Anonymous ID: dce05b May 13, 2019, 2:32 p.m. No.6490407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0462


hey anons,

I was perusing fakebook and on a page I frequent and like I found the following post…thought it was relevant as seen from someone born in the USSR and who came to the US after 1995….her description of the "before and after" are notable…


I deleted her first sentence to protect anonymity…here it is:


I have shared some of my life experiences with you already, but need people to understand the real dangers that are ahead if the Left takes power again. People immediately started calling me a Russian Bot and liar after I shared before, but I can assure you I am real and not a bot. I was born in the USSR in 1970. Every aspect of life under Socialism is Government control! You are told where to live, where to work and how to think. They give you food rations and Free education and Free Health Care. In reality it is only given free to the Politburo and good communists. The rest of us learn to bribe our way into different jobs, homes, schools and pay for medical treatment that is so sub standard you are lucky to survive treatment. Because it is free does not mean it is Good! If it smells like shit it is shit. We were told from birth how great the Soviet Socialist Republic was and we should be thankful we are taken care of here. Learn to do with what you have and don't complain or it is off to prison for you and your family. The perception of a Utopian society was much more important than the well being of the Soviet people. (See Chernobyl!)

I was blessed to marry an American that was working in the USSR and I immigrated to America in 1995. I truly feel like I have seen heaven. I was shocked by how convenient life is here. How many choices I have and choices that are mine to make and not my governments to make for me. I am still shocked at how dishonest the news is in America. They do there best to convince us that we will be better off with the Leftist agenda government taking care of us. They help the Democrats and sometimes even coach them on how to control the masses. I know that my path in life was a Right given me in the Declaration of Independence, I have an inalienable right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. I will not give away my freedom for a false promise from a corrupt Party or Government. They preach Envy, Victim hood, Dependence and Godlessness. I have seen the Socialist government control way of life and the Capitalist, Free market and individuals freedom of choice way of life. I choose The latter and hope people will stand up to defend freedom over a future dependence on government. Support "Our" President, President Trump! God Bless AMERICA!


We need to never let these America haters and evildoers ever have any power in this country again….WWG1WGA