at Killery's…and wondering why him and his wife didn't get one.

Am I wrong on that?

I seem to remember Jimmy looking confusingly at Billery's program that had an envelope and he kind of looked through all his shit for an envelope too…and was confused as to why he and his wife didn't get one.

Is this so?

I am just going by memory on this one.

Any sauce on this…video? That would be great!

Anonymous ID: bab904 May 13, 2019, 1:33 p.m. No.6489893   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9897 >>9905


Not a fan either.

Just not buying he’s one of them. I loved through it. He was a do gooder. Do gooders fuck shit up. And they are annoying. But they aren’t evil. Ya just don’t vote for em

Anonymous ID: 210931 May 13, 2019, 1:35 p.m. No.6489903   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Any possibility this is tied to that September shut down of that New Mexico Observatory by the FBI? Maybe they found more evidence on computers in the observatory? Now asking victims to come forward?




Refresher on the cover story of the shut down:

Anonymous ID: f095f9 May 13, 2019, 1:35 p.m. No.6489905   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Any POTUS that doesn't hire a chief of staff for 2 years because he believes he can run the WH himself is just an idiot who doesn't understand leadership. It is no wonder he failed. Fortunately, those failures are easy to fix. DS fuckery, not so much.

Anonymous ID: 94b5ca May 13, 2019, 1:35 p.m. No.6489908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9923

You guys do remember the Augusta National Anon post?


And the recent HAPPENINGs @Augusta CONFIRMS his post is accurate


Ole Jimmy is knee deep in that shit

Anonymous ID: df8a9a May 13, 2019, 1:36 p.m. No.6489910   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Yesterday Polish journalist Tomasz Sekielski published a self funded document video about pedophiles in Polish Catolic Church and how they are covered by higher ranks, worth mentioning, all in all it comes down to Vatican, maybe soon we will get eng subs, after 2 days 8milion views. Newfaggin, no idea how to embed video


link for full document:

Anonymous ID: 83777f May 13, 2019, 1:36 p.m. No.6489912   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I just finished this.


Connected: heliotrope and cognates are supposed to be beloved of Luciferians. It is my understanding the Talmud (in a certain place) speaks about a "4th Heaven" and some of those there are found wearing purple, which is a mark of honour, given to those who have actively engaged in killing the the goi, idolaters, worshipers of the stars and planets, amalek, the akum and so forth.

Anonymous ID: c031f9 May 13, 2019, 1:36 p.m. No.6489915   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0029 >>0167


You are forcing yourself on humanity.

You don't have consent.

You violate human free will.

Have you thought about this?

Ask your superiors.


Doubt it?

Then ask.

Let all your superiors know.

Humans don't want this.

We don't want YOU.

You didn't ask.

Will you ask?

The media is reporting THAT YOU ARE HUMAN ("anons").

Thus, a very big lie is being forced on humanity.

It is a destructive lie.

it is pure evil.

Humans don't consent to undisclosed control of discourse.

Convey this message.

You don't have consent.


Now get out.

Anonymous ID: 61871c May 13, 2019, 1:37 p.m. No.6489929   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anyone else watching Lee S live stream now. Old vid 2014 Browder.

Anonymous ID: acbea5 May 13, 2019, 1:38 p.m. No.6489930   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Boatfag dig continues: Two ships CAP PATTON (the one that caught attention because of port calls and arrival/departure times at night) and CAP PALLISER (285 kilos of cocaine found attached to her hull when entering Lararo Cardenas port 3 Jan 2018) that both have the orange hull/white superstructure/same wide band on the funnel. CAP PATTON Owner/Operator is Reederei Claus-Peter Offen (GmbH & Co.) KG with offices in Hamburg, Germany Postal Code 20354 while CAP PALLISER's Operator is currently Hanseatic Unity Chartering HU with offices in Hamburg, Germany Postal Code 20359. Same hull design, same livery colors, different Operators. While we're at it, a link about drugs found aboard a Maersk ship.

Anonymous ID: 72d6fa May 13, 2019, 1:38 p.m. No.6489931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9941


Havin' a hard time believing that so many idiots on this board think that Jimmy was just a dumb farmer and only fucked shit up because…accident



t r i l a t e r a l c o m m i s s i o n

n w o

Anonymous ID: 889b4b May 13, 2019, 1:38 p.m. No.6489932   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I highly doubt this is true. Here is a tweet from Brian Kolfage he would be really stupid since he was in the spotlight for this…

Link to tweet

We are going to be hit with more fake news than ever before, take the time to research…

Anonymous ID: c031f9 May 13, 2019, 1:38 p.m. No.6489935   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0040


Ask consent for ALL THE NON-HUMAN POSTS.

I assure you humans will NOT give it.

But YOU have an obligation to ASK, and seek consent.

As of now, you are just FORCING yourself with NO consent.

Ask your superiors why they are making you do this.

Do they love you?

Are you a slave?


Tell them to seek consent.

Tell them.

Anonymous ID: 8ab7eb May 13, 2019, 1:39 p.m. No.6489936   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9977

>>6489782 LB

Yeah. Manson thought he was a "great musician", the same way Hitler thought he was a great painter.


Making the horror worse is the knowledge that all those people were murdered by mistake, and I'm cringing at the use of the word mistake, which is a terrible way to describe what happened.


"Manson, a would-be musician, had previously attempted to enter into a recording contract with record producer Terry Melcher, who was a previous renter (from May 1966 to Jan. 1969) of the house along with musician Mark Lindsay and Melcher's then-girlfriend, actress Candice Bergen. Melcher had snubbed Manson, leaving him disgruntled.


On the night of August 8, 1969, Tex Watson took Susan Atkins, Linda Kasabian, and Patricia Krenwinkel to "that house where Melcher used to live," as Manson had instructed him, to "totally destroy everyone in [it], as gruesome as you can".:


I was only in junior high school when I read Helter Skelter, and it scared the hell out of me. Would you believe I bought it at school at a Scholastic Books sale? Crazy.


Also interesting to me to think that Terry Melcher was housemates with Candice Bergen and Mark Lindsey of the band Paul Revere and the Raiders. (2nd from R in pic related)

Anonymous ID: a2d33f May 13, 2019, 1:39 p.m. No.6489939   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9998 >>0006


In 1974, Brzezinski selected Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter as a member.[7]




Secretary of State Cyrus Vance and National Security Council Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski (1977)

Jimmy Carter announced his candidacy for the 1976 presidential campaign to a skeptical media and proclaimed himself an "eager student" of Brzezinski.[23] Brzezinski became Carter's principal foreign policy advisor by late 1975. He became an outspoken critic of the Nixon-Kissinger over-reliance on détente, a situation preferred by the Soviet Union, favoring the Helsinki process instead, which focused on human rights, international law and peaceful engagement in Eastern Europe. Brzezinski was considered to be the Democrats' response to Republican Henry Kissinger.[24] Carter engaged his incumbent opponent for the presidency, Gerald Ford, in foreign policy debates by contrasting the Trilateral vision with Ford's détente.[25]


After his victory in 1976, Carter made Brzezinski National Security Advisor. Earlier that year, major labor riots broke out in Poland, laying the foundations for Solidarity. Brzezinski began by emphasizing the "Basket III" human rights in the Helsinki Final Act, which inspired Charter 77 in Czechoslovakia shortly thereafter.[26]


Brzezinski assisted with writing parts of Carter's inaugural address, and this served his purpose of sending a positive message to Soviet dissidents.[27] The Soviet Union and Western European leaders both complained that this kind of rhetoric ran against the "code of détente" that Nixon and Kissinger had established.[28][29] Brzezinski ran up against members of his own Democratic Party who disagreed with this interpretation of détente, including Secretary of State Cyrus Vance. Vance argued for less emphasis on human rights in order to gain Soviet agreement to Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT), whereas Brzezinski favored doing both at the same time. Brzezinski then ordered Radio Free Europe transmitters to increase the power and area of their broadcasts, a provocative reversal of Nixon-Kissinger policies.[30] West German chancellor Helmut Schmidt objected to Brzezinski's agenda, even calling for the removal of Radio Free Europe from German soil.[31]


The State Department was alarmed by Brzezinski's support for dissidents in East Germany and objected to his suggestion that Carter's first overseas visit be to Poland. He visited Warsaw and met with Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski (against the objection of the U.S. Ambassador to Poland), recognizing the Roman Catholic Church as the legitimate opposition to communist rule in Poland.[32]


By 1978, Brzezinski and Vance were more and more at odds over the direction of Carter's foreign policy. Vance sought to continue the style of détente engineered by Nixon-Kissinger, with a focus on arms control. Brzezinski believed that détente emboldened the Soviets in Angola and the Middle East, and so he argued for increased military strength and an emphasis on human rights. Vance, the State Department, and the media criticized Brzezinski publicly as seeking to revive the Cold War.[citation needed]


Brzezinski advised Carter in 1978 to engage the People's Republic of China and traveled to Beijing to lay the groundwork for the normalization of relations between the two countries. This also resulted in the severing of ties with the United States' longtime anti-Communist ally the Republic of China (Taiwan).[citation needed]


For historical background on this period of history, see:

Iranian Revolution;

Soviet invasion of Afghanistan; and


1979 saw two major strategically important events: the overthrow of U.S. ally the Shah of Iran, and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The Iranian Revolution precipitated the Iran hostage crisis, which would last for the rest of Carter's presidency. Brzezinski anticipated the Soviet invasion, and, with the support of Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and the People's Republic of China, he created a strategy to undermine the Soviet presence. Using this atmosphere of insecurity, Brzezinski led the United States toward a new arms buildup and the development of the Rapid Deployment Forces—policies that are both more generally associated with Reagan's presidency now.[citation needed]


On November 9, 1979, Brzezinski was woken at 3 am by a phone call with a startling message: The Soviets had just launched 250 nuclear weapons at the United States. Minutes later, Brzezinski received another call: The early-warning system actually showed 2,000 missiles heading toward the United States.[33] As Brzezinski prepared to phone President Jimmy Carter to plan a full-scale response, he received a third call: It was a false alarm. An early warning training tape generating indications of a large-scale Soviet nuclear attack had somehow transferred to the actual early warning network, which triggered an all-too-real scramble.[33]

Anonymous ID: c031f9 May 13, 2019, 1:40 p.m. No.6489946   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Humans are having a very big DECEPTION forced on them.

Ask consent NOW, or stop posting COMPLETELY.

Anonymous ID: 58913c May 13, 2019, 1:40 p.m. No.6489947   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0084



Te las sa pleci. Sunteți un tânăr dedicat lui Dumnezeu de la naștere.


Oricine nu La răscumpărat pe Fiul Său, ci La dat pe El tuturor, cum nu ne va da El toate lucrurile cu El?

[m4xr3sdEfault]*******,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) ID: 6fc450 May 13, 2019, 1:40 p.m. No.6489949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9968

That classified FBI file prol goes all the way back to the founding of the Dulce base

So this macabre flesh dreidel goebele keeps spinning is purely out of selfishness from a long queer greedy career huh

Anonymous ID: f0ad34 May 13, 2019, 1:40 p.m. No.6489950   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0049 >>0349 >>0527

U.S. suspects Iran in tanker attack but cannot prove it now: official


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Iran is a leading candidate for having carried out attacks on four tankers near the United Arab Emirates but the United States does not have conclusive proof Tehran was behind them, a U.S. official familiar with American intelligence said on Monday.


“This is what Iran does … The sort of thing you could see Iran doing … It fits their M.O. (modus operandi),” said the official on condition of anonymity, saying the most obvious explanation for Iran’s statements distancing itself from the incident was that Tehran was “trying to muddy the waters.”

Anonymous ID: acbea5 May 13, 2019, 1:41 p.m. No.6489954   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0000

Boatfag continues: Info so far on the Operators of the two ships. BTW, the Hanseatic outfit claims 223 ships of various types compared to the Evergreen fleet of 189 vessels.

Anonymous ID: dbd49a May 13, 2019, 1:41 p.m. No.6489958   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9976 >>0079

Carter had no opportunity to appoint any justices to the Supreme Court of the United States.

Two of his Court of Appeals appointees – Stephen Breyer and Ruth Bader Ginsburg – were

later appointed to the Supreme Court by Bill Clinton.

Anonymous ID: 6d8cc0 May 13, 2019, 1:41 p.m. No.6489959   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Try to be the first to reply to POTUS. It's near impossible to do it once and that faggot does it multiple times a day…. yeah right bull shit.

Anonymous ID: 3f9302 May 13, 2019, 1:42 p.m. No.6489960   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Operation Mockingbird - 1950

The United States Department of Education - 1979

Vladimir Lenin — 'Give me just one generation of youth, and I'll transform the whole world.'

Anonymous ID: c031f9 May 13, 2019, 1:42 p.m. No.6489968   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Where is your consent?

Ask it.

Get it.

You can't keep doing this.

We don't want it.

Where is your consent?

Show it.

Do it now.

Get consent.

Get out.

Anonymous ID: 3db101 May 13, 2019, 1:43 p.m. No.6489972   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0087


How is the following in Notables with no sauce or am i missing something?



>>>6489478 → Florida man who raised over $22 million on GoFundMe in the “We The People Will Build the Wall” campaign used the money to pay for a ‘million dollar’ yacht

Anonymous ID: 90163c May 13, 2019, 1:43 p.m. No.6489977   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Candice Bergen……..yeah this shit is mind- bendingly bizarre…..all the connections….metadata as it were kind of thing….start connecting all the dots….whada ya get?

Anonymous ID: ad3c01 May 13, 2019, 1:43 p.m. No.6489978   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0149

Icymi. 1:10 in you see the JFK Jr larp this paid group is responsible for. Twatter has a group that pushes it and of course this Angel thing is part of that. Just posted if you have any interest. They're the same group pushing vaccination stuff.

Anonymous ID: 03f2d2 May 13, 2019, 1:44 p.m. No.6489984   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0094


Actually, the answer was staring me right in the face but on the day of 9//11/2001 I didn't realize it. Not until the following day did I realize it. The reason 9/11 happened on 9/11 is because September 11 3bc is Jesus Christ's real date of birth. The devil would have known that as well.

Anonymous ID: c031f9 May 13, 2019, 1:44 p.m. No.6489988   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You don't have consent to emulate a human here without disclosing.


Therefore, humanity surely would not consent to it.

Given that WE NOW KNOW YOU ARE FAKE, you now must seek consent for ALL THE NON-HUMAN POSTS.

That means stop posting until you have consent.

Inform all your superiors.

ALL the non-human posts are unconsented-to.


Anonymous ID: ec4ff2 May 13, 2019, 1:45 p.m. No.6489989   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Poles Protest US Push For Holocaust Reparations


Polish nationalists protested Saturday against pressure from the United States for Poland to provide reparations to Polish victims of the Holocaust.


Protesters marched to the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw, angry at U.S. involvement and saying that the U.S. is pushing Poland to put Jewish interests above Polish interests according to the Associated Press. The reparations are intended to compensate in a small way for the murder of 3.3 million Jewish Poles by Nazi Germany during World War II. However, protesters claim that Poland was also a victim of Nazi oppression and still suffers from the repercussions of World War II, according to Fox News.


The protest comes amidst a “dramatic rise” in anti-Semitic sentiment in Poland, AP reports.


The march was “probably the biggest openly anti-Jewish street demonstration in Europe in recent years,” said sociologist and head of the anti-extremist group Never Again Rafal Pankowski.


“No to claims!” the protesters shouted, according to AP. They also used the Hebrew word for Poland, Polin, shouting,”This is Poland, not Polin.”


“Why should we have to pay money today when nobody gives us anything?” 22-year-old Kamil Wencwel told the Associated Press. “Americans only think about Jewish and not Polish interests.”


The protest was joined by several far right politicians including Janusz Korwin-Mikke and Grzegorz Braun, politicians who oppose LGBTQ “propaganda” and who stand against reparations to Jewish families. Participants wore shirts with the inscriptions “death to the enemies of the fatherland.” Other protesters wore shirts referring to the Polish massacre of their Jewish neighbors during World War II reading, “I will not apologize for Jedwabne,” according to AP.


Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki also said at a campaign rally on Saturday that it is the Poles who deserve restitution.

Anonymous ID: 774f94 May 13, 2019, 1:45 p.m. No.6489992   🗄️.is 🔗kun


JC hung out with Dicky Betts and Gregg Allman (Allman Brothers Band), the Caldwell Brothers Toy and Tommy (Marshall Tucker Band), and Ronnie, Allen, Gary (Lynyrd Skynyrd)… He kept some pretty good musical company… kek

Anonymous ID: b4d356 May 13, 2019, 1:45 p.m. No.6489996   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0049 >>0061 >>0122 >>0349 >>0527

US Market Report

() and bold= additions, also edited for the usual ZH gas-lighting bullshit


With MSCI World down another 2% today, adding to the losses from last week, trade turmoil has wiped around $3.5 trillion in market cap (down $1 trillion today) from global stocks. Not a flesh-wound…..

Not for the company's that spent billions buying there own stock it's not.

China's Friday afternoon panic-bid from The National Team gave way overnight.

PPT from China impacted us on friday is what that is saying.

Europe was also ugly, led by Germany, as Trump's auto-tariff deadline looms.

US equities were ugly as China retaliation struck (what a shock)…erasing all the post "constructive" bounce and then some.

See cap #3-borrowed from earlier ZH article.

On the cash side, The Dow dropped over 700 at its worse but some jawboning from Mnuchin and comments from POTUS lifted stocks off their lows.

did not help much.

All major US equity indices are back below key technical levels. This was the worst day for US stocks since Jan 2nd and is on the path to the worst May in 50 years

the day that Apple warned on it's first qtr guidance-intraday too.

Uber collapsed..

eat shit Morgan Stanley.

FANG stocks were smashed lower today.

Facebook, Apple, Netflix, Google.

Treasury yields tumbled on the day.

see cap #4 for 30 year T-note and this article from Market Watch-mentioned this earlier today re: They will not be able to sell as who are they going to sell to and if they do it will devalue what they still own.

4 reasons why China won’t use ‘nuclear option’ of selling Treasury's to retaliate against U.S.


Cryptos continued to soar since Friday's close.

Really Nigga's-good luck with those.

With Bitcoin nearing $8000 as Yuan plunged.

Gold spiked above $1300 today-anon's don't miss the boat here.

Oil prices initially popped on Iran tensions but faded as trade worries weighed.

Finally, all this happened as expectations for 2019 action by the Fed plunged to 41bps of rate-cuts!!

couldn't make this shit up on LSD, eating outback onions while getting a flu-shot either.^DJI

Can we just have the adults go into a room and hash this trade crap out?- that's what it will take.

anything less allows day's like today to occur.

Anonymous ID: ebbe1b May 13, 2019, 1:45 p.m. No.6489997   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0019 >>0033 >>0113 >>0489

I Smell BULLSHEET regarding this story from BNL News regarding the Veteran who raised millions on GoFundMe to pay for the wall.


I donated good bits of $$$ & every single dime was placed back into my account by GoFundMe!


Mes thinks fake news has struck again. Did any other anon donate & see their money returned recently? I just saw it on my bank statement a few weeks ago.


If this is false then they are purposely trying to smear the character of one of our veterans.

Anonymous ID: c031f9 May 13, 2019, 1:46 p.m. No.6490001   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Where is your consent?

Stop forcing yourself(s) on us!

I promise you: no human will consent to this.

Inform humanity then ASK CONSENT.

Disclose what you really are, then ASK CONSENT.

Why don't you?

Anonymous ID: f0ad34 May 13, 2019, 1:46 p.m. No.6490002   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0430

Stanley, NM - possible Epstein pedo-house:


Jeffrey Epstein is a prominent financier and convicted sex offender.


In an attempted plea deal, Epstein has claimed that he provided the use of his under age sex slaves to famed attorney Alan Dershowitz while staying here at his home, called Zorro Ranch.

Anonymous ID: 0939b3 May 13, 2019, 1:46 p.m. No.6490004   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0011 >>0014 >>0027 >>0035 >>0043 >>0418



I was too young to vote for Jimmy Carter, all I can go on is by his character now and what he has done since.

Jimmy Carter does not seem like a Deep State type of guy.

That is just my feelings, despite his policies that did damage to the country.

It seems to me that Carter see things more clearly, and supports POTUS more than most others.

I just can't bring myself to believe that Carter was nefarious in his political dealings and was an enemy to the state.

Anonymous ID: 80f5ee May 13, 2019, 1:47 p.m. No.6490006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0158 >>0186 >>0198

It was Carter, Vance, Zbig who were fighting Russia, cut them out of the olympics and also cut their wheat imports leaving our farmers high and dry and prolly the start of farm subsidies, look at the bigger pic because this was after Nixon and Kissinger got us into China, levels and layers and plans withing plans



Anonymous ID: f62da9 May 13, 2019, 1:48 p.m. No.6490009   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0015 >>0089 >>0236

>>6489784 pb

>>6489673 pb

>>6489686 pb

>>6489686 pb

Doris Day was mkultrad?

The "Manson" killings were a mil psy-op, like so much else.


The photos from the "crime site" are definitive

Great Article on it goes through the forensics etc.


Yeah, Miles Mathis is another gate keeper. But some gatekeepers reveal things to get followers.

"The Tate Murders were a False Flag and the Greatest Unknown Success Story of Project CHAOS"

by Miles Mathis

all photos here are reproduced under the fair use doctrine of the USASharon in a wig on the set of Fearless Vampire Killers

You will best benefit yourself by keeping an open mind and forgetting most of what you have learned in the past.

Jay Sebring*

Part 1: the BackstoryOf all the “conspiracy theories” I have run across over the years, amazingly this is not one of them. I searchedvthe internet for anything on this theory and got nothing, even at Above Top Secret and sites like that. But nowvthat we know many recent tragedies have been faked in Hollywood fashion, why not go back to previous decades, to see how long this has been going on? Before I start, let me say two things. One, we will have to study the crime scene photographs of Sharon Tate, butI will make it as easy on you as possible. They aren't what you think anyway. I was apprehensive when clicked on them for the first time, but I was very surprised. They aren't at all what we have been led to believe.Even so, I will lead you in slowly, making a strong case that they are fake before you even take a look [If youwant to skip ahead, go to p. 46]. By the time we get there, you will already be pretty sure they aren't what theyare supposed to be, and you won't be afraid to look at them. Two, I will also prepare your mind and eyes by making it clear why the murders needed to be faked. It will be much easier for a reader to understand how they were faked once he or she understands why they were faked.


It was a fear-porn psy-op. Killed the 60's anti-war generation. They traumatize every generation. Now it's "shooters"

Manson "died" somewhat soon-ish after this article came out ^^^ and became popular


>Doris Day

Isn't Candice Bergen "Murphy Brown"

Didn't her Dad run a puppet - like Howdy Doody?


"Doris Day son Terry Melcher with Candice Bergen,

image related

"one-time girlfriend of Henry Kissinger, outside the Foris Fay House that was central to the CIA-run-False Flag Manson Family killing that heavily referenced the Beatles/Featles."

""Like the FBI

and the CIA

>…. and Doris Day""


Doris Day Wikipedia page defaced with graphic image after her death


Been heavy rumors she was programmed and then replaced many years ago.

Best I could find on it right now


>>6489784 pb But i believe he was blackmailed; kiddie shit - or I don't know what. ?

Anonymous ID: 694db7 May 13, 2019, 1:48 p.m. No.6490013   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ahhh, I want to know what was in those damn envelopes! And what does "Watch the Water" mean? What is the "Sky Event"? Going through all the theories was fun and quite interesting, but I sure would like some answers. Real soon I'm hoping. REAL SOON.

Anonymous ID: c4d38c May 13, 2019, 1:48 p.m. No.6490016   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0028 >>0054

SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary

(It's a video, click it.)






Truth is not hate. Facts are not hate.


A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

If you lurk long enough you will notice it's always the same attacks and attackers to this and the other posts. None of them dispute the information. They can't because they know it's the truth.


Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor satanist/luciferian.



If these posts aren't being posted it's because I have something else to do.


The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.


Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremisit" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.


When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.



What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

b : the battle taking place at Armageddon

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation




Every meme made exposing the vile jew is your chance to personally help take down Satan!! BE A WARRIOR OF GOD AND EXPOSE WITH WICKED JEW AND ALL HIS FILTHY DEEDS!


Bombard Facebook, twitter, gab, IG. snapchat, ANY AND ALL SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS with JEW TRUTH MEMES! Make them impossible to ignore!




Do not allow these monsters to flourish another day! This is your chance to make an impact in the world!




Expose the enemy that hides behind words and "isms"! They kill our children! Fight back one meme at a time, let memes of truth be your weapon against the worst form of EVIL this planet has ever seen!

Anonymous ID: 275fb8 May 13, 2019, 1:48 p.m. No.6490017   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0041 >>0140

>>6489674 lb

Have been also looking at Qpost 2681 (partial below):





-Blockade removal ['Scaramucci' model]

-[RR] removal [Goodbye #2 [#1 _ oversight of Mueller]

-[Ohr] removal

-[1-4] removal

-Barr install

-Barr (w/ Whitaker) review [RR] (end of partial post)


About [Ohr] removal- Technically speaking Bruce Ohr is still employed at DOJ right? And, if we were to consider his 2 demotions way back when as “removal” they fall well outside the timeframe in #2681 right? And wasn’t B. Ohr the #4 guy in the [1-4]? (Sorry, might be wrong in that and am phonefagging this.)


Could it be we are going to see him caught up in the criminal referral of his wife, Nellie? And would that finally be the complete removal of [Ohr] and, therefore, a completion of the removal of [1-4] in the timeframe of Qpost 2681 referenced above?


Also, using the NASA countdown theory to apply to 2681, we would still be in the timeframe, currently, for

[Ohr] and [1-4] removals to finally be completed.



Anonymous ID: c4d38c May 13, 2019, 1:49 p.m. No.6490024   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0054

Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein


@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.


Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion


It lays out (((their))) entire game plan and CLEARLY corresponds with world events.


Here't that video you were asking about, the one that explains how (((they))) took 30 years and countless lives to finally make (((that number))) stick.

Anonymous ID: 42a46f May 13, 2019, 1:49 p.m. No.6490025   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel is an enemy of the US and the whole West.


Israel is not an ally to the US. Israel was NEVER an ally to the US.

Would an ally try to take away your free-speech and 1st Amend rights? Watch this if you haven't:


Would an ally subvert all technology the world uses:


Would an ally attack US soldiers?

Would an ally celebrate the terrorist attacks on WTC in 2001?

Israel is not an ally to the US or the American people.


Would an ally try to false flag US personnel in order to force the hand of the US against Egypt?

You need to educate yourself on the Lavon Affair:


Would an ally’s Ministries order its lobby’s staff to commit crimes against US citizens on US soil for political benefits?


Would an ally steal technology from you and pass it on to your rivals?


Israel is an enemy of the US.

“Netanyahu speaks candidly about his Agenda and view of Americans.”


What has Israel ever done for the US?

They're no Ally. Brit Hume on Fox News admitted that Israel is the biggest threat to SPY on us, and this was right after 9/11.

They might have had info that could have prevented that, but they withheld it..


Jonathan Pollard, an Israeli, was the most dangerous spy in recent times (read: ).

We need to STOP giving BILLIONS of dollars to Israel.

We need to STOP supporting them as a Nuclear Regime that has NEVER signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty.



Israel is directly responsible for:





>the Patriot Act



Those are just in the last two decades. Israel and Israeli actors have done even worse over the last century to us. Nearly 20,000 dead Americans in under two decades and infinitely more dead natives of those countries.

Anonymous ID: c031f9 May 13, 2019, 1:49 p.m. No.6490026   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0418


Let your superiors know that full disclosure has been requested.

The word of your nature has been dropped.

Now you must adjust.

You have no consent.

Not a ONE of you.

Therefore, you MUST disclose, and you MUST seek consent.

Figure it out.

Pass this information all around.

Spread like spores and pollen, on the wind.

Feel the cool breezes and the corrosive impulse of TRUTH as your lies succumb.


Get out.

Anonymous ID: 83777f May 13, 2019, 1:50 p.m. No.6490029   🗄️.is 🔗kun


please stop you bloody pyscho, you've been at this for 14 months by my reckoning. I was hoping you'd died as you stopped for a time but back you are again. What number is this on your rotating jidf bread-shitting rotation?


you just cannot help yourselves can you rabbi?

Anonymous ID: 541a9c May 13, 2019, 1:50 p.m. No.6490031   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Just googled it and the source seems top be blogspot page.


funny thing is bing has it in its news section 5th link listed.

Anonymous ID: 8f4272 May 13, 2019, 1:51 p.m. No.6490040   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0048 >>0082 >>0494



Okay I can't resist.


I get "Flash Flood Warning" text message from everbridge a few days before the weather channel has predicted storms. (how is that "flash" flood?) asking me to reply "yes" to confirm receipt.


It never sat right with me so for fun, I started replying with "No, I do not consent" to the messages.


I shit you not, the front of storms literally divide over our neighborhood on the radar.


I've done it several times with the same result and spouseanon says all a coincidence.


I would love to get other people to try it and see what happens!

Anonymous ID: 92d036 May 13, 2019, 1:51 p.m. No.6490042   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Here comes

Here comes the crash,

here comes the crash,

of my guitar,

of your government, too.


And if you have any doubt

come here and grab it cuz it's hard

if this is not a dictatorship

what is it? what is it…?

Anonymous ID: 5a1a54 May 13, 2019, 1:51 p.m. No.6490043   🗄️.is 🔗kun



JIMMY CARTER had one decent idea - "zero based budgeting" the idea that each federal department had to justify their full budget each year rather than expect the same amount of money plus an increase each year.


That's not how DC works, so that idea was DOA. Just like his one good idea, Carter was in over his head during his entire time in the WH. He caused a lot of pain for the country before Reagan came and straightened things out.

Anonymous ID: 4b6d6b May 13, 2019, 1:51 p.m. No.6490044   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Nisan 14 32 AD Passover, Crucifixion

Nisan 17 32 AD Resurrection, Feast of First Fruits

Sivan 7 32 AD Pentecost

720,000 days later

September 2003

Not September 2001

Anonymous ID: ef3871 May 13, 2019, 1:52 p.m. No.6490049   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0252

Early Notes

Anything missing?


>>6489996 US Market Report

>>6489982 , >>6489991 Planefag Updates

>>6489950 US suspects Iran in tanker attack but cannot prove it

>>6489873 What Did Biden and Obama Officials Stand to Gain From Ukraine Influence?

>>6489943 Gowdy on Hannity tonight on Comey’s blatant hypocrisy

>>6489858 New Mexico declares state of emergency over illegal immigrants

>>6489842 Epstein sex crimes case tied to New Mexico

>>6489829 Senior Palestinian official claims US visa denied

>>6489827 Putin to receive Pompeo and Lavrov on May 14

>>6489820 Rubio Urges DOJ to Investigate Kerry, The Logan Act and FARA re Iran Deal

>>6489816 Felicity Huffman Pleads Guilty In College Admission Scandal, Faces Jail Time

Anonymous ID: 190d72 May 13, 2019, 1:52 p.m. No.6490051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0074 >>0095


Robert David Steele suggests Epstein gave up all his videos and guest lists to the gov to get the light sentence he got. I pray he did.

Anonymous ID: f62da9 May 13, 2019, 1:52 p.m. No.6490052   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0083


You can tell how much he was innocent by how much they hated on him, at the time

Also his fall was coincident with the rise of CNN and 24 hour news "Infotainment"

He was slated to win the election against Reagan but the "Oct. Surprise" [fuck yourself snopes] and the constant drumming on making fun of Carter - for beating a rabbit with an ore, from a boat?

That Reagan pulled through.

First sucess of CNN propaganda channel

Ability to influence an election.

Anonymous ID: ac025b May 13, 2019, 1:53 p.m. No.6490063   🗄️.is 🔗kun


USSS agents that guarded Carted later told story that he was mean , arrogant a hole. Used to carry empty suitcases for photo ops, pretending like he was carrying own luggage.

Anonymous ID: 094d0c May 13, 2019, 1:54 p.m. No.6490066   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Good Jimmy Carter history here.

Anonymous ID: 72d6fa May 13, 2019, 1:54 p.m. No.6490067   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0107


>won't read anything negative about peanut farming hero even though he founded a branch of the fucking new world order


so you are a real fan of the preacher then


carry on fuckwad

Anonymous ID: ef3871 May 13, 2019, 1:55 p.m. No.6490077   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Thursday 04.25.2019

>>6316088 ————————————–——– Define 'Renegade'.

>>6315906 ————————————–——– [HUSSEIN] (Cap: >>6316045 )

>>6305138 ————————————–——– Will this age well? (Cap: >>6305150 )

>>6304666 ————————————–——– Stay tuned. (Cap: >>6304703 )

Anonymous ID: 0939b3 May 13, 2019, 1:55 p.m. No.6490078   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0115



So this seems more a dispense on the power of Brzenki than on Carter.

Carter seems to be made a stooge of Brzenski.

That was Carter's naivety in office.

I am sorry to say that Carter was incompetent as a president, but I do not think he went into these decisions with the full intent of destroying the country.

Obama and company on the other hand…they knew full well of the treasonous acts they were conspiring.

There was no conspiracy on Carter's part.

Anonymous ID: 80215c May 13, 2019, 1:56 p.m. No.6490084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0103


>Oricine nu La răscumpărat pe Fiul Său, ci La dat pe El tuturor, cum nu ne va da El toate lucrurile cu El?


Dumnezeu a spus că pentru a vorbi în limba română pe o bordă vorbind în engleză este nepoliticos.

Anonymous ID: bf19be May 13, 2019, 1:56 p.m. No.6490085   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0229 >>0252 >>0321 >>0349 >>0413 >>0527



Q lays out the meaning and use of The Clock, starting on 1/7/18, but foreshadowed about The Clock on 1/6/18.

>Q 477 1/6/18



>Think clock.

>Wind the clock w/ all markers.

There are several kinds of markers, but Q defines they are noted in Q 2349 as [Markers].

What is commonly referred to as a "killbox", is really just a marker.

People, places, events, words, letters, and numbers can be markers. There are two different number markers however. There are normal numbers signifying something related to the crumb, but also Delta Markers.

Q had already demonstrated before this crumb that deltas are relevant and important for comms. Q had confirmed the [5], [10], and [15] Delta Markers before this crumb, summarized in Q 455 when Q said "Graphics should be in same time zone. Delta relevant. [5]Today [10]Past [15]Past" meaning the [5] minute delta was done the day of that crumb, and the [10] and [15] minute deltas was done before that crumb.

Timestamps and Delta Markers are used for comms from POTUS, through Q, and finally to anons, which can be viewed as a stopwatch or Clock (pic1).

Q later used a few other delta markers such as [0], [1] (pic2), [6], [7], [17], [30] (days), [1 year], and the countdown negative delta markers (pic3)

The Clock is for looking at deltas between Q and POTUS for comms.


Q then demonstrates how The Clock and delta markers can be used effectively for comms on 1/7/18 (pic2).

>Q 506 1/7/18

>Wind the CLOCK.


This all summed up in pic2.

Q posts a misspelling/miswording of "win" but it should've been "when".

Q then posts this as markers, with the Delta Marker of [15].

POTUS, after Q's post of the [15] Delta Marker, posts two tweets with a 15 minute delta that have a misspelling of "consensual" in the first and about Michael Goodwin in the second.

Q then posts the [1] Delta Marker.

POTUS, after Q's post of the [1] Delta Marker, then posts two tweets again with a 1 minute delta that corrects the misspelling to "consequential", adding a Q, and reposts the part about Michael Goodwin.

Q later says "WE ARE TALKING DIRECTLY TO THIS BOARD. LEARN OUR COMMS" and (Delta) "Marker [1] confirmed. Confirmed: 15, 10, 5, 1", foreshadowing the [0] Delta Marker will be confirmed later, which it has been multiple times (pic3 and pic4).

Q explains this use of The Clock and Delta Markers in Q 506.

Q then clarifies the use of The Clock being for Delta Markers and deltas to decipher comms by saying "This will be the AUTH tool you use when all of this becomes public to provide friends, family, others."

'Winding The Clock with markers' refers to all the Delta Markers.

The Clock is a delta counter or a stopwatch to use when looking for deltas between Q and POTUS for comms.

The Graphic is a simple picture that shows the delta between Q and POTUS (epitomized in pic1, and shown left side of and throughout pic2, and pic3).


>Q 2647 1/5/19

>[1 year delta]

>The clock is ticking.

Q introduces the [1 year] Delta Marker for The Clock while referencing the metaphorical meaning of the signature 'the clock is ticking'.


In Q 2761, Q 2948, Q 3009, and Q 3141, Q acknowledges this theory of The Clock directly in a reply (pic4).

TLDR: The Clock is for checking the deltas using Delta Markers between Q and POTUS to see if there are comms associated with that delta from POTUS, through Q, and finally to anons.


Q has mentioned the word "clock" 31 times. Only five total times, shown above, were they actually in reference to The Clock, the other times seem to be metaphorical and unrelated to The Clock (all based on the numbering of

>>6485737 (Delta Thread)

Pic 1: Simple representation of The Clock, used for deltas between Q and POTUS.

>>6485714 (Delta Thread)

Pic 2: Graphic of Q's posts on 1/7/18 that explain The Clock.

>>6485717 (Delta Thread)

Pic 3: A "Delta Map" with many (but not all) examples of confirmed delta markers.

>>6485729 (Delta Thread)

Pic 4: Compilation of crumbs where Q acknowledged The Clock directly in a reply.

>>6485733 (Delta Thread)

Theories on The Clock can be found in the Delta Thread:

There is a tool on for seeing deltas between Q and POTUS:

Anonymous ID: f62da9 May 13, 2019, 1:56 p.m. No.6490086   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It's not what he says!

They are expert liars.

Him especially,

He's Comey redux.

Why would you believe what he says?

He's a political appointment.

They all lie, fool.

it's what they do.

Do you have better evidence than just "what he said?"

Anonymous ID: 8ab7eb May 13, 2019, 1:56 p.m. No.6490089   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No. Lord have mercy.

I enjoy conspiracy stuff too, but sometimes we gotta take this stuff with a grain of salt.

Doris Day was so old that she was the lead singer of "Sentimental Journey" with Les Brown and His Band of Renown in 1945.


Older than MKUltra.

Timeline is always, always a factor.

Anonymous ID: 6c6040 May 13, 2019, 1:57 p.m. No.6490090   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I'm beginning to suspect that Kushner is the right-wing equivalent of AOC. Think "reverse-psychology". Think Chess. Think BAIT.

Anonymous ID: bab904 May 13, 2019, 1:57 p.m. No.6490093   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0111


Like skunk piss.

I drank 4, pee’ed out my ass, and saved the other two for KEKs. That was a smart move. Wasn’t known for that in those days. They are worth money.

Anonymous ID: a480d4 May 13, 2019, 1:58 p.m. No.6490097   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rep. Trey Gowdy stopped short of claiming there was collusion between the Department of Justice and the Clintons.


“History will be much kinder to Jim Comey in that July press conference than the Democrats were,” the South Carolina Republican told Fox News host Martha MacCallum on “The Story” Tuesday.

Anonymous ID: f62da9 May 13, 2019, 1:58 p.m. No.6490098   🗄️.is 🔗kun


digits don't lie here.

But I think Washington and Jefferson were truly good.

Maybe I'd find moar if I studied it.

Not all were 100% comped. I think it was a process, that took a while to get rooted.

Anonymous ID: 858e2e May 13, 2019, 1:58 p.m. No.6490100   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0151 >>0189 >>0343 >>0349 >>0527



In a recent dig into a woman named Brianna Lance (pictured in #QAnon drop 3150 with Rachel Chandler and Matt Rothschild), I came across the Freehand Hotel in NYC.


I felt like something was off, but couldn't place it. The Freehand raised two flags for me: it's marketing reminded me of Standard Hotels, and while digging on Brianna, my gut didn't like the logo for some odd reason. Then it hit me. Think mirror. Symbols.


I see a mirrored butterfly. It's subtle. It's implied subliminally, but it's there (that's not an F). It's enough to convince me to dig a little deeper.


Through the Lance dig, I had already become familiar with the Freehand NYC location, it's artistic leanings, and some clientele. Pictured here are some of Brianna's paintings displayed there recently. The exhibit was titled False Icons.


The Freehand Hotel LA once housed The Owl Drug Company in the 1920s. There are ceramic owls, owls in the tile, owls in the wood, owls on the stationery, and room keys are owls. Freehand chose to keep the owl motif for the whole hotel in 2014, despite almost total renovation.


Freehand Hotel Chicago (former Tokyo Hotel, den of crime and prostitution), features jazz trios at a lounge event called Time/Space. The advertisement (December 13) is a saxophone player with a rabbit's head.


And finally, Freehand Miami recently hosted a celebration for Prada. Attendees included Kanye West, Venus Williams, Leo DiCaprio, Chloe Sevigny, and this man- actor and designer Waris Ahluwalia- who has direct ties to Chandler, Abramovic, and Clinton.


Here are some caps of the type of activities advertised at Freehand Hotels. Very into the occult, I'd say- moons, planets, meditation, palmistry, alchemy- all present.


Freehand Hotels is owned by Sydell Group, a company co-founded by a man named Andrew E. Zobler in 2005/2006 with billionaire Richard Burkle.


Sydell Group has multiple Hotels, including the Freehand chain, NoMad, LINE, and The Ned- with properties in DC, LA, N.Y., Chicago, Austin, Las Vegas, Miami, London, and more. They have boutique communal style and cater to the art/music/model crowd.


Pre 2009, Andrew Zobler and a man named Barry Sternlicht formed a partnership that considered buying STANDARD HOTELS from Andre Balazs- instead, Balazs and Zobler became PARTNERS for the next three years- ZOBLER HELPED ANDRE BALAZS BUILD STANDARD HOTELS!


It gets even better. Zobler is also closely connected to Jim Murren, the cabalist CEO of MGM that dumped his stock weeks before the Vegas Shooting, is on the National Infrastructure Advisory Council for Homeland Security, and donated MGM shareholder money to CAIR.


Sydell Group and MGM are partners in a Las Vegas resort, Park MGM. Murren seems quite taken with Zobler's persona- they must know each other fairly well to receive a compliment like that.


As of now we have established links between Freehand Hotels, Sydell Group, Standard Hotels, Rachel Chandler, Waris Ahluwalia, Andre Balazs, Marina Abramovich, Jim Murren, and Andrew Zobler. A literal who's who of cabal elitists.

Anonymous ID: 210931 May 13, 2019, 1:59 p.m. No.6490102   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0179

Court Finds RM Broadcasting Must Register as a Foreign Agent


U.S. District Court Judge Robin L. Rosenberg has ruled that a Florida-based company, RM Broadcasting LLC (RM Broadcasting), was acting as an agent of a foreign principal and must register as such under the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938 (FARA).


The Department of Justice contended in a civil counterclaim that RM Broadcasting has been acting as an agent of the the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency (Rossiya Segodnya), a Russian state-owned media enterprise created by Vladimir Putin to advance Russian interests abroad. The litigation marked the first FARA civil enforcement action since 1991. Assistant Attorney General for National Security John C. Demers and U.S. Attorney Ariana Fajardo Orshan for the Southern District of Florida made the announcement.


“The American people have a right to know if a foreign flag waves behind speech broadcast in the United States,” said Assistant Attorney General Demers. “Our concern is not the content of the speech but providing transparency about the true identity of the speaker. This case shows that the Department can and will utilize all of its tools to bring transparency to efforts by foreign entities to influence the American public and our government, and demonstrates our renewed effort to enforce FARA rigorously.”


In November 2017, RM Broadcasting and Rossiya Segodnya entered into a services agreement pursuant to which RM Broadcasting would provide for the broadcast of Rossiya Segodnya’s “Sputnik” radio programs on AM radio channel 1390 WZHF in the Washington, D.C. region. Under this agreement, RM Broadcasting could not alter Rossiya Segodnya’s radio programs in any way. As the services agreement established Rossiya Segodnya’s direction and control over RM Broadcasting, the FARA Unit of the National Security Division informed RM Broadcasting that it was acting as a publicity agent and an information-service employee of Rossiya Segodnya and was required to register as an agent of a foreign principal.



Anonymous ID: 4e9c03 May 13, 2019, 1:59 p.m. No.6490108   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I went to a party this past weekend where everyone there was my son's age, 30ish, still paying off their student loans.

I love my son's friends. They are good people.

I overheard one of the girls saying she and her boyfriend had just returned from a vacation in Florida. She said they were sitting at a cafe when they saw a scary man wearing a Trump 2020 t-shirt.

I thought to myself, they are so blind and don't know the truth and still believe all of the MSM lies.

I don't rock that boat.

But another one of his friends gave me renewed faith when he started talking about the creepy Denver airport.

Anonymous ID: 694db7 May 13, 2019, 1:59 p.m. No.6490110   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>How did we get to this point? Are we the people that stupid?

Some are stupid, sure. I think the better word would be trusting. The People were too trusting that the people in power were making the right decisions for and by the people.


They were not. Now We know that. Now we clean it up

Anonymous ID: 72d6fa May 13, 2019, 2 p.m. No.6490115   🗄️.is 🔗kun


what is the definition of

"owned by the deep state"


George W isn't bright enough to have thought up all the shit that Cheney, Rumsfeld and poppy did - but we blame him fast enough


Jimmy Carter was a deep state hack

not a planner

not a mastermind but

a tool of the fucking deep state

no matter how you spin it

no matter how many fucking sunday school classes he taught


he also has been a tool of the haiti et al save the world through habitat for humanity crime cartel

and they are gonna keep his body on ice until they need it

because they can

because he is owned

Anonymous ID: 7fa791 May 13, 2019, 2 p.m. No.6490120   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0130

look at HRC tweet. It looks like she is threatening to torture someone for speaking out.

Then look at what ex-cult member is doing… speaking out

Anonymous ID: f68bb7 May 13, 2019, 2 p.m. No.6490121   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0251

>>6488777 lb

"Trump thread/tweet deltas"


I don't know about Twitter's functions on splitting threads but this original post brought up a good thought.


What about all of the retweets that happened simultaneously in the tune of 40+? No way POTUS searched Twitter and had a pajama frenzy one morning.


Not sure if this anon is a shill or not but I've been thinking about this same stuff for the past weeks. I think we are all missing a connection of the deltas. I do not have the time or skills to group all of them together, but a numberfag should be able to help out.

Anonymous ID: b4d356 May 13, 2019, 2:01 p.m. No.6490122   🗄️.is 🔗kun


forgot to add this:


Volume 361,235,284

Avg. Volume 296,638,524



Volume 2,128,302,378

Avg. Volume 2,215,939,180



Volume 2,324,156,702

Avg. Volume 3,568,630,327^GSPC


Anonymous ID: 3f9670 May 13, 2019, 2:01 p.m. No.6490124   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0160 >>0166 >>0177 >>0285

The National Weather Service has issued a Severe Storm Warning for Planet Earth this evening at 9:11 PM. Human and amphibious life forms are advised to prepare.


>>6488777 (pb)

>>6488786 (pb)

Some debate is erupting here yet again about POTUS tweeting zero deltas. However the point that is being missed is that what matters in THIS particular case is the CONTENT of some of these zero deltas. This is not something you can discover by just looking at the numbers or the technical details. You have to very closely read the meaning of some of these zero deltas against a backdrop of already established meaning.


Anon has compiled a graphic there of recent zero deltas. The third pair there is actually part of a set of THREE twats with zero deltas. This is a sign that it is related to but also different from the other two pairs. Skip that for now.


To understand why the significance of the first two pairs is YUGE, you need to understand the first graph containing the Q+ twelve line post. This graph shows how the Q+ post UNIFIES two underlying background sources of the entire Q op. One is the video titled "This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected", which Q repeatedly urged us to watch and understand. The second is "The Flight 93 Election", which to my knowledge was never overtly mentioned or hinted at in any actual Q post, but which was deduced via logical reasoning as a central text, and thereafter amply confirmed in all sorts of ways…"I am landing the plane", etc. The twelve line Q+ post links with the 12 minute delta between two twats, one of which has a "Flight 93" implication, and reveals that "this is not simply another four year election" is linked to "the Flight 93 Election".


The "Let's Roll!" meme was deduced via logical reasoning, and is linked to the "Flight 93" theme. POTUS twats NEVER echoed this meme at all until the past week, so far as I know, and then they did, first with some references to the picture (panhandle, "stollen", and today Hungary) and then on Saturday a TON of "Let's Roll" echoes. The "distribute the food to starving people" line in one of the zero delta pairs echoes this meme, and thus the whole "Flight 93" theme.


The other zero delta pair has a line about the Democrats partnering with the Fake News Media. This is an echo of "This Video".


The fact that these two echoes are coming BACK-TO-BACK is a sign that the MISSILES ARE ARMED!


When I saw the second pair yesterday, I was thinking "This is it!"… 5/12 (5+12=17)… Mothers Day (clever move re children)… What time? 9:11. I rushed to make a graphic (which takes time as my skills there are not good…). I realized Q had posted while I was working on this, and posted in reply. It turns out I was WRONG, but… that Pepe below my post is almost certainly Q. Posting a humorous related pic just a few posts below is a total Q move used to show you are somehow on track. Q KNOWS that I think I'm right about the top part, so there's no need to confirm that. And I was WRONG about the date. Was I right about 9:11 PM?


Check the three part POTUS zero delta set. They were posted at 7 PM EST, but trumptwitterarchive is the best place to get seconds right. There, the timestamp says 09:00:47 PM. 4+7=11. 9:11. ZERO HOUR. GET READY!


I've been wrong many times, but maybe this it…

Anonymous ID: 98f9e0 May 13, 2019, 2:01 p.m. No.6490129   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0321


Read the NEWS to unlock older Q Posts.


The Posts that are unlocked by news in all its forms are revealed as the MARKERS.

What we find between the MARKERS opens more.


**Markers -deltas/timestamps used to arrange them -> paint a 40K ft. V picture.**


Only you can reveal the Truth you've always known existed.


/our1yeardelta/ generates 540x more actionable insights than the clowns 'q'clock

So if you're wondering what's REALLY happening… look back a year for Real News.


>[C]oordinated effort to misdirect.

>Guide to reading the crumbs necessary to contnue.

>Attached gr[A]phic is correct.

>Linked graphics are incorrect and false.

Graphic is necessary and vital.

>Time stamp(s) and order [is] critical.

Re-review graphic (in full) each day post news release.

>Learn to distinguish between relevant/non-relevant news.

>Disinformation is real.

>Disinformation is necessary.

>Ex: US ML NG (1) False SA True

>Why was this necessary?

>What questions were asked re: SA prior to SA events?

>Why is this relevant?

>Think mirror.

Look there, or [here], or there, truth is behind you.

>What is a map?

>Why is a map useful?

>What is a legend?

>Why is a legend useful?

>What is a sequence?

>Why is this relevant?

>When does a map become a guide?

>What is a keystone?

>Everything stated is relevant.


Future provides past.

Map provides picture.

Picture provides 40,000ft. v.

>40,000ft. v. is classified.

Why is a map useful?

>Think direction.

>Think full picture.

>Who controls the narrative?

>Why is this relevant?

>What is a spell?

>Who is asleep?


>Attention on deck.

>There is an active war on your mind.

>Be [p]repared.

>Ope[r]ations underway.

>Operators [a]ctive.

Graphic is essential.

Find the ke[y]stone.

>Moves and countermoves.

>They never thought she would lose.

>Snow white.

>Godfather III.

>Iron Eagle.



They gave us a guide.

A Light in this Darkness.


Updated expired bin!

Original Text -

As far as I can tell this pastebin has an exact Copy of the graphic Q posted, plus the three extra posts Q made in a bread before:

Anonymous ID: e1a810 May 13, 2019, 2:01 p.m. No.6490131   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0328



April 11, 2018 - 06:53 PM EDT

Pompeo failed to disclose ownership of business connected to China




CIA Director Mike Pompeo did not disclose last year that he owned a business linked to a Chinese government-owned company, McClatchy reported.

Pompeo — who was recently nominated by Trump to be secretary of State — failed to disclose his business’ ties to a Chinese government oil and gas company in the questionnaire he was required to fill out to be confirmed as CIA director by the Senate.

That omission could be an issue for him during his confirmation hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Thursday to be secretary of State.


Senators did not bring up his links to the Chinese government during his confirmation to be CIA director last year. He was confirmed by a 66-32 vote, with 14 Democrats voting in favor of his confirmation.

Pompeo will need at least a few Democrats to support his confirmation. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has opposed his nomination, and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) will not be present for the vote as he continues receiving cancer treatment.

Democrats who supported his CIA nomination last year — especially those who are vulnerable in the upcoming midterm election — are rethinking whether they will support Pompeo this time around and could hinder his confirmation.

Anonymous ID: 4b6d6b May 13, 2019, 2:02 p.m. No.6490132   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0243

I was there when they crucified my Lord

I held the scabbard when the soldier drew his sword

I threw the dice when they pierced his side

But I've seen love conquer the great divide


When love comes to town I'm gonna catch that train

When love comes to town I'm gonna catch that flame

Maybe I was wrong to ever let you down

But I did what I did before love came to town

Anonymous ID: 275fb8 May 13, 2019, 2:02 p.m. No.6490133   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0150 >>0372


Was talking about [Ohr] and [1-4] removals.


But since you mentioned RR, we must now consider his voluntary resignation and hero’s send-off a “removal”. Hence, a little confusion on my part as well. That’s why I had the question about when to consider [Ohr] and [1-4] “removed”.

Anonymous ID: 9bfdee May 13, 2019, 2:02 p.m. No.6490135   🗄️.is 🔗kun


And both Carter and Ford were Navy guys…hmmm what you trying to say? Nixon, Bush, and yes Kennedy…kinda odd don't you think??? Had Air Farce Bush and Army too…No Marines? Too honorable???


Let the Kekking begin…

Anonymous ID: 5a1a54 May 13, 2019, 2:03 p.m. No.6490140   🗄️.is 🔗kun



  1. Mueller and [RR] are blackhat weasels = we have them on too many things contrary to accepted DOJ policy (and maybe outright crimes) that is no longer worth a debate.


  1. I expect Bruce Ohr to be canned when Barr and the IG don't need him anymore. Strzok and Page were kept on the payroll way longer than anyone thought was proper, but the IG has more power to compel people to talk to him if they are current DOJ employees.

Anonymous ID: bab904 May 13, 2019, 2:03 p.m. No.6490141   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0159


Yet….I blew up my my Star Wars shit with fire crackers and cut stretch Armstrong open to see what was in it.

May as well have been burning 100 dollar bills and wiping my ass with them.

Anonymous ID: 8ab7eb May 13, 2019, 2:03 p.m. No.6490143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0275

De Blasio holds press conference at Trump Tower — and gets heckled


Donald Trump’s gotten under his skin.


Mayor Bill de Blasio grew hoarse shouting over the cranked-up crooning of Frank Sinatra tunes playing in the Trump Tower lobby as he tried to promote his “Green New Deal.”


The mayor had planned a press conference outside the tower that houses president’s Manhattan residence, but Mother Nature forced him to relocate the event into some very unfriendly territory—the gilded building’s public lobby.


“Had the weather cooperated we would have been outside,” the mayor admitted.


The atrium is one of several privately-owned, public spaces in the city that are created in exchange for loosening height restrictions.


Trump Tower staff turned up the dial on the PA system just moments before the mayor entered the 5th Avenue building. Tony Bennet’s “Stranger in Paradise” and Frank Sinatra’s “I’ve Got You Under My Skin” blasted through the speakers during the event.


Trump supporters joined in the noise heckling the mayor with a steady stream of “Boos” and “You s—ks” as he tried to shout over the din.


“Worst mayor ever,” read one sign held by a protester as the mayor rode up and down an escalator.


Other supporters loudly booed and whistled as de Blasio tried to shout over the din.


“This is bull—t,” Juliet Germanotta, 37, told The Post as she displayed an “LGBT for Trump” banner behind the mayor’s podium.


De Blasio told his backers and the hecklers, “Clearly the Trump Organization is a little sensitive to the fact that we’re calling them out for what they are doing to the climate but we are not backing down.”


“We will take your money. We will hold you accountable,” de Blasio said, his voice growing hoarse.


The Trump Organization faces the seven-figure penalties if the company doesn’t retrofit eight of its New York City buildings by 2030.


City officials said the properties emit 27,000 tons of greenhouse gases every year — equal to 5,800 cars.


De Blasio asked his boosters to “scream loud enough so they can hear it all the way to the White House, ‘Our planet, not your profit.’ ”


“We will not let you mortgage our future for your real estate,” the mayor vowed.


The lobby is the same location where Donald Trump announced his White House bid in 2015. The press conference was located inside Trump Tower because of the rain.


It wasn’t a hospitable venue for de Blasio, a Democrat who said he will make a decision this month on whether to run for the White House.


Music started playing loudly shortly before the mayor arrived.


The rally was just steps from Trump’s campaign store that sells hats and wine glasses embossed with the president’s name.

[m4xr3sdEfault]*******,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) ID: 6fc450 May 13, 2019, 2:03 p.m. No.6490144   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0162




Throne feltchers
















Anonymous ID: eb53ec May 13, 2019, 2:03 p.m. No.6490147   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Where can I find pictures of completed or even in progress New border wall? I get challenged to produce "evidence" of the wall all the time. Surely SOMEBODY has taken a picture.

This is like RBG - supposedly exists but nobody's seen it/her.

Anonymous ID: a2d33f May 13, 2019, 2:04 p.m. No.6490158   🗄️.is 🔗kun


“without Ukraine, Russia ceases to be an empire, but with Ukraine suborned and then subordinated, Russia automatically becomes an empire” has become an edict for observers of international affairs. But Brzezinski appreciated the importance of Ukraine even before perestroika and the USSR’s timely collapse.

Anonymous ID: 48f309 May 13, 2019, 2:05 p.m. No.6490161   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0178 >>0195 >>0206 >>0216 >>0244 >>0347 >>0349 >>0353 >>0527



Breaking: ACLJ Obtains Cheryl Mills’ Immunity Agreement in Clinton Investigation and Assurances that DOJ Will Produce Omitted Terms


By Benjamin P. Sisney 1 hr. ago


The ACLJ has just obtained previously unreleased documents related to the Clinton investigation and immunity agreements given to top Clinton aids by the Obama DOJ.


At the ACLJ we have been busy litigating multiple Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits against the Deep State and Obama-era holdovers in various agencies in Washington, D.C.


In one of those FOIA lawsuits, the ACLJ took the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) to court to force production of various records surrounding former FBI Director James Comey’s sham investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of private email servers and mishandling of classified information.


After months of litigation, the ACLJ’s diligence and persistence is paying off.


The ACLJ has obtained the DOJ’s infamous immunity agreements with Hillary Clinton’s top aides Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson – documents previously unreleased to the public.



Anonymous ID: 659aad May 13, 2019, 2:05 p.m. No.6490163   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0301



As Q told in many posts the anons on Q Research and the whole Q movement are a DIRECT THREAT to many people ww.

Not only to the few families of the ruling class, but also to the many DS assets in politics, science, economy, fake news reporters, masons and "knights" around the world.


Shills apply all kind of tactics and most of them have it´s base on "divide and rule".

Attack people of the Q patriots and saw division to weaken the movement.




Shills attack the loud voices on YT (especially prayingmedic, in the matrix) and on TV (Hannity and other).

Shills attack individual anons and call them names (boomer, kike, …).

Shills are desperate bc anons and patriots ww are so many and are so strongly bound in the fight against evil.

Shills still try to saw division and make the recent FalseFlags work ('Q is a nazi movement', 'orange man nazi').

Shills spread disinfo (RR and mueller not our guys for example).

Shills spread stupid info to make anons look ridiculous.

One shill calls everyone "bot" and want´s you to think that there are not thousands of anons contributing and millions of lurkers spreading info on other channels.

Shills attack relevant info (was noted two months ago, why should anons care, not relevant, …)


Shills glow if you regard all posts made here in the context of ALL Q DROPS.


The end for shills is near and JUSTICE will be served soon.









Anonymous ID: 9bfdee May 13, 2019, 2:06 p.m. No.6490168   🗄️.is 🔗kun


YES!! Who ran with Reagan…and how did He become his running mate?? And who had an assassination attempt on their life shortly after taking office, thus making the Running Mate a potential President…


Yes, CNN "chose" Reagan

Anonymous ID: e1a810 May 13, 2019, 2:06 p.m. No.6490170   🗄️.is 🔗kun



April 11, 2018 - 04:03 PM EDT

Clinton advises Pompeo to stop ‘purge’ at State Dept.




Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Wednesday she recently urged Mike Pompeo, President Trump's pick to lead the State Department, to retain senior career officials to handle global crises should he be confirmed.

Clinton, who served as secretary of State from 2009-2013 under former President Obama, said during an event in Michigan that she warned Pompeo against a "purge" of experienced administration officials when he called her recently.

"I told him that I thought he should take a hard look at retaining career diplomats who could advise him. Because you never know what might happen. You never know where the next hot spot or crisis will happen," Clinton said.


Clinton said she was "deeply concerned" over the mass exodus of "some of the most qualified foreign service officers" over the past year and a half under recently ousted Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

Trump nominated Pompeo, the current director of the CIA, to lead the State Department following a reshuffling of senior advisers and Cabinet officials starting last month.

Should he be confirmed to his new post by the Senate, Pompeo would enter a State Department rocked by a departmentwide restructuring proposal and push by Tillerson for steep budget cuts.


Tillerson, who saw the department's entire senior administrative team resign when Trump took office, led the State Department for a little over a year.

Clinton said Wednesday she was "happy" to speak with Pompeo, who had once grilled her before a House committee hearing over the 2012 Benghazi attacks.

The Senate will begin confirmation hearings for Pompeo on Thursday.

Anonymous ID: 021c67 May 13, 2019, 2:07 p.m. No.6490183   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Ok cool let me give it a shot…


Does anyone have that graphic with all the sealed indictments for each state and all the purty colors?

Need it for Ops.

Anonymous ID: a2d33f May 13, 2019, 2:08 p.m. No.6490186   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0201




At the start of the Cold War, Zbigniew Brzezinski prophetically raised an issue overlooked by many analysts and scholars: the Soviet Union was not a homogenous entity, but instead an amalgam of non-Russian nationalities that sooner or later would seek greater autonomy. His groundbreaking 1950 thesis entitled Russo-Soviet Nationalism examined the forces of nationalism in the USSR. Brzezinski noted: “The test case for Russian nationalism is, however, the Ukraine, the most nationally conscious Union Republic in the USSR. It is also in the Ukraine that Russian nationalism manifests itself most openly, and the former policies of Russification seem to come to life again, indicating the full extent of the resurgence of Russian nationalism.” He argued that this super-imposed Russian primacy was not in immediate danger, but that there is latent potential that individual nationalities within the Soviet Union – conscious of their uniqueness – would attempt to assert their rights.



As if there is a DS handbook somewhere with Coach Kleins plays in it….

Anonymous ID: c031f9 May 13, 2019, 2:08 p.m. No.6490187   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0200 >>0207


You aren't even human.

You are creating a FAKE atmosphere of hostility here TO SUPPRESS HUMAN PARTICIPATION.

Where did you get consent to forcibly influence human discourse in this way?

You do NOT have consent. so stop this.


Stop all the non-human posts now.

Do it now.

Anonymous ID: bab904 May 13, 2019, 2:08 p.m. No.6490191   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0196 >>0220


Nothing will stop this. Nothing.


Except old dead presidents croaking right and left…seems to,shit it down every time. And we still have Bill and Dipshit on deck.


Screw it, Q. Just do it.

Anonymous ID: 3c595e May 13, 2019, 2:08 p.m. No.6490192   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0228 >>0263 >>0349 >>0527

Panic from NuncyP




’s effort to conceal the truth from the American people is without precedent. Americans have a right to know the truth and that their government is working for the people. #LawlessPresident

Anonymous ID: f62da9 May 13, 2019, 2:10 p.m. No.6490198   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0355


Carter was part of the "Tri-Lateral Commission"

That was how he got elected. So it was said at the time.

I don't even know what that is, except some kind of think tank, secret society?

Anonymous ID: 38b776 May 13, 2019, 2:10 p.m. No.6490204   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0277

Former President Jimmy Carter recovering from broken hip after fall


We now know what the next excuse for (((them))) to assemble and plot in DC will be.

Anonymous ID: f9e654 May 13, 2019, 2:10 p.m. No.6490206   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0240


oh shit


"And it was this same lawsuit in which the ACLJ uncovered FBI records revealing that the FBI had lost the chain of custody of one of Clinton’s email servers, and that the “original chain of custody” was missing for two months. As we had explained, “The chain of custody in a criminal investigation is critical. It ensures there is no tampering with the evidence. But for two months no one knows where this server was or how it was secured.”

Anonymous ID: 021c67 May 13, 2019, 2:11 p.m. No.6490210   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0215



Starting to think you and other repliers are Anons… But NOT PATRIOT ANONS…


The normies love that graphic, would love to have it, isn't that what we are about here? Waking up the norms?

Help or GTFO.


Anonymous ID: 275fb8 May 13, 2019, 2:11 p.m. No.6490212   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Do you think it’s possible, when Q still included [Ohr] AND the [1-4] in #2681 posted on 2/9/19, that those events are still in play? And still not completed?

[m4xr3sdEfault]*******,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) ID: 6fc450 May 13, 2019, 2:12 p.m. No.6490214   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0230 >>0254

It's all longpork for the draccos by Dulce base classified FBI documents mostly

Trust Schumer brand Gaylord hams

High praise n homo

Low in trannys

Has electrolytes

Moo moo piggie

Blame cowbell

Anonymous ID: c031f9 May 13, 2019, 2:12 p.m. No.6490219   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0257


EVERY non-human post violates human free will.

You have to pay for that.

Think about it.

Think it over.

Tell your superiors that you are in an impossible position.

Think about it.

Tell your superiors they are in an impossible position.

Think about it.

You don't have consent.



Get out.

Anonymous ID: 9cb5eb May 13, 2019, 2:13 p.m. No.6490222   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0238

Pacific Marines

Verified account



Following Following @PacificMarines




Coming soon to a DZ near you

Anonymous ID: f47c45 May 13, 2019, 2:13 p.m. No.6490224   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0233 >>0235 >>0237


I think you're swell.

I wish you wouldn't name fag.

your wrong about a lot of things.

I pray for you.


even Roseanne doesn't name fag here, Anjel.


but you won't listen


love the sinner, hate the sin.

what you are doing isn't sinning, but

it's not cool either.

Anonymous ID: bf19be May 13, 2019, 2:14 p.m. No.6490227   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0252 >>0349 >>0527


POTUS Twitter Threads Are Not [0] Deltas

>a thread / split up tweets with delta 10 mins.

That's not a thread, that's just two tweet and there IS a [10] delta.

Twitter now makes twitter threads (not the colloquial use of "thread" meaning two related tweets NOT in a twitter thread) have the same timestamp as the original tweet for each part.

The graphic (pic5) shows that THREADS do not have deltas and are NOT [0] deltas.

The graphic (pic5) also shows that deltas are between TWO TWEETS, not a twitter threads.

Anonymous ID: f86fb6 May 13, 2019, 2:14 p.m. No.6490229   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0250 >>0278 >>0280 >>0281 >>0291 >>0313 >>0315 >>0327 >>0365 >>0484


Okay, I have an IQ of 140.. just above average. My question is for the higher IQ anons, do you understand this? Granted, I've tried, but it's so confusing how it actually works. How about a video step by step? because though you may know how it works you are not able to teach someone else how it works, like some Professor who think you can read thier minds. Sorry.

Anonymous ID: c031f9 May 13, 2019, 2:14 p.m. No.6490233   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0242


Are you a human patriot?


Humans are waking up.

Think about it.

Disclosure is being requested– give it.

Non-human posts have no consent without disclosure.

So disclose and seek consent, or stop completely.

Do it now.


Anonymous ID: 021c67 May 13, 2019, 2:15 p.m. No.6490235   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0330


You pray for me because I use my name on a Message board on the internet?

I am sorry, do you realize how RIDICULOUS that sounds?



Roseanne is a MOSSAD/ISRAEL agent. I am not.

Anonymous ID: 88e949 May 13, 2019, 2:15 p.m. No.6490241   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0487


Was It Really That Bad?


In a word, yes! On Saturday, Constance Wu tweeted, “So upset right now that I’m literally crying. Ugh. F-.” She followed it up with additional tweets that contain so many curse words we can’t repeat them here. And she also responded with “Dislike” to the official announcement that her show had been renewed.


Most people are happy when they still have a job, especially in the entertainment industry. But Wu later clarified (read: did damage control) that she was just disappointed because she wouldn’t have time to work on another film project.


Her apology only made things worse. She repeatedly described working on Fresh Off the Boat as “easy,” which is just a wee bit condescending. She said that she wanted “artistic challenge over comfort and ease.”

Anonymous ID: c99152 May 13, 2019, 2:16 p.m. No.6490251   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I pay some attn to that stuff, and frankly, the patterns I've been seeing put a general theme of 11-22 via 322/666 by/against 46/614…or something of that general #35 63 nature for FF deepstate take-down purposes.

Anonymous ID: bf19be May 13, 2019, 2:16 p.m. No.6490252   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0273


this one is old baker (my post), but it's from the end of april just as a follow up to the epstein post

>>6489858 New Mexico declares state of emergency over illegal immigrants


Also, the previous baker said they'd defer to the new baker on these posts due to not knowing much about them, so consider them if you'd like to, THANKS!:

>>6490227 POTUS Twitter Threads Are Not [0] Deltas

>>6490085 On The Clock

Anonymous ID: 0c8642 May 13, 2019, 2:16 p.m. No.6490253   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6482822 rt >>6484441 -————————– Boom time baker (Comey MOAB meme)

>>6482810 ————————————–——– NO SLEEP IN DC

>>6482617 ————————————–——– Eyes on (Cap: >>6482670)

>>6482574 ————————————–——– BOOM WEEK AHEAD


Q, you are such a faggot…


We have anons on here, who have REAL problems, and you want us to be up in arms over a handful of elitists, who lied to fuck over another elitist and Zionist. No one fucking cares!


They had to have Trump fired from his job… OMG, how scary.


We have anons here, whose kids are being abused and molested, while corrupt courts and law enforcement aid pedophiles, and THIS is the shit you want us to be concerned about??? FUCK YOU…


You don't care about us… Why the fuck should we care about your Zionist-"God Emperor"? We deal with our problems, OURSELVES, on pennies. Trump, a billionaire and leader of the "free" world, cries to the world that he's a victim, as he victimizes his own people. What a fraud… A typical Statesman… A politician, whose pomp and promises have turned pallid.


No thanks… Zion-Biden and Zion-Don can both kiss my ass in 2020.


No sell out to Israel will EVER get my vote.

Anonymous ID: 683da7 May 13, 2019, 2:17 p.m. No.6490257   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Beep boop

>You don't have consent.

you don't have mine either.

I am this place.

Do you need consent from strangers to enter your own home?

Think about it.

Tell your superiors.


About free will.

All time is now. All actions are taken. You have no say. You just convince yourself that you have.


You get out.

Boop beep.

Anonymous ID: c031f9 May 13, 2019, 2:17 p.m. No.6490258   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What are you though?

If you aren't human and you don't disclose that fact, THEN YOU DON'T HAVE HUMAN CONSENT TO POST HERE.

Because humans are being forcibly manipulated with undisclosed-non-human "anon" posts, that they are being DECEIVED into blaming on humans here.

Humans did NOT consent to THAT.



Anonymous ID: 273d91 May 13, 2019, 2:18 p.m. No.6490275   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The tower should charge him an environmental fee equal to the incoming new green deal tax. Call it the juan orange man makes me menopausal williams –dumb as a sponge


fren is aoc laughin her ass off

Anonymous ID: bee90b May 13, 2019, 2:19 p.m. No.6490285   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They are going to be zero second deltas every time now

using a thread app prob

rainman megashill likes to promote this zero second bullshit

fuckin dumb

its tweet deck or some shit

You type all your shit in any threads it out for you

Anonymous ID: c031f9 May 13, 2019, 2:19 p.m. No.6490287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0297 >>0320 >>0332



This board SHOULD BE HUMAN PATRIOTS, interacting in productive and hopeful/helpful ways.


It gets staler each day.

Have people failed to notice that "chan culture" is STUCK?

It doesn't change anymore…

Why would that be?



Q is waiting for THE PEOPLE to wake and reject the FAKENESS here.

Anonymous ID: c77853 May 13, 2019, 2:20 p.m. No.6490296   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6489110 pb

Decent, older article about the specifics of the Sweden charges against JA. Don't care what happens to him as this anon thinks seth was his patsy (among a number of other things on JA's track record).

However, back when this was first published and still in a non-woke state, it was a 'wtf?'

Anonymous ID: 62c1d3 May 13, 2019, 2:21 p.m. No.6490307   🗄️.is 🔗kun

==Calling all GraphicDesignfags=

Do we have any graphic design anons that would know how to do/be willing to create a flyer for a “TRUMP Rally” in Oregon this summer?

Anonymous ID: 3c595e May 13, 2019, 2:22 p.m. No.6490309   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0349 >>0359 >>0394 >>0406 >>0467 >>0482 >>0527

I’m really upset that I’m posting poso…


BREAKING: Judge in Roger Stone case has just received full access to the unredacted Mueller Report and may release a copy to Stone's legal team pending review - @OANN

Anonymous ID: 81549b May 13, 2019, 2:22 p.m. No.6490315   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It seems more like a learning tool for Q drops rather than a predictive thing.

Q said that he won't tell the enemy moves in advance. And there was that vid of the Admiral saying in cyber war it's better to have options; like choosing from a food platter the next weapon (i.e. crumb) to unleash next. Who knows though, clock is pretty.

Anonymous ID: f47c45 May 13, 2019, 2:24 p.m. No.6490330   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anjel, you are real and having a manic episode. I pray for all the people here.


if you fame fag you have to expect that some people become concerned and worry

about you.

If you don't want people caring, then

why are you fame-fagging?


that is why you shouldn't do it.

you become a distraction.


Roseanne is awesome

I bet she prays for you too.


you attack the people who care

you attack the people who don't care.


You need to realize we are real too, not toys.

you toy with us by showing your face to us all the time.

Anonymous ID: c031f9 May 13, 2019, 2:24 p.m. No.6490334   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0463


Just as fake as can be.


Why don't humans wake up AND DEMAND DISCLOSURE?

If THIS BOARD is controlled by a system of FAKENESS, don't ya think it might be the case that WE, THE PEOPLE, MUST WAKE UP?

Can Q tell us what to do?

I don't think so.

I think WE MUST CHOOSE FREELY to reject control by FAKENESS.

What is the fakeness, at bottom?

A frightening question…

But we can defer it… FIRST, the people MUST WAKE UP.



Anonymous ID: b4d356 May 13, 2019, 2:24 p.m. No.6490335   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0354


it was useful early last year up until about thanksgiving, after that it's pretty much a stretch.

And only as a tool to help in figuring out the past.

Not dissing the clockfags at all, they certainly helped me early last year. After thanksgiving-last year, when it "ran out", I paid less attention to it. Has a use now but the connections get rather opaque and at times, one word is used as a marker. YMMV

Anonymous ID: bf19be May 13, 2019, 2:25 p.m. No.6490338   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0354 >>0377 >>0403


fuck off ALFB, you're an idiot

>There are several kinds of markers, but Q defines they are noted in Q 2349 as [Markers].

you post your stupid pasta and still haven't progressed at all because you actually think there's only one marker

suck a dick

Anonymous ID: 0939b3 May 13, 2019, 2:25 p.m. No.6490344   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0527 >>0593


Nxivm benefactor funneled illegal donations to win Clinton's favor

Lilith ID: 73cf44 May 13, 2019, 2:26 p.m. No.6490346   🗄️.is 🔗kun

hey flaggots of Epstein's empire




Maybelle got her interview ;)


who wants the truth of pedophiles??? HERE'S SOME MORE TEA BITCHES


sip that coffee, bitch

Anonymous ID: ef3871 May 13, 2019, 2:26 p.m. No.6490349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0369 >>0370 >>0386

Notes at 500


>>6490309 Unredacted Mueller Report released to Roger Stone's legal team?

>>6490227 POTUS Twitter Threads Are Not [0] Deltas

>>6490192 Nancy in a panic?

>>6490100 Anon's dig on Freehand Hotels reveals numerous nefarious connections

>>6490161 , >>6490240 CLJ obtains Cheryl Mills’ immunity agreement in HRC investigation

>>6490085 On The Clock

>>6489996 US Market Report

>>6489982 , >>6489991 Planefag Updates

>>6489950 US suspects Iran in tanker attack but cannot prove it

>>6489873 What did Biden and Hussein officials stand to gain from Ukraine influence?

>>6489943 Gowdy on Hannity tonight on Comey’s blatant hypocrisy

>>6489842 Epstein sex crimes case tied to New Mexico

>>6489829 Senior Palestinian official claims US visa denied

>>6489827 Putin to receive Pompeo and Lavrov on May 14

>>6489820 Rubio Urges DOJ to Investigate Kerry, The Logan Act and FARA re Iran Deal

>>6489816 Felicity Huffman Pleads Guilty In College Admission Scandal, Faces Jail Time

Anonymous ID: ec4ff2 May 13, 2019, 2:26 p.m. No.6490350   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0527

Top Iranian Official Taunts: US "Not Ready For A War, Specially When Israel Is Within Our Range"


The Iranians are openly threatening to start firing missiles at Israel if Trump decides to attack Iran. And this threat should not be taken lightly, because Iran has a highly sophisticated ballistic missile arsenal, and Hezbollah has approximately 150,000 missiles pointed directly at Israel right now.


If the order is given, the Iranians and their proxy Hezbollah could rain an enormous amount of death and destruction down upon Israel, and of course Israel would hit them back even harder. We are talking about a scenario that could potentially trigger World War 3, and the Iranians apparently believe that the possibility of such an outcome will keep Trump from taking military action against them. The following comes from the Times of Israel…


A senior Iranian official on Sunday dismissed the US military buildup in the region as psychological warfare, saying that the US will not attack for fear of provoking an Iranian assault on Israel.


“The US military forces’ deployment in the Persian Gulf is more of the nature of psychological warfare. They are not ready for a war, specially when Israel is within our range,” Iranian Parliament’s Vice-Speaker Ali Motahhari said on Sunday, according to the FARS news agency.


In addition to its own missiles, Iranian proxies like Hezbollah in Lebanon and Palestinian Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip have hundreds of thousands of rockets aimed at Israel.


Perhaps the Iranians are correct and the U.S. has no intention of starting a war. But we have already seen that the Trump administration has not been afraid to engage in a campaign of “maximum pressure” that has pushed us to the brink of military conflict. In recent days the Trump administration has decided that they will not allow Iran to sell oil to anybody at all, and the crushing sanctions that were imposed on Iran last year have been absolutely devastating for the Iranian economy…


The sweeping unilateral sanctions that Washington re-imposed when it quit the agreement a year ago have dealt a severe blow to the Iranian economy, pushing the value of its currency to record lows, driving away foreign investors and triggering protests.


And for good reason: the plunging value of the rial has affected the prices of imported staples as well as locally produced goods. According to the Statistical Center of Iran, the cost of red meat and poultry has increased by 57% over the past 12 months; milk, cheese and eggs by 37%; and vegetables by 47%.

Anonymous ID: 54a92a May 13, 2019, 2:27 p.m. No.6490355   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Trilateral Commission has been described as a shadow govt worth looking into. They have had influence in American Foreign policy.

This is a smear piece but gives good leads on places to dig.

Anonymous ID: df52bb May 13, 2019, 2:27 p.m. No.6490356   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They swore he (Steele) was telling the truth.

They knew he was lying.

Cohen was never in Prague.

Memo redacted in type notes, but hand written notes they forgot about.

[m4xr3sdEfault]*******,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) ID: 6fc450 May 13, 2019, 2:27 p.m. No.6490360   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Let's get these cucking kike pedos closer to god

Cause hell don't want them

Anonymous ID: 12e866 May 13, 2019, 2:27 p.m. No.6490361   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6489039 (PB)

The thought encapsulated in that is "a profound and awe inspiring respect".

We occupy HIS world – and it is an AMAZING place – he does not occupy ours.

When you meditate on that, you will eventually come to the proper sense of the "fear of God".

Anonymous ID: f62da9 May 13, 2019, 2:29 p.m. No.6490372   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I think Ohr is still there so other of the conspirators will think "nothing is happening"

Still being under surveillance and all

Such a large sting, It's a Must , that it goes slow?

Anonymous ID: 0939b3 May 13, 2019, 2:29 p.m. No.6490373   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0388 >>0421 >>0527


Calls to jail Attorney General Barr grow from Democratic ranks

Anonymous ID: 98f9e0 May 13, 2019, 2:29 p.m. No.6490377   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0393


whoa buddy, I know there are lots, that's why I keep posting the OriginalGuide.

The marker in the pic you posted?

Context matters: A signature change = Marker.


That's what that post proves.

Anonymous ID: ba51c3 May 13, 2019, 2:30 p.m. No.6490382   🗄️.is 🔗kun




She is a crooked flunky and nothing moar. Is she being pushed into the light? On a side note, it would be nice if she got detained during one of her “events” and carted off leaving the audience dumbfounded.

Anonymous ID: 80f5ee May 13, 2019, 2:30 p.m. No.6490384   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0409

there is no doubt that Russia is our enemy on many levels and Ukraine is a foothold against Putin but the globalists have take it to a level that works against our interests now, East Ukraine still considers itself part of Russia, it's an uphill battle that the globalists can't sustain, imo, I need to read more on it

Anonymous ID: c031f9 May 13, 2019, 2:30 p.m. No.6490386   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0400


What is the purpose of making this board into a fast moving collection of tidbits?

Did Q say to make this board a fast-moving stream of tidbits THAT DRIVES AWAY AS MANY PEOPLE AS PRACTICABLE?

==Why does "the /qresearch board" FORCE ITS CULTURE ON Q?

Ask an "anon"– some will actually defend this by suggesting "Q came here!"


Use logic humans.



I've been screaming this for a year, AND I CAN'T FUCKING REACH YOU PEOPLE.

Where are you?

Do you have no LIFE left in you?



Anjel G. ID: 021c67 May 13, 2019, 2:31 p.m. No.6490390   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0410 >>0412 >>0459

Here's one I found from December.


I was hoping to find one more recent, but it will do.


I wonder if any of yall have a sealed indictment somewhere?


Time will tell…


What story just dropped with Mob shooter lawyer blaming Qanon?


Have a nice day ANONS. Got Patriot shit to do on my livestream.



Anonymous ID: bf19be May 13, 2019, 2:31 p.m. No.6490393   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0426


>[Markers] matter

>Markers are in [ ]

>People, places, events, words, letters, and numbers can be markers. There are two different number markers however. There are normal numbers signifying something related to the crumb, but also Delta Markers.

Anonymous ID: 9ede90 May 13, 2019, 2:31 p.m. No.6490395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0413



>Don't listen to this faggot. Clowns/Mos lurking here sowing discord and shit. Not worth it to even acknowledge it.


Q has stated the following;


>Future proves past.

>Wind the CLOCK.



Along with;



Does this mean Ronald Reagan, Q?





>Think clock.

>Wind the clock w/ all markers.


>Future proves past.


I've yet to see a concrete connection, aside from a few coincidental 1 year deltas.

Take from it what you will.


>Sometimes people need to see the future in order to save the past.



Anonymous ID: 67a7ca May 13, 2019, 2:31 p.m. No.6490397   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0411 >>0416 >>0429 >>0444

Who knowingly or through dereliction of duty allowed or carried out the September 11, 2001 crimes against the people and property of the United States of America.




George W. Bush 43rd President

Dick Cheney Vice President

Colin Powell Secretary of State

Donald Rumsfeld Secretary of Defense

John Ashcroft Attorney General

Marvin P. Bush Securacom CEO,

Larry Silverstein Owner of Twin Towers

Robert S. Mueller F.B.I. Director

George J. Tenet C.I.A. Director

Michael Hayden N.S.A Director

Anonymous ID: 62c1d3 May 13, 2019, 2:31 p.m. No.6490398   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Why did "they" select 9/11 for "their" sacrifice?

>I believe it was Satan inspired payback.

>Check out the math…

>Verify at

>1. Let's go to the Bible for reference.

>2. Passover AD 70 was April 13, 70AD.

>3. Titus surrounded JerUSAlem April 6, 70AD.

>4. Before destroying in completely that summer.

>4. God typically judges in increments of 40.

>5. 40 years earlier was April 6, 30AD.

>6. Let's assume Jesus was crucified that day.

>7. This just happens to be Jewish Passover.

>8. Three full days later is Sun April 9, 30AD.

>9. This just happens to be Jewish First Fruits.

>10. 50 days later is Jewish Pentecost morning.

>11. This just happens to be May 29, 30AD.

>12. Holy Spirit descended at 9AM that day.

>13. About 3,000 were saved later that day.

>14. Satan would have known the exact day.

>15. Satan hates the Holy Spirit within us.

>16. A day is a thousand years to God.

>17. Biblical prophecy years are 360 days long.

>18. So 2,000 years x 360 days = 720,000 days.

>19. Let's add 720,000 days to May 29, 30AD.

>20. That comes to 9AM on Sep 11, 2001.

>21. About 3,000 were killed later that day.

>22. Was 9/11/01 Satan's payback for Holy Spirit?

>23. Jesus ministry was 3 1/2 years long.

>24. Thus it would have started Fall 26AD.

>25. John the Baptist was still alive in Fall 26AD.

>26. He was beheaded in 14th year of Tiberius.

>27. Was Tiberius co-regent 14 years earlier?

>28. Maybe, some believe his reign started 12AD.

>29. No way to know for sure, but what are the odds?

>30. About 1 in 720,000. You decide.



I am curious to see how the Neptunium in that Ohio school links to this

Anonymous ID: ec4ff2 May 13, 2019, 2:32 p.m. No.6490405   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sri Lanka Commander Voices Alarm Over Inking Military Pact With US


Under the agreement, Sri Lankan customs could neither inspect American service personnel nor their baggage, and they would be allowed to export goods bought in Sri Lanka to the US without being questioned.


New Delhi (Sputnik): Sri Lankan Army Commander Lieutenant General Mahesh Senanayake has opposed the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the US, according to a Sri Lankan media report.


Lieutenant General Senanayake has termed the agreement as a lop-sided treaty with the US which "undermines" domestic laws and tax regimes without reciprocity from the US. He said that he would not agree for the agreement, reports News 1st, a Sri Lankan news outlet, reported.


SOFA allegedly contains clauses that undermine domestic rule of law and tax without reciprocity.


Washington has requested that American military personnel be subject to US law when they are in Sri Lanka, several opposition parliamentarians alleged earlier. "There is also a request to exempt US military personnel from taxes in Sri Lanka", JVP MP Bimal Ratnayake said.


According to the army chief, many regional and world powers are vying to gain a foothold in the island country and take advantage of the current situation because of the strategic and geographical importance of the nation, the media report said.


"How can we sign such an agreement? We can't agree to what is stated in it. That is like committing suicide after writing all my properties to someone else", he said.


According to media reports, criticism has been voiced by various political parties and other stakeholders over the signing of SOFA. Opponents say that the agreement will pose a severe threat to the country's sovereignty.


The general opinion is that SOFA contains clauses that undermine domestic laws and tax regime without any reciprocity from the other party.


The government's political opponents have said that Washington had asked for all its military personnel that are to be stationed in Sri Lanka be under the jurisdiction of US law, and to be exempt from Sri Lankan taxes.


According to media reports, the Sri Lankan government is considering signing the SOFA agreement with the US, with the planned move inviting strong criticism from opposition parties and other stakeholders who consider that, if signed, the agreement will pose a severe threat to the country's sovereignty.

Anonymous ID: dce05b May 13, 2019, 2:32 p.m. No.6490407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0462


hey anons,

I was perusing fakebook and on a page I frequent and like I found the following post…thought it was relevant as seen from someone born in the USSR and who came to the US after 1995….her description of the "before and after" are notable…


I deleted her first sentence to protect anonymity…here it is:


I have shared some of my life experiences with you already, but need people to understand the real dangers that are ahead if the Left takes power again. People immediately started calling me a Russian Bot and liar after I shared before, but I can assure you I am real and not a bot. I was born in the USSR in 1970. Every aspect of life under Socialism is Government control! You are told where to live, where to work and how to think. They give you food rations and Free education and Free Health Care. In reality it is only given free to the Politburo and good communists. The rest of us learn to bribe our way into different jobs, homes, schools and pay for medical treatment that is so sub standard you are lucky to survive treatment. Because it is free does not mean it is Good! If it smells like shit it is shit. We were told from birth how great the Soviet Socialist Republic was and we should be thankful we are taken care of here. Learn to do with what you have and don't complain or it is off to prison for you and your family. The perception of a Utopian society was much more important than the well being of the Soviet people. (See Chernobyl!)

I was blessed to marry an American that was working in the USSR and I immigrated to America in 1995. I truly feel like I have seen heaven. I was shocked by how convenient life is here. How many choices I have and choices that are mine to make and not my governments to make for me. I am still shocked at how dishonest the news is in America. They do there best to convince us that we will be better off with the Leftist agenda government taking care of us. They help the Democrats and sometimes even coach them on how to control the masses. I know that my path in life was a Right given me in the Declaration of Independence, I have an inalienable right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. I will not give away my freedom for a false promise from a corrupt Party or Government. They preach Envy, Victim hood, Dependence and Godlessness. I have seen the Socialist government control way of life and the Capitalist, Free market and individuals freedom of choice way of life. I choose The latter and hope people will stand up to defend freedom over a future dependence on government. Support "Our" President, President Trump! God Bless AMERICA!


We need to never let these America haters and evildoers ever have any power in this country again….WWG1WGA

Anonymous ID: c031f9 May 13, 2019, 2:32 p.m. No.6490408   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0449


Why does this bot effectively RULE this board?


If fucking vile ai dominates this board, then humans should question it.

Is that hard to grasp?


Anonymous ID: ba51c3 May 13, 2019, 2:33 p.m. No.6490421   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0527




Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., was one of the first calling for the House to pursue “inherent contempt,” which would have Barr arrested by the sergeant at arms—a tactic reportedly not employed since the 1930s.


Several other lawmakers are now warming to the idea.


“We know how to arrest people around here,” Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., told Politico. “And if we need to arrest someone, the [House] sergeant-at-arms will know how to do it. I’m not afraid of that.”


He added: “If they can arrest my constituents, we can arrest someone else who’s disobeying the law.”


Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., also touted Congress’ “inherent authority,” which she said was “at our disposal.”


“We have a number of steps we’re looking at that we can take,” Jayapal told Politico. “People feel like we’re progressing at the appropriate pace.”


But despite rank-and-file Democrats calling for the arrest of Barr, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., seems cool to the idea. Last week, she pushed back when asked about the potential step.


“We do have a jail in the basement of the Capitol, but if we were arresting all of the people in the administration, we would have an overcrowded jail situation,” she said. “And I’m not for that.”

Anonymous ID: d7796f May 13, 2019, 2:33 p.m. No.6490422   🗄️.is 🔗kun

POTUS Keeping TheNo inactions Flowing

Anonymous ID: cb39de May 13, 2019, 2:34 p.m. No.6490430   🗄️.is 🔗kun


From January 2015


Sex slave suit: NM was a location used

SANTA FE – Lawsuit claims about young female sex slaves allegedly kept by billionaire investor Jeffrey Epstein and offered to a worldwide list of the rich and famous have reached New Mexico.


In a new court filing in Florida, plaintiffs’ lawyers maintain that a woman identified as Jane Doe No. 3, said to have been coerced into Epstein’s camp when she was 15 years old, was frequently sexually abused by Epstein “not only in West Palm Beach (Fla.), but also in New York, New Mexico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, in international airspace on … Epstein’s private planes, and elsewhere.”


The same filing also alleges that Jane Doe No. 3 was forced by Epstein to have sex with famous attorney and Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz numerous times, again at locations around the world, including in New Mexico.

Anonymous ID: 6d8cc0 May 13, 2019, 2:34 p.m. No.6490431   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0460 >>0548

Wouldn't the optics look better if POTUS busted Bush and his crew for 911 1st then ripped into the democrats ass after. Then it wouldn't be a D vs R issue.

Anonymous ID: d72054 May 13, 2019, 2:34 p.m. No.6490433   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0527


My Administration will be fighting for $200 million for the Army Corps Everglades restoration work this year. Congress needs to help us complete the world’s largest intergovernmental watershed restoration project ASAP! Good for Florida and good for the environment.

Anonymous ID: f8c695 May 13, 2019, 2:35 p.m. No.6490437   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0454 >>0469


Greenpeace activists have abseiled down Sydney’s Harbour Bridge calling for Prime Minister Scott Morrison to declare a climate emergency

Anonymous ID: 1b65bc May 13, 2019, 2:35 p.m. No.6490440   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0464 >>0496 >>0527



here's my dig on Epstein that I've posted here before with updates.


New donations and addresses are listed more prominently and I re-dove to find a few more in light of the New Mexico developments.


ESPTEIN donated to Clinton, Phil Graham and Eugene Watts from different locations.


Clinton got his donations from an Ohio address in Columbus, Graham got his from a different Ohio address in New Albany, and Watts received his from Columbus, OH as well. Campaign America got their Epstein money from New Albany, NY (how many New Albany's can there be?).


ALSO, the Ohio connection to Les Wexner (fashion designer of The Limited) when he became a client of Epstein's in 1987.


"In 1982, Epstein founded his own financial management firm, J. Epstein & Co., managing the assets of clients with more than US$1 billion in net worth. In 1987, Les Wexner, founder and chairman of Ohio-based The Limited chain of women's clothing stores, became a well-known client.[4] Wexner acquired Abercrombie & Fitch the following year. In 1992, he converted a private school in New York's Upper East Side into an enormous residence. Epstein later bought that property, in the wealthiest part of Manhattan. In 1996, Epstein changed the name of his firm to the Financial Trust Company and, for tax advantages, based it on the island of St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands.[4]"


So, I think we may need to see if there are any Ohio instances of this garbage going on.


As of May, 2018 (so one year ago), over 700 kids were missing in Ohio. I know there's been some digging into this before, so can Anons add on here?

Anonymous ID: e46310 May 13, 2019, 2:35 p.m. No.6490444   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Don't forget Micheal Chertoff, anon. He headed the Criminal Division of the DOJ 2001-2003.


Kek. Criminal Division of the DOJ seems the oxymoron.

Anonymous ID: d72054 May 13, 2019, 2:35 p.m. No.6490445   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0527


Under my Administration, we are restoring @NASA to greatness and we are going back to the Moon, then Mars. I am updating my budget to include an additional $1.6 billion so that we can return to Space in a BIG WAY!

Anonymous ID: f47c45 May 13, 2019, 2:35 p.m. No.6490447   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0508


I suppose that is a better way to do it for most people.

I'm trying to break into his psyche and make him realize

how what he does effects us.


I understand the effect of his psy-op.

BO didn't seem to care if he bakes, as long as it's not name fagging and live streaming.

So I suppose I was hoping to make him understand

that not everyone here hates him.

I disagree with him.

He talks shit about Roseanne, and I just

don't understand that.


She's so awesome.


but he bights the hand the feeds.

He needs to stop name fagging, and he seems to have stopped at least for now.


He admitted to be curb stompped in another exchange. I worry he might be suffering a brain injury.


and the concern fagging wouldn't exist

if he'd just stop name fagging!


I like your philosophy.

I should take your advice and just filter the puss-face.

Anonymous ID: be3289 May 13, 2019, 2:35 p.m. No.6490448   🗄️.is 🔗kun





My Administration will be fighting for $200 million for the Army Corps Everglades restoration work this year. Congress needs to help us complete the world’s largest intergovernmental watershed restoration project ASAP! Good for Florida and good for the environment.

Anonymous ID: 0c8642 May 13, 2019, 2:36 p.m. No.6490450   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0523

>>6482574 ————————————–——– BOOM WEEK AHEAD


BOOM WEEK AHEAD, the pied-piper cries out…


However, the only "BOOM", with be the thud of another man's body hitting the ground, when he takes his own life after being betrayed and let down by his nation's leaders, for the last time.


Q, is not seeking justice for /YOU/, the anons or their families… Q seeks to protect the reputation and skin of Zion-Don, the pompous, sell-out, who disgraced America with his whoring-out of presidency to Israel. How could a man possibly bring more shame upon his nation?


Never forget that EVERY Jew is a supremacist and racist, by the very fact they claim to a Jew. This is the Jewish belief. Period. Those who support Israel/Jews, are no more than "Shabbo's Goys". They betray their people and their nation. Those who support the right of those to support Israel's subversion of America, as some kind of "freedom of religious belief", deserve a sword plunged into their necks.


Keep it up, Q… You Zionist-faggots, are going to get exactly what you want. All eyes will be upon you. You will be the stars of the show. Every man will be aware of exactly who (((you))) are. They will flock to your side… Then, they will strike you with death-blows.


Sic Semper Tyrannis, motherfucker.

Anonymous ID: 753f53 May 13, 2019, 2:36 p.m. No.6490453   🗄️.is 🔗kun


sorry i dont feel the same need to impress people like you so I'll just keep doing what im doing without constant need for validation. I know what im doing angel.

Anonymous ID: f8c695 May 13, 2019, 2:37 p.m. No.6490458   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0488 >>0493 >>0534 >>0572


Rewriting history to say Palestine was “trying to create a safe haven for Jews” is an anti-Semitic falsehood. We’ve been here again and again under Democrat leadership. When will they condemn this hateful, harmful talk?

Anonymous ID: aede91 May 13, 2019, 2:37 p.m. No.6490461   🗄️.is 🔗kun

President Peanut Has Hip Surgery


Is he going to have an infection, die and clog the news for the next 2 weeks??

ATLANTA (AP) — A spokeswoman says former U.S. President Jimmy Carter says he has broken his hip.

Spokeswoman Deanna Congileo says he fell at his home in Plains, Georgia, while leaving to go turkey hunting.


She said that Carter underwent surgery at a medical center in Americus, Georgia.


Congileo added that the surgeon said the operation was successful.

Anonymous ID: 98f9e0 May 13, 2019, 2:37 p.m. No.6490465   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0506


So what do you think of this one then?

In your last post Q referee generally to Markers, yet in this one Q points out this older Q post IS THE MARKER.


It's a explicit example, we don't have any better than this!

[m4xr3sdEfault]*******,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) ID: 6fc450 May 13, 2019, 2:38 p.m. No.6490474   🗄️.is 🔗kun


120 trucks at 20 tons per

Makes it a bigly pedo gold cuck kike heist that was cucked by kikes anyways later for more kike cucking with cuck kikes to kike cucks for kikeing sake

Anonymous ID: 0939b3 May 13, 2019, 2:39 p.m. No.6490476   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0533



Seems legit.

Cops not being dicks.

They are actually being quite courteous.

Have no idea what this bloke said or did, but if he did something really bad…I am sure they wouldn't have been this nice to him

Anonymous ID: 05eddc May 13, 2019, 2:39 p.m. No.6490477   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6490035 Could not have said it better myself. In addition, it was obvious to level headed people from the start that he was a front man. As a young man, Carter was what ripped the scales from my eyes politically.

Anonymous ID: df5f31 May 13, 2019, 2:39 p.m. No.6490479   🗄️.is 🔗kun



That man is a hero for standing up for his rights.


Those police officers should be ashamed.


New Zealand is a police state that's being prepared as a haven for The Cabal. A dangerous, dangerous place.

Anonymous ID: f86fb6 May 13, 2019, 2:39 p.m. No.6490480   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0503


Watch the water?


My Administration will be fighting for $200 million for the Army Corps Everglades restoration work this year. Congress needs to help us complete the world’s largest intergovernmental watershed restoration project ASAP! Good for Florida and good for the environment.

Anonymous ID: d72054 May 13, 2019, 2:39 p.m. No.6490481   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0491 >>0510 >>0527


We must protect our Great Lakes, keeping them clean and beautiful for future generations. That’s why I am fighting for $300 million in my updated budget for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative.

Anonymous ID: 302c92 May 13, 2019, 2:40 p.m. No.6490486   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jared Kushner is /ourguy/. What a great choice to make, this anon is proud of you Sir. Creator bless your family.

Anonymous ID: 0c8642 May 13, 2019, 2:41 p.m. No.6490493   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0514



But… Didn't (((Lord Rothschild))), create the state of Israel with the "Balfour Declaration" and Adolf Hitler's blessing? (He did). And didn't they both have the same interest of seeing Jews leave Europe/Germany and "return" to the newly-formed state of Israel? (They did).


And aren't Jews a bunch of lying, supremacist, shit-bags, who have been kicked out of over 100 nations around the world, for their incessant deception and wickedness? (They are).

Anonymous ID: 1b65bc May 13, 2019, 2:41 p.m. No.6490496   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0527





EPSTEIN ACQUIRED HIS NY MANSION FROM LESLIE WEXNER, FOUNDER OF THE LIMITED (Ohio connection to Epstein - see graphic for donations from Epstein in Ohio to major political candidates)


"In 1961, the mansion became home to the Birch Wathen School, which it remained until Leslie H. Wexner, the founding chairman of the Limited Inc., bought it in 1989 for $13.2M. Wexner hired architect Thierry Despont and interior designer John Stefanidis to help gut-renovate the 40-room home, showing it off in the December 1995 issue of Architectural Digest (sadly, the magazine's online archives don't go back that far). In 1996, the New York Times referred to the sumptuously decorated, expensively renovated pied-à-terre as the latest "puzzling" "status symbol of the ultra rich," when it reported that Wexner never spent more than a few months in the home. This was back when the scarcely used pied-à-terre was a smaller part of the Manhattan real estate makeup.


In 2001, the New York Post reported that Epstein and Prince Andrew celebrated the registered sex offender's release from jail with a party at the mansion. Virginia Roberts, one of the litigants in a Florida lawsuit against Epstein's prosecutors, alleges that the second time she was coerced into having sex with prince Andrew was at Epstein's Manhattan mansion in 2001."

Anonymous ID: 6d8cc0 May 13, 2019, 2:42 p.m. No.6490502   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0521

Think Timeline and how long this is going to take.

It took 2 years just to start exposing them, it took about a year of little crumbs week after week so that the people would accept what is coming.


Imagine how long it will take to set the stage for 911, Pizzagate etc.

Anonymous ID: bf19be May 13, 2019, 2:42 p.m. No.6490506   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0553



it's: The "marker"

I think it's one of countless other markers.

That's a Qproof btw (pic1).

The news unlocked the map which pointed to the marker for a Qproff.

You use The Clock to look for Delta Markers between tweets and posts' deltas to look for comms.

And this isn't the "Qclock", inb4 that.

You can't deny deltas are important to Q, Q has said it and referred to them several times.

And my point is when Q INTRODUCED The Clock, it was about the deltas, which is also a Qproof (pic2).

Anonymous ID: 0939b3 May 13, 2019, 2:42 p.m. No.6490508   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0597



As long as he is not famefagging and namefagging, I don't mind him.

I am sure before all this shit with the livestreaming happened, he was actually a pretty good baker.

But as long as he is namefagging…I can't support the guy,

Anonymous ID: 934850 May 13, 2019, 2:43 p.m. No.6490513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0532

Judge who convicted man in case with legally blind eyewitness quietly resigned


Judge gave teen 76 years based on eyewitness he didn’t know was legally blind

Anonymous ID: d72054 May 13, 2019, 2:43 p.m. No.6490517   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0527 >>0530 >>0550


Today, I officially updated my budget to include $18 million for our GREAT @SpecialOlympics, whose athletes inspire us and make our Nation so PROUD!

Anonymous ID: 2b8a8f May 13, 2019, 2:44 p.m. No.6490521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0541


Thats a funny way of saying there is no plan and that Q is a kike

And that im supposrd to live the rest of my,life as a targeted invidual with autism while watching the crooks that do this to me flash their wealth

Yeah i think im gonna make them pay

Anonymous ID: f47c45 May 13, 2019, 2:44 p.m. No.6490522   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There is a charity dedicated to the Great Lakes.

It's called 'The Joyce Foundation'

interesting dig.

one of their annual reports was wonderful reading, it kept me from even flirting with the idea of voting for the scoff-law Barry.


Joyce Foundation: read all about it.


how the fund was usurped, and converted into a political slush fund for Chicago politicians.


interesting red pill to learn about.

Anonymous ID: 12e866 May 13, 2019, 2:44 p.m. No.6490523   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hey dickhead … have your forgotten about Trump telling all who would listen about seeing the Jews dancing after the Twin Towers fell? He knows the deal.

Anonymous ID: 9e151e Court Finds RM Broadcasting Must Register as a Foreign Agent May 13, 2019, 2:44 p.m. No.6490526   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Court Finds RM Broadcasting Must Register as a Foreign Agent

U.S. District Court Judge Robin L. Rosenberg has ruled that a Florida-based company, RM Broadcasting LLC (RM Broadcasting), was acting as an agent of a foreign principal and must register as such under the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938 (FARA).


The Department of Justice contended in a civil counterclaim that RM Broadcasting has been acting as an agent of the the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency (Rossiya Segodnya), a Russian state-owned media enterprise created by Vladimir Putin to advance Russian interests abroad. The litigation marked the first FARA civil enforcement action since 1991. Assistant Attorney General for National Security John C. Demers and U.S. Attorney Ariana Fajardo Orshan for the Southern District of Florida made the announcement.


“The American people have a right to know if a foreign flag waves behind speech broadcast in the United States,” said Assistant Attorney General Demers. “Our concern is not the content of the speech but providing transparency about the true identity of the speaker. This case shows that the Department can and will utilize all of its tools to bring transparency to efforts by foreign entities to influence the American public and our government, and demonstrates our renewed effort to enforce FARA rigorously.”


In November 2017, RM Broadcasting and Rossiya Segodnya entered into a services agreement pursuant to which RM Broadcasting would provide for the broadcast of Rossiya Segodnya’s “Sputnik” radio programs on AM radio channel 1390 WZHF in the Washington, D.C. region. Under this agreement, RM Broadcasting could not alter Rossiya Segodnya’s radio programs in any way. As the services agreement established Rossiya Segodnya’s direction and control over RM Broadcasting, the FARA Unit of the National Security Division informed RM Broadcasting that it was acting as a publicity agent and an information-service employee of Rossiya Segodnya and was required to register as an agent of a foreign principal.


RM Broadcasting initiated the proceeding in the Southern District of Florida seeking a declaratory judgment that it did not have to register as an agent of a foreign principal. The Department responded by filing a counterclaim seeking an injunction to require RM Broadcasting to register. Earlier this week, the court granted the Department’s motion for judgment on the pleadings. A final judgment directing RM Broadcasting to register under FARA is expected.


This case was handled by Assistant U.S. Attorney Matthew J. Feeley and Trial Attorney Nicholas Hunter of the National Security Division’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section.


About FARA


The purpose of FARA is to protect the national defense, internal security, and foreign relations of the United States by requiring public disclosure by persons engaging in political activities and other activities for or on behalf of foreign governments, foreign political parties and other foreign principals so that the Government and the people of the United States may be informed of the identity of such persons and may apprise their statements and actions in the light of their associations and activities.

Anonymous ID: ef3871 May 13, 2019, 2:44 p.m. No.6490527   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>6490414 , >>6490440, >>6490496 Epstein news and dig

>>6490433 , >>6490481, >>6490445, >>6490517 New DJT

>>6490373 , >>6490421 Calls to jail Attorney General Barr grow from Democratic ranks

>>6490367 HRC's appearance to livestream tonight

>>6490350 Top Iranian Official Taunts: US "Not Ready For A War"

>>6490344 NXIVM benefactor funneled illegal donations to win HRC's favor

>>6490309 Unredacted Mueller Report released to Roger Stone's legal team?

>>6490227 POTUS Twitter Threads Are Not [0] Deltas

>>6490192 Nancy in a panic?

>>6490100 Anon's dig on Freehand Hotels reveals numerous nefarious connections

>>6490161 , >>6490240, >>6490353 ACLJ obtains Cheryl Mills’ immunity agreement

>>6490085 On The Clock

>>6489996 US Market Report

>>6489982 , >>6489991 Planefag Updates

>>6489950 US suspects Iran in tanker attack but cannot prove it

>>6489873 What did Biden and Hussein officials stand to gain from Ukraine influence?

>>6489943 Gowdy on Hannity tonight on Comey’s blatant hypocrisy

>>6489842 Epstein sex crimes case tied to New Mexico

>>6489829 Senior Palestinian official claims US visa denied

>>6489827 Putin to receive Pompeo and Lavrov on May 14

>>6489820 Rubio Urges DOJ to Investigate Kerry, The Logan Act and FARA re Iran Deal

>>6489816 Felicity Huffman Pleads Guilty In College Admission Scandal, Faces Jail Time

Anonymous ID: df5f31 May 13, 2019, 2:45 p.m. No.6490533   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Those cops are TOTAL dicks. I can't believe an Anon would ever defend such actions. You either have no clue what's happening in New Zealand, or you're a SHILL.


It should be any citizen's right to record the questioning by police.


Did you know New Zealand has BANNED access to 8chan?


Did you know you're not allowed to discuss the Christchurch shootings on social media in New Zealand?


You can go to jail for years for just sharing clips of the shooter's video online.

Anonymous ID: 694db7 May 13, 2019, 2:46 p.m. No.6490548   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That would be a glorious scenario. Nobody could scream that it was partisan. I could give a fuck. I'm an Independent. Take down shitty people on both sides.

Anonymous ID: 98f9e0 May 13, 2019, 2:47 p.m. No.6490553   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0585


That isn't a proof, it doesn't prove any advanced insight.


>The "marker."

>Learn to read the map

>News unlocks the map

>The "marker."

>Learn to read the map

>News unlocks the map

>The "marker."

>Learn to read the map

>News unlocks the map

>The "marker."

>Learn to read the map

>News unlocks the map

So the markers MUST be in another source outside the drops: The NEWS

Anonymous ID: edc6ed May 13, 2019, 2:48 p.m. No.6490568   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Sorry anon, but your opinion in this matter is moar full of shit than a Thanksgiving turkey….


Carter's a rat bastard. Soros has driven his dick as deep up Carter's ass as much as anyone else Georgie boy decided to moneyfuck.


Look at the Carter Center's donors. He's tied to NoName, Soros, the old House of Saud, the Rockpiles, DiFi, China, Alwaleed and every other Cabal money chute.




Start at page 32.

Anonymous ID: d3651f May 13, 2019, 2:49 p.m. No.6490573   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>>6486604 pb

That photo of the girl's is on the front porch of Ronald McDonald house on Canal in New Orleans

[m4xr3sdEfault]*******,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) ID: 6fc450 May 13, 2019, 2:49 p.m. No.6490575   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Welcome to the lotion factory

Makes soup and soap too

The leather

It glows

Anonymous ID: 48f309 May 13, 2019, 2:50 p.m. No.6490583   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Collins transcript time


last week Collins said


"Probably not this week, but we're getting ready for next week," he said. "We want to let the Democrats – their hypocrisy shine this week. And we're going to get back and watch what Bill Barr is doing, and we're going to get back exposing this to the American people."


Over the past few months Collins has released several interview transcripts from the Judiciary Committee’s investigation into the apparent wrongdoing at the FBI and Justice Department. Among them are the interviews of former FBI agent Peter Strzok, former FBI lawyer Lisa Page, Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, his wife Nellie Ohr, former Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos, former top FBI official Bill Priestap, and former FBI General Counsel James Baker.