Anonymous ID: b4d356 May 13, 2019, 1:45 p.m. No.6489996   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0049 >>0061 >>0122 >>0349 >>0527

US Market Report

() and bold= additions, also edited for the usual ZH gas-lighting bullshit


With MSCI World down another 2% today, adding to the losses from last week, trade turmoil has wiped around $3.5 trillion in market cap (down $1 trillion today) from global stocks. Not a flesh-wound…..

Not for the company's that spent billions buying there own stock it's not.

China's Friday afternoon panic-bid from The National Team gave way overnight.

PPT from China impacted us on friday is what that is saying.

Europe was also ugly, led by Germany, as Trump's auto-tariff deadline looms.

US equities were ugly as China retaliation struck (what a shock)…erasing all the post "constructive" bounce and then some.

See cap #3-borrowed from earlier ZH article.

On the cash side, The Dow dropped over 700 at its worse but some jawboning from Mnuchin and comments from POTUS lifted stocks off their lows.

did not help much.

All major US equity indices are back below key technical levels. This was the worst day for US stocks since Jan 2nd and is on the path to the worst May in 50 years

the day that Apple warned on it's first qtr guidance-intraday too.

Uber collapsed..

eat shit Morgan Stanley.

FANG stocks were smashed lower today.

Facebook, Apple, Netflix, Google.

Treasury yields tumbled on the day.

see cap #4 for 30 year T-note and this article from Market Watch-mentioned this earlier today re: They will not be able to sell as who are they going to sell to and if they do it will devalue what they still own.

4 reasons why China won’t use ‘nuclear option’ of selling Treasury's to retaliate against U.S.


Cryptos continued to soar since Friday's close.

Really Nigga's-good luck with those.

With Bitcoin nearing $8000 as Yuan plunged.

Gold spiked above $1300 today-anon's don't miss the boat here.

Oil prices initially popped on Iran tensions but faded as trade worries weighed.

Finally, all this happened as expectations for 2019 action by the Fed plunged to 41bps of rate-cuts!!

couldn't make this shit up on LSD, eating outback onions while getting a flu-shot either.^DJI

Can we just have the adults go into a room and hash this trade crap out?- that's what it will take.

anything less allows day's like today to occur.

Anonymous ID: b4d356 May 13, 2019, 2:01 p.m. No.6490122   🗄️.is 🔗kun


forgot to add this:


Volume 361,235,284

Avg. Volume 296,638,524



Volume 2,128,302,378

Avg. Volume 2,215,939,180



Volume 2,324,156,702

Avg. Volume 3,568,630,327^GSPC


Anonymous ID: b4d356 May 13, 2019, 2:24 p.m. No.6490335   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0354


it was useful early last year up until about thanksgiving, after that it's pretty much a stretch.

And only as a tool to help in figuring out the past.

Not dissing the clockfags at all, they certainly helped me early last year. After thanksgiving-last year, when it "ran out", I paid less attention to it. Has a use now but the connections get rather opaque and at times, one word is used as a marker. YMMV