Anonymous ID: 80124c May 13, 2019, 6:36 p.m. No.6492337   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2413 >>2533 >>2747 >>2830 >>2851

Secretive Israeli Company Uses WhatsApp Voice Calls To Install Spyware On Phones


With so much attention focused recently on constant consumer spying and privacy violations, erroneous or otherwise, by Amazon, Facebook and now Twitter, it is easy to forget that virtually other communication apps have the same purpose, and that's what one secretive Israeli company relied on when they used a vulnerability in the popular messaging app WhatsApp (owned by Facebook) to inject commercial Israeli spyware on to phones, the company and a spyware technology dealer said. What is unique is how the app was infected: with a simple phone call.


According to the FT, WhatsApp which is used by 1.5bn people worldwide, discovered in early May that attackers were able to install surveillance software on to both iPhones and Android phones by ringing up targets using the app’s phone call function. The malicious code, developed by the secretive NSO Group, a notorious and controversial Israeli hacking and surveillance tools vendor, could be transmitted even if users did not answer their phones, and the calls often disappeared from call logs.


It is unclear how many apps were infected with the spyware trojan, which could for example, allow anyone to get access to John Podesta's email password (and then blame say, Vladimir Putin for example) as WhatsApp is too early into its own investigations of the vulnerability to estimate how many phones were targeted using this method, although it is likely a substantial number. As late as Sunday, the FT reports that WhatsApp engineers were racing to close the loophole.


For those who thought that Alexa's constant eavesdropping was bad, this is even worse: NSO’s flagship product is Pegasus, a program that can turn on a phone’s microphone and camera, trawl through emails and messages and collect location data. It effectively opens up one's entire cellphone to the hacker, and to get "infected", one just needs to receive an inbound phone call without ever answering it.


Many people probably heard of NSO for the first time in December 2018, when a New York Times story that claimed the company helped Saudi Arabia spy on the Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi before he was killed in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey in October of last year.


NSO advertises its products to Middle Eastern and Western intelligence agencies, and says Pegasus is intended for governments to fight terrorism and crime. NSO was recently valued at $1bn in a leveraged buyout that involved the UK private equity fund Novalpina Capital


Since the application is Israeli, its hardly a surprise that the spies' preferred targets were Middle Eastern: as the FT reports, in the past, human rights campaigners in the Middle East have received text messages over WhatsApp that contained links that would download Pegasus to their phones.

Anonymous ID: 80124c May 13, 2019, 6:37 p.m. No.6492348   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2533 >>2747 >>2830 >>2851

DEEP STATE HACKS IN MAJOR PANIC! Prosecutor in Charge of Investigating Spygate Brought Corrupt FBI Boston Office to Justice


Attorney General Bill Barr assigned top special prosecutor John Durham to investigate the origins of the Russia probe.


John Durham, a US Attorney in Connecticut will examine the origins of Spygate according to a new report by The New York Times, citing two sources familiar with the matter.

Anonymous ID: 80124c May 13, 2019, 6:38 p.m. No.6492361   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Attorney General Bill Barr Appoints Top Special Prosecutor to Investigate Origins of Spygate


US Attorney John Durham


Attorney General Bill Barr assigned top special prosecutor John Durham to investigate the origins of the Russia probe.


John Durham, a US Attorney in Connecticut will examine the origins of Spygate according to a new report by The New York Times, citing two sources familiar with the matter.


Mr. Durham, who was nominated by President Trump in 2017, has a history of investigating potential wrongdoing among National Security officials, reported the NY Times.


Inspector General Michael Horowitz is also investigating FISA abuses in a separate probe.


Bill Barr stunned the Democrat-media complex last month when he said “spying did occur” during the 2016 presidential election and vowed to get to the bottom of it.


“The question is whether it was adequately predicated. And I’m not suggesting that it wasn’t adequately predicated. But I need to explore that,” Barr said.


Barr opted to give a US Attorney the assignment rather than allow a special counsel to look into the origins of Spygate – a special prosecutor has more day-to-day oversight.


Obama and Hillary used the might of the US government and targeted the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.


The FBI opened a series of illegal CI investigations into Trump officials and sent spies to various campaign volunteers such as George Papadopoulos and Michael Caputo.


Obama’s FBI and DOJ also obtained a FISA warrant and 3 subsequent renewals on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page – Hillary’s phony dossier was used by the FBI to spy on Carter Page.


It is widely believed the FBI also had a FISA warrant on George Papadopoulos over his work in the energy business with Israel.


This is precisely why the Democrats are attacking Bill Barr – House Democrats just voted to hold Bill Barr in contempt.

Anonymous ID: 80124c May 13, 2019, 6:47 p.m. No.6492436   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2483 >>2506


>what's the deal with Trump and the pandering to Israel


The cabal runs everything and I mean everything, the governments world wide (WW), banks, tech, TV, Hollywood, school system, music, oil, mining, military, shipping, weapons and on and on and on………….EVERYTHING and have done so for a very long time. We are attempting to wake people up to the FACT that we are slaves living on high tech slave colonies being fleeced of our wealth and prosperity via a corrupt system that uses deception, technology, poison food water air, and exposes us to a plethora of other things all designed to weaken us, kill us and distract us from figuring it out.


So how to expose them? Give them everything they want but beforehand set up a free speech zone with dedicated researchers/truthers to expose it all to the world!

Anonymous ID: 80124c May 13, 2019, 6:53 p.m. No.6492474   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2524 >>2533 >>2747 >>2830 >>2851

“Culture War” is Occult Subversion, Not a Civil War


The culture war is not a “civil war;” it is an invasion, carried out by subversion, not armies.

Let me put this baldly. Cabalist Judaism is Satanism. Satanism seeks to replace God, invert all values and enslave humanity. First, they enslaved Jews, then Freemasons, who are Cabalists, and through Freemasonry most social institutions. Our “leaders” –political, cultural etc. — are akin to colonial administrators.


Humanity is to worship and obey the Illuminati leaders, directly or indirectly. The triumph of globalism and Communism will lead to one nation, one “religion,” one race, and one gender.


(The culture of a satanic cult. Obscene Miley Cyrus is mainstreamed.)

This invasion is satanic possession. We are being dehumanized and inducted into their cult at the lowest level.

They do not want us to achieve our divine potential: to be Angels. On the contrary, they want to make us evil and sick: Demons. The NWO is dedicated to serving Satan by inverting good and evil, truth and lie, beauty and ugliness.

A satanic cult controls and exploits its members by making them sick, and managing their symptoms for profit. This is basically the model of Western society which you may have noticed is obsessed with sickness, sexual abuse, war and woes of every variety.

Anonymous ID: 80124c May 13, 2019, 7:01 p.m. No.6492537   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2692

Exposed: How Amazon destroys millions of new items it can’t sell with everything from TVs to kitchen equipment, books and nappies dumped in landfill sites


Amazon destroying toys, kitchen equipment and flat screen TVs it can't sell

Reporters posed as workers and discovered 'destruction zone' inside warehouse

Filmed in French investigative documentary about company in that country

Mail on Sunday reporters found similar practices at warehouse in West Midlands

Spokesperson denied allegations and said company gave unused products to charities

Anonymous ID: 80124c May 13, 2019, 7:02 p.m. No.6492544   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2722

Climate Change is Making Trees Grow Faster


The change although welcome in the short-term could threaten the entire ecosystem in the long run.



When it comes to climate change, there is not much good news. From natural disasters to mass extinction, its effects are more than worrisome.




There is one area where it might be having a positive effect and that is tree growth. A new study found that Dahurian larch in China's northern forests grew more from 2005 to 2014 than in the previous 40 years.

The biggest growth spurts


The study that looked at growth rings also found that the oldest trees had the biggest growth spurts. Trees older than 400 years grew 80 percent more rapidly in those 10 years than in the past 300 years.


In the meantime, trees between 250 and 300 years old grew 35 percent more during that time period, while trees younger than 250 years grew between 11 and 13 percent more.


The increased growth, attributed to warmer soil temperatures, is good for the trees in the short-term but may destroy the forests in the long run. This is because the depth of the permafrost layer is being lowered allowing the trees' roots to expand and suck up more nutrients which leads to their growth.

An ecosystem under threat


However, if this continues, the permafrost underneath the trees may eventually degrade to the point where it can no longer support the trees. This would threaten the entire ecosystem.


"The disappearance of larch would be a disaster to the forest ecosystem in this region," said Xianliang Zhang, an ecologist at Shenyang Agricultural University in Shenhang, China, and lead author of the new study.


The authors suspect the oldest trees have seen the most growth because they have a more developed root system that can suck up more nutrients in the short-term.


"Their arguments make a lot of logical sense in terms of why the trees might benefit from the increased winter ground surface temperatures, which is that especially things like an earlier spring thaw could really help trees get growing earlier, more ability to have root activity in the cold months, these sort of things would make sense in why trees would benefit from warmer winters in particular," aid Erika Wise, an associate professor of geography at the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, who was not involved in the new study.


The study is published AGU's Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences.

Anonymous ID: 80124c May 13, 2019, 7:03 p.m. No.6492553   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2589 >>2599

U. of Toronto Psychiatry Prof Suspended By Twitter For Saying Transgenderism Is A 'Mental Disorder'


University of Toronto Professor of Psychiatry Ray Blanchard, PhD, was temporarily suspended from Twitter on Sunday after sharing his professional position on transgenderism after a lifetime of research in the field.


Here's the full statement Blanchard made which got him suspended:


Earlier today I wrote this thread in response to a follower who asked me, “What is your actual position on transgender people?” It looks like my reply has not been delivered to a single person besides the original inquirer, so I am reposting it here.


My beliefs include the following 6 elements:


(1) Transsexualism and milder forms of gender dysphoria are types of mental disorder, which may leave the individual with average or even above-average functioning in unrelated areas of life.


(2) Sex change surgery is still the best treatment for carefully screened, adult patients, whose gender dysphoria has proven resistant to other forms of treatment.


(3) Sex change surgery should not be considered for any patient until that patient has reached the age of 21 years and has lived for at least two years in the desired gender role.


(4) Gender dysphoria is not a sexual orientation, but it is virtually always preceded or accompanied by an atypical sexual orientation – in males, either homosexuality (sexual arousal by members of one’s own biological sex) . . . or autogynephilia (sexual arousal at the thought or image of oneself as a female).


(5) There are two main types of gender dysphoria in males, one associated with homosexuality and one associated with autogynephilia. Traditionally, the great bulk of female-to-male transsexuals has been homosexual in erotic object choice.


(6) The sex of a postoperative transsexual should be analogous to a legal fiction. This legal fiction would apply to some things (e.g., sex designation on a driver’s license) but not to others (entering a sports competition as one’s adopted sex).


Blanchard's suspension was later lifted after widespread outrage.